/* * ALSA -> Arcam AV control plugin * * Copyright (c) 2009 by Peter Stokes * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include typedef enum { ARCAM_AV_ZONE1 = '1', ARCAM_AV_ZONE2 = '2' } arcam_av_zone_t; typedef enum { ARCAM_AV_POWER = '*', ARCAM_AV_VOLUME_CHANGE = '/', ARCAM_AV_VOLUME_SET = '0', ARCAM_AV_MUTE = '.', ARCAM_AV_SOURCE = '1', ARCAM_AV_SOURCE_TYPE = '7', ARCAM_AV_DIRECT = '3', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_DECODE = '4', ARCAM_AV_MULTI_DECODE = '5', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_EFFECT = '6' } arcam_av_cc_t; typedef enum { ARCAM_AV_OK = 'P', ARCAM_AV_ERROR = 'R' } arcam_av_rc_t; typedef enum { ARCAM_AV_POWER_STAND_BY = '0', ARCAM_AV_POWER_ON = '1', ARCAM_AV_POWER_REQUEST = '9' } arcam_av_power_t; typedef enum { ARCAM_AV_VOLUME_MIN = '0', ARCAM_AV_VOLUME_REQUEST = '9' } arcam_av_volume_t; typedef enum { ARCAM_AV_MUTE_ON = '0', ARCAM_AV_MUTE_OFF = '1', ARCAM_AV_MUTE_REQUEST = '9' } arcam_av_mute_t; typedef enum { ARCAM_AV_DIRECT_DISABLE = '0', ARCAM_AV_DIRECT_ENABLE = '1', ARCAM_AV_DIRECT_REQUEST = '9' } arcam_av_direct_t; typedef enum { ARCAM_AV_SOURCE_DVD = '0', ARCAM_AV_SOURCE_SAT = '1', ARCAM_AV_SOURCE_AV = '2', ARCAM_AV_SOURCE_PVR = '3', ARCAM_AV_SOURCE_VCR = '4', ARCAM_AV_SOURCE_CD = '5', ARCAM_AV_SOURCE_FM = '6', ARCAM_AV_SOURCE_AM = '7', ARCAM_AV_SOURCE_DVDA = '8', ARCAM_AV_SOURCE_REQUEST = '9' } arcam_av_source_t; typedef enum { ARCAM_AV_SOURCE_TYPE_ANALOGUE = '0', ARCAM_AV_SOURCE_TYPE_DIGITAL = '1', ARCAM_AV_SOURCE_TYPE_REQUEST = '9' } arcam_av_source_type_t; typedef enum { ARCAM_AV_STEREO_DECODE_MONO = '.', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_DECODE_STEREO = '/', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_DECODE_PLII_MOVIE = '0', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_DECODE_PLII_MUSIC = '1', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_DECODE_PLIIx_MOVIE = '3', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_DECODE_PLIIx_MUSIC = '4', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_DECODE_DOLBY_PL = '6', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_DECODE_NEO6_CINEMA = '7', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_DECODE_NEO6_MUSIC = '8', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_DECODE_REQUEST = '9' } arcam_av_stereo_decode_t; typedef enum { ARCAM_AV_MULTI_DECODE_MONO = '.', ARCAM_AV_MULTI_DECODE_STEREO = '/', ARCAM_AV_MULTI_DECODE_MULTI_CHANNEL = '0', ARCAM_AV_MULTI_DECODE_PLIIx = '2', ARCAM_AV_MULTI_DECODE_REQUEST = '9' } arcam_av_multi_decode_t; typedef enum { ARCAM_AV_STEREO_EFFECT_NONE = '0', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_EFFECT_MUSIC = '1', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_EFFECT_PARTY = '2', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_EFFECT_CLUB = '3', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_EFFECT_HALL = '4', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_EFFECT_SPORTS = '5', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_EFFECT_CHURCH = '6', ARCAM_AV_STEREO_EFFECT_REQUEST = '9' } arcam_av_stereo_effect_t; int arcam_av_connect(const char* port); int arcam_av_send(int fd, arcam_av_cc_t command, unsigned char param1, unsigned char param2); typedef struct arcam_av_state { struct { arcam_av_power_t power; unsigned char volume; arcam_av_mute_t mute; arcam_av_direct_t direct; arcam_av_source_t source; arcam_av_source_type_t source_type; arcam_av_stereo_decode_t stereo_decode; arcam_av_stereo_effect_t stereo_effect; arcam_av_multi_decode_t multi_decode; } zone1; struct { arcam_av_power_t power; unsigned char volume; arcam_av_mute_t mute; arcam_av_source_t source; } zone2; } arcam_av_state_t; arcam_av_state_t* arcam_av_state_attach(const char* port); int arcam_av_state_detach(arcam_av_state_t* state); int arcam_av_server_start(pthread_t* thread, const char* port); int arcam_av_server_stop(pthread_t thread, const char* port); int arcam_av_client(const char* port);