# - Try to find the KDEWIN32 library # Once done this will define # # KDEWIN32_FOUND - system has KDEWIN32 # KDEWIN32_INCLUDES - the KDEWIN32 include directories # KDEWIN32_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use KDEWIN32 if (WIN32) INCLUDE(MacroGetenvWinPath) MACRO_GETENV_WIN_PATH(_program_FILES_DIR PROGRAMFILES) IF(NOT QT4_FOUND) FIND_PACKAGE(Qt4 REQUIRED) ENDIF(NOT QT4_FOUND) FIND_PATH(KDEWIN32_INCLUDE_DIR winposix_export.h ${_program_FILES_DIR}/kdewin32/include ) # at first find the kdewin32 library, this has to be compiled and installed before kdelibs/ # search for kdewin32 in the default install directory for applications (default of (n)make install) FIND_LIBRARY(KDEWIN32_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES kdewin32 PATHS ${_program_FILES_DIR}/kdewin32/lib ) # msvc makes a difference between debug and release if(MSVC) FIND_LIBRARY(KDEWIN32_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES kdewin32d PATHS ${_program_FILES_DIR}/kdewin32/lib ) if(MSVC_IDE) # the ide needs the debug and release version if( NOT KDEWIN32_LIBRARY_DEBUG OR NOT KDEWIN32_LIBRARY_RELEASE) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nCould NOT find the debug AND release version of the KDEWIN32 library.\nYou need to have both to use MSVC projects.\nPlease build and install both kdelibs/win/ libraries first.\n") endif( NOT KDEWIN32_LIBRARY_DEBUG OR NOT KDEWIN32_LIBRARY_RELEASE) SET(KDEWIN32_LIBRARY optimized ${KDEWIN32_LIBRARY_RELEASE} debug ${KDEWIN32_LIBRARY_DEBUG}) else(MSVC_IDE) STRING(TOLOWER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER) if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER MATCHES debug) set(KDEWIN32_LIBRARY ${KDEWIN32_LIBRARY_DEBUG}) else(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER MATCHES debug) set(KDEWIN32_LIBRARY ${KDEWIN32_LIBRARY_RELEASE}) endif(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER MATCHES debug) endif(MSVC_IDE) else(MSVC) set(KDEWIN32_LIBRARY ${KDEWIN32_LIBRARY_RELEASE}) endif(MSVC) # kdelibs/win/ has to be built before the rest of kdelibs/ # eventually it will be moved out from kdelibs/ if (KDEWIN32_LIBRARY AND KDEWIN32_INCLUDE_DIR) set(KDEWIN32_FOUND TRUE) # add the winsock2 library, using find_library or something like this would probably be better set(KDEWIN32_LIBRARIES ${KDEWIN32_LIBRARY} user32 shell32 ws2_32) if (MINGW) #mingw compiler set(KDEWIN32_INCLUDES ${KDEWIN32_INCLUDE_DIR} ${KDEWIN32_INCLUDE_DIR}/mingw ${QT_INCLUDES}) else (MINGW) # msvc compiler # add the MS SDK include directory if available MACRO_GETENV_WIN_PATH(MSSDK_DIR MSSDK) set(KDEWIN32_INCLUDES ${KDEWIN32_INCLUDE_DIR} ${KDEWIN32_INCLUDE_DIR}/msvc ${QT_INCLUDES} ${MSSDK_DIR}) endif (MINGW) endif (KDEWIN32_LIBRARY AND KDEWIN32_INCLUDE_DIR) if (KDEWIN32_FOUND) if (NOT KDEWIN32_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found KDEWIN32: ${KDEWIN32_LIBRARY}") endif (NOT KDEWIN32_FIND_QUIETLY) else (KDEWIN32_FOUND) if (KDEWIN32_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could NOT find KDEWIN32 library\nPlease build and install kdelibs/win/ first") endif (KDEWIN32_FIND_REQUIRED) endif (KDEWIN32_FOUND) endif (WIN32)