- Service and message names should be more carefully restricted; they should have a max length, may not be an empty string, and perhaps should not be allowed to be a glob such as "*" since the config file could conveniently use such notation. Suggest requiring length > 0, length < max, name contains at least one ".", no initial ".", and valid UTF-8. That would prohibit plain "*" but not "foo.bar.baz.operator*" For maximum convenience from all programming languages, we could go further and just categorically ban nearly all non-alphanumeric characters. - Message matching rules (so broadcasts can be filtered) need sorting out. - How we will handle DCOP needs sorting out. Among other things, we need to check that service and service-ownership semantics map to DCOP reasonably well. - Activation needs some careful additional thinking-through. - Recursive/composite/etc. types and associated API, see mailing list. - Configuration file (working on that now) - Property list feature on message bus (list of properties associated with a connection). May also include message matching rules that involve the properties of the source or destination connection. - Implement all the needed resource limits to keep clients from killing the message bus. - Automatic service activation, should probably be done through a message flag. - Disconnecting the remote end on invalid UTF-8 is probably not a good idea. The definitiion of "valid" is slightly fuzzy. I think it might be better to just silently "fix" the UTF-8, or perhaps return an error. Owen says we should only validate the UTF-8 on dbus_message_get_string() (changing get_string to have an error return, and allowing a type error as a possible return) - We might consider returning a "no such operation" error in dbus-connection.c for unhandled messages. - Abstract the user database, so you can use something other than the system password database. - The convenience functions in dbus-bus.h should perhaps have the signatures that they would have if they were autogenerated stubs. e.g. the acquire service function. We should also evaluate which of these functions to include, in light of the fact that GLib/Qt native stubs will probably also exist. - The message handler interface needs rethinking, perhaps handlers should be able to return an error that automatically gets turned into a message; most likely some basic spec'ing out of the GLib/Qt level stubs/skels stuff will be needed to understand the right approach. - sync up DBusWatch and DBusTimeout so that handle_watch() is a method on DBusWatch similar to the way timeouts work - there are various bits of code to manage ref/unref of data slots, that should be merged into a generic facility - add _dbus_return_if_fail, _dbus_return_val_if_fail() and use on public entry points in place of _dbus_assert(). Add --disable-checks to control whether these do anything. - assorted _-prefixed symbols in libdbus aren't actually used by libdbus, only by the message bus. These bloat up the library size. Not sure how to fix, really. - dbus_error_has_name(), dbus_message_name_is() - add DBUS_TYPE_INT64 ? - if you send a message to a service then block for reply, and the service exits/crashes after the message bus has processed your message but before the service has replied, it would be nice if the message bus sent you an error reply. - We have a limit on the number of messages a connection can send, but not on how many can be buffered for a given connection. - make client serial and reply serial unsigned and add dbus_message_get_is_reply()