path: root/
diff options
authorLennart Poettering <>2005-01-15 21:58:41 +0000
committerLennart Poettering <>2005-01-15 21:58:41 +0000
commit836305f518d6f7d84b3b23461586043369c8e908 (patch)
tree9c9d162cd593cb7b550e71124e29a7d881400708 /
parentb73ba72e71334f396175c68e060ea13db0ce6b8a (diff)
parent2413614d3bc435cd09e425fa34068e4a333f0495 (diff)
rename heatload to trunk
git-svn-id: file:///home/lennart/svn/public/heatload/trunk@7 3bca8330-beed-0310-b360-ea58cfc96e4b
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 447 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21b8787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+#include <gtkmm.h>
+#include <gdkmm.h>
+#include <deque>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#define METER_WIDTH 300
+#define METER_HEIGHT 100
+class MeterStruct {
+ std::deque<gint> data_deque;
+ glong last_time;
+ bool modified;
+ MeterStruct() : last_time(0), modified(true) {};
+ void add_value(gint b);
+ bool is_modified() { return modified; }
+ void reset_modified() { modified = false; }
+ void draw(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Drawable> &d, const Glib::RefPtr<const Gdk::GC> &g);
+void MeterStruct::add_value(gint b) {
+ GTimeVal tv;
+ glong n;
+ g_get_current_time(&tv);
+ if (last_time == 0)
+ n = 1;
+ else if (last_time == tv.tv_sec) {
+ data_deque.pop_front();
+ n = 1;
+ } else
+ n = tv.tv_sec - last_time;
+ last_time = tv.tv_sec;
+ for (; n > 0; n --)
+ data_deque.push_back(b);
+ while (data_deque.size() > METER_WIDTH)
+ data_deque.pop_front();
+ modified = true;
+void MeterStruct::draw(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Drawable> &d, const Glib::RefPtr<const Gdk::GC> &g) {
+ std::deque<gint> copy = data_deque;
+ int width, height;
+ d->get_size(width, height);
+ gint lx = -1, ly = -1;
+ for (gint x = width-1; x >= 0; x--) {
+ if (copy.size() == 0)
+ break;
+ gint b = copy.back();
+ gint y = (100-b)*(height-1)/100;
+ if (lx == -1)
+ d->draw_point(g, x, y);
+ else
+ d->draw_line(g, lx, ly, x, y);
+ lx = x;
+ ly = y;
+ copy.pop_back();
+ }
+MeterStruct load_meter;
+MeterStruct temperature_meter;
+class GraphDrawingArea : public Gtk::DrawingArea {
+ GraphDrawingArea();
+ void refresh_pixmap();
+ virtual bool on_expose_event(GdkEventExpose* event);
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixmap> pixmap;
+ Gdk::Color color0;
+ Gdk::Color color1;
+ Gdk::Color color2;
+ Gtk::DrawingArea(), color0("black"), color1("green"), color2("tomato") {
+ set_size_request(METER_WIDTH, METER_HEIGHT);
+bool GraphDrawingArea::on_expose_event(GdkEventExpose*) {
+ if (!pixmap)
+ refresh_pixmap();
+ if (pixmap) {
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> win = get_window();
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::GC> gc = get_style()->get_fg_gc(get_state());
+ win->draw_drawable(gc, pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ return true;
+void GraphDrawingArea::refresh_pixmap() {
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> win = get_window();
+ if (!pixmap || load_meter.is_modified() || temperature_meter.is_modified()) {
+ int width, height, width2, height2;
+ load_meter.reset_modified();
+ temperature_meter.reset_modified();
+ win->get_size(width, height);
+ if (pixmap)
+ pixmap->get_size(width2, height2);
+ if (!pixmap || width != width2 || height != height2) {
+ pixmap = Gdk::Pixmap::create(win, width, height);
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Colormap> cmap = win->get_colormap();
+ cmap->alloc_color(color0);
+ cmap->alloc_color(color1);
+ cmap->alloc_color(color2);
+ }
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::GC> gc = Gdk::GC::create(pixmap);
+ gc->set_foreground(color0);
+ pixmap->draw_rectangle(gc, TRUE, 0, 0, width, height);
+ gc->set_foreground(color1);
+ load_meter.draw(pixmap, gc);
+ gc->set_foreground(color2);
+ temperature_meter.draw(pixmap, gc);
+ }
+class MainWindow : public Gtk::Window {
+ Gtk::VBox vbox;
+ Gtk::Label label;
+ Gtk::Label cpu_label, temperature_label;
+ Gtk::Frame frame;
+ GraphDrawingArea drawing_area;
+ Gtk::HBox hbox;
+ MainWindow();
+ virtual void refresh();
+ virtual void update_values(gint v1, gint v2);
+ virtual bool on_delete_event(GdkEventAny* event);
+ vbox(false, 5),
+ hbox(true, 5) {
+ set_border_width(5);
+ set_title("Heatload");
+ label.set_markup(/*"<b><span size=\"x-large\" face=\"Serif\">Heatload "VERSION"</span></b>\n"*/
+ "<span foreground=\"darkgreen\">Green</span>: CPU Load; "
+ "<span foreground=\"darkred\">Red</span>: ACPI CPU Temperature\n"
+ "<i>(Ranges from 0% to 100%, resp. 0&#176;C to 100&#176;C)</i>");
+ label.set_justify(Gtk::JUSTIFY_CENTER);
+ label.set_alignment(.5, .5);
+ cpu_label.set_justify(Gtk::JUSTIFY_CENTER);
+ cpu_label.set_alignment(0, 0);
+ temperature_label.set_justify(Gtk::JUSTIFY_LEFT);
+ temperature_label.set_alignment(0, 0);
