/* $Id$ */ /*** Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Lennart Poettering Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "statcache.h" #include "filecache.h" #include "session.h" #include "fusedav.h" const ne_propname query_properties[] = { { "DAV:", "resourcetype" }, { "http://apache.org/dav/props/", "executable" }, { "DAV:", "getcontentlength" }, { "DAV:", "getlastmodified" }, { "DAV:", "creationdate" }, { NULL, NULL } }; mode_t mask = 0; int debug = 0; struct fuse* fuse = NULL; ne_lock_store *lock_store = NULL; struct ne_lock *lock = NULL; int lock_thread_exit = 0; int lock_timeout = 60; #define MIME_XATTR "user.mime_type" #define MAX_REDIRECTS 10 struct fill_info { void *buf; fuse_fill_dir_t filler; const char *root; }; static int get_stat(const char *path, struct stat *stbuf); static pthread_once_t path_cvt_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; static pthread_key_t path_cvt_tsd_key; static void path_cvt_tsd_key_init(void) { pthread_key_create(&path_cvt_tsd_key, free); } static const char *path_cvt(const char *path) { char *r, *t; int l; pthread_once(&path_cvt_once, path_cvt_tsd_key_init); if ((r = pthread_getspecific(path_cvt_tsd_key))) free(r); t = malloc((l = strlen(base_directory)+strlen(path))+1); assert(t); sprintf(t, "%s%s", base_directory, path); if (l > 1 && t[l-1] == '/') t[l-1] = 0; r = ne_path_escape(t); free(t); pthread_setspecific(path_cvt_tsd_key, r); return r; } static int simple_propfind_with_redirect( ne_session *session, const char *path, int depth, const ne_propname *props, ne_props_result results, void *userdata) { int i, ret; for (i = 0; i < MAX_REDIRECTS; i++) { const ne_uri *u; if ((ret = ne_simple_propfind(session, path, depth, props, results, userdata)) != NE_REDIRECT) return ret; if (!(u = ne_redirect_location(session))) break; if (!session_is_local(u)) break; if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "REDIRECT FROM '%s' to '%s'\n", path, u->path); path = u->path; } return ret; } static int proppatch_with_redirect( ne_session *session, const char *path, const ne_proppatch_operation *ops) { int i, ret; for (i = 0; i < MAX_REDIRECTS; i++) { const ne_uri *u; if ((ret = ne_proppatch(session, path, ops)) != NE_REDIRECT) return ret; if (!(u = ne_redirect_location(session))) break; if (!session_is_local(u)) break; if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "REDIRECT FROM '%s' to '%s'\n", path, u->path); path = u->path; } return ret; } static void fill_stat(struct stat* st, const ne_prop_result_set *results, int is_dir) { const char *rt, *e, *gcl, *glm, *cd; const ne_propname resourcetype = { "DAV:", "resourcetype" }; const ne_propname executable = { "http://apache.org/dav/props/", "executable" }; const ne_propname getcontentlength = { "DAV:", "getcontentlength" }; const ne_propname getlastmodified = { "DAV:", "getlastmodified" }; const ne_propname creationdate = { "DAV:", "creationdate" }; assert(st && results); rt = ne_propset_value(results, &resourcetype); e = ne_propset_value(results, &executable); gcl = ne_propset_value(results, &getcontentlength); glm = ne_propset_value(results, &getlastmodified); cd = ne_propset_value(results, &creationdate); memset(st, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); if (is_dir) { st->st_mode = S_IFDIR | 0777; st->st_nlink = 3; /* find will ignore this directory if nlin <= and st_size == 0 */ st->st_size = 4096; } else { st->st_mode = S_IFREG | (e && (*e == 'T' || *e == 't') ? 