/* * * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux * * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Marcel Holtmann * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "hcid.h" #include "dbus.h" #include "list.h" #define START_REPLY_TIMEOUT 5000 #define SERVICE_RUNNING 1 #define SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING 0 struct service_agent { char *id; /* Connection id */ char *name; char *description; int running; }; struct service_call { DBusConnection *conn; DBusMessage *msg; struct service_agent *agent; }; static struct slist *services = NULL; static void service_call_free(void *data) { struct service_call *call = data; if (!call) return; if (call->conn) dbus_connection_unref(call->conn); if(call->msg) dbus_message_unref(call->msg); free(call); } static int service_agent_cmp(const struct service_agent *a, const struct service_agent *b) { int ret; if (b->id) { if (!a->id) return -1; ret = strcmp(a->id, b->id); if (ret) return ret; } if (b->name) { if (!a->name) return -1; ret = strcmp(a->name, b->name); if (ret) return ret; } if (b->description) { if (!a->description) return -1; ret = strcmp(a->description, b->description); if (ret) return ret; } return 0; } static void service_agent_free(struct service_agent *agent) { if (!agent) return; if (agent->id) free(agent->id); if (agent->name) free(agent->name); if (agent->description) free(agent->description); free(agent); } static struct service_agent *service_agent_new(const char *id, const char *name, const char *description) { struct service_agent *agent = malloc(sizeof(struct service_agent)); if (!agent) return NULL; memset(agent, 0, sizeof(struct service_agent)); if (id) { agent->id = strdup(id); if (!agent->id) goto mem_fail; } if (name) { agent->name = strdup(name); if (!agent->name) goto mem_fail; } if (description) { agent->description = strdup(description); if (!agent->description) goto mem_fail; } /* by default when the service agent registers the service must not be running */ agent->running = SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING; return agent; mem_fail: service_agent_free(agent); return NULL; } static void service_agent_exit(const char *name, void *data) { DBusConnection *conn = data; DBusMessage *message; struct slist *l, *lremove = NULL; struct service_agent *agent; const char *path; debug("Service Agent exited:%s", name); /* Remove all service agents assigned to this owner */ for (l = services; l; l = l->next) { path = l->data; if (!dbus_connection_get_object_path_data(conn, path, (void *) &agent)) continue; if (strcmp(name, agent->id)) continue; service_agent_free(agent); dbus_connection_unregister_object_path(conn, path); message = dbus_message_new_signal(BASE_PATH, MANAGER_INTERFACE, "ServiceUnregistered"); dbus_message_append_args(message, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &path, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); send_message_and_unref(conn, message); lremove = slist_append(lremove, l->data); services = slist_remove(services, l->data); } slist_foreach(lremove, (slist_func_t) free, NULL); slist_free(lremove); } static void forward_reply(DBusPendingCall *call, void *udata) { struct service_call *call_data = udata; DBusMessage *reply = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(call); DBusMessage *source_reply; const char *sender; sender = dbus_message_get_sender(call_data->msg); source_reply = dbus_message_copy(reply); dbus_message_set_destination(source_reply, sender); dbus_message_set_no_reply(source_reply, TRUE); dbus_message_set_reply_serial(source_reply, dbus_message_get_serial(call_data->msg)); send_message_and_unref(call_data->conn, source_reply); dbus_message_unref(reply); dbus_pending_call_unref (call); } static DBusHandlerResult get_interface_names(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { DBusPendingCall *pending; struct service_call *call_data; struct service_agent *agent = data; DBusMessage *forward = dbus_message_copy(msg); const char *path = dbus_message_get_path(msg); dbus_message_set_destination(forward, agent->id); dbus_message_set_interface(forward, "org.bluez.ServiceAgent"); dbus_message_set_path(forward, path); dbus_message_set_member(forward, "Interfaces"); call_data = malloc(sizeof(struct service_call)); call_data->conn = dbus_connection_ref(conn); call_data->msg = dbus_message_ref(msg); if (dbus_connection_send_with_reply(conn, forward, &pending, -1) == FALSE) { dbus_message_unref(forward); return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; } dbus_pending_call_set_notify(pending, forward_reply, call_data, service_call_free); dbus_message_unref(forward); return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_HANDLED; } static DBusHandlerResult get_connection_name(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { struct service_agent *agent = data; DBusMessage *reply; reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(msg); if (!reply) return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY; dbus_message_append_args(reply, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &agent->id, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); return