path: root/python/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 308 deletions
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-"""Module for high-level communication over the Bus (DBus)
-DBus allows you to share and access remote objects between processes
-running on the desktop, and also to access system services (such as
-the print spool).
-To use DBus, first get a Bus object, which provides a connection to one
-of a few standard dbus-daemon instances that might be running. From the
-Bus you can get a RemoteService. A service is provided by an application or
-process connected to the Bus, and represents a set of objects. Once you
-have a RemoteService you can get a RemoteObject that implements a specific interface
-(an interface is just a standard group of member functions). Then you can call
-those member functions directly.
-You can think of a complete method call as looking something like:
-Bus:SESSION -> Service:org.gnome.Evolution -> Object:/org/gnome/Evolution/Inbox -> Interface: org.gnome.Evolution.MailFolder -> Method: Forward('message1', '')
-This communicates over the SESSION Bus to the org.gnome.Evolution process to call the
-Forward method of the /org/gnome/Evolution/Inbox object (which provides the
-org.gnome.Evolution.MailFolder interface) with two string arguments.
-For example, the dbus-daemon itself provides a service and some objects:
-# Get a connection to the desktop-wide SESSION bus
-bus = dbus.Bus(dbus.Bus.TYPE_SESSION)
-# Get the service provided by the dbus-daemon named org.freedesktop.DBus
-dbus_service = bus.get_service('org.freedesktop.DBus')
-# Get a reference to the desktop bus' standard object, denoted
-# by the path /org/freedesktop/DBus. The object /org/freedesktop/DBus
-# implements the 'org.freedesktop.DBus' interface
-dbus_object = dbus_service.get_object('/org/freedesktop/DBus',
- 'org.freedesktop.DBus')
-# One of the member functions in the org.freedesktop.DBus interface
-# is ListServices(), which provides a list of all the other services
-# registered on this bus. Call it, and print the list.
-import dbus
-import dbus_bindings
-import weakref
-from proxies import *
-from exceptions import *
-from matchrules import *
-class Bus(object):
- """A connection to a DBus daemon.
- One of three possible standard buses, the SESSION, SYSTEM,
- or STARTER bus
- """
- TYPE_SESSION = dbus_bindings.BUS_SESSION
- TYPE_SYSTEM = dbus_bindings.BUS_SYSTEM
- TYPE_STARTER = dbus_bindings.BUS_STARTER
- """
- ProxyObjectClass = ProxyObject
- _shared_instances = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
- def __new__(cls, bus_type=TYPE_SESSION, use_default_mainloop=True, private=False):
- if (not private and bus_type in cls._shared_instances):
- return cls._shared_instances[bus_type]
- # this is a bit odd, but we create instances of the subtypes
- # so we can return the shared instances if someone tries to
- # construct one of them (otherwise we'd eg try and return an
- # instance of Bus from __new__ in SessionBus). why are there
- # three ways to construct this class? we just don't know.
- if bus_type == cls.TYPE_SESSION:
- subclass = SessionBus
- elif bus_type == cls.TYPE_SYSTEM:
- subclass = SystemBus
- elif bus_type == cls.TYPE_STARTER:
- subclass = StarterBus
- else:
- raise ValueError('invalid bus_type %s' % bus_type)
- bus = object.__new__(subclass)
- bus._bus_type = bus_type
- bus._bus_names = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
- bus._match_rule_tree = SignalMatchTree()
- # FIXME: if you get a starter and a system/session bus connection
- # in the same process, it's the same underlying connection that
- # is returned by bus_get, but we initialise it twice
- bus._connection = dbus_bindings.bus_get(bus_type, private)
- bus._connection.add_filter(bus._signal_func)
- if use_default_mainloop:
- func = getattr(dbus, "_dbus_mainloop_setup_function", None)
- if func:
- func(bus)
- if not private:
- cls._shared_instances[bus_type] = bus
- return bus
- def __init__(self, *args, **keywords):
- # do nothing here because this can get called multiple times on the
- # same object if __new__ returns a shared instance
- pass
- def close(self):
- self._connection.close()
- def get_connection(self):
- return self._connection
- def get_session(private=False):
- """Static method that returns the session bus"""
- return SessionBus(private=private)
- get_session = staticmethod(get_session)
- def get_system(private=False):
- """Static method that returns the system bus"""
- return SystemBus(private=private)
- get_system = staticmethod(get_system)
- def get_starter(private=False):
- """Static method that returns the starter bus"""
- return StarterBus(private=private)
- get_starter = staticmethod(get_starter)
- def get_object(self, named_service, object_path):
- """Get a proxy object to call over the bus"""
- return self.ProxyObjectClass(self, named_service, object_path)
- def _create_args_dict(self, keywords):
- args_dict = None
- for (key, value) in keywords.iteritems():
- if key.startswith('arg'):
- try:
- snum = key[3:]
- num = int(snum)
- if not args_dict:
- args_dict = {}
- args_dict[num] = value
- except ValueError:
- raise TypeError("Invalid arg index %s"%snum)
- elif key in ("sender_keyword", "path_keyword"):
- pass
- else:
- raise TypeError("Unknown keyword %s"%(key))
- return args_dict
- def add_signal_receiver(self, handler_function,
- signal_name=None,
- dbus_interface=None,
- named_service=None,
- path=None,
- **keywords):
- args_dict = self._create_args_dict(keywords)
- if (named_service and named_service[0] != ':'):
- bus_object = self.get_object('org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus')
- named_service = bus_object.GetNameOwner(named_service, dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus')
- match_rule = SignalMatchRule(signal_name, dbus_interface, named_service, path)
- for kw in ("sender_keyword", "path_keyword"):
- if kw in keywords:
- setattr(match_rule, kw, keywords[kw])
- else:
- setattr(match_rule, kw, None)
- if args_dict:
- match_rule.add_args_match(args_dict)
- match_rule.add_handler(handler_function)
- self._match_rule_tree.add(match_rule)
- dbus_bindings.bus_add_match(self._connection, repr(match_rule))
- def remove_signal_receiver(self, handler_function,
- signal_name=None,
- dbus_interface=None,
- named_service=None,
- path=None,
- **keywords):
- args_dict = self._create_args_dict(keywords)
- if (named_service and named_service[0] != ':'):
- bus_object = self.get_object('org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus')
- named_service = bus_object.GetNameOwner(named_service, dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus')
- match_rule = SignalMatchRule(signal_name, dbus_interface, named_service, path)
- if (args_dict):
- match_rule.add_args_match(args_dict)
- if (handler_function):
- match_rule.add_handler(handler_function)
- self._match_rule_tree.remove(match_rule)
- #TODO we leak match rules in the lower level bindings. We need to ref count them
- def get_unix_user(self, named_service):
- """Get the unix user for the given named_service on this Bus"""
- return dbus_bindings.bus_get_unix_user(self._connection, named_service)
- def _signal_func(self, connection, message):
- if (message.get_type() != dbus_bindings.MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL):
- return dbus_bindings.HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED
- dbus_interface = message.get_interface()
- named_service = message.get_sender()
- path = message.get_path()
- signal_name = message.get_member()
- match_rule = SignalMatchRule(signal_name, dbus_interface, named_service, path)
- self._match_rule_tree.exec_matches(match_rule, message)
- def start_service_by_name(self, named_service):
- return dbus_bindings.bus_start_service_by_name(self._connection, named_service)
- def __repr__(self):
- if self._bus_type == self.TYPE_SESSION:
- name = 'SESSION'
- elif self._bus_type == self.TYPE_SYSTEM:
- name = 'SYSTEM'
- elif self._bus_type == self.TYPE_STARTER:
- name = 'STARTER'
- else:
- assert False, 'Unable to represent unknown bus type.'
- return '<dbus.Bus on %s at %#x>' % (name, id(self))
- __str__ = __repr__
-class SystemBus(Bus):
- """The system-wide message bus
- """
- def __new__(cls, use_default_mainloop=True, private=False):
- return Bus.__new__(cls, Bus.TYPE_SYSTEM, use_default_mainloop, private)
-class SessionBus(Bus):
- """The session (current login) message bus
- """
- def __new__(cls, use_default_mainloop=True, private=False):
- return Bus.__new__(cls, Bus.TYPE_SESSION, use_default_mainloop, private)
-class StarterBus(Bus):
- """The bus that activated this process (if
- this process was launched by DBus activation)
- """
- def __new__(cls, use_default_mainloop=True, private=False):
- return Bus.__new__(cls, Bus.TYPE_STARTER, use_default_mainloop, private)
-class Interface:
- """An interface into a remote object
- An Interface can be used to wrap ProxyObjects
- so that calls can be routed to their correct
- dbus interface
- """
- def __init__(self, object, dbus_interface):
- self._obj = object
- self._dbus_interface = dbus_interface
- def connect_to_signal(self, signal_name, handler_function, dbus_interface = None, **keywords):
- if not dbus_interface:
- dbus_interface = self._dbus_interface
- self._obj.connect_to_signal(signal_name, handler_function, dbus_interface, **keywords)
- def __getattr__(self, member, **keywords):
- if (keywords.has_key('dbus_interface')):
- _dbus_interface = keywords['dbus_interface']
- else:
- _dbus_interface = self._dbus_interface
- if member == '__call__':
- return object.__call__
- else:
- ret = self._obj.__getattr__(member, dbus_interface=_dbus_interface)
- return ret
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<Interface %r implementing %r at %#x>'%(
- self._obj, self._dbus_interface, id(self))
- __str__ = __repr__