0777 : 0666); st->st_nlink = 1; st->st_size = gcl ? atoll(gcl) : 0; } st->st_atime = time(NULL); st->st_mtime = glm ? ne_rfc1123_parse(glm) : 0; st->st_ctime = cd ? ne_iso8601_parse(cd) : 0; st->st_blocks = (st->st_size+511)/512; /*fprintf(stderr, "a: %u; m: %u; c: %u\n", st->st_atime, st->st_mtime, st->st_ctime);*/ st->st_mode &= ~mask; st->st_uid = getuid(); st->st_gid = getgid(); } static char *strip_trailing_slash(char *fn, int *is_dir) { size_t l = strlen(fn); assert(fn); assert(is_dir); assert(l > 0); if ((*is_dir = (fn[l-1] == '/'))) fn[l-1] = 0; return fn; } static void getdir_propfind_callback(void *userdata, const ne_uri *u, const ne_prop_result_set *results) { struct fill_info *f = userdata; struct stat st; char fn[PATH_MAX], *t; int is_dir = 0; assert(f); strncpy(fn, u->path, sizeof(fn)); fn[sizeof(fn)-1] = 0; strip_trailing_slash(fn, &is_dir); if (strcmp(fn, f->root) && fn[0]) { char *h; if ((t = strrchr(fn, '/'))) t++; else t = fn; dir_cache_add(f->root, t); f->filler(f->buf, h = ne_path_unescape(t), NULL, 0); free(h); } fill_stat(&st, results, is_dir); stat_cache_set(fn, &st); } static void getdir_cache_callback( const char *root, const char *fn, void *user) { struct fill_info *f = user; char path[PATH_MAX]; char *h; assert(f); snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", !strcmp(root, "/") ? "" : root, fn); f->filler(f->buf, h = ne_path_unescape(fn), NULL, 0); free(h); } static int dav_readdir( const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, __unused off_t offset, __unused struct fuse_file_info *fi) { struct fill_info f; ne_session *session; path = path_cvt(path); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "getdir(%s)\n", path); f.buf = buf; f.filler = filler; f.root = path; filler(buf, ".", NULL, 0); filler(buf, "..", NULL, 0); if (dir_cache_enumerate(path, getdir_cache_callback, &f) < 0) { if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "DIR-CACHE-MISS\n"); if (!(session = session_get(1))) return -EIO; dir_cache_begin(path); if (simple_propfind_with_redirect(session, path, NE_DEPTH_ONE, query_properties, getdir_propfind_callback, &f) != NE_OK) { dir_cache_finish(path, 2); fprintf(stderr, "PROPFIND failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(session)); return -ENOENT; } dir_cache_finish(path, 1); } return 0; } static void getattr_propfind_callback(void *userdata, const ne_uri *u, const ne_prop_result_set *results) { struct stat *st = (struct stat*) userdata; char fn[PATH_MAX]; int is_dir; assert(st); strncpy(fn, u->path, sizeof(fn)); fn[sizeof(fn)-1] = 0; strip_trailing_slash(fn, &is_dir); fill_stat(st, results, is_dir); stat_cache_set(fn, st); } static int get_stat(const char *path, struct stat *stbuf) { ne_session *session; if (!(session = session_get(1))) return -EIO; if (stat_cache_get(path, stbuf) == 0) { return stbuf->st_mode == 0 ? -ENOENT : 0; } else { if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "STAT-CACHE-MISS\n"); if (simple_propfind_with_redirect(session, path, NE_DEPTH_ZERO, query_properties, getattr_propfind_callback, stbuf) != NE_OK) { stat_cache_invalidate(path); fprintf(stderr, "PROPFIND failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(session)); return -ENOENT; } return 0; } } static int dav_getattr(const char *path, struct stat *stbuf) { path = path_cvt(path); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "getattr(%s)\n", path); return get_stat(path, stbuf); } static int dav_unlink(const char *path) { int r; struct stat st; ne_session *session; path = path_cvt(path); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "unlink(%s)\n", path); if (!(session = session_get(1))) return -EIO; if ((r = get_stat(path, &st)) < 0) return r; if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) return -EISDIR; if (ne_delete(session, path)) { fprintf(stderr, "DELETE failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(session)); return -ENOENT; } stat_cache_invalidate(path); dir_cache_invalidate_parent(path); return 0; } static int dav_rmdir(const char *path) { char fn[PATH_MAX]; int r; struct stat st; ne_session *session; path = path_cvt(path); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "rmdir(%s)\n", path); if (!(session = session_get(1))) return -EIO; if ((r = get_stat(path, &st)) < 0) return r; if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) return -ENOTDIR; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/", path); if (ne_delete(session, fn)) { fprintf(stderr, "DELETE failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(session)); return -ENOENT; } stat_cache_invalidate(path); dir_cache_invalidate_parent(path); return 0; } static int dav_mkdir(const char *path, __unused mode_t mode) { char fn[PATH_MAX]; ne_session *session; path = path_cvt(path); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "mkdir(%s)\n", path); if (!