import libxml2 import cStringIO import exceptions def process_introspection_data(data): method_map = {} XMLREADER_START_ELEMENT_NODE_TYPE = 1 XMLREADER_END_ELEMENT_NODE_TYPE = 15 stream = cStringIO.StringIO(data.encode('utf-8')) input_source = libxml2.inputBuffer(stream) reader = input_source.newTextReader("urn:introspect") ret = reader.Read() current_iface = None current_method = None current_sigstr = '' while ret == 1: name = reader.LocalName() if reader.NodeType() == XMLREADER_START_ELEMENT_NODE_TYPE: if (not current_iface and not current_method and name == 'interface'): current_iface = reader.GetAttribute('name') elif (current_iface and not current_method and name == 'method'): current_method = reader.GetAttribute('name') if reader.IsEmptyElement(): method_map[current_iface + '.' + current_method] = '' current_method = None current_sigstr = '' elif (current_iface and current_method and name == 'arg'): direction = reader.GetAttribute('direction') if not direction or direction == 'in': current_sigstr = current_sigstr + reader.GetAttribute('type') elif reader.NodeType() == XMLREADER_END_ELEMENT_NODE_TYPE: if (current_iface and not current_method and name == 'interface'): current_iface = None if (current_iface and current_method and name == 'method'): method_map[current_iface + '.' + current_method] = current_sigstr current_method = None current_sigstr = '' ret = reader.Read() if ret != 0: raise exceptions.IntrospectionParserException(data) return method_map