import dbus def ensure_same(expected, received): if type(received) != type(expected): raise Exception ("Sending %s, expected echo of type %s, but got %s" % (expected, type(expected), type(received))) if received.__class__ != expected.__class__: raise Exception ("Sending %s, expected echo to be of class %s, but got %s" % (expected, expected.__class__, received.__class__)) if received != expected: raise Exception("Sending %s, expected echo to be the same, but was %s" % (expected, received)) def TestEcho(value): global remote_object echoed = remote_object.Echo(value) ensure_same(value, echoed) def TestEchoList(sent_list): assert(type(sent_list) == list) global remote_object reply_list = remote_object.Echo(sent_list) if type(reply_list) != list: raise Exception ("Sending list %s, expected echo to be a list, but it was %s" % (sent_list, type(reply_list))) if len(reply_list) != len(sent_list): raise Exception ("Sending list %s, expected echo of length %d, but length was %d" % (len(sent_list), len(reply_list))) for i in range(len(sent_list)): ensure_same(sent_list[i], reply_list[i]) def TestEchoDict(sent_dict): assert(type(sent_dict) == dict) global remote_object reply_dict = remote_object.Echo(sent_dict) assert(type(reply_dict) == dict) assert(len(reply_dict) == len(sent_dict)) for key in sent_dict.keys(): ensure_same(reply_dict[key], sent_dict[key]) session_bus = dbus.SessionBus() remote_service = session_bus.get_service("org.designfu.Test") remote_object = remote_service.get_object("/TestObject", "org.designfu.Test") TestEcho(chr(120)) TestEcho(10) TestEcho(39.5) TestEcho("HelloWorld") TestEcho(dbus.ObjectPath("/test/path")) TestEcho(dbus.ByteArray("blahblahblah")) string_list = [] for i in range(200): string_list.append("List item " + str(i)) TestEchoList(string_list) int_list = range(200) TestEchoList(int_list) path_list = [] for i in range(200): path_list.append(dbus.ObjectPath("/some/object/path" + str(i))) TestEchoList(path_list) double_list = [] for i in range(200): double_list.append(float(i) / 1000) TestEchoList(double_list) #FIXME: this currently fails! #empty_list = [] #TestEchoList(empty_list) string_to_int_dict = {} for i in range(200): string_to_int_dict["key" + str(i)] = i TestEchoDict(string_to_int_dict) string_to_double_dict = {} for i in range(200): string_to_double_dict["key" + str(i)] = float(i) / 1000 TestEchoDict(string_to_double_dict) string_to_string_dict = {} for i in range(200): string_to_string_dict["key" + str(i)] = "value" + str(i) TestEchoDict(string_to_string_dict) #FIXME: this currently crashes dbus in c code #empty_dict = {} #TestEchoDict(empty_dict)