D-Bus API description for BlueZ ******************************* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Marcel Holtmann Error hierarchy =============== Interface org.bluez.Error Errors Failed An unknown error occured. The error messages is taken from the strerror(errno) function. InvalidArguments Error returned when the argument list is invalid or out of specification for the method. NotAuthorized Error returned when the caller of a method is not authorized. This might happen if a caller tries to terminate a connection that it hasn't created. OutOfMemory Error returned when a memory allocation via malloc() fails. This error is similar to ENOMEM. NoSuchAdapter Error returned when the requested adapter doesn't exists. This error is similar to ENODEV. UnknownAddress Error returned when the remote address haven't been seen by a discovery procedure so far. NotAvailable Error returned when a specified record is not available. NotConnected Error returned when the remote device isn't connected at the moment. ConnectionAttemptFailed BondingAlreadyExists BondingDoesNotExists BondingInProgress AuthenticationFailed AuthenticationTimeout AuthenticationRejected AuthenticationCanceled UnsupportedMajorClass Manager hierarchy ================= Service org.bluez Interface org.bluez.Manager Object path /org/bluez/Manager/ Methods uint32 InterfaceVersion() Returns the current interface version. At the moment only version 0 is supported. array{string} ListAdapters() Returns list of object paths under /org/bluez/Adapter/ string DefaultAdapter() Returns object path for the default adapter. Signals void AdapterAdded(string path) Parameter is object path of added adapter. void AdapterRemoved(string path) Parameter is object path of removed adapter. Adapter hierarchy ================= Service org.bluez Interface org.bluez.Adapter Object path /org/bluez/Adapter/{hci0,hci1,...}/ Methods string GetAddress() Returns the device address for a given path. Example: "00:11:22:33:44:55" Possible errors: none string GetVersion() Returns the version of the Bluetooth chip. This version is compiled from the LMP version. In case of EDR the features attribute must be checked. Example: "Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR" Possible errors: none string GetRevision() Returns the revision of the Bluetooth chip. This is a vendor specific value and in most cases it represents the firmware version. This might derive from the HCI revision and LMP subversion values or via extra vendor specific commands. In case the revision of a chip is not available. This method should return the LMP subversion value as a string. Example: "HCI 19.2" Possible errors: none string GetManufacturer() Returns the manufacturer of the Bluetooth chip. If the company id is not know the sting "Company ID %d" where %d should be replaced with the numeric value from the manufacturer field. Example: "Cambridge Silicon Radio" Possible errors: none string GetCompany() Returns the company name from the OUI database of the Bluetooth device address. This function will need a valid and up-to-date oui.txt from the IEEE. This value will be different from the manufacturer string in the most cases. If the oui.txt file is not present or the OUI part of the BD_ADDR is not listed, it should return the string "OUI %s" where %s is the actual OUI. Example: "Apple Computer" Possible errors: none string GetMode() Returns the current mode of a adapter. Valid modes: "off", "connectable", "discoverable" Possible errors: none void SetMode(string mode) Sets mode of the adapter. See GetMode for valid strings for the mode parameter. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.Failed uint32 GetDiscoverableTimeout() Returns the discoverable timeout in seconds. A value of zero means that the timeout is disabled and it will stay in discoverable mode forever. The default value for the discoverable timeout should be 180 seconds (3 minutes). Possible errors: none void SetDiscoverableTimeout(uint32 timeout) Sets the discoverable timeout in seconds. A value of zero disables the timeout and the adapter would be always discoverable. Changing this value doesn't set the adapter into discoverable mode. The SetMode method must be used. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.Failed boolean IsConnectable() Returns true if the local adapter is connectable and false if it is switched off. It is also possible to use GetMode to retrieve this information. Possible errors: none boolean IsDiscoverable() Returns true if the local adapter is discoverable and false if it is only connectable or switched off. It is also possible to use GetMode to retrieve this information. Possible errors: none string GetMajorClass() Returns the current major class value for this system. This value is set to "computer" for now. If the major class can't be matched by a string the decimal value as string should be returned. Possible errors: none array{string} ListAvailableMinorClasses() Returns a list of available minor classes for the currently used major class. At the moment this should only return a list of minor classes if the major class is set to "computer". If the major class is not "computer" an error should be returned. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.UnsupportedMajorClass string GetMinorClass() Returns the current minor class value for this system where the default major class is "computer". If the major class is not "computer" an error should be returned. Valid values: "uncategorized", "desktop", "server", "laptop", "handheld", "palm", "wearable" The default value is "uncategorized". Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.UnsupportedMajorClass void SetMinorClass(string minor) Sets the local minor class and on success it sends a MinorClassChanged signal. If the major class is not "computer" an error should be returned. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.UnsupportedMajorClass array{string} GetServiceClasses() Returns the current set of service classes. In the case no service classes are set (when no service has been registered) an empty list should be returned. Valid values: "positioning", "networking", "rendering", "capturing", "object transfer", "audio", "telephony", "information" Possible errors: none string GetName() Returns the local adapter name (friendly name) in UTF-8. Possible errors: none void SetName(string name) Sets the local adapter name. If EIR is supported by the local hardware this modifies also the extended response data value. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.Failed Questions: What to do (in case of EIR) if one low-level API call fails. string GetRemoteVersion(string address) Get the version info for a remote device. This request returns always this information based on its cached data. The base for this string is the LMP version value and the features for EDR support. In case the remote address is unknown, it should return the error UnkownAddress and if the data is not available it should return NotAvailable. Example: "Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR" Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.UnknownAddress org.bluez.Error.NotAvailable string GetRemoteRevision(string address) Get the revision of the Bluetooth chip. This is a vendor specific value and in most cases it represents the firmware version. This derives only from the LMP subversion value. Example: "HCI 19.2" Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.UnknownAddress org.bluez.Error.NotAvailable string GetRemoteManufacturer(string address) Get the manufacturer of the chip for a remote device. Example: "Nokia Mobile Phones" Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.UnknownAddress org.bluez.Error.NotAvailable string GetRemoteCompany(string address) Get the company name from the OUI database of the Bluetooth device address. This function will need a valid and up-to-date oui.txt from the IEEE. This value will be different from the manufacturer string in the most cases. Example: "Microsoft Corporation" Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.UnknownAddress org.bluez.Error.NotAvailable string GetRemoteName(string address) Get adapter name for a remote device. This request returns always a cached name. The service daemon is responsible for updating the cache. If no remote name is available, then this function will return RequestDeferred. In this case the service daemon will try to resolve the name at the next possible opportunity. On success a RemoteNameUpdated signal will be send and if a failure happens it will be indicated by a RemoteNameFailed signal. If this is an empty string, the UI might want to display the BD_ADDR instead. Example: "00:11:22:33:44:55", "Nokia 770" Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.UnknownAddress org.bluez.Error.NotAvailable org.bluez.Error.RequestDeferred string GetRemoteAlias(string address) Returns alias name for remote device. If this is an empty string value, the UI should show the remote name instead. An alias should supersede the remote name. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.UnknownAddress org.bluez.Error.NotAvailable void SetRemoteAlias(string address, string alias) Sets alias name for remote device. If alias name is empty, then no alias is set. On success the SetRemoteAlias method will produce a RemoteAliasChanged signal which applications can use to update their current display of the remote device name. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.Failed org.bluez.Error.UnknownAddress void ClearRemoteAlias(string address) Resets alias name for remote device. If there is no alias set for the device this method will silently succeed, but no RemoteAliasCleared signal has to be sent in this case. On success the ClearRemoteAlias method will produce a RemoteAliasCleared signal. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.Failed org.bluez.Error.UnknownAddress string LastSeen(string address) Returns the date and time when the adapter has been seen by a discover procedure. Example: "2006-02-08 12:00:00 GMT" Question: Can we find a better name? string LastUsed(string address) Returns the date and time of the last time when the adapter has been connected. Example: "2006-02-08 12:00:00 GMT" Question: Can we find a better name? void CreateBonding(string address) This method creates a bonding with a remote device. If a link key for this adapter already exists, this procedure should fail instead of trying to create a new pairing. If no connection to the remote device exists, a low-level ACL connection must be created. This function will block and the calling application should take care of setting are higher timeout. This might be needed in case of a page timeout from the low-level HCI commands. In case of success it will send a BondingCreated signal. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.Failed org.bluez.Error.UnknownAddress org.bluez.Error.BondingAlreadyExists org.bluez.Error.BondingInProgress org.bluez.Error.ConnectionAttemptFailed org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationFailed org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationTimeout org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationRejected org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationCanceled void CancelBondingProcess(string address) This method will cancel the CreateBonding process. The CreateBonding method will return AuthenticationCanceled to signal that an attempt to create a bonding has been canceled. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.UnknownAddress void RemoveBonding(string address) This method removes the bonding with a remote device. For security reasons this includes removing the actual link key and also disconnecting any open connections for the remote device. If the link key was stored on the Bluetooth chip, it must be removed from there, too. After deleting the link key this method will send a BondingRemoved signal. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.UnknownAddress org.bluez.Error.BondingDoesNotExists boolean HasBonding(string address) Returns true if the remote device is bonded and false if no link key is available. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.UnknownAddress array{string} ListBondings() List device addresses of currently bonded adapter. Possible errors: none uint8 GetPinCodeLength(string address) Returns the PIN code length that was used in the pairing process. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.UnknownAddress org.bluez.Error.BondingDoesNotExists uint8 GetEncryptionKeySize(string address) Returns the currently used encryption key size. This method will fail if no connection to the address has been established. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.UnknownAddress org.bluez.Error.NotConnected org.bluez.Error.BondingDoesNotExists void DiscoverDevices() This method starts the device discovery procedure. This includes an inquiry procedure and remote device name resolving. On start up this process will generate a DiscoveryStart signal and then return RemoteDeviceFound and also RemoteNameUpdated signals. If the procedure has been finished an DiscoveryCompleted signal will be sent. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.InProgress void DiscoverDevicesWithoutNameResolving() This method starts the device discovery procedure. This includes an inquiry and an optional remote device name resolving. The remote names can be retrieved with GetRemoteName and in the case a name doesn't exist it will be queued for later resolving and GetRemoteName will return an error. While this procedure is running every found device will be returned with RemoteDeviceFound. While DiscoverDevices() automatically resolves unknown devices names and sends RemoteNameUpdated in this case it will only happen if GetRemoteName has been called and no previously stored name is available. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.InProgress void CancelDiscovery() This method will cancel any previous DiscoverDevices or DiscoverDevicesWithoutNameResolving actions. Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.InProgress Signals void ModeChanged(string mode) If the current mode is changed with SetMode this signal will inform about the new mode. This signal can also be triggered by low-level HCI commands. void MinorClassChanged(string minor) After changing the minor class with SetMinorClass this signal will provide the new class value. void NameChanged(string name) After changing the local adapter name with SetName this signal will provide the new name. This signal can also be triggered by low-level HCI commands. void DiscoveryStarted() This signal indicates that a device discovery procedure has been started. void DiscoveryCompleted() This signal indicates that a device discovery procedure has been completed. void RemoteDeviceFound(string address, int16 rssi, string major, string minor, string service) This signal will be send every time an inquiry result has been found by the service daemon. In general they only appear during a device discovery. void RemoteNameUpdated(string address, string name) This signal will be send every time the service daemon detect a new name for a remote device. void RemoteNameFailed(string address) This signal will be sent every time the service daemon tries to resolve a remote and this fails. void RemoteAliasChanged(string address, string alias) After changing an alias with SetRemoteAlias this signal will indicate the new alias. void RemoteAliasCleared(string address) After removing an alias with ClearRemoteAlias this signal will indicate that the alias is no longer valid. void BondingCreated(string address) Signals that a successful bonding has been created. void BondingRemoved(string address) Signals that a bonding was removed. RFCOMM hierarchy ================ Service org.bluez Interface org.bluez.RFCOMM Object path /org/bluez/Adapter/{hci0,hci1,...}/ Methods string Connect(string address, string service) This creates a connection to a remote RFCOMM based service. The service string can either be a UUID-16, a UUID-32, a UUID-128 or a service abbreviation. The return value will be the path of the newly created RFCOMM TTY device (for example /dev/rfcomm0). If the application disconnects from the D-Bus this connection will be terminated. Valid service values: "vcp", "map", "pbap", "sap", "ftp", "bpp", "bip", "synch", "dun", "opp", "fax", "spp" void CancelConnect(string address, string service) This method cancels a previous Connect method call. string ConnectByChannel(string address, byte channel) This creates a connection to a remote RFCOMM based service. In contrast to Connect a channel number is needed. The return value will be the path of the newly creates RFCOMM TTY device (for example /dev/rfcomm0). If the application disconnects from the D-Bus this connection will be terminated. void CancelConnectByChannel(string address, byte channel) This method cancels a previous ConnectByChannel method call. void Disconnect(string device) This will disconnect a previously connected RFCOMM service. The device parameter must be the return value from a previous Connect or ConnectByChannel method call (for example /dev/rfcomm0). string Bind(string address, string service) string BindByChannel(string address, byte channel) void Release(string device) array{string} ListBindings() Signals void Connected(string address, byte channel, string service) This signal will be issued once a RFCOMM connection has been established through Connect or ConnectByChannel and the service will be translated into a profile if it is known. Otherwise the UUID will be listed. If no UUID or service name is available it will be an empty string. void Disconnected(string address, byte channel, string service) This signal will be issued if a RFCOMM connection gets terminated through Disconnect or of the caller application disconnects from the D-Bus.