aeswepd [options] aeswepls [options]

aeswepd is UNIX daemon for changing WEP keys of WLAN devices in constant intervals. The WEP keys are calculated by encrypting the current UNIX time using the AES cypher with a given constant key. aeswepd is intended to increase the security of the hardware based, standards compliant WEP technology.

aeswepd may use up to three hardware WEP keys: the first is set to the current, the second to the previous and the third to the next key. This is useful when working with not completely synchronized RTCs. If only a single hardware WEP key is used, you have to synchronize your RTCs so that no connectivity interrupts may occur.

Currently, aeswepd is able to modify the WEP keys of local network devices providing the Linux wireless extensions only.

aeswepls may be used to query the current keys of a running daemon for the specified interface.

/var/run/aeswepd.<aeswepdgt;.pid: the pid file for aeswepd.

SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGTQUIT aeswepd will quit. This is issued by passing -k to aeswepd.

SIGHUP aeswepd will rekey immediately.

aeswepd was written by Lennart Poettering <@PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@>. aeswepd is available at


This man page was written using by Oliver Kurth.