send_message_and_unref(conn, reply); } static DBusHandlerResult get_name(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { struct service_agent *agent = data; DBusMessage *reply; const char *name = ""; reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(msg); if (!reply) return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY; if (agent->name) name = agent->name; dbus_message_append_args(reply, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &name, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); return send_message_and_unref(conn, reply); } static DBusHandlerResult get_description(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { struct service_agent *agent = data; DBusMessage *reply; const char *description = ""; reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(msg); if (!reply) return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY; if (agent->description) description = agent->description; dbus_message_append_args(reply, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &description, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); return send_message_and_unref(conn, reply); } static void start_reply(DBusPendingCall *call, void *udata) { struct service_call *call_data = udata; DBusMessage *agent_reply = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(call); DBusMessage *source_reply; DBusError err; dbus_error_init(&err); if (dbus_set_error_from_message(&err, agent_reply)) { call_data->agent->running = SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING; dbus_error_free(&err); } else { DBusMessage *message; call_data->agent->running = SERVICE_RUNNING; /* Send a signal to indicate that the service started properly */ message = dbus_message_new_signal(dbus_message_get_path(call_data->msg), dbus_message_get_interface(call_data->msg), "Started"); send_message_and_unref(call_data->conn, message); } source_reply = dbus_message_copy(agent_reply); dbus_message_set_destination(source_reply, dbus_message_get_sender(call_data->msg)); dbus_message_set_no_reply(source_reply, TRUE); dbus_message_set_reply_serial(source_reply, dbus_message_get_serial(call_data->msg)); send_message_and_unref(call_data->conn, source_reply); dbus_message_unref(agent_reply); dbus_pending_call_unref (call); } static DBusHandlerResult start(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { DBusPendingCall *pending; struct service_call *call_data; struct service_agent *agent = data; DBusMessage *forward = dbus_message_copy(msg); dbus_message_set_destination(forward, agent->id); dbus_message_set_interface(forward, "org.bluez.ServiceAgent"); dbus_message_set_path(forward, dbus_message_get_path(msg)); call_data = malloc(sizeof(struct service_call)); call_data->conn = dbus_connection_ref(conn); call_data->msg = dbus_message_ref(msg); call_data->agent = data; if (dbus_connection_send_with_reply(conn, forward, &pending, START_REPLY_TIMEOUT) == FALSE) { dbus_message_unref(forward); return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; } dbus_pending_call_set_notify(pending, start_reply, call_data, service_call_free); dbus_message_unref(forward); return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_HANDLED; } static void stop_reply(DBusPendingCall *call, void *udata) { struct service_call *call_data = udata; DBusMessage *agent_reply = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(call); DBusMessage *source_reply; DBusError err; dbus_error_init(&err); if (dbus_set_error_from_message(&err, agent_reply)) { /* Keep the old running value */ dbus_error_free(&err); } else { DBusMessage *message; call_data->agent->running = SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING; /* Send a signal to indicate that the service started properly */ message = dbus_message_new_signal(dbus_message_get_path(call_data->msg), dbus_message_get_interface(call_data->msg), "Stopped"); send_message_and_unref(call_data->conn, message); } source_reply = dbus_message_copy(agent_reply); dbus_message_set_destination(source_reply, dbus_message_get_sender(call_data->msg)); dbus_message_set_no_reply(source_reply, TRUE); dbus_message_set_reply_serial(source_reply, dbus_message_get_serial(call_data->msg)); send_message_and_unref(call_data->conn, source_reply); dbus_message_unref(agent_reply); dbus_pending_call_unref (call); } static DBusHandlerResult stop(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { DBusPendingCall *pending; struct service_call *call_data; struct service_agent *agent = data; DBusMessage *forward = dbus_message_copy(msg); dbus_message_set_destination(forward, agent->id); dbus_message_set_interface(forward, "org.bluez.ServiceAgent"); dbus_message_set_path(forward, dbus_message_get_path(msg)); call_data = malloc(sizeof(struct service_call)); call_data->conn = dbus_connection_ref(conn); call_data->msg = dbus_message_ref(msg); call_data->agent = data; if (dbus_connection_send_with_reply(conn, forward, &pending, START_REPLY_TIMEOUT) == FALSE) { dbus_message_unref(forward); return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; } dbus_pending_call_set_notify(pending, stop_reply, call_data, service_call_free); dbus_message_unref(forward); return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_HANDLED; } static