path: root/python/
diff options
authorHavoc Pennington <>2003-09-30 02:40:49 +0000
committerHavoc Pennington <>2003-09-30 02:40:49 +0000
commit42019c962537b940311573b1ec62495b973b5bfd (patch)
treeef50b1cc74dd6c8ec5e7fc0a8386946363b9ff95 /python/
parentdfd1292d525d01914141cc86013589c6e0ea9d5c (diff)
forgot to add files...
Diffstat (limited to 'python/')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/ b/python/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..460af5ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+import commands
+import glob
+import re
+import os
+import string
+import sys
+def clean_func(buf):
+ buf = strip_comments(buf)
+ pat = re.compile(r"""\\\n""", re.MULTILINE)
+ buf = pat.sub('',buf)
+ pat = re.compile(r"""^[#].*?$""", re.MULTILINE)
+ buf = pat.sub('',buf)
+ pat = re.compile(r"""^(typedef|struct|enum)(\s|.|\n)*?;\s*""", re.MULTILINE)
+ buf = pat.sub('',buf)
+ pat = re.compile(r"""\s+""", re.MULTILINE)
+ buf = pat.sub(' ',buf)
+ pat = re.compile(r""";\s*""", re.MULTILINE)
+ buf = pat.sub('\n',buf)
+ buf = buf.lstrip()
+ #pat=re.compile(r'\s+([*|&]+)\s*(\w+)')
+ pat = re.compile(r' \s+ ([*|&]+) \s* (\w+)',re.VERBOSE)
+ buf = pat.sub(r'\1 \2', buf)
+ pat = re.compile(r'\s+ (\w+) \[ \s* \]',re.VERBOSE)
+ buf = pat.sub(r'[] \1', buf)
+# buf = string.replace(buf, 'G_CONST_RETURN ', 'const-')
+ buf = string.replace(buf, 'const ', '')
+ return buf
+def strip_comments(buf):
+ parts = []
+ lastpos = 0
+ while 1:
+ pos = string.find(buf, '/*', lastpos)
+ if pos >= 0:
+ parts.append(buf[lastpos:pos])
+ pos = string.find(buf, '*/', pos)
+ if pos >= 0:
+ lastpos = pos + 2
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ parts.append(buf[lastpos:])
+ break
+ return string.join(parts, '')
+def find_enums(buf):
+ enums = []
+ buf = strip_comments(buf)
+ buf = re.sub('\n', ' ', buf)
+ enum_pat = re.compile(r'enum\s*{([^}]*)}\s*([A-Z][A-Za-z]*)(\s|;)')
+ splitter = re.compile(r'\s*,\s', re.MULTILINE)
+ pos = 0
+ while pos < len(buf):
+ m =, pos)
+ if not m: break
+ name =
+ vals =
+ isflags = string.find(vals, '<<') >= 0
+ entries = []
+ for val in splitter.split(vals):
+ if not string.strip(val): continue
+ entries.append(string.split(val)[0])
+ enums.append((name, isflags, entries))
+ pos = m.end()
+ return enums
+#typedef unsigned int dbus_bool_t;
+#typedef struct {
+# }
+#typedef struct FooStruct FooStruct;
+# typedef void (* DBusAddWatchFunction) (DBusWatch *watch,
+# void *data);
+def find_typedefs(buf):
+ typedefs = []
+ buf = re.sub('\n', ' ', strip_comments(buf))
+ typedef_pat = re.compile(
+ r"""typedef\s*(?P<type>\w*)
+ \s*
+ ([(]\s*\*\s*(?P<callback>[\w* ]*)[)]|{([^}]*)}|)
+ \s*
+ (?P<args1>[(](?P<args2>[\s\w*,_]*)[)]|[\w ]*)""",
+ pat = re.compile(r"""\s+""", re.MULTILINE)
+ pos = 0
+ while pos < len(buf):
+ m =, pos)
+ if not m:
+ break
+ if'type') == 'enum':
+ pos = m.end()
+ continue
+ if'args2') != None:
+ args = pat.sub(' ','args2'))
