/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8 -*-*/ /*** This file is part of mutrace. Copyright 2009 Lennart Poettering mutrace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. mutrace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with mutrace. If not, see . ***/ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined (__linux__) || !defined(__GLIBC__) #error "This stuff only works on Linux!" #endif #ifndef SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK /* "Your libc lacks the definition of SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK. We'll now * define it ourselves, however make sure your kernel is new * enough! */ #define SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK 0x40000000 #endif #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) #define DEBUG_TRAP __asm__("int $3") #else #define DEBUG_TRAP raise(SIGTRAP) #endif #define LIKELY(x) (__builtin_expect(!!(x),1)) #define UNLIKELY(x) (__builtin_expect(!!(x),0)) struct stacktrace_info { void **frames; int nb_frame; }; struct mutex_info { pthread_mutex_t *mutex; pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock; int type, protocol, kind; bool broken:1; bool realtime:1; bool dead:1; unsigned n_lock_level; pid_t last_owner; unsigned n_locked; unsigned n_owner_changed; unsigned n_contended; uint64_t nsec_locked_total; uint64_t nsec_locked_max; uint64_t nsec_timestamp; struct stacktrace_info stacktrace; unsigned id; struct mutex_info *next; }; static unsigned hash_size = 3371; /* probably a good idea to pick a prime here */ static unsigned frames_max = 16; static volatile unsigned n_broken = 0; static volatile unsigned n_collisions = 0; static volatile unsigned n_self_contended = 0; static unsigned show_n_locked_min = 1; static unsigned show_n_owner_changed_min = 2; static unsigned show_n_contended_min = 0; static unsigned show_n_max = 10; static bool raise_trap = false; static bool track_rt = false; static int (*real_pthread_mutex_init)(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const pthread_mutexattr_t *mutexattr) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_mutex_destroy)(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_mutex_lock)(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_mutex_trylock)(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_mutex_timedlock)(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const struct timespec *abstime) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_mutex_unlock)(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_cond_wait)(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_cond_timedwait)(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const struct timespec *abstime) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_create)(pthread_t *newthread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *arg) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_rwlock_init)(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock, const pthread_rwlockattr_t *attr) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_rwlock_destroy)(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_rwlock_rdlock)(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock)(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock)(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock, const struct timespec *abstime) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_rwlock_wrlock)(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_rwlock_trywrlock)(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock)(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock, const struct timespec *abstime) = NULL; static int (*real_pthread_rwlock_unlock)(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock); static void (*real_exit)(int status) __attribute__((noreturn)) = NULL; static void (*real__exit)(int status) __attribute__((noreturn)) = NULL; static void (*real__Exit)(int status) __attribute__((noreturn)) = NULL; static int (*real_backtrace)(void **array, int size) = NULL; static char **(*real_backtrace_symbols)(void *const *array, int size) = NULL; static void (*real_backtrace_symbols_fd)(void *const *array, int size, int fd) = NULL; static struct mutex_info **alive_mutexes = NULL, **dead_mutexes = NULL; static pthread_mutex_t *mutexes_lock = NULL; static __thread bool recursive = false; static volatile