DBusHandlerResult is_running(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { struct service_agent *agent = data; DBusMessage *reply; dbus_bool_t running; reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(msg); if (!reply) return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY; running = (agent->running ? TRUE : FALSE); dbus_message_append_args(reply, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &running, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); return send_message_and_unref(conn, reply); } static DBusHandlerResult list_users(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; } static DBusHandlerResult remove_user(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; } static DBusHandlerResult set_trusted(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; } static DBusHandlerResult is_trusted(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; } static DBusHandlerResult remove_trust(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; } static struct service_data services_methods[] = { { "GetName", get_name }, { "GetDescription", get_description }, { "GetInterfaceNames", get_interface_names }, { "GetConnectionName", get_connection_name }, { "Start", start }, { "Stop", stop }, { "IsRunning", is_running }, { "ListUsers", list_users }, { "RemoveUser", remove_user }, { "SetTrusted", set_trusted }, { "IsTrusted", is_trusted }, { "RemoveTrust", remove_trust }, { NULL, NULL } }; static DBusHandlerResult msg_func_services(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { struct service_agent *agent = data; service_handler_func_t handler; DBusPendingCall *pending; DBusMessage *forward; struct service_call *call_data; const char *iface; iface = dbus_message_get_interface(msg); if (strcmp("org.bluez.Service", iface) == 0) { handler = find_service_handler(services_methods, msg); if (handler) return handler(conn, msg, data); forward = dbus_message_copy(msg); if(!forward) return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY; dbus_message_set_destination(forward, agent->id); dbus_message_set_path(forward, dbus_message_get_path(msg)); call_data = malloc(sizeof(struct service_call)); if (!call_data) { dbus_message_unref(forward); return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY; } call_data->conn = dbus_connection_ref(conn); call_data->msg = dbus_message_ref(msg); if (dbus_connection_send_with_reply(conn, forward, &pending, -1) == FALSE) { service_call_free(call_data); dbus_message_unref(forward); return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; } dbus_pending_call_set_notify(pending, forward_reply, call_data, service_call_free); return send_message_and_unref(conn, forward); } else if (strcmp("org.bluez.Security", iface) == 0) return handle_security_method(conn, msg, data); else return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; } static const DBusObjectPathVTable services_vtable = { .message_function = &msg_func_services, .unregister_function = NULL }; int register_service_agent(DBusConnection *conn, const char *sender, const char *path, const char *name, const char *description) { struct service_agent *agent; debug("Registering service object: %s", path); /* Check if the name is already used? */ agent = service_agent_new(sender, name, description); if (!agent) return -ENOMEM; if (!dbus_connection_register_object_path(conn, path, &services_vtable, agent)) { free(agent); return -1; } services = slist_append(services, strdup(path)); /* FIXME: only one listener per sender */ name_listener_add(conn, sender, (name_cb_t) service_agent_exit, conn); return 0; } int unregister_service_agent(DBusConnection *conn, const char *sender, const char *path) { struct service_agent *agent; struct slist *l; debug("Unregistering service object: %s", path); if (dbus_connection_get_object_path_data(conn, path, (void *) &agent)) service_agent_free(agent); if (!dbus_connection_unregister_object_path(conn, path)) return -1; l = slist_find(services, path, (cmp_func_t) strcmp); if (l) { void *p = l->data; services = slist_remove(services, l->data); free(p); } return 0; } void send_release(DBusConnection *conn, const char *id, const char *path) { DBusMessage *msg; msg = dbus_message_new_method_call(id, path, "org.bluez.ServiceAgent", "Release"); if (!msg) return; dbus_message_set_no_reply(msg, TRUE); send_message_and_unref(conn, msg); } void release_service_agents(DBusConnection *conn) { struct slist *l = services; struct service_agent *agent; const char *path; while (l) { path = l->data; l = l->next; if (dbus_connection_get_object_path_data(conn, path, (void *) &agent)) { send_release(conn, agent->id, path); service_agent_free(agent); } dbus_connection_unregister_object_path(conn, path); } slist_foreach(services, (slist_func_t) free, NULL); slist_free(services); services = NULL; } void append_available_services(DBusMessageIter *array_iter) { struct slist *l = services; const char *path; while (l) { path = l->data; dbus_message_iter_append_basic(array_iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &path); l = l->next; } }