/* $Id$ */ /*** This file is part of avahi. avahi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. avahi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with avahi; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "main.h" typedef struct StaticService StaticService; typedef struct StaticServiceGroup StaticServiceGroup; struct StaticService { StaticServiceGroup *group; gchar *type; gchar *domain_name; gchar *host_name; guint16 port; AvahiStringList *txt_records; AVAHI_LLIST_FIELDS(StaticService, services); }; struct StaticServiceGroup { gchar *filename; time_t mtime; gchar *name, *chosen_name; gboolean replace_wildcards; AvahiEntryGroup *entry_group; AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD(StaticService, services); AVAHI_LLIST_FIELDS(StaticServiceGroup, groups); }; static AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD(StaticServiceGroup, groups) = NULL; static gchar *replacestr(const gchar *pattern, const gchar *a, const gchar *b) { gchar *r = NULL, *e, *n; while ((e = strstr(pattern, a))) { gchar *k; k = g_strndup(pattern, e - pattern); if (r) n = g_strconcat(r, k, b, NULL); else n = g_strconcat(k, b, NULL); g_free(k); g_free(r); r = n; pattern = e + strlen(a); } if (!r) return g_strdup(pattern); n = g_strconcat(r, pattern, NULL); g_free(r); return n; } static void add_static_service_group_to_server(StaticServiceGroup *g); static void remove_static_service_group_from_server(StaticServiceGroup *g); static StaticService *static_service_new(StaticServiceGroup *group) { StaticService *s; g_assert(group); s = g_new(StaticService, 1); s->group = group; s->type = s->host_name = s->domain_name = NULL; s->port = 0; s->txt_records = NULL; AVAHI_LLIST_PREPEND(StaticService, services, group->services, s); return s; } static StaticServiceGroup *static_service_group_new(gchar *filename) { StaticServiceGroup *g; g_assert(filename); g = g_new(StaticServiceGroup, 1); g->filename = g_strdup(filename); g->mtime = 0; g->name = g->chosen_name = NULL; g->replace_wildcards = FALSE; g->entry_group = NULL; AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD_INIT(StaticService, g->services); AVAHI_LLIST_PREPEND(StaticServiceGroup, groups, groups, g); return g; } static void static_service_free(StaticService *s) { g_assert(s); AVAHI_LLIST_REMOVE(StaticService, services, s->group->services, s); g_free(s->type); g_free(s->host_name); g_free(s->domain_name); avahi_string_list_free(s->txt_records); g_free(s); } static void static_service_group_free(StaticServiceGroup *g) { g_assert(g); remove_static_service_group_from_server(g); while (g->services) static_service_free(g->services); AVAHI_LLIST_REMOVE(StaticServiceGroup, groups, groups, g); g_free(g->filename); g_free(g->name); g_free(g->chosen_name); g_free(g); } static void entry_group_callback(AvahiServer *s, AvahiEntryGroup *eg, AvahiEntryGroupState state, gpointer userdata) { StaticServiceGroup *g = userdata; g_assert(s); g_assert(g); if (state == AVAHI_ENTRY_GROUP_COLLISION) { gchar *n; remove_static_service_group_from_server(g); n = avahi_alternative_service_name(g->chosen_name); g_free(g->chosen_name); g->chosen_name = n; g_message("Service name conflict for \"%s\" (%s), retrying with \"%s\".", g->name, g->filename, g->chosen_name); add_static_service_group_to_server(g); } else g_message("Service \"%s\" (%s) successfully establised.", g->chosen_name, g->filename); } static void add_static_service_group_to_server(StaticServiceGroup *g) { StaticService *s; g_assert(g); if (g->entry_group) return; if (g->chosen_name) g_free(g->chosen_name); if (g->replace_wildcards) g->chosen_name = replacestr(g->name, "%h", avahi_server_get_host_name(avahi_server)); else g->chosen_name = g_strdup(g->name); g->entry_group = avahi_entry_group_new(avahi_server, entry_group_callback, g); for (s = g->services; s; s = s->services_next) { if (avahi_server_add_service_strlst( avahi_server, g->entry_group, -1, AF_UNSPEC, s->type, g->chosen_name, s->domain_name, s->host_name, s->port, s->txt_records) < 0) { g_message("Failed to add service '%s' of type '%s', ignoring service