+ current = '%s (* %s) (%s)' % ('type'),
+ args)
+ else:
+ current = '%s %s' % ('type'),'args1'))
+ typedefs.append(current)
+ pos = m.end()
+ return typedefs
+proto_pat = re.compile(r"""
+(?P<ret>(-|\w|\&|\*)+\s*) # return type
+\s+ # skip whitespace
+(?P<func>\w+)\s*[(] # match the function name until the opening (
+(?P<args>.*?)[)] # group the function arguments
+arg_split_pat = re.compile("\s*,\s*")
+def find_functions(buf):
+ functions = []
+ buf = clean_func(buf)
+ buf = string.split(buf,'\n')
+ for p in buf:
+ if len(p) == 0:
+ continue
+ m = proto_pat.match(p)
+ if m == None:
+ continue
+ func ='func')
+ ret ='ret')
+ args ='args')
+ args = arg_split_pat.split(args)
+# for i in range(len(args)):
+# spaces = string.count(args[i], ' ')
+# if spaces > 1:
+# args[i] = string.replace(args[i], ' ', '-', spaces - 1)
+ functions.append((func, ret, args))
+ return functions
+class Writer:
+ def __init__(self, filename, enums, typedefs, functions):
+ if not (enums or typedefs or functions):
+ return
+ print 'cdef extern from "%s":' % filename
+ self.output_enums(enums)
+ self.output_typedefs(typedefs)
+ self.output_functions(functions)
+ print ' pass'
+ print
+ def output_enums(self, enums):
+ for enum in enums:
+ print ' ctypedef enum %s:' % enum[0]
+ if enum[1] == 0:
+ for item in enum[2]:
+ print ' %s' % item
+ else:
+ i = 0
+ for item in enum[2]:
+ print ' %s' % item
+# print ' %s = 1 << %d' % (item, i)
+ i += 1
+ print
+ def output_typedefs(self, typedefs):
+ for typedef in typedefs:
+ if typedef.find('va_list') != -1:
+ continue
+ parts = typedef.split()
+ if parts[0] == 'struct':
+ if parts[-2] == parts[-1]:
+ parts = parts[:-1]
+ print ' ctypedef %s' % ' '.join(parts)
+ else:
+ print ' ctypedef %s' % typedef
+ def output_functions(self, functions):
+ for func, ret, args in functions:
+ if func[0] == '_':
+ continue
+ str = ', '.join(args)
+ if str.find('...') != -1:
+ continue
+ if str.find('va_list') != -1:
+ continue
+ if str.strip() == 'void':
+ continue
+ print ' %-20s %s (%s)' % (ret, func, str)
+def do_buffer(name, buffer):
+ functions = find_functions(buffer)
+ typedefs = find_typedefs(buffer)
+ enums = find_enums(buffer)
+ Writer(name, enums, typedefs, functions)
+def do_header(filename, name=None):
+ if name == None:
+ name = filename
+ buffer = ""
+ for line in open(filename).readlines():
+ if line[0] == '#':
+ continue
+ buffer += line
+ print '# -- %s -- ' % filename
+ do_buffer(name, buffer)
+filename = sys.argv[1]
+if filename.endswith('.h'):
+ do_header(filename)
+ raise SystemExit
+cppflags = ""
+for flag in sys.argv[2:]:
+ cppflags = cppflags + " " + flag
+fd = open(filename)
+for line in fd.readlines():
+ if line.startswith('#include'):
+ filename = line.split(' ')[1][1:-2]
+ command = "echo '%s'|cpp %s" % (line, cppflags)
+ sys.stderr.write('running %s' % (command))
+ output = commands.getoutput(command)
+ do_buffer(filename, output)
+ else:
+ print line[:-1]