#include #include "malloc.h" #include "macro.h" #include "bufferq.h" #define SA_BUFFERQ_CONCAT_DATA(x) ((void*) (uint8_t*) (x) + ALIGN(sizeof(sa_bufferq_item_t))) int sa_bufferq_init(sa_bufferq_t *q, unsigned nchannels, size_t sample_size) { sa_assert(q); sa_assert(sample_size > 0); sa_assert(nchannels > 0); memset(q, 0, sizeof(*q)); q->sample_size = sample_size; q->nchannels = nchannels; if (!(q->items = sa_new0(sa_bufferq_item_t*, nchannels))) return SA_ERROR_OOM; if (!(q->last = sa_new0(sa_bufferq_item_t*, nchannels))) { sa_free(q->items); q->items = NULL; return SA_ERROR_OOM; } return SA_SUCCESS; } void sa_bufferq_done(sa_bufferq_t *q) { unsigned u; sa_assert(q); for (u = 0; u < q->nchannels; u++) { sa_bufferq_item_t *i; while ((i = q->items[u])) { SA_LLIST_REMOVE(sa_bufferq_item_t, bufferq, q->items[u], i); sa_free(i); } } sa_free(q->items); sa_free(q->last); } static sa_bufferq_item_t* bufferq_item_new(const void *d, size_t size, int copy) { sa_bufferq_item_t *i; sa_assert(size > 0); if (!copy) { if (!(i = sa_new(sa_bufferq_item_t, 1))) return i; i->type = SA_BUFFERQ_ITEM_STATIC; i->data = (void*) d; } else { if (!(i = sa_malloc(ALIGN(sizeof(sa_bufferq_item_t)) + size))) return i; i->type = SA_BUFFERQ_ITEM_CONCATENATED; i->data = SA_BUFFERQ_CONCAT_DATA(i); memcpy(i->data, d, size); } i->size = size; SA_LLIST_ITEM_INIT(sa_bufferq_item_t, bufferq, i); return i; } static sa_bufferq_item_t* bufferq_item_make_writable(sa_bufferq_item_t *i) { void *d; sa_assert(i); if (i->type == SA_BUFFERQ_ITEM_CONCATENATED || i->type == SA_BUFFERQ_ITEM_DYNAMIC) return i; if (!(d = sa_memdup(i->data, i->size))) return NULL; i->data = d; i->type = SA_BUFFERQ_ITEM_DYNAMIC; return i; } static void bufferq_item_free(sa_bufferq_item_t *i) { sa_assert(i); if (i->type == SA_BUFFERQ_ITEM_DYNAMIC) sa_free(i->data); sa_free(i); } int sa_bufferq_push(sa_bufferq_t *q, unsigned channel, const void *data, size_t nbytes, int64_t offset, sa_seek_t whence, int copy) { int64_t idx; sa_bufferq_item_t *i, *j; sa_assert(q); switch (whence) { case SA_SEEK_RELATIVE: idx = q->write_index + offset; break; case SA_SEEK_ABSOLUTE: idx = offset; break; case SA_SEEK_RELATIVE_END: idx = q->end_index + offset; break; case _SA_SEEK_MAX: sa_assert_not_reached(); } if (q->read_index > idx) { int64_t l = q->read_index - idx; if (l > nbytes) l = nbytes; idx += l; data += l; nbytes -= l; } i = q->items[channel]; while (i && nbytes > 0) { if (idx >= i->idx + i->size) { /* The new data belongs behind the current node */ i = i->bufferq_next; } else if (idx < i->idx) { size_t l; /* The new data belongs before the current node (at least partially) */ l = nbytes; if (l > i->idx - idx) l = i->idx - idx; if (!(j = bufferq_item_new(data, l, copy))) return SA_ERROR_OOM; j->idx = idx; SA_LLIST_INSERT_BEFORE(sa_bufferq_item_t, bufferq, q->items[channel], i, j); idx += l; data += l; nbytes -= l; } else { size_t l; /* The data belongs right in the current node somewhere */ l = nbytes; if (l > i->idx + i->size - idx) l = i->idx + i->size - idx; if (!(i = bufferq_item_make_writable(i))) return SA_ERROR_OOM; memcpy((uint8_t*) i->data + (idx - i->idx), data, l); idx += l; data += l; nbytes -= l; } } if (nbytes > 0) { sa_assert(!i); if (!(j = bufferq_item_new(data, nbytes, copy))) return SA_ERROR_OOM; j->idx = idx; if (q->last[channel]) SA_LLIST_INSERT_AFTER(sa_bufferq_item_t, bufferq, q->items[channel], q->last[channel], j); else SA_LLIST_PREPEND(sa_bufferq_item_t, bufferq, q->items[channel], j); q->last[channel] = j; } q->write_index = idx + nbytes; if (q->write_index > q->end_index) q->end_index = q->write_index; return SA_SUCCESS; } int sa_bufferq_get(sa_bufferq_t *q, void *i[], size_t *bytes) { int first = 1; unsigned u; sa_assert(q); *bytes = 0; for (u = 0; u < q->nchannels; u++) { if (q->items[u]) { if (q->items[u]->idx > q->read_index) { int64_t l; i[u] = NULL; l = q->items[u]->idx - q->read_index; if (first) { *bytes = l; first = 0; } else *bytes = l < *bytes ? l : *bytes; } else { int64_t l; i[u] = (uint8_t*) q->items[u]->data + q->read_index - q->items[u]->idx; l = q->items[u]->size - (q->read_index - q->items[u]->idx); if (first) { *bytes = l; first = 0; } else *bytes = l < *bytes ? l : *bytes; } } else i[u] = NULL; } return SA_SUCCESS; } int sa_bufferq_drop(sa_bufferq_t *q, int64_t bytes) { unsigned u; sa_assert(q); q->read_index += bytes; for (u = 0; u < q->nchannels; u++) { sa_bufferq_item_t *i; i = q->items[u]; while (i && q->read_index >= i->idx + i->size) { sa_bufferq_item_t *n = i->bufferq_next; SA_LLIST_REMOVE(sa_bufferq_item_t, bufferq, q->items[u], i); bufferq_item_free(i); i = n; } if (!i) q->last[u] = NULL; } return SA_SUCCESS; } int sa_bufferq_realloc(sa_bufferq_t *q) { unsigned u; sa_assert(q); for (u = 0; u < q->nchannels; u++) { sa_bufferq_item_t *i; i = q->items[u]; while (i) { if (!bufferq_item_make_writable(i)) return SA_ERROR_OOM; i = i->bufferq_next; } } return SA_SUCCESS; }