group (%s)", g->chosen_name, s->type, g->filename); remove_static_service_group_from_server(g); return; } } avahi_entry_group_commit(g->entry_group); } static void remove_static_service_group_from_server(StaticServiceGroup *g) { g_assert(g); if (g->entry_group) { avahi_entry_group_free(g->entry_group); g->entry_group = NULL; } } typedef enum { XML_TAG_INVALID, XML_TAG_SERVICE_GROUP, XML_TAG_NAME, XML_TAG_SERVICE, XML_TAG_TYPE, XML_TAG_DOMAIN_NAME, XML_TAG_HOST_NAME, XML_TAG_PORT, XML_TAG_TXT_RECORD } xml_tag_name; struct xml_userdata { StaticServiceGroup *group; StaticService *service; xml_tag_name current_tag; gboolean failed; gchar *buf; }; static void XMLCALL xml_start(void *data, const char *el, const char *attr[]) { struct xml_userdata *u = data; g_assert(u); if (u->failed) return; if (u->current_tag == XML_TAG_INVALID && strcmp(el, "service-group") == 0) { if (attr[0]) goto invalid_attr; u->current_tag = XML_TAG_SERVICE_GROUP; } else if (u->current_tag == XML_TAG_SERVICE_GROUP && strcmp(el, "name") == 0) { u->current_tag = XML_TAG_NAME; if (attr[0]) { if (strcmp(attr[0], "replace-wildcards") == 0) u->group->replace_wildcards = strcmp(attr[1], "yes") == 0; else goto invalid_attr; } if (attr[2]) goto invalid_attr; } else if (u->current_tag == XML_TAG_SERVICE_GROUP && strcmp(el, "service") == 0) { if (attr[0]) goto invalid_attr; g_assert(!u->service); u->service = static_service_new(u->group); u->current_tag = XML_TAG_SERVICE; } else if (u->current_tag == XML_TAG_SERVICE && strcmp(el, "type") == 0) { if (attr[0]) goto invalid_attr; u->current_tag = XML_TAG_TYPE; } else if (u->current_tag == XML_TAG_SERVICE && strcmp(el, "domain-name") == 0) { if (attr[0]) goto invalid_attr; u->current_tag = XML_TAG_DOMAIN_NAME; } else if (u->current_tag == XML_TAG_SERVICE && strcmp(el, "host-name") == 0) { if (attr[0]) goto invalid_attr; u->current_tag = XML_TAG_HOST_NAME; } else if (u->current_tag == XML_TAG_SERVICE && strcmp(el, "port") == 0) { if (attr[0]) goto invalid_attr; u->current_tag = XML_TAG_PORT; } else if (u->current_tag == XML_TAG_SERVICE && strcmp(el, "txt-record") == 0) { if (attr[0]) goto invalid_attr; u->current_tag = XML_TAG_TXT_RECORD; } else { g_message("%s: parse failure: didn't expect element <%s>.", u->group->filename, el); u->failed = TRUE; } return; invalid_attr: g_message("%s: parse failure: invalid attribute for element <%s>.", u->group->filename, el); u->failed = TRUE; return; } static void XMLCALL xml_end(void *data, const char *el) { struct xml_userdata *u = data; g_assert(u); if (u->failed) return; switch (u->current_tag) { case XML_TAG_SERVICE_GROUP: if (!u->group->name || !u->group->services) { g_message("%s: parse failure: service group incomplete.", u->group->filename); u->failed = TRUE; return; } u->current_tag = XML_TAG_INVALID; break; case XML_TAG_SERVICE: if (u->service->port == 0 || !u->service->type) { g_message("%s: parse failure: service incomplete.", u->group->filename); u->failed = TRUE; return; } u->service = NULL; u->current_tag = XML_TAG_SERVICE_GROUP; break; case XML_TAG_NAME: u->current_tag = XML_TAG_SERVICE_GROUP; break; case XML_TAG_PORT: { int p; g_assert(u->service); p = u->buf ? atoi(u->buf) : 0; if (p <= 0 || p > 0xFFFF) { g_message("%s: parse failure: invalid port specification \"%s\".", u->group->filename, u->buf); u->failed = TRUE; return; } u->service->port = (guint16) p; u->current_tag = XML_TAG_SERVICE; break; } case XML_TAG_TXT_RECORD: { g_assert(u->service); u->service->txt_records = avahi_string_list_add(u->service->txt_records, u->buf ? u->buf : ""); u->current_tag = XML_TAG_SERVICE; break; } case XML_TAG_TYPE: case XML_TAG_DOMAIN_NAME: case XML_TAG_HOST_NAME: u->current_tag = XML_TAG_SERVICE; break; case XML_TAG_INVALID: ; } g_free(u->buf); u->buf = NULL; } static gchar *append_cdata(gchar *t, const gchar *n, int length) { gchar *r, *k; if (!length) return t; k = g_strndup(n, length); if (t) { r = g_strconcat(t, k, NULL); g_free(k); g_free(t); } else r = k; return r; } static void XMLCALL xml_cdata(void *data, const XML_Char *s, int len) { struct xml_userdata *u = data; g_assert(u); if (u->failed) return; switch (u->current_tag) { case XML_TAG_NAME: u->group->name = append_cdata(u->group->name, s, len); break; case XML_TAG_TYPE: g_assert(u->service); u->service->type = append_cdata(u->service->type, s, len); break; case XML_TAG_DOMAIN_NAME: g_assert(u->service); u->service->domain_name = append_cdata(u->service->domain_name, s, len); break; case XML_TAG_HOST_NAME: g_assert(u->service); u->service->host_name = append_cdata(u->service->host_name, s, len); break; case XML_TAG_PORT: case XML_TAG_TXT_RECORD: u->buf = append_cdata(u->buf, s, len); break; case XML_TAG_SERVICE_GROUP: case XML_TAG_SERVICE: case XML_TAG_INVALID: ; } } static gint static_service_group_load(StaticServiceGroup *g) { XML_Parser parser = NULL; gint fd = -1; struct xml_userdata u; gint r = -1; struct stat st; ssize_t n; g_assert(g); u.buf = NULL; u.group = g; u.service = NULL; u.current_tag = XML_TAG_INVALID; u.failed = FALSE; /* Cleanup old data in this service group, if available */ remove_static_service_group_from_server(g); while (g->services) static_service_free(g->services); g_free(g->name); g_free(g->chosen_name); g->name = g->chosen_name = NULL; g->replace_wildcards = FALSE; if (!(parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL))) { g_warning("XML_ParserCreate() failed."); goto finish; } if ((fd = open(g->filename, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { g_warning("open(\"%s\", O_RDONLY): %s", g->filename, strerror(errno)); goto finish; } if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0) { g_warning("fstat(): %s", strerror(errno)); goto finish; } g->mtime = st.st_mtime; XML_SetUserData(parser, &u); XML_SetElementHandler(parser, xml_start, xml_end); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, xml_cdata); do { void *buffer; #define BUFSIZE (10*1024) if (!(buffer = XML_GetBuffer(parser, BUFSIZE))) { g_warning("XML_GetBuffer() failed."); goto finish; } if ((n = read(fd, buffer, BUFSIZE)) < 0) { g_warning("read(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto finish; } if (!XML_ParseBuffer(parser, n, n == 0)) { g_warning("XML_ParseBuffer() failed at line %d: %s.\n", XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser), XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(parser))); goto finish; } } while (n != 0); if (!u.failed) r = 0; finish: if (fd >= 0) close(fd); if (parser) XML_ParserFree(parser); g_free(u.buf); return r; } static void load_file(gchar *n) { StaticServiceGroup *g; g_assert(n); for (g = groups; g; g = g->groups_next) if (strcmp(g->filename, n) == 0) return; g = static_service_group_new(n); if (static_service_group_load(g) < 0) { g_warning("Failed to load service group file %s, ignoring.", g->filename); static_service_group_free(g); } } void static_service_load(void) { StaticServiceGroup *g, *n; glob_t globbuf; gchar **p; for (g = groups; g; g = n) { struct stat st; n = g->groups_next; if (stat(g->filename, &st) < 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) g_message("Service group file %s vanished, removing seervices.", g->filename); else g_warning("Failed to stat() file %s, ignoring: %s", g->filename, strerror(errno)); static_service_group_free(g); } else if (st.st_mtime != g->mtime) { g_message("Service group file %s changed, reloading.", g->filename); if (static_service_group_load(g) < 0) { g_warning("Failed to load service group file %s, removing service.", g->filename); static_service_group_free(g); } } } memset(&globbuf, 0, sizeof(globbuf)); if (glob(AVAHI_SERVICE_DIRECTORY "/*.service", GLOB_ERR, NULL, &globbuf) != 0) g_warning("glob() failed.\n"); else { for (p = globbuf.gl_pathv; *p; p++) load_file(*p); globfree(&globbuf); } } void static_service_free_all(void) { while (groups) static_service_group_free(groups); } void static_service_add_to_server(void) { StaticServiceGroup *g; for (g = groups; g; g = g->groups_next) add_static_service_group_to_server(g); } void static_service_remove_from_server(void) { StaticServiceGroup *g; for (g = groups; g; g = g->groups_next) remove_static_service_group_from_server(g); }