bool initialized = false; static volatile bool threads_existing = false; static uint64_t nsec_timestamp_setup; static void setup(void) __attribute ((constructor)); static void shutdown(void) __attribute ((destructor)); static char *stacktrace_to_string(struct stacktrace_info stacktrace); static void sigusr1_cb(int sig); static pid_t _gettid(void) { return (pid_t) syscall(SYS_gettid); } static uint64_t nsec_now(void) { struct timespec ts; int r; r = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); assert(r == 0); return (uint64_t) ts.tv_sec * 1000000000ULL + (uint64_t) ts.tv_nsec; } static const char *get_prname(void) { static char prname[17]; int r; r = prctl(PR_GET_NAME, prname); assert(r == 0); prname[16] = 0; return prname; } static int parse_env(const char *n, unsigned *t) { const char *e; char *x = NULL; unsigned long ul; if (!(e = getenv(n))) return 0; errno = 0; ul = strtoul(e, &x, 0); if (!x || *x || errno != 0) return -1; *t = (unsigned) ul; if ((unsigned long) *t != ul) return -1; return 0; } #define LOAD_FUNC(name) \ do { \ *(void**) (&real_##name) = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, #name); \ assert(real_##name); \ } while (false) #define LOAD_FUNC_VERSIONED(name, version) \ do { \ *(void**) (&real_##name) = dlvsym(RTLD_NEXT, #name, version); \ assert(real_##name); \ } while (false) static void load_functions(void) { static volatile bool loaded = false; if (LIKELY(loaded)) return; recursive = true; /* If someone uses a shared library constructor that is called * before ours we might not be initialized yet when the first * lock related operation is executed. To deal with this we'll * simply call the original implementation and do nothing * else, but for that we do need the original function * pointers. */ LOAD_FUNC(pthread_mutex_init); LOAD_FUNC(pthread_mutex_destroy); LOAD_FUNC(pthread_mutex_lock); LOAD_FUNC(pthread_mutex_trylock); LOAD_FUNC(pthread_mutex_timedlock); LOAD_FUNC(pthread_mutex_unlock); LOAD_FUNC(pthread_create); LOAD_FUNC(pthread_rwlock_init); LOAD_FUNC(pthread_rwlock_destroy); LOAD_FUNC(pthread_rwlock_rdlock); LOAD_FUNC(pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock); LOAD_FUNC(pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock); LOAD_FUNC(pthread_rwlock_wrlock); LOAD_FUNC(pthread_rwlock_trywrlock); LOAD_FUNC(pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock); LOAD_FUNC(pthread_rwlock_unlock); /* There's some kind of weird incompatibility problem causing * pthread_cond_timedwait() to freeze if we don't ask for this * explicit version of these functions */ LOAD_FUNC_VERSIONED(pthread_cond_wait, "GLIBC_2.3.2"); LOAD_FUNC_VERSIONED(pthread_cond_timedwait, "GLIBC_2.3.2"); LOAD_FUNC(exit); LOAD_FUNC(_exit); LOAD_FUNC(_Exit); LOAD_FUNC(backtrace); LOAD_FUNC(backtrace_symbols); LOAD_FUNC(backtrace_symbols_fd); loaded = true; recursive = false; } static void setup(void) { struct sigaction sigusr_action; pthread_mutex_t *m, *last; int r; unsigned t; load_functions(); if (LIKELY(initialized)) return; if (!dlsym(NULL, "main")) fprintf(stderr, "mutrace: Application appears to be compiled without -rdynamic. It might be a\n" "mutrace: good idea to recompile with -rdynamic enabled since this produces more\n" "mutrace: useful stack traces.\n\n"); #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" if (__malloc_hook) { #pragma GCC diagnostic pop fprintf(stderr, "mutrace: Detected non-glibc memory allocator. Your program uses some\n" "mutrace: alternative memory allocator (jemalloc?) which is not compatible with\n" "mutrace: mutrace. Please rebuild your program with the standard memory\n" "mutrace: allocator or fix mutrace to handle yours correctly.\n"); /* The reason for this is that jemalloc and other * allocators tend to call pthread_mutex_xxx() from * the allocator. However, we need to call malloc() * ourselves from some mutex operations so this might * create an endless loop eventually overflowing the * stack. glibc's malloc() does locking too but uses * lock routines that do not end up calling * pthread_mutex_xxx(). */ real_exit(1); } t = hash_size; if (parse_env("MUTRACE_HASH_SIZE", &t) < 0 || t <= 0) fprintf(stderr, "mutrace: WARNING: Failed to parse $MUTRACE_HASH_SIZE.\n"); else hash_size = t; t = frames_max; if (parse_env("MUTRACE_FRAMES", &t) < 0 || t <= 0) fprintf(stderr, "mutrace: WARNING: Failed to parse $MUTRACE_FRAMES.