import dbus_bindings import _dbus import operator from exceptions import UnknownMethodException from decorators import method from decorators import signal class BusName: """A base class for exporting your own Named Services across the Bus """ def __init__(self, named_service, bus=None): self._named_service = named_service if bus == None: # Get the default bus self._bus = _dbus.Bus() else: self._bus = bus dbus_bindings.bus_request_name(self._bus.get_connection(), named_service) def get_bus(self): """Get the Bus this Service is on""" return self._bus def get_name(self): """Get the name of this service""" return self._named_service def __repr__(self): return '' % (self._named_service, self._bus, id(self)) __str__ = __repr__ def _method_lookup(self, method_name, dbus_interface): """Walks the Python MRO of the given class to find the method to invoke. Returns two methods, the one to call, and the one it inherits from which defines its D-Bus interface name, signature, and attributes. """ parent_method = None candidate_class = None successful = False # split up the cases when we do and don't have an interface because the # latter is much simpler if dbus_interface: # search through the class hierarchy in python MRO order for cls in self.__class__.__mro__: # if we haven't got a candidate class yet, and we find a class with a # suitably named member, save this as a candidate class if (not candidate_class and method_name in cls.__dict__): if ("_dbus_is_method" in cls.__dict__[method_name].__dict__ and "_dbus_interface" in cls.__dict__[method_name].__dict__): # however if it is annotated for a different interface # than we are looking for, it cannot be a candidate if cls.__dict__[method_name]._dbus_interface == dbus_interface: candidate_class = cls parent_method = cls.__dict__[method_name] sucessful = True break else: pass else: candidate_class = cls # if we have a candidate class, carry on checking this and all # superclasses for a method annoated as a dbus method # on the correct interface if (candidate_class and method_name in cls.__dict__ and "_dbus_is_method" in cls.__dict__[method_name].__dict__ and "_dbus_interface" in cls.__dict__[method_name].__dict__ and cls.__dict__[method_name]._dbus_interface == dbus_interface): # the candidate class has a dbus method on the correct interface, # or overrides a method that is, success! parent_method = cls.__dict__[method_name] sucessful = True break else: # simpler version of above for cls in self.__class__.__mro__: if (not candidate_class and method_name in cls.__dict__): candidate_class = cls if (candidate_class and method_name in cls.__dict__ and "_dbus_is_method" in cls.__dict__[method_name].__dict__): parent_method = cls.__dict__[method_name] sucessful = True break if sucessful: return (candidate_class.__dict__[method_name], parent_method) else: if dbus_interface: raise UnknownMethodException('%s is not a valid method of interface %s' % (method_name, dbus_interface)) else: raise UnknownMethodException('%s is not a valid method' % method_name) def _method_reply_return(connection, message, method_name, signature, *retval): reply = dbus_bindings.MethodReturn(message) iter = reply.get_iter(append=True) # do strict adding if an output signature was provided if signature: if len(signature) > len(retval): raise TypeError('output signature %s is longer than the number of values returned by %s' % (signature, method_name)) elif len(retval) > len(signature): raise TypeError('output signature %s is shorter than the number of values returned by %s' % (signature, method_name)) else: for (value, sig) in zip(retval, signature): iter.append_strict(value, sig) # no signature, try and guess the return type by inspection else: for value in retval: iter.append(value) connection.send(reply) def _method_reply_error(connection, message, exception): if '_dbus_error_name' in exception.__dict__: name = exception._dbus_error_name elif exception.__module__ == '__main__': name = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.%s' % exception.__class__.__name__ else: name = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.%s.%s' % (exception.__module__, exception.__class__.__name__) contents = str(exception) reply = dbus_bindings.Error(message, name, contents) connection.send(reply) class InterfaceType(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct): # these attributes are shared between all instances of the Interface # object, so this has to be a dictionary that maps class names to # the per-class introspection/interface data class_table = getattr(cls, '_dbus_class_table', {}) cls._dbus_class_table = class_table interface_table = class_table[cls.__module__ + '.' + name] = {} # merge all the name -> method tables for all the interfaces # implemented by our base classes into our own for b in bases: base_name = b.__module__ + '.' + b.__name__ if getattr(b, '_dbus_class_table', False): for (interface, method_table) in class_table[base_name].iteritems(): our_method_table = interface_table.setdefault(interface, {}) our_method_table.update(method_table) # add in all the name -> method entries for our own methods/signals for func in dct.values(): if getattr(func, '_dbus_interface', False): method_table = interface_table.setdefault(func._dbus_interface, {}) method_table[func.