+ frame.set_shadow_type(Gtk::SHADOW_IN);
+ frame.add(drawing_area);
+ vbox.pack_start(label, false, true);
+ vbox.pack_start(frame, true, true);
+ hbox.pack_start(cpu_label, false, true);
+ hbox.pack_start(temperature_label, false, true);
+ vbox.pack_start(hbox, false, true);
+ add(vbox);
+ show_all();
+void MainWindow::refresh() {
+ drawing_area.refresh_pixmap();
+ Gdk::Rectangle r;
+ r.set_x(0);
+ r.set_y(0);
+ r.set_width(drawing_area.get_width());
+ r.set_height(drawing_area.get_height());
+ drawing_area.get_window()->invalidate_rect(r, false);
+bool MainWindow::on_delete_event(GdkEventAny* event) {
+ Gtk::Main::quit();
+ return Gtk::Window::on_delete_event(event);
+void MainWindow::update_values(gint v1, gint v2) {
+ char txt[256];
+ static gint ov1 = -1;
+ static gint ov2 = -1;
+ if (ov1 != v1) {
+ snprintf(txt, sizeof(txt), "<span foreground=\"darkgreen\">CPU Load</span>: %i%%", v1);
+ cpu_label.set_markup(txt);
+ ov1 = v1;
+ }
+ if (ov2 != v2) {
+ snprintf(txt, sizeof(txt), "<span foreground=\"darkred\">CPU Temperature</span>: %i&#176;C", v2);
+ temperature_label.set_markup(txt);
+ ov2 = v2;
+ }
+void failure(const Glib::ustring &txt) {
+ static Gtk::MessageDialog msgbox("Could not read data from /proc file system:\n<b>"+txt+"</b>", true, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR);
+ static bool running = false;
+ if (running)
+ return;
+ running = true;
+ running = false;
+gint get_load_value() {
+ char txt[256];
+ char*p;
+ static int ct[2][4] = { { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
+ static int n = 0;
+ int d[4];
+ int t, fd;
+ float v;
+ static FILE*f = NULL;
+ if (!f && !(f = fopen("/proc/stat", "r"))) {
+ failure("Unable to open kernel statistics file.");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (!(p = fgets(txt, sizeof(txt), f))) {
+ failure("Unable to read from kernel statistics file.");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ fd = dup(fileno(f));
+ fclose(f);
+ f = fdopen(fd, "r");
+ g_assert(f);
+ fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ if (strlen(p) <= 5) {
+ failure("Parse failure");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ sscanf(p+5, "%u %u %u %u", &ct[n][0], &ct[n][1], &ct[n][2], &ct[n][3]);
+ t = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ t += (d[i] = abs(ct[n][i] - ct[1-n][i]));
+ v = (t - d[3])/(float) t;
+ n = 1-n;
+ return (gint) (v*100);
+ if (f) {
+ fclose(f);
+ f = NULL;
+ }
+ return -1;
+FILE * fopen_first(const char *pfx, const char *sfx, const char *m) {
+ g_assert(pfx);
+ g_assert(sfx);
+ g_assert(m);
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *de;
+ char fn[PATH_MAX];
+ if (!(dir = opendir(pfx)))
+ return NULL;
+ while ((de = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (de->d_name[0] != '.') {
+ FILE *f;
+ snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/%s/%s", pfx, de->d_name, sfx);
+ if ((f = fopen(fn, m))) {
+ closedir(dir);
+ return f;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ return NULL;
+gint get_temperature_value() {
+ char txt[256];
+ char*p;
+ int v, fd;
+ static FILE*f = NULL;
+ static gboolean old_acpi = FALSE;
+ if (!f) {
+ if (!(f = fopen_first("/proc/acpi/thermal_zone", "temperature", "r"))) {
+ if (!(f = fopen_first("/proc/acpi/thermal", "status", "r"))) {
+ failure("Unable to open ACPI temperature file.");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ old_acpi = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(p = fgets(txt, sizeof(txt), f))) {
+ failure("Unable to read data from ACPI temperature file.");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ fd = dup(fileno(f));
+ fclose(f);
+ f = fdopen(fd, "r");
+ g_assert(f);
+ fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ if (!old_acpi) {
+ if (strlen(p) > 20)
+ v = atoi(p+20);
+ else
+ v = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (strlen(p) > 15)
+ v = atoi(p+15);
+ else
+ v = 0;
+ v=((v-2732)/10); /* convert from deciKelvin to degrees Celcius */
+ }
+ if (v > 100) v = 100;
+ if (v < 0) v = 0;
+ return v;
+ if (f) {
+ fclose(f);
+ f = NULL;
+ }
+ return -1;
+static MainWindow *mainWindow = NULL;
+int get_values() {
+ gint v1, v2;
+ static bool failed = false;
+ if (failed ||
+ (v1 = get_load_value()) < 0 ||
+ (v2 = get_temperature_value()) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ load_meter.add_value(v1);
+ temperature_meter.add_value(v2);
+ if (mainWindow) {
+ mainWindow->update_values((guint) v1, (guint) v2);
+ mainWindow->refresh();
+ }
+ return 0;
+ failed = true;
+ return -1;
+bool timer_proc() {
+ if (get_values() < 0) {
+ Gtk::Main::quit();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);
+ if (get_values() < 0)
+ return 1;
+ MainWindow window;
+ mainWindow = &window;
+ Glib::signal_timeout().connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&timer_proc), 1000);
+ return 0;