path: root/avahi-discover
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'avahi-discover')
4 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/avahi-discover/ b/avahi-discover/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9eca34d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/avahi-discover/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# $Id$
+# This file is part of avahi.
+# avahi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# avahi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with avahi; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+# USA.
+AM_CFLAGS=-I$(top_srcdir) -D_GNU_SOURCE
+# This cool debug trap works on i386/gcc only
+AM_CFLAGS+='-DDEBUG_TRAP=__asm__("int $$3")'
+bin_PROGRAMS = \
+ avahi-discover
+avahi_discover_SOURCES = \
+ main.c
+avahi_discover_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS)
+avahi_discover_LDADD = $(AM_LDADD) ../avahi-core/
diff --git a/avahi-discover/ b/avahi-discover/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9465036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/avahi-discover/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!--*- mode: xml -*-->
+<!DOCTYPE glade-interface SYSTEM "">
+<widget class="GtkWindow" id="main_window">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="title" translatable="yes">Avahi Discovery</property>
+ <property name="type">GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL</property>
+ <property name="window_position">GTK_WIN_POS_NONE</property>
+ <property name="modal">False</property>
+ <property name="default_width">500</property>
+ <property name="default_height">400</property>
+ <property name="resizable">True</property>
+ <property name="destroy_with_parent">False</property>
+ <property name="decorated">True</property>
+ <property name="skip_taskbar_hint">False</property>
+ <property name="skip_pager_hint">False</property>
+ <property name="type_hint">GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMAL</property>
+ <property name="gravity">GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkVBox" id="vbox1">
+ <property name="border_width">12</property>
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="homogeneous">False</property>
+ <property name="spacing">12</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkScrolledWindow" id="scrolledwindow1">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="hscrollbar_policy">GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC</property>
+ <property name="vscrollbar_policy">GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC</property>
+ <property name="shadow_type">GTK_SHADOW_IN</property>
+ <property name="window_placement">GTK_CORNER_TOP_LEFT</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkTreeView" id="tree_view">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="headers_visible">True</property>
+ <property name="rules_hint">False</property>
+ <property name="reorderable">True</property>
+ <property name="enable_search">True</property>
+ </widget>
+ </child>
+ </widget>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="padding">0</property>
+ <property name="expand">True</property>
+ <property name="fill">True</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkLabel" id="info_label">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">&lt;i&gt;No service currently selected.&lt;/i&gt;</property>
+ <property name="use_underline">False</property>
+ <property name="use_markup">True</property>
+ <property name="justify">GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT</property>
+ <property name="wrap">False</property>
+ <property name="selectable">True</property>
+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="yalign">0.5</property>
+ <property name="xpad">0</property>
+ <property name="ypad">0</property>
+ </widget>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="padding">0</property>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </widget>
+ </child>
diff --git a/avahi-discover/avahi-discover.gladep b/avahi-discover/avahi-discover.gladep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9feaa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/avahi-discover/avahi-discover.gladep
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!--*- mode: xml -*-->
+<!DOCTYPE glade-project SYSTEM "">
+ <name>Avahi-discover</name>
+ <program_name>avahi-discover</program_name>
+ <gnome_support>FALSE</gnome_support>
diff --git a/avahi-discover/main.c b/avahi-discover/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f702a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/avahi-discover/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <glade/glade.h>