__name__] = func super(InterfaceType, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct) # methods are different to signals, so we have two functions... :) def _reflect_on_method(cls, func): args = func._dbus_args if func._dbus_in_signature: # convert signature into a tuple so length refers to number of # types, not number of characters. the length is checked by # the decorator to make sure it matches the length of args. in_sig = tuple(dbus_bindings.Signature(func._dbus_in_signature)) else: # magic iterator which returns as many v's as we need in_sig = dbus_bindings.VariantSignature() if func._dbus_out_signature: out_sig = dbus_bindings.Signature(func._dbus_out_signature) else: # its tempting to default to dbus_bindings.Signature('v'), but # for methods that return nothing, providing incorrect # introspection data is worse than providing none at all out_sig = [] reflection_data = ' \n' % (func.__name__) for pair in zip(in_sig, args): reflection_data += ' \n' % pair for type in out_sig: reflection_data += ' \n' % type reflection_data += ' \n' return reflection_data def _reflect_on_signal(cls, func): args = func._dbus_args if func._dbus_signature: # convert signature into a tuple so length refers to number of # types, not number of characters sig = tuple(dbus_bindings.Signature(func._dbus_signature)) else: # magic iterator which returns as many v's as we need sig = dbus_bindings.VariantSignature() reflection_data = ' \n' % (func.__name__) for pair in zip(sig, args): reflection_data = reflection_data + ' \n' % pair reflection_data = reflection_data + ' \n' return reflection_data class Interface(object): __metaclass__ = InterfaceType class Object(Interface): """A base class for exporting your own Objects across the Bus. Just inherit from Object and provide a list of methods to share across the Bus """ def __init__(self, bus_name, object_path): self._object_path = object_path self._name = bus_name self._bus = bus_name.get_bus() self._connection = self._bus.get_connection() self._connection.register_object_path(object_path, self._unregister_cb, self._message_cb) def _unregister_cb(self, connection): print ("Unregister") def _message_cb(self, connection, message): try: # lookup candidate method and parent method method_name = message.get_member() interface_name = message.get_interface() (candidate_method, parent_method) = _method_lookup(self, method_name, interface_name) # set up method call parameters args = message.get_args_list() keywords = {} # iterate signature into list of complete types if parent_method._dbus_out_signature: signature = tuple(dbus_bindings.Signature(parent_method._dbus_out_signature)) else: signature = None # set up async callback functions if parent_method._dbus_async_callbacks: (return_callback, error_callback) = parent_method._dbus_async_callbacks keywords[return_callback] = lambda *retval: _method_reply_return(connection, message, method_name, signature, *retval) keywords[error_callback] = lambda exception: _method_reply_error(connection, message, exception) # call method retval = candidate_method(self, *args, **keywords) # we're done - the method has got callback functions to reply with if parent_method._dbus_async_callbacks: return # otherwise we send the return values in a reply. if we have a # signature, use it to turn the return value into a tuple as # appropriate if parent_method._dbus_out_signature: # if we have zero or one return values we want make a tuple # for the _method_reply_return function, otherwise we need # to check we're passing it a sequence if len(signature) == 0: if retval == None: retval = () else: raise TypeError('%s has an empty output signature but did not return None' % method_name) elif len(signature) == 1: retval = (retval,) else: if operator.isSequenceType(retval): # multi-value signature, multi-value return... proceed unchanged pass else: raise TypeError('%s has multiple output values in signature %s but did not return a sequence' % (method_name, signature)) # no signature, so just turn the return into a tuple and send it as normal else: signature = None if retval == None: retval = () else: retval = (retval,) _method_reply_return(connection, message, method_name, signature, *retval) except Exception, exception: # send error reply _method_reply_error(connection, message, exception) @method('org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable', in_signature='', out_signature='s') def Introspect(self): reflection_data = '\n' reflection_data += '\n' % (self._object_path) interfaces = self._dbus_class_table[self.__class__.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__] for (name, funcs) in interfaces.iteritems(): reflection_data += ' \n' % (name) for func in funcs.values(): if getattr(func, '_dbus_is_method', False): reflection_data += self.__class__._reflect_on_method(func) elif getattr(func, '_dbus_is_signal', False): reflection_data += self.__class__._reflect_on_signal(func) reflection_data += ' \n' reflection_data += '\n' return reflection_data def __repr__(self): return '' % (self._object_path, self._name, id(self)) __str__ = __repr__