\n"); else frames_max = t; t = show_n_locked_min; if (parse_env("MUTRACE_LOCKED_MIN", &t) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "mutrace: WARNING: Failed to parse $MUTRACE_LOCKED_MIN.\n"); else show_n_locked_min = t; t = show_n_owner_changed_min; if (parse_env("MUTRACE_OWNER_CHANGED_MIN", &t) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "mutrace: WARNING: Failed to parse $MUTRACE_OWNER_CHANGED_MIN.\n"); else show_n_owner_changed_min = t; t = show_n_contended_min; if (parse_env("MUTRACE_CONTENDED_MIN", &t) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "mutrace: WARNING: Failed to parse $MUTRACE_CONTENDED_MIN.\n"); else show_n_contended_min = t; t = show_n_max; if (parse_env("MUTRACE_MAX", &t) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "mutrace: WARNING: Failed to parse $MUTRACE_MAX.\n"); else show_n_max = t; if (getenv("MUTRACE_TRAP")) raise_trap = true; if (getenv("MUTRACE_TRACK_RT")) track_rt = true; alive_mutexes = calloc(hash_size, sizeof(struct mutex_info*)); assert(alive_mutexes); dead_mutexes = calloc(hash_size, sizeof(struct mutex_info*)); assert(dead_mutexes); mutexes_lock = malloc(hash_size * sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); assert(mutexes_lock); for (m = mutexes_lock, last = mutexes_lock+hash_size; m < last; m++) { r = real_pthread_mutex_init(m, NULL); assert(r == 0); } /* Listen for SIGUSR1 and print out a summary of what's happened so far * when we receive it. */ sigusr_action.sa_handler = sigusr1_cb; sigemptyset(&sigusr_action.sa_mask); sigusr_action.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sigusr_action, NULL); nsec_timestamp_setup = nsec_now(); initialized = true; fprintf(stderr, "mutrace: "PACKAGE_VERSION" successfully initialized for process %s (PID: %lu).\n", get_prname(), (unsigned long) getpid()); } static unsigned long mutex_hash(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { unsigned long u; u = (unsigned long) mutex; u /= sizeof(void*); return u % hash_size; } static unsigned long rwlock_hash(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock) { unsigned long u; u = (unsigned long) rwlock; u /= sizeof(void*); return u % hash_size; } static void lock_hash_mutex(unsigned u) { int r; r = real_pthread_mutex_trylock(mutexes_lock + u); if (UNLIKELY(r == EBUSY)) { __sync_fetch_and_add(&n_self_contended, 1); r = real_pthread_mutex_lock(mutexes_lock + u); } assert(r == 0); } static void unlock_hash_mutex(unsigned u) { int r; r = real_pthread_mutex_unlock(mutexes_lock + u); assert(r == 0); } static int mutex_info_compare(const void *_a, const void *_b) { const struct mutex_info *a = *(const struct mutex_info**) _a, *b = *(const struct mutex_info**) _b; if (a->n_contended > b->n_contended) return -1; else if (a->n_contended < b->n_contended) return 1; if (a->n_owner_changed > b->n_owner_changed) return -1; else if (a->n_owner_changed < b->n_owner_changed) return 1; if (a->n_locked > b->n_locked) return -1; else if (a->n_locked < b->n_locked) return 1; if (a->nsec_locked_max > b->nsec_locked_max) return -1; else if (a->nsec_locked_max < b->nsec_locked_max) return 1; /* Let's make the output deterministic */ if (a > b) return -1; else if (a < b) return 1; return 0; } static bool mutex_info_show(struct mutex_info *mi) { /* Mutexes used by real-time code are always noteworthy */ if (mi->realtime) return true; if (mi->n_locked < show_n_locked_min) return false; if (mi->n_owner_changed < show_n_owner_changed_min) return false; if (mi->n_contended < show_n_contended_min) return false; return true; } static bool mutex_info_dump(struct mutex_info *mi) { char *stacktrace_str; if (!mutex_info_show(mi)) return false; stacktrace_str = stacktrace_to_string(mi->stacktrace); fprintf(stderr, "\nMutex #%u (0x%p) first referenced by:\n" "%s", mi->id, mi->mutex ? (void*) mi->mutex : (void*) mi->rwlock, stacktrace_str); free(stacktrace_str); return true; } static char mutex_type_name(int type) { switch (type) { case PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL: return '-'; case PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE: return 'r'; case PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK: return 'e'; case PTHREAD_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP: return 'a'; default: return '?'; } } static char mutex_protocol_name(int protocol) { switch (protocol) { case