+#include <avahi-core/core.h>
+#include <avahi-core/strlst.h>
+struct ServiceType;
+struct Service {
+ struct ServiceType *service_type;
+ gchar *service_name;
+ gchar *domain_name;
+ gint interface;
+ guchar protocol;
+ GtkTreeRowReference *tree_ref;
+struct ServiceType {
+ gchar *service_type;
+ AvahiServiceBrowser *browser;
+ GList *services;
+ GtkTreeRowReference *tree_ref;
+static GtkWidget *main_window = NULL;
+static GtkTreeView *tree_view = NULL;
+static GtkTreeStore *tree_store = NULL;
+static GtkLabel *info_label = NULL;
+static AvahiServer *server = NULL;
+static AvahiServiceTypeBrowser *service_type_browser = NULL;
+static GHashTable *service_type_hash_table = NULL;
+static AvahiServiceResolver *service_resolver = NULL;
+static struct Service *current_service = NULL;
+/* very, very ugly: just import these two internal but useful functions from libavahi-core by hand */
+guint avahi_domain_hash(const gchar *s);
+gboolean avahi_domain_equal(const gchar *a, const gchar *b);
+static struct Service *get_service(const gchar *service_type, const gchar *service_name, const gchar*domain_name, gint interface, guchar protocol) {
+ struct ServiceType *st;
+ GList *l;
+ if (!(st = g_hash_table_lookup(service_type_hash_table, service_type)))
+ return NULL;
+ for (l = st->services; l; l = l->next) {
+ struct Service *s = l->data;
+ if (s->interface == interface &&
+ s->protocol == protocol &&
+ avahi_domain_equal(s->service_name, service_name) &&
+ avahi_domain_equal(s->domain_name, domain_name))
+ return s;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static void free_service(struct Service *s) {
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ if (current_service == s) {
+ current_service = NULL;
+ if (service_resolver) {
+ avahi_service_resolver_free(service_resolver);
+ service_resolver = NULL;
+ }
+ gtk_label_set_text(info_label, "<i>Service removed</i>");
+ }
+ s->service_type->services = g_list_remove(s->service_type->services, s);
+ path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path(s->tree_ref);
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter(GTK_TREE_MODEL(tree_store), &iter, path);
+ gtk_tree_path_free(path);
+ gtk_tree_store_remove(tree_store, &iter);
+ gtk_tree_row_reference_free(s->tree_ref);
+ g_free(s->service_name);
+ g_free(s->domain_name);
+ g_free(s);
+static void service_browser_callback(AvahiServiceBrowser *b, gint interface, guchar protocol, AvahiBrowserEvent event, const gchar *service_name, const gchar *service_type, const gchar *domain_name, gpointer userdata) {
+ if (event == AVAHI_BROWSER_NEW) {
+ struct Service *s;
+ GtkTreeIter iter, piter;
+ GtkTreePath *path, *ppath;
+ gchar iface[256];
+ s = g_new(struct Service, 1);
+ s->service_name = g_strdup(service_name);
+ s->domain_name = g_strdup(domain_name);
+ s->interface = interface;
+ s->protocol = protocol;
+ s->service_type = g_hash_table_lookup(service_type_hash_table, service_type);
+ g_assert(s->service_type);
+ s->service_type->services = g_list_prepend(s->service_type->services, s);
+ ppath = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path(s->service_type->tree_ref);
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter(GTK_TREE_MODEL(tree_store), &piter, ppath);
+ snprintf(iface, sizeof(iface), "#%i %s", interface, protocol == AF_INET ? "IPv4" : "IPv6");
+ gtk_tree_store_append(tree_store, &iter, &piter);
+ gtk_tree_store_set(tree_store, &iter, 0, s->service_name, 1, iface, 2, s, -1);
+ path = gtk_tree_model_get_path(GTK_TREE_MODEL(tree_store), &iter);
+ s->tree_ref = gtk_tree_row_reference_new(GTK_TREE_MODEL(tree_store), path);
+ gtk_tree_path_free(path);
+ gtk_tree_view_expand_row(tree_view, ppath, FALSE);
+ gtk_tree_path_free(ppath);
+ } else if (event == AVAHI_BROWSER_REMOVE) {
+ struct Service* s;
+ if ((s = get_service(service_type, service_name, domain_name, interface, protocol)))
+ free_service(s);
+ }
+static void service_type_browser_callback(AvahiServiceTypeBrowser *b, gint interface, guchar protocol, AvahiBrowserEvent event, const gchar *service_type, const gchar *domain, gpointer userdata) {
+ struct ServiceType *st;
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ if (event != AVAHI_BROWSER_NEW)
+ return;
+ if (g_hash_table_lookup(service_type_hash_table, service_type))
+ return;
+ st = g_new(struct ServiceType, 1);
+ st->service_type = g_strdup(service_type);
+ st->services = NULL;
+ gtk_tree_store_append(tree_store, &iter, NULL);