(session = session_get(1))) return -EIO; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/", path); if (ne_mkcol(session, fn)) { fprintf(stderr, "MKCOL failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(session)); return -ENOENT; } stat_cache_invalidate(path); dir_cache_invalidate_parent(path); return 0; } static int dav_rename(const char *from, const char *to) { ne_session *session; int r = 0; struct stat st; char fn[PATH_MAX], *_from; from = _from = strdup(path_cvt(from)); assert(from); to = path_cvt(to); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "rename(%s, %s)\n", from, to); if (!(session = session_get(1))) { r = -EIO; goto finish; } if ((r = get_stat(from, &st)) < 0) goto finish; if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/", from); from = fn; } if (ne_move(session, 1, from, to)) { fprintf(stderr, "MOVE failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(session)); r = -ENOENT; goto finish; } stat_cache_invalidate(from); stat_cache_invalidate(to); dir_cache_invalidate_parent(from); dir_cache_invalidate_parent(to); finish: free(_from); return r; } static int dav_release(const char *path, __unused struct fuse_file_info *info) { void *f = NULL; int r = 0; ne_session *session; path = path_cvt(path); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "release(%s)\n", path); if (!(session = session_get(1))) { r = -EIO; goto finish; } if (!(f = file_cache_get(path))) { fprintf(stderr, "release() called for closed file\n"); r = -EFAULT; goto finish; } if (file_cache_close(f) < 0) { r = -errno; goto finish; } finish: if (f) file_cache_unref(f); return r; } static int dav_fsync(const char *path, __unused int isdatasync, __unused struct fuse_file_info *info) { void *f = NULL; int r = 0; ne_session *session; path = path_cvt(path); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "fsync(%s)\n", path); if (!(session = session_get(1))) { r = -EIO; goto finish; } if (!(f = file_cache_get(path))) { fprintf(stderr, "fsync() called for closed file\n"); r = -EFAULT; goto finish; } if (file_cache_sync(f) < 0) { r = -errno; goto finish; } finish: if (f) file_cache_unref(f); return r; } static int dav_mknod(const char *path, mode_t mode, __unused dev_t rdev) { char tempfile[PATH_MAX]; int fd; ne_session *session; path = path_cvt(path); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "mknod(%s)\n", path); if (!(session = session_get(1))) return -EIO; if (!S_ISREG(mode)) return -ENOTSUP; snprintf(tempfile, sizeof(tempfile), "%s/fusedav-empty-XXXXXX", "/tmp"); if ((fd = mkstemp(tempfile)) < 0) return -errno; unlink(tempfile); if (ne_put(session, path, fd)) { fprintf(stderr, "mknod:PUT failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(session)); close(fd); return -EACCES; } close(fd); stat_cache_invalidate(path); dir_cache_invalidate_parent(path); return 0; } static int dav_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *info) { void *f; if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "open(%s)\n", path); path = path_cvt(path); if (!(f = file_cache_open(path, info->flags))) return -errno; file_cache_unref(f); return 0; } static int dav_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, __unused struct fuse_file_info *info) { void *f = NULL; ssize_t r; path = path_cvt(path); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "read(%s, %lu+%lu)\n", path, (unsigned long) offset, (unsigned long) size); if (!(f = file_cache_get(path))) { fprintf(stderr, "read() called for closed file\n"); r = -EFAULT; goto finish; } if ((r = file_cache_read(f, buf, size, offset)) < 0) { r = -errno; goto finish; } finish: if (f) file_cache_unref(f); return r; } static int dav_write(const char *path, const char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, __unused struct fuse_file_info *info) { void *f = NULL; ssize_t r; path = path_cvt(path); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "write(%s, %lu+%lu)\n", path, (unsigned long) offset, (unsigned long) size); if (!