PTHREAD_PRIO_NONE: return '-'; case PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT: return 'i'; case PTHREAD_PRIO_PROTECT: return 'p'; default: return '?'; } } static char rwlock_kind_name(int kind) { switch (kind) { case PTHREAD_RWLOCK_PREFER_READER_NP: return 'r'; case PTHREAD_RWLOCK_PREFER_WRITER_NP: return 'w'; case PTHREAD_RWLOCK_PREFER_WRITER_NONRECURSIVE_NP: return 'W'; default: return '?'; } } static bool mutex_info_stat(struct mutex_info *mi) { if (!mutex_info_show(mi)) return false; fprintf(stderr, "%8u %8u %8u %8u %12.3f %12.3f %12.3f %c%c%c%c%c%c\n", mi->id, mi->n_locked, mi->n_owner_changed, mi->n_contended, (double) mi->nsec_locked_total / 1000000.0, (double) mi->nsec_locked_total / mi->n_locked / 1000000.0, (double) mi->nsec_locked_max / 1000000.0, mi->mutex ? 'M' : 'W', mi->broken ? '!' : (mi->dead ? 'x' : '-'), track_rt ? (mi->realtime ? 'R' : '-') : '.', mi->mutex ? mutex_type_name(mi->type) : '.', mi->mutex ? mutex_protocol_name(mi->protocol) : '.', mi->rwlock ? rwlock_kind_name(mi->kind) : '.'); return true; } static void show_summary_internal(void) { struct mutex_info *mi, **table; unsigned n, u, i, m; uint64_t t; long n_cpus; t = nsec_now() - nsec_timestamp_setup; fprintf(stderr, "\n" "mutrace: Showing statistics for process %s (PID: %lu).\n", get_prname(), (unsigned long) getpid()); n = 0; for (u = 0; u < hash_size; u++) { lock_hash_mutex(u); for (mi = alive_mutexes[u]; mi; mi = mi->next) n++; for (mi = dead_mutexes[u]; mi; mi = mi->next) n++; } if (n <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "mutrace: No mutexes used.\n"); return; } fprintf(stderr, "mutrace: %u mutexes used.\n", n); table = malloc(sizeof(struct mutex_info*) * n); i = 0; for (u = 0; u < hash_size; u++) { for (mi = alive_mutexes[u]; mi; mi = mi->next) { mi->id = i; table[i++] = mi; } for (mi = dead_mutexes[u]; mi; mi = mi->next) { mi->id = i; table[i++] = mi; } } assert(i == n); qsort(table, n, sizeof(table[0]), mutex_info_compare); for (i = 0, m = 0; i < n && (show_n_max <= 0 || m < show_n_max); i++) m += mutex_info_dump(table[i]) ? 1 : 0; if (m > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\n" "mutrace: Showing %u most contended mutexes:\n" "\n" " Mutex # Locked Changed Cont. tot.Time[ms] avg.Time[ms] max.Time[ms] Flags\n", m); for (i = 0, m = 0; i < n && (show_n_max <= 0 || m < show_n_max); i++) m += mutex_info_stat(table[i]) ? 1 : 0; if (i < n) fprintf(stderr, " ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ||||||\n"); else fprintf(stderr, " ||||||\n"); fprintf(stderr, " /|||||\n" " Object: M = Mutex, W = RWLock /||||\n" " State: x = dead, ! = inconsistent /|||\n" " Use: R = used in realtime thread /||\n" " Mutex Type: r = RECURSIVE, e = ERRORCHECK, a = ADAPTIVE /|\n" " Mutex Protocol: i = INHERIT, p = PROTECT /\n" " RWLock Kind: r = PREFER_READER, w = PREFER_WRITER, W = PREFER_WRITER_NONREC \n"); if (!track_rt) fprintf(stderr, "\n" "mutrace: Note that the flags column R is only valid in --track-rt mode!\n"); } else fprintf(stderr, "\n" "mutrace: No mutex contended according to filtering parameters.\n"); free(table); for (u = 0; u < hash_size; u++) unlock_hash_mutex(u); fprintf(stderr, "\n" "mutrace: Total runtime is %0.3f ms.\n", (double) t / 1000000.0); n_cpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); assert(n_cpus >= 1); if (n_cpus <= 1) fprintf(stderr, "\n" "mutrace: WARNING: Results for uniprocessor machine. Results might be more interesting\n" " when run on an SMP machine!\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "\n" "mutrace: Results for SMP with %li processors.\n", n_cpus); if (n_broken > 0) fprintf(stderr, "\n" "mutrace: WARNING: %u inconsistent mutex uses detected. Results might not be reliable.\n" "mutrace: Fix your program first!\n", n_broken); if (n_collisions > 0) fprintf(stderr, "\n" "mutrace: WARNING: %u internal hash collisions detected. Results might not be as reliable as they could be.\n" "mutrace: Try to increase --hash-size=, which is currently at %u.\n", n_collisions, hash_size); if (n_self_contended > 0) fprintf(stderr, "\n" "mutrace: WARNING: %u internal mutex contention detected. Results might not be reliable as they could be.\n" "mutrace: Try to increase --hash-size=, which is currently at %u.