path: root/avahi-ui/avahi-ui.h
diff options
authorLennart Poettering <>2007-04-15 23:20:42 +0000
committerLennart Poettering <>2007-04-15 23:20:42 +0000
commite5cc6bde6390048349a3edef991d9278a13cdaf6 (patch)
tree74ab5173df4576f70fe4d906faf348517327cac8 /avahi-ui/avahi-ui.h
parent9de67b4385013d252e95322bccbc2a47f3fa4ebd (diff)
HIGify avahi-ui, make the API more GTK conform
git-svn-id: file:///home/lennart/svn/public/avahi/trunk@1429 941a03a8-eaeb-0310-b9a0-b1bbd8fe43fe
Diffstat (limited to 'avahi-ui/avahi-ui.h')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/avahi-ui/avahi-ui.h b/avahi-ui/avahi-ui.h
index 9afebf9..592d09b 100644
--- a/avahi-ui/avahi-ui.h
+++ b/avahi-ui/avahi-ui.h
@@ -27,8 +27,12 @@
#include <avahi-client/client.h>
+/** \file avahi-ui.h A Gtk dialog for browsing for services */
#define AUI_TYPE_SERVICE_DIALOG (aui_service_dialog_get_type())
@@ -36,7 +40,7 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
-typedef struct _AuiServiceDialog AuiServiceDialog;
+typedef struct _AuiServiceDialogPrivate AuiServiceDialogPrivate;
typedef struct _AuiServiceDialogClass AuiServiceDialogClass;
struct _AuiServiceDialogClass {
@@ -49,35 +53,100 @@ struct _AuiServiceDialogClass {
void (*_aui_reserved4)(void);
+struct _AuiServiceDialog {
+ GtkDialog parent_instance;
+ AuiServiceDialogPrivate *priv;
/* ServiceDialog */
GType aui_service_dialog_get_type(void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-GtkWidget* aui_service_dialog_new(const gchar *title);
+/** The GTK service dialog structure */
+typedef struct _AuiServiceDialog AuiServiceDialog;
+/** Create a new service browser dialog with the specific title,
+ * parent window and the speicified buttons. The buttons are specified
+ * in a similar way to GtkFileChooserDialog. Please note that at least
+ * one button has to respond GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT. */
+GtkWidget* aui_service_dialog_new(
+ const gchar *title,
+ GtkWindow *parent,
+ const gchar *first_button_text, ...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED;
+GtkWidget *aui_service_dialog_new_valist(
+ gchar *title,
+ GtkWindow *parent,
+ const gchar *first_button_text,
+ va_list varargs);
+/** Select the service types to browse for. Takes a NULL terminated list of DNS-SD service types. i.e. _http._tcp */
void aui_service_dialog_set_browse_service_types(AuiServiceDialog *d, const gchar *type, ...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED;
+/** Same as aui_service_dialog_set_browse_service_types() but take a NULL terminated array */
void aui_service_dialog_set_browse_service_typesv(AuiServiceDialog *d, const gchar *const*type);
+/** Return the service types currently browsed for. i.e. what was previously set with aui_service_dialog_set_browse_service_types() */
const gchar*const* aui_service_dialog_get_browse_service_types(AuiServiceDialog *d);
+/** Set the domain to browse in */
void aui_service_dialog_set_domain(AuiServiceDialog *d, const gchar *domain);
+/** Query the domain that is browsed in */
const gchar* aui_service_dialog_get_domain(AuiServiceDialog *d);
+/** Set the service type for the service to select */
void aui_service_dialog_set_service_type(AuiServiceDialog *d, const gchar *name);
+/** Query the service type of the currently selected service */
const gchar* aui_service_dialog_get_service_type(AuiServiceDialog *d);
+/** Set the service name for the service to select */
void aui_service_dialog_set_service_name(AuiServiceDialog *d, const gchar *name);
+/** Query the service name of the currently select service */
const gchar* aui_service_dialog_get_service_name(AuiServiceDialog *d);
+/** Return the IP address of the selected service. (Only valid if host name resolving has not been disabled via aui_service_dialog_set_resolve_host_name()) */
const AvahiAddress* aui_service_dialog_get_address(AuiServiceDialog *d);
+/** Return the IP port number of the selected service */
guint16 aui_service_dialog_get_port(AuiServiceDialog *d);
+/** Return the host name of the selected service */
const gchar* aui_service_dialog_get_host_name(AuiServiceDialog *d);
+/** Return the TXT metadata of the selected service */
const AvahiStringList *aui_service_dialog_get_txt_data(AuiServiceDialog *d);
+/** Disable/Enable automatic service resolving. Disabling this feature
+ * will require you to resolve the selected service on our own. I.e. the port
+ * number, the TXT data and the host name/IP address will not be
+ * available after a service has been selected. This functionality
+ * offers a certain optimization in the traffic imposed on the
+ * network. Most people will not want to touch this. */
void aui_service_dialog_set_resolve_service(AuiServiceDialog *d, gboolean resolve);
+/** Query the last status of aui_service_dialog_set_resolve_service() */
gboolean aui_service_dialog_get_resolve_service(AuiServiceDialog *d);
+/** Disable/Enable automatic host name resolving. Disabling this
+ * feature will cause aui_service_dialog_get_address() return NULL in
+ * all case because avahi-ui will not resolve the host name of the
+ * selected service to an address. This is a slight optimization
+ * regarding the traffic imposed by this query to the network. By
+ * default, avahi-ui will resolve the host names of selected services. */
void aui_service_dialog_set_resolve_host_name(AuiServiceDialog *d, gboolean resolve);
+/** Query the last status of aui_service_dialog_set_resolve_host_name() */
gboolean aui_service_dialog_get_resolve_host_name(AuiServiceDialog *d);
+/** Select the address family to look for services of. This can be
+used to look only for IPv6 services or only for IPv4 services. By
+default avahi-ui will browse for both IPv4 and IPv6 services.*/
void aui_service_dialog_set_address_family(AuiServiceDialog *d, AvahiProtocol proto);
+/** Query the address family we're looking for. */
AvahiProtocol aui_service_dialog_get_address_family(AuiServiceDialog *d);