namespace DBus { using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections; internal class Handler { private string[] path = null; private string pathName = null; private Introspector introspector = null; private object handledObject = null; private Hashtable handledMethods = null; private DBusObjectPathVTable vTable; private Connection connection; private Service service; private DBusHandleMessageFunction filterCalled; internal delegate void DBusObjectPathUnregisterFunction(IntPtr rawConnection, IntPtr userData); internal delegate int DBusObjectPathMessageFunction(IntPtr rawConnection, IntPtr rawMessage, IntPtr userData); internal delegate int DBusHandleMessageFunction(IntPtr rawConnection, IntPtr rawMessage, IntPtr userData); private enum Result { Handled = 0, NotYetHandled = 1, NeedMemory = 2 } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] private struct DBusObjectPathVTable { public DBusObjectPathUnregisterFunction unregisterFunction; public DBusObjectPathMessageFunction messageFunction; public IntPtr padding1; public IntPtr padding2; public IntPtr padding3; public IntPtr padding4; public DBusObjectPathVTable(DBusObjectPathUnregisterFunction unregisterFunction, DBusObjectPathMessageFunction messageFunction) { this.unregisterFunction = unregisterFunction; this.messageFunction = messageFunction; this.padding1 = IntPtr.Zero; this.padding2 = IntPtr.Zero; this.padding3 = IntPtr.Zero; this.padding4 = IntPtr.Zero; } } ~Handler() { if (Connection != null && Connection.RawConnection != IntPtr.Zero && path != null) { dbus_connection_unregister_object_path(Connection.RawConnection, Path); } } public Handler(object handledObject, string pathName, Service service) { Service = service; Connection = service.Connection; HandledObject = handledObject; // Strip the leading / off if there is one and get the path as an array pathName = pathName.TrimStart('/'); this.path = pathName.Split('/'); this.pathName = "/" + pathName; // Create the vTable and register the path vTable = new DBusObjectPathVTable(new DBusObjectPathUnregisterFunction(Unregister_Called), new DBusObjectPathMessageFunction(Message_Called)); if (!dbus_connection_register_object_path(Connection.RawConnection, Path, ref vTable, IntPtr.Zero)) throw new OutOfMemoryException(); // Setup the filter function this.filterCalled = new DBusHandleMessageFunction(Filter_Called); if (!dbus_connection_add_filter(Connection.RawConnection, this.filterCalled, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)) throw new OutOfMemoryException(); } private void RegisterMethod(MethodInfo method) { string key = method.Name + " " + Arguments.ParseParameters(method); handledMethods.Add(key, method); } public object HandledObject { get { return this.handledObject; } set { this.handledObject = value; object[] attributes; // Register the methods this.handledMethods = new Hashtable(); this.introspector = new Introspector(value.GetType()); foreach (MethodInfo method in this.introspector.Methods) { RegisterMethod(method); } } } public int Filter_Called(IntPtr rawConnection, IntPtr rawMessage, IntPtr userData) { Message message = Message.Wrap(rawMessage, Service); if (message.Type == Message.MessageType.Signal) { Signal signal = (Signal) message; } else if (message.Type == Message.MessageType.MethodCall) { MethodCall methodCall = (MethodCall) message; } return (int) Result.NotYetHandled; } public void Unregister_Called(IntPtr rawConnection, IntPtr userData) { System.Console.WriteLine("FIXME: Unregister called."); } private int Message_Called(IntPtr rawConnection, IntPtr rawMessage, IntPtr userData) { Message message = Message.Wrap(rawMessage, Service); switch (message.Type) { case Message.MessageType.Signal: System.Console.WriteLine("FIXME: Signal called."); break; case Message.MessageType.MethodCall: return (int) HandleMethod((MethodCall) message); } return (int) Result.NotYetHandled; } private Result HandleMethod(MethodCall methodCall) { methodCall.Service = service; // Check the interface name matches if (methodCall.InterfaceName != this.introspector.InterfaceName) { return Result.NotYetHandled; } // Iterate through getting the type codes string key = methodCall.Name + " " + methodCall.Arguments; // Check it's one of our methods if (!handledMethods.Contains(key)) { return Result.NotYetHandled; } // Got it! MethodInfo method = (MethodInfo) handledMethods[key]; // Now call the method. FIXME: Error handling object [] args = methodCall.Arguments.GetParameters(method); object retVal = method.Invoke(this.handledObject, args); // Create the reply and send it MethodReturn methodReturn = new MethodReturn(methodCall); methodReturn.Arguments.AppendResults(method, retVal, args); methodReturn.Send(); return Result.Handled; } internal string[] Path { get { return path; } } public string PathName { get { return pathName; } } internal Connection Connection { get { return connection; } set { this.connection = value; } } public Service Service { get { return service; } set { this.service = value; } } [DllImport ("dbus-1")] private extern static bool dbus_connection_register_object_path (IntPtr rawConnection, string[] path, ref DBusObjectPathVTable vTable, IntPtr userData); [DllImport ("dbus-1")] private extern static void dbus_connection_unregister_object_path (IntPtr rawConnection, string[] path); [DllImport ("dbus-1")] private extern static bool dbus_connection_add_filter(IntPtr rawConnection, DBusHandleMessageFunction filter, IntPtr userData, IntPtr freeData); } }