\n", n_self_contended, hash_size); } /* Print out the summary only the first time this is called. */ static void show_summary(void) { static pthread_mutex_t summary_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static bool shown_summary = false; real_pthread_mutex_lock(&summary_mutex); if (shown_summary) goto finish; show_summary_internal(); finish: shown_summary = true; real_pthread_mutex_unlock(&summary_mutex); } /* Print out the summary every time this is called. */ static void show_summary_again(void) { static pthread_mutex_t summary_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; real_pthread_mutex_lock(&summary_mutex); show_summary_internal(); real_pthread_mutex_unlock(&summary_mutex); } static void shutdown(void) { show_summary(); } void exit(int status) { show_summary(); real_exit(status); } void _exit(int status) { show_summary(); real_exit(status); } void _Exit(int status) { show_summary(); real__Exit(status); } void sigusr1_cb(int sig) { show_summary_again(); } static bool is_realtime(void) { int policy; policy = sched_getscheduler(_gettid()); assert(policy >= 0); policy &= ~SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK; return policy == SCHED_FIFO || policy == SCHED_RR; } static bool verify_frame(const char *s) { /* Generated by glibc's native backtrace_symbols() on Fedora */ if (strstr(s, "/" SONAME "(")) return false; /* Generated by glibc's native backtrace_symbols() on Debian */ if (strstr(s, "/" SONAME " [")) return false; /* Generated by backtrace-symbols.c */ if (strstr(s, __FILE__":")) return false; return true; } static int light_backtrace(void **buffer, int size) { #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) int osize = 0; void *stackaddr; size_t stacksize; void *frame; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_getattr_np(pthread_self(), &attr); pthread_attr_getstack(&attr, &stackaddr, &stacksize); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); #if defined(__i386__) __asm__("mov %%ebp, %[frame]": [frame] "=r" (frame)); #elif defined(__x86_64__) __asm__("mov %%rbp, %[frame]": [frame] "=r" (frame)); #endif while (osize < size && frame >= stackaddr && frame < (void *)((char *)stackaddr + stacksize)) { buffer[osize++] = *((void **)frame + 1); frame = *(void **)frame; } return osize; #else return real_backtrace(buffer, size); #endif } static struct stacktrace_info generate_stacktrace(void) { struct stacktrace_info stacktrace; stacktrace.frames = malloc(sizeof(void*) * frames_max); assert(stacktrace.frames); stacktrace.nb_frame = light_backtrace(stacktrace.frames, frames_max); assert(stacktrace.nb_frame >= 0); return stacktrace; } static char *stacktrace_to_string(struct stacktrace_info stacktrace) { char **strings, *ret, *p; int i; size_t k; bool b; strings = real_backtrace_symbols(stacktrace.frames, stacktrace.nb_frame); assert(strings); k = 0; for (i = 0; i < stacktrace.nb_frame; i++) k += strlen(strings[i]) + 2; ret = malloc(k + 1); assert(ret); b = false; for (i = 0, p = ret; i < stacktrace.nb_frame; i++) { if (!b && !verify_frame(strings[i])) continue; if (!b && i > 0) { /* Skip all but the first stack frame of ours */ *(p++) = '\t'; strcpy(p, strings[i-1]); p += strlen(strings[i-1]); *(p++) = '\n'; } b = true; *(p++) = '\t'; strcpy(p, strings[i]); p += strlen(strings[i]); *(p++) = '\n'; } *p = 0; free(strings); return ret; } static struct mutex_info *mutex_info_add(unsigned long u, pthread_mutex_t *mutex, int type, int protocol) { struct mutex_info *mi; /* Needs external locking */ if (alive_mutexes[u]) __sync_fetch_and_add(&n_collisions, 1); mi = calloc(1, sizeof(struct mutex_info)); assert(mi); mi->mutex = mutex; mi->type = type; mi->protocol = protocol; mi->stacktrace = generate_stacktrace(); mi->next = alive_mutexes[u]; alive_mutexes[u] = mi; return mi; } static void mutex_info_remove(unsigned u, pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { struct mutex_info *mi, *p; /* Needs external locking */ for (mi = alive_mutexes[u], p = NULL; mi; p = mi, mi = mi->next) if (mi->mutex == mutex) break; if (!mi) return; if (p) p->next = mi->next; else alive_mutexes[u] = mi->next; mi->dead = true; mi->next = dead_mutexes[u]; dead_mutexes[u] = mi; } static struct mutex_info *mutex_info_acquire(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { unsigned long u; struct mutex_info *mi; u = mutex_hash(mutex); lock_hash_mutex(u); for (mi = alive_mutexes[u]; mi; mi = mi->next) if (mi->mutex == mutex) return mi; /* FIXME: We assume that static mutexes