Bluetooth serial service API description **************************************** Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Marcel Holtmann Manager hierarchy ================= Interface org.bluez.serial.Manager Object path /org/bluez/serial Methods string CreateProxy(string uuid, string address) Creates a serial port proxy object. Service identifier must be provided in the uuid 128 format. Addresses can be TTY char devices or unix socket address. Abstract namespace can be informed replacing the null byte by 'x00'. eg: "/dev/ttyS0", "/tmp/gps-data", "x00/org/bluez/echo". Possible errors:org.bluez.serial.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.serial.NotAvailable org.bluez.serial.Failed void RemoveProxy(string path) [experimental] Removes the serial port proxy object for given path. Possible errors:org.bluez.serial.Error.DoesNotExist string CreatePort(string address, string pattern) [experimental] Creates a serial port object. Possible errors:org.bluez.serial.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.serial.Error.ConnectionCanceled org.bluez.serial.Error.ConnectionInProgress org.bluez.serial.Error.ConnectionAttemptFailed org.bluez.serial.Error.NotSupported org.bluez.serial.Error.Failed void RemovePort(string path) [experimental] Removes the serial port object for given path. Possible errors:org.bluez.serial.Error.DoesNotExist array{string} ListPorts() [experimental] Returns an array of available serial port paths. array{string} ListProxies() [experimental] Returns an array of available serial port proxy paths. string ConnectService(string address, string pattern) Connects to a specific RFCOMM based service on a remote device and then creates a RFCOMM TTY device for it. The RFCOMM TTY device is returned. Possible errors:org.bluez.serial.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.serial.Error.ConnectionCanceled org.bluez.serial.Error.ConnectionInProgress org.bluez.serial.Error.ConnectionAttemptFailed org.bluez.serial.Error.NotSupported org.bluez.serial.Error.Failed void CancelConnectService(string address, string pattern) Cancel a previous ConnectService method call. Possible errors:org.bluez.serial.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.serial.Error.ConnectionNotInProgress void DisconnectService(string device) Disconnect a RFCOMM TTY device that has been created via the ConnectService method. Possible errors:org.bluez.serial.Error.InvalidArguments org.bluez.serial.Error.DoesNotExist Signals void PortCreated(string path) [experimental] void PortRemoved(string path) [experimental] void ProxyCreated(string path) [experimental] void ProxyRemoved(string path) [experimental] void ServiceConnected(string device) void ServiceDisconnected(string device) Port hierarchy (experimental) ============================= Interface org.bluez.serial.Port Object path /org/bluez/serial/rfcomm* Methods string GetAddress() [experimental] Returns the Bluetooth address of the ending point. string GetInfo() [experimental] Returns the port properties. Proxy hierarchy (experimental) ============================= Interface org.bluez.serial.Proxy Object path /org/bluez/serial/rfcomm* Methods: string Enable() [experimental] Register the serial proxy service record and start listenning on the specified adapter/channel. string Disable() [experimental] Unregister the service record and stop listenning. string GetInfo() [experimental] Returns the proxy properties void SetSerialParams(string rate, byte databits, byte stopbits, string parity) [experimental] Change the TTY settings. Available rates: "50", "300", "600", "1200", "1800", "2400", "4800", "9600", "19200", "38400", "57600" and "115200". Available data bits: 5, 6, 7 and 8. Available stop bits: 1 and 2. Available parity: "even", "odd", "mark", "space" and "none".