Bluetooth input service API description ****************************************** Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Marcel Holtmann Error hierarchy =============== Interface org.bluez.Error Errors Failed An unknown error occured. The error messages is taken from the strerror(errno) function. UnknownDevice Error returned when the input device path is invalid UnknownMethod Error returned when the input device path doesn't implement the requested method. Input Manager hierarchy ================= Service org.bluez.input Interface org.bluez.input.Manager Object path /org/bluez/input Methods array{string} ListDevices() Returns an array of available input devices path. void CreateDevice(string address) Create an input device object: HID service record is retrieved and bonding(if applied) is created. void RemoveDevice(string path) Remove the input device object for a given path. Input hierarchy ================= Service org.bluez.input Interface org.bluez.input Object path /org/bluez/input_* Methods string GetAddress() Returns the device address. Example: "00:11:22:33:44:55" string GetName() Returns the service name. string GetProductId() Returns the product id. string GetVendorId() Returns the vendor id. boolean IsConnected() Returns the connection status. void Connect() Connect to the input device. void Disconnect() Disconnect from the input device. void Unplug() Unplug the virtual cable device. void SetTimeout(uint32 timeout) Set the idle timeout.