+ gtk_tree_store_set(tree_store, &iter, 0, st->service_type, 1, "", 2, NULL, -1);
+ path = gtk_tree_model_get_path(GTK_TREE_MODEL(tree_store), &iter);
+ st->tree_ref = gtk_tree_row_reference_new(GTK_TREE_MODEL(tree_store), path);
+ gtk_tree_path_free(path);
+ g_hash_table_insert(service_type_hash_table, st->service_type, st);
+ st->browser = avahi_service_browser_new(server, -1, AF_UNSPEC, st->service_type, domain, service_browser_callback, NULL);
+static void update_label(struct Service *s, const gchar *hostname, const AvahiAddress *a, guint16 port, AvahiStringList *txt) {
+ gchar t[512], address[64], *txt_s;
+ if (a && hostname) {
+ char na[256];
+ avahi_address_snprint(na, sizeof(na), a);
+ snprintf(address, sizeof(address), "%s/%s:%u", hostname, na, port);
+ txt_s = avahi_string_list_to_string(txt);
+ } else {
+ snprintf(address, sizeof(address), "<i>n/a</i>");
+ txt_s = g_strdup("<i>n/a</i>");
+ }
+ snprintf(t, sizeof(t),
+ "<b>Service Type:</b> %s\n"
+ "<b>Service Name:</b> %s\n"
+ "<b>Domain Name:</b> %s\n"
+ "<b>Interface:</b> %i %s\n"
+ "<b>Address:</b> %s\n"
+ "<b>TXT Data:</b> %s",
+ s->service_type->service_type,
+ s->service_name,
+ s->domain_name,
+ s->interface,
+ s->protocol == AF_INET ? "IPv4" : "IPv6",
+ address,
+ txt_s);
+ gtk_label_set_markup(info_label, t);
+ g_free(txt_s);
+static struct Service *get_service_on_cursor(void) {
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ struct Service *s;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ gtk_tree_view_get_cursor(tree_view, &path, NULL);
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter(GTK_TREE_MODEL(tree_store), &iter, path);
+ gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(tree_store), &iter, 2, &s, -1);
+ gtk_tree_path_free(path);
+ return s;
+static void service_resolver_callback(AvahiServiceResolver *r, gint interface, guchar protocol, AvahiResolverEvent event, const gchar *name, const gchar *type, const gchar *domain, const gchar *host_name, const AvahiAddress *a, guint16 port, AvahiStringList *txt, gpointer userdata) {
+ struct Service *s;
+ g_assert(r);
+ if (!(s = get_service_on_cursor()) || userdata != s) {
+ g_assert(r == service_resolver);
+ avahi_service_resolver_free(service_resolver);
+ service_resolver = NULL;
+ }
+ gtk_label_set_text(info_label, "<i>Failed to resolve.</i>");
+ else
+ update_label(s, host_name, a, port, txt);
+static void tree_view_on_cursor_changed(GtkTreeView *tv, gpointer userdata) {
+ struct Service *s;
+ if (!(s = get_service_on_cursor()))
+ return;
+ if (service_resolver)
+ avahi_service_resolver_free(service_resolver);
+ update_label(s, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL);
+ service_resolver = avahi_service_resolver_new(server, s->interface, s->protocol, s->service_name, s->service_type->service_type, s->domain_name, AF_UNSPEC, service_resolver_callback, s);
+gboolean main_window_on_delete_event(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer user_data) {
+ gtk_main_quit();
+ return FALSE;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ GladeXML *xml;
+ AvahiServerConfig config;
+ gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
+ glade_init();
+ xml = glade_xml_new("", NULL, NULL);
+ main_window = glade_xml_get_widget(xml, "main_window");
+ g_signal_connect(main_window, "delete-event", (GCallback) main_window_on_delete_event, NULL);
+ tree_view = GTK_TREE_VIEW(glade_xml_get_widget(xml, "tree_view"));
+ g_signal_connect(GTK_WIDGET(tree_view), "cursor-changed", (GCallback) tree_view_on_cursor_changed, NULL);
+ info_label = GTK_LABEL(glade_xml_get_widget(xml, "info_label"));
+ tree_store = gtk_tree_store_new(3, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_POINTER);
+ gtk_tree_view_set_model(tree_view, GTK_TREE_MODEL(tree_store));
+ gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes(tree_view, -1, "Name", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), "text", 0, NULL);
+ gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes(tree_view, -1, "Interface", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), "text", 1, NULL);
+ service_type_hash_table = g_hash_table_new((GHashFunc) avahi_domain_hash, (GEqualFunc) avahi_domain_equal);
+ avahi_server_config_init(&config);
+ config.register_hinfo = config.register_addresses = config.announce_domain = FALSE;
+ server = avahi_server_new(NULL, &config, NULL, NULL);
+ avahi_server_config_free(&config);
+ service_type_browser = avahi_service_type_browser_new(server, -1, AF_UNSPEC, argc >= 2 ? argv[1] : NULL, service_type_browser_callback, NULL);
+ gtk_main();
+ avahi_server_free(server);
+ return 0;