#!/usr/bin/env python # # Test fast-user-switch functionality # import os import sys import gobject import dbus import dbus.glib def activate_reply (res): print "session activated" def activate_error (e): print str (e) def session_added_cb (ssid): print "Session added: %s" % ssid def session_removed_cb (ssid): print "Session removed: %s" % ssid def active_session_changed_cb (ssid): print "Active session changed: %s" % ssid bus = dbus.SystemBus () manager_obj = bus.get_object ('org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit', '/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager') manager = dbus.Interface (manager_obj, 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager') current_ssid = manager.GetCurrentSession () current_session_obj = bus.get_object ('org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit', current_ssid) current_session = dbus.Interface (current_session_obj, 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session') sid = current_session.GetSeatId () if not sid: print "Current session is not attached to a seat, no switching possible" sys.exit () seat_obj = bus.get_object ('org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit', sid) seat = dbus.Interface (seat_obj, 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Seat') seat.connect_to_signal ('SessionAdded', session_added_cb) seat.connect_to_signal ('SessionRemoved', session_removed_cb) seat.connect_to_signal ('ActiveSessionChanged', active_session_changed_cb) # Show a list of sessions on the current seat sessions = seat.GetSessions () for ssid in sessions: session_obj = bus.get_object ('org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit', ssid) session = dbus.Interface (session_obj, 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session') uid = session.GetUser () print "Session %s user=%u" % (ssid, uid) # then pretend a session-ID is selected: ssid = current_ssid session_obj = bus.get_object ('org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit', ssid) session = dbus.Interface (session_obj, 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session') session.Activate (reply_handler = activate_reply, error_handler = activate_error) mainloop = gobject.MainLoop () mainloop.run()