are NORMAL, which * might not actually be correct */ return mutex_info_add(u, mutex, PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL, PTHREAD_PRIO_NONE); } static void mutex_info_release(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { unsigned long u; u = mutex_hash(mutex); unlock_hash_mutex(u); } int pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const pthread_mutexattr_t *mutexattr) { int r; unsigned long u; if (UNLIKELY(!initialized && recursive)) { static const pthread_mutex_t template = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* Now this is incredibly ugly. */ memcpy(mutex, &template, sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); return 0; } load_functions(); r = real_pthread_mutex_init(mutex, mutexattr); if (r != 0) return r; if (LIKELY(initialized && !recursive)) { int type = PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL; int protocol = PTHREAD_PRIO_NONE; recursive = true; u = mutex_hash(mutex); lock_hash_mutex(u); mutex_info_remove(u, mutex); if (mutexattr) { int k; k = pthread_mutexattr_gettype(mutexattr, &type); assert(k == 0); k = pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol(mutexattr, &protocol); assert(k == 0); } mutex_info_add(u, mutex, type, protocol); unlock_hash_mutex(u); recursive = false; } return r; } int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { unsigned long u; assert(initialized || !recursive); load_functions(); if (LIKELY(initialized && !recursive)) { recursive = true; u = mutex_hash(mutex); lock_hash_mutex(u); mutex_info_remove(u, mutex); unlock_hash_mutex(u); recursive = false; } return real_pthread_mutex_destroy(mutex); } static void mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, bool busy) { struct mutex_info *mi; pid_t tid; if (UNLIKELY(!initialized || recursive)) return; recursive = true; mi = mutex_info_acquire(mutex); if (mi->n_lock_level > 0 && mi->type != PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE) { __sync_fetch_and_add(&n_broken, 1); mi->broken = true; if (raise_trap) DEBUG_TRAP; } mi->n_lock_level++; mi->n_locked++; if (busy) mi->n_contended++; tid = _gettid(); if (mi->last_owner != tid) { if (mi->last_owner != 0) mi->n_owner_changed++; mi->last_owner = tid; } if (track_rt && !mi->realtime && is_realtime()) mi->realtime = true; mi->nsec_timestamp = nsec_now(); mutex_info_release(mutex); recursive = false; } int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { int r; bool busy; if (UNLIKELY(!initialized && recursive)) { /* During the initialization phase we might be called * inside of dlsym(). Since we'd enter an endless loop * if we tried to resolved the real * pthread_mutex_lock() here then we simply fake the * lock which should be safe since no thread can be * running yet. */ assert(!threads_existing); return 0; } load_functions(); r = real_pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex); if (UNLIKELY(r != EBUSY && r != 0)) return r; if (UNLIKELY((busy = (r == EBUSY)))) { r = real_pthread_mutex_lock(mutex); if (UNLIKELY(r != 0)) return r; } mutex_lock(mutex, busy); return r; } int pthread_mutex_timedlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const struct timespec *abstime) { int r; bool busy; if (UNLIKELY(!initialized && recursive)) { assert(!threads_existing); return 0; } load_functions(); r = real_pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex); if (UNLIKELY(r != EBUSY && r != 0)) return r; if (UNLIKELY((busy = (r == EBUSY)))) { r = real_pthread_mutex_timedlock(mutex, abstime); if (UNLIKELY(r == ETIMEDOUT)) busy = true; else if (UNLIKELY(r != 0)) return r; } mutex_lock(mutex, busy); return r; } int pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { int r; if (UNLIKELY(!initialized && recursive)) { assert(!threads_existing); return 0; } load_functions(); r = real_pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex); if (UNLIKELY(r != 0)) return r; mutex_lock(mutex, false); return r; } static void mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { struct mutex_info *mi; uint64_t t; if (UNLIKELY(!initialized || recursive)) return; recursive = true; mi = mutex_info_acquire(mutex); if (mi->n_lock_level <= 0) { __sync_fetch_and_add(&n_broken, 1); mi->broken = true; if (raise_trap) DEBUG_TRAP; } mi->n_lock_level--; t = nsec_now() - mi->nsec_timestamp; mi->nsec_locked_total += t; if (t > mi->nsec_locked_max) mi->nsec_locked_max = t; mutex_info_release(mutex); recursive = false; } int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { if (UNLIKELY(!initialized && recursive)) { assert(!threads_existing); return 0; } load_functions(); mutex_unlock(mutex); return real_pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex); } int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { int r; assert(initialized || !recursive); load_functions(); mutex_unlock(mutex); r = real_pthread_cond_wait(cond, mutex); /* Unfortunately we cannot distuingish mutex contention and * the condition not being signalled here. */ mutex_lock(mutex, false); return r; } int pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const struct timespec *abstime) { int r; assert(initialized || !recursive); load_functions(); mutex_unlock(mutex); r = real_pthread_cond_timedwait(cond, mutex, abstime); mutex_lock(mutex, false); return r; } int pthread_create(pthread_t *newthread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *arg) { load_functions(); if (UNLIKELY(!threads_existing)) { threads_existing = true; setup(); } return real_pthread_create(newthread, attr, start_routine, arg); } int backtrace(void **array, int size) { int r; load_functions(); /* backtrace() internally uses a mutex. To avoid an endless * loop we need to disable ourselves so that we don't try to * call backtrace() ourselves when looking at that lock. */ recursive = true; r = real_backtrace(array, size); recursive = false; return r; } char **backtrace_symbols(void *const *array, int size) { char **r; load_functions(); recursive = true; r = real_backtrace_symbols(array, size); recursive = false; return r; } void backtrace_symbols_fd(void *const *array, int size, int fd) { load_functions(); recursive = true; real_backtrace_symbols_fd(array, size, fd); recursive = false; } static struct mutex_info *rwlock_info_add(unsigned long u, pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock, int kind) { struct mutex_info *mi; /* Needs external locking */ if (alive_mutexes[u]) __sync_fetch_and_add(&n_collisions, 1); mi = calloc(1, sizeof(struct mutex_info)); assert(mi); mi->rwlock = rwlock; mi->kind = kind; mi->stacktrace = generate_stacktrace(); mi->next = alive_mutexes[u]; alive_mutexes[u] = mi; return mi; } static void rwlock_info_remove(unsigned u, pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock) { struct mutex_info *mi, *p; /* Needs external locking */ for (mi = alive_mutexes[u], p = NULL; mi; p = mi, mi = mi->next) if (mi->rwlock == rwlock) break; if (!mi) return; if (p) p->next = mi->next; else alive_mutexes[u] = mi->next; mi->dead = true; mi->next = dead_mutexes[u]; dead_mutexes[u] = mi; } static struct mutex_info *rwlock_info_acquire(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock) { unsigned long u; struct mutex_info *mi; u = rwlock_hash(rwlock); lock_hash_mutex(u); for (mi = alive_mutexes[u]; mi; mi = mi->next) if (mi->rwlock == rwlock) return mi; /* FIXME: We assume that static mutexes are RWLOCK_DEFAULT, * which might not actually be correct */ return rwlock_info_add(u, rwlock, PTHREAD_RWLOCK_DEFAULT_NP); } static void rwlock_info_release(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock) { unsigned long u; u = rwlock_hash(rwlock); unlock_hash_mutex(u); } int pthread_rwlock_init(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock, const pthread_rwlockattr_t *attr) { int r; unsigned long u; if (UNLIKELY(!initialized && recursive)) { static const pthread_rwlock_t template = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER; /* Now this is incredibly ugly. */ memcpy(rwlock, &template, sizeof(pthread_rwlock_t)); return 0; } load_functions(); r = real_pthread_rwlock_init(rwlock, attr); if (r != 0) return r; if (LIKELY(initialized && !recursive)) { int kind = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_DEFAULT_NP; recursive = true; u = rwlock_hash(rwlock); lock_hash_mutex(u); rwlock_info_remove(u, rwlock); if (attr) { int k; k = pthread_rwlockattr_getkind_np(attr, &kind); assert(k == 0); } rwlock_info_add(u, rwlock, kind); unlock_hash_mutex(u); recursive = false; } return r; } int pthread_rwlock_destroy(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock) { unsigned long u; assert(initialized || !recursive); load_functions(); if (LIKELY(initialized && !recursive)) { recursive = true; u = rwlock_hash(rwlock); lock_hash_mutex(u); rwlock_info_remove(u, rwlock); unlock_hash_mutex(u); recursive = false; } return real_pthread_rwlock_destroy(rwlock); } static void rwlock_lock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock, bool for_write, bool busy) { struct mutex_info *mi; pid_t tid; if (UNLIKELY(!initialized || recursive)) return; recursive = true; mi = rwlock_info_acquire(rwlock); if (mi->n_lock_level > 0 && for_write) { __sync_fetch_and_add(&n_broken, 1); mi->broken = true; if (raise_trap) DEBUG_TRAP; } mi->n_lock_level++; mi->n_locked++; if (busy) mi->n_contended++; tid = _gettid(); if (mi->last_owner != tid) { if (mi->last_owner != 0) mi->n_owner_changed++; mi->last_owner = tid; } if (track_rt && !mi->realtime && is_realtime()) mi->realtime = true; mi->nsec_timestamp = nsec_now(); rwlock_info_release(rwlock); recursive = false; } int pthread_rwlock_rdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock) { int r; bool busy; if (UNLIKELY(!initialized && recursive)) { assert(!threads_existing); return 0; } load_functions(); r = real_pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(rwlock); if (UNLIKELY(r != EBUSY && r != 0)) return r; if (UNLIKELY((busy = (r == EBUSY)))) { r = real_pthread_rwlock_rdlock(rwlock); if (UNLIKELY(r == ETIMEDOUT)) busy = true; else if (UNLIKELY(r != 0)) return r; } rwlock_lock(rwlock, false, busy); return r; } int pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock) { int r; if (UNLIKELY(!initialized && recursive)) { assert(!threads_existing); return 0; } load_functions(); r = real_pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(rwlock); if (UNLIKELY(r != EBUSY && r != 0)) return r; rwlock_lock(rwlock, false, false); return r; } int pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock, const struct timespec *abstime) { int r; bool busy; if (UNLIKELY(!initialized && recursive)) { assert(!threads_existing); return 0; } load_functions(); r = real_pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(rwlock); if (UNLIKELY(r != EBUSY && r != 0)) return r; if (UNLIKELY((busy = (r == EBUSY)))) { r = real_pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock(rwlock, abstime); if (UNLIKELY(r == ETIMEDOUT)) busy = true; else if (UNLIKELY(r != 0)) return r; } rwlock_lock(rwlock, false, busy); return r; } int pthread_rwlock_wrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock) { int r; bool busy; if (UNLIKELY(!initialized && recursive)) { assert(!threads_existing); return 0; } load_functions(); r = real_pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(rwlock); if (UNLIKELY(r != EBUSY && r != 0)) return r; if (UNLIKELY((busy = (r == EBUSY)))) { r = real_pthread_rwlock_wrlock(rwlock); if (UNLIKELY(r == ETIMEDOUT)) busy = true; else if (UNLIKELY(r != 0)) return r; } rwlock_lock(rwlock, true, busy); return r; } int pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock) { int r; if (UNLIKELY(!initialized && recursive)) { assert(!threads_existing); return 0; } load_functions(); r = real_pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(rwlock); if (UNLIKELY(r != EBUSY && r != 0)) return r; rwlock_lock(rwlock, true, false); return r; } int pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock, const struct timespec *abstime) { int r; bool busy; if (UNLIKELY(!initialized && recursive)) { assert(!threads_existing); return 0; } load_functions(); r = real_pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(rwlock); if (UNLIKELY(r != EBUSY && r != 0)) return r; if (UNLIKELY((busy = (r == EBUSY)))) { r = real_pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock(rwlock, abstime); if (UNLIKELY(r == ETIMEDOUT)) busy = true; else if (UNLIKELY(r != 0)) return r; } rwlock_lock(rwlock, true, busy); return r; } static void rwlock_unlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock) { struct mutex_info *mi; uint64_t t; if (UNLIKELY(!initialized || recursive)) return; recursive = true; mi = rwlock_info_acquire(rwlock); if (mi->n_lock_level <= 0) { __sync_fetch_and_add(&n_broken, 1); mi->broken = true; if (raise_trap) DEBUG_TRAP; } mi->n_lock_level--; t = nsec_now() - mi->nsec_timestamp; mi->nsec_locked_total += t; if (t > mi->nsec_locked_max) mi->nsec_locked_max = t; rwlock_info_release(rwlock); recursive = false; } int pthread_rwlock_unlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock) { if (UNLIKELY(!initialized && recