TODO ========================= GUI [x] menubar (fring,help) [x] refresh [x] save to file [x] select directory [x] show hidden files [x] "about" dialogue [x] open parent folder [x] click on folder -> open it [x] show busy cursor while walking dir tree [x] do not show black backrgound when app starts up ========================= DISPLAY [ ] always render text on top [ ] make sure that filenames are always visible [ ] do more magic adjustments [ ] clean gui -> renderer interface ========================= PARSING / C-PORTAGE [ ] port pure walking function to c or c++ [ ] check if unsigned long is long enough [ ] raise python errors (instead of returning None) [ ] catch all possible errors [ ] enable threading while running c function (?) currently, gtk is not responsive while walking the tree. [ ] walk remote directories (use gnomevfs?)