(f = file_cache_get(path))) { fprintf(stderr, "write() called for closed file\n"); r = -EFAULT; goto finish; } if ((r = file_cache_write(f, buf, size, offset)) < 0) { r = -errno; goto finish; } finish: if (f) file_cache_unref(f); return r; } static int dav_truncate(const char *path, off_t size) { void *f = NULL; int r = 0; ne_session *session; path = path_cvt(path); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "truncate(%s, %lu)\n", path, (unsigned long) size); if (!(session = session_get(1))) r = -EIO; goto finish; if (!(f = file_cache_get(path))) { fprintf(stderr, "truncate() called for closed file\n"); r = -EFAULT; goto finish; } if (file_cache_truncate(f, size) < 0) { r = -errno; goto finish; } finish: if (f) file_cache_unref(f); return r; } static int dav_utime(const char *path, struct utimbuf *buf) { ne_session *session; const ne_propname getlastmodified = { "DAV:", "getlastmodified" }; ne_proppatch_operation ops[2]; int r = 0; char *date; assert(path); assert(buf); path = path_cvt(path); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "utime(%s, %lu, %lu)\n", path, (unsigned long) buf->actime, (unsigned long) buf->modtime); ops[0].name = &getlastmodified; ops[0].type = ne_propset; ops[0].value = date = ne_rfc1123_date(buf->modtime); ops[1].name = NULL; if (!(session = session_get(1))) { r = -EIO; goto finish; } if (proppatch_with_redirect(session, path, ops)) { fprintf(stderr, "PROPPATCH failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(session)); r = -ENOTSUP; goto finish; } stat_cache_invalidate(path); finish: free(date); return r; } static const char *fix_xattr(const char *name) { assert(name); if (!strcmp(name, MIME_XATTR)) return "user.webdav(DAV:;getcontenttype)"; return name; } struct listxattr_info { char *list; size_t space, size; }; static int listxattr_iterator( void *userdata, const ne_propname *pname, const char *value, __unused const ne_status *status) { struct listxattr_info *l = userdata; int n; assert(l); if (!value || !pname) return -1; if (l->list) { n = snprintf(l->list, l->space, "user.webdav(%s;%s)", pname->nspace, pname->name) + 1; if (n >= (int) l->space) { l->size += l->space; l->space = 0; return 1; } else { l->size += n; l->space -= n; if (l->list) l->list += n; return 0; } } else { /* Calculate space */ l->size += strlen(pname->nspace) + strlen(pname->name) + 15; return 0; } } static void listxattr_propfind_callback(void *userdata, __unused const ne_uri *u, const ne_prop_result_set *results) { struct listxattr_info *l = userdata; ne_propset_iterate(results, listxattr_iterator, l); } static int dav_listxattr( const char *path, char *list, size_t size) { ne_session *session; struct listxattr_info l; assert(path); path = path_cvt(path); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "listxattr(%s, .., %lu)\n", path, (unsigned long) size); if (list) { l.list = list; l.space = size-1; l.size = 0; if (l.space >= sizeof(MIME_XATTR)) { memcpy(l.list, MIME_XATTR, sizeof(MIME_XATTR)); l.list += sizeof(MIME_XATTR); l.space -= sizeof(MIME_XATTR); l.size += sizeof(MIME_XATTR); } } else { l.list = NULL; l.space = 0; l.size = sizeof(MIME_XATTR); } if (!(session = session_get(1))) return -EIO; if (simple_propfind_with_redirect(session, path, NE_DEPTH_ZERO, NULL, listxattr_propfind_callback, &l) != NE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "PROPFIND failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(session)); return -EIO; } if (l.list) { assert(l.space > 0); *l.list = 0; } return l.size+1; } struct getxattr_info { ne_propname propname; char *value; size_t space, size; }; static int getxattr_iterator( void *userdata, const ne_propname *pname, const char *value, __unused const ne_status *status) { struct getxattr_info *g = userdata; assert(g); if (!value || !pname) return -1; if (strcmp(pname->nspace, g->propname.nspace) || strcmp(pname->name, g->propname.name)) return 0; if (g->value) { size_t l; l = strlen(value); if (l > g->space) l = g->space; memcpy(g->value, value, l); g->size = l; } else { /* Calculate space */ g->size = strlen(value); return 0; } return 0; } static void getxattr_propfind_callback(void *userdata, __unused const ne_uri *u, const ne_prop_result_set *results) { struct getxattr_info *g = userdata; ne_propset_iterate(results, getxattr_iterator, g); } static int parse_xattr(const char *name, char *dnspace, size_t dnspace_length, char *dname, size_t dname_length) { char *e; size_t k; assert(name); assert(dnspace); assert(dnspace_length); assert(dname); assert(dname_length); if (strncmp(name, "user.webdav(", 12) || name[strlen(name)-1] != ')' || !(e = strchr(name+12, ';'))) return -1; if ((k = strcspn(name+12, ";")) > dnspace_length-1) return -1; memcpy(dnspace, name+12, k); dnspace[k] = 0; e++; if ((k = strlen(e)) > dname_length-1) return -1; assert(k > 0); k--; memcpy(dname, e, k); dname[k] = 0; return 0; } static int dav_getxattr( const char *path, const char *name, char *value, size_t size) { ne_session *session; struct getxattr_info g; ne_propname props[2]; char dnspace[128], dname[128]; assert(path); path = path_cvt(path); name = fix_xattr(name); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "getxattr(%s, %s, .., %lu)\n", path, name, (unsigned long) size); if (parse_xattr(name, dnspace, sizeof(dnspace), dname, sizeof(dname)) < 0) return -ENOATTR; props[0].nspace = dnspace; props[0].name = dname; props[1].nspace = NULL; props[1].name = NULL; if (value) { g.value = value; g.space = size; g.size = (size_t) -1; } else { g.value = NULL; g.space = 0; g.size = (size_t) -1; } g.propname = props[0]; if (!(session = session_get(1))) return -EIO; if (simple_propfind_with_redirect(session, path, NE_DEPTH_ZERO, props, getxattr_propfind_callback, &g) != NE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "PROPFIND failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(session)); return -EIO; } if (g.size == (size_t) -1) return -ENOATTR; return g.size; } static int dav_setxattr( const char *path, const char *name, const char *value, size_t size, int flags) { ne_session *session; ne_propname propname; ne_proppatch_operation ops[2]; int r = 0; char dnspace[128], dname[128]; char *value_fixed = NULL; assert(path); assert(name); assert(value); path = path_cvt(path); name = fix_xattr(name); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "setxattr(%s, %s)\n", path, name); if (flags) { r = ENOTSUP; goto finish; } if (parse_xattr(name, dnspace, sizeof(dnspace), dname, sizeof(dname)) < 0) { r = -ENOATTR; goto finish; } propname.nspace = dnspace; propname.name = dname; /* Add trailing NUL byte if required */ if (!memchr(value, 0, size)) { value_fixed = malloc(size+1); assert(value_fixed); memcpy(value_fixed, value, size); value_fixed[size] = 0; value = value_fixed; } ops[0].name = &propname; ops[0].type = ne_propset; ops[0].value = value; ops[1].name = NULL; if (!(session = session_get(1))) { r = -EIO; goto finish; } if (proppatch_with_redirect(session, path, ops)) { fprintf(stderr, "PROPPATCH failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(session)); r = -ENOTSUP; goto finish; } stat_cache_invalidate(path); finish: free(value_fixed); return r; } static int dav_removexattr(const char *path, const char *name) { ne_session *session; ne_propname propname; ne_proppatch_operation ops[2]; int r = 0; char dnspace[128], dname[128]; assert(path); assert(name); path = path_cvt(path); name = fix_xattr(name); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "removexattr(%s, %s)\n", path, name); if (parse_xattr(name, dnspace, sizeof(dnspace), dname, sizeof(dname)) < 0) { r = -ENOATTR; goto finish; } propname.nspace = dnspace; propname.name = dname; ops[0].name = &propname; ops[0].type = ne_propremove; ops[0].value = NULL; ops[1].name = NULL; if (!(session = session_get(1))) { r = -EIO; goto finish; } if (proppatch_with_redirect(session, path, ops)) { fprintf(stderr, "PROPPATCH failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(session)); r = -ENOTSUP; goto finish; } stat_cache_invalidate(path); finish: return r; } static int dav_chmod(const char *path, mode_t mode) { ne_session *session; const ne_propname executable = { "http://apache.org/dav/props/", "executable" }; ne_proppatch_operation ops[2]; int r = 0; assert(path); path = path_cvt(path); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "chmod(%s, %04o)\n", path, mode); ops[0].name = &executable; ops[0].type = ne_propset; ops[0].value = mode & 0111 ? "T" : "F"; ops[1].name = NULL; if (!(session = session_get(1))) { r = -EIO; goto finish; } if (proppatch_with_redirect(session, path, ops)) { fprintf(stderr, "PROPPATCH failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(session)); r = -ENOTSUP; goto finish; } stat_cache_invalidate(path); finish: return r; } static struct fuse_operations dav_oper = { .getattr = dav_getattr, .readdir = dav_readdir, .mknod = dav_mknod, .mkdir = dav_mkdir, .unlink = dav_unlink, .rmdir = dav_rmdir, .rename = dav_rename, .chmod = dav_chmod, .truncate = dav_truncate, .utime = dav_utime, .open = dav_open, .read = dav_read, .write = dav_write, .release = dav_release, .fsync = dav_fsync, .setxattr = dav_setxattr, .getxattr = dav_getxattr, .listxattr = dav_listxattr, .removexattr = dav_removexattr, }; static void usage(char *argv0) { char *e; if ((e = strrchr(argv0, '/'))) e++; else e = argv0; fprintf(stderr, "%s [-hDL] [-t SECS] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-o OPTIONS] URL MOUNTPOINT\n" "\t-h Show this help\n" "\t-D Enable debug mode\n" "\t-u Username if required\n" "\t-p Password if required\n" "\t-o Additional FUSE mount options\n" "\t-L Locking the repository during mount\n" "\t-t Set lock timeout\n", e); } static void exit_handler(__unused int sig) { static const char m[] = "*** Caught signal ***\n"; if(fuse != NULL) fuse_exit(fuse); write(2, m, strlen(m)); } static void empty_handler(__unused int sig) {} static int setup_signal_handlers(void) { struct sigaction sa; sigset_t m; sa.sa_handler = exit_handler; sigemptyset(&(sa.sa_mask)); sa.sa_flags = 0; if (sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL) == -1 || sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL) == -1 || sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set exit signal handlers: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; if (sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set ignored signals: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } /* Used to shut down the locking thread */ sa.sa_handler = empty_handler; if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set user signals: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } sigemptyset(&m); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &m, &m); sigdelset(&m, SIGHUP); sigdelset(&m, SIGINT); sigdelset(&m, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&m, SIGPIPE); sigaddset(&m, SIGUSR1); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &m, NULL); return 0; } static int create_lock(void) { ne_session *session; char _owner[64], *owner; int i; int ret; lock = ne_lock_create(); assert(lock); if (!(session = session_get(0))) return -1; if (!(owner = username)) if (!(owner = getenv("USER"))) if (!(owner = getenv("LOGNAME"))) { snprintf(_owner, sizeof(_owner), "%lu", (unsigned long) getuid()); owner = owner; } ne_fill_server_uri(session, &lock->uri); lock->uri.path = strdup(base_directory); lock->depth = NE_DEPTH_INFINITE; lock->timeout = lock_timeout; lock->owner = strdup(owner); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "Acquiring lock...\n"); for (i = 0; i < MAX_REDIRECTS; i++) { const ne_uri *u; if ((ret = ne_lock(session, lock)) != NE_REDIRECT) break; if (!(u = ne_redirect_location(session))) break; if (!session_is_local(u)) break; if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "REDIRECT FROM '%s' to '%s'\n", lock->uri.path, u->path); free(lock->uri.path); lock->uri.path = strdup(u->path); } if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "LOCK failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(session)); ne_lock_destroy(lock); lock = NULL; return -1; } lock_store = ne_lockstore_create(); assert(lock_store); ne_lockstore_add(lock_store, lock); return 0; } static int remove_lock(void) { ne_session *session; assert(lock); if (!(session = session_get(0))) return -1; if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "Removing lock...\n"); if (ne_unlock(session, lock)) { fprintf(stderr, "UNLOCK failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(session)); return -1; } return 0; } static void *lock_thread_func(__unused void *p) { ne_session *session; sigset_t block; if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "lock_thread entering\n"); if (!(session = session_get(1))) return NULL; sigemptyset(&block); sigaddset(&block, SIGUSR1); assert(lock); while (!lock_thread_exit) { int r, t; lock->timeout = lock_timeout; pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &block, NULL); r = ne_lock_refresh(session, lock); pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &block, NULL); if (r) { fprintf(stderr, "LOCK refresh failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(session)); break; } if (lock_thread_exit) break; t = lock_timeout/2; if (t <= 0) t = 1; sleep(t); } if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "lock_thread exiting\n"); return NULL; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; char *u = NULL, *p = NULL, *o = NULL; int fuse_fd = -1; int ret = 1; char mountpoint[PATH_MAX]; pthread_t lock_thread; int lock_thread_running = 0; int enable_locking = 0; static char *mount_args_strings[] = { NULL, /* path*/ NULL, /* -o */ NULL, NULL}; struct fuse_args mount_args = { .argc = 1, .argv = mount_args_strings, .allocated = 0 }; if (ne_sock_init()) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize libneon.\n"); goto finish; } if (!ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_SSL) || !ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_TS_SSL) || !ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_LFS)) { fprintf(stderr, "fusedav requires libneon built with SSL, SSL thread safety and LFS enabled.\n"); goto finish; } mask = umask(0); umask(mask); cache_alloc(); if (setup_signal_handlers() < 0) goto finish; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hu:p:Do:Lt:")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'u': u = optarg; break; case 'p': p = optarg; break; case 'D': debug = !debug; break; case 'o': o = optarg; break; case 'L': enable_locking = 1; break; case 't': if ((lock_timeout = atoi(optarg)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid lock timeout '%s'\n", optarg); goto finish; } break; case 'h': ret = 0; /* fall through */ default: usage(argv[0]); goto finish; } } if (optind != argc-2) { usage(argv[0]); goto finish; } if (session_set_uri(argv[optind], u, p) < 0) { usage(argv[0]); goto finish; } if (argv[optind+1][0] == '/') snprintf(mountpoint, sizeof(mountpoint), "%s", argv[optind+1]); else { char *pwd = get_current_dir_name(); snprintf(mountpoint, sizeof(mountpoint), "%s/%s", pwd, argv[optind+1]); free(pwd); } mount_args_strings[0] = argv[optind]; if (o) { mount_args_strings[1] = (char*) "-o"; mount_args_strings[2] = o; mount_args.argc += 2; } if ((fuse_fd = fuse_mount(mountpoint, &mount_args)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to mount FUSE file system.\n"); goto finish; } if (!(fuse = fuse_new(fuse_fd, &mount_args, &dav_oper, sizeof(dav_oper)))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create FUSE object.\n"); goto finish; } if (enable_locking && create_lock() >= 0) { int r; if ((r = pthread_create(&lock_thread, NULL, lock_thread_func, NULL)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "pthread_create(): %s\n", strerror(r)); goto finish; } lock_thread_running = 1; } fuse_loop_mt(fuse); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "Exiting cleanly.\n"); ret = 0; finish: if (lock_thread_running) { lock_thread_exit = 1; pthread_kill(lock_thread, SIGUSR1); pthread_join(lock_thread, NULL); remove_lock(); ne_lockstore_destroy(lock_store); } if (fuse) fuse_destroy(fuse); if (fuse_fd >= 0) fuse_unmount(mountpoint); file_cache_close_all(); cache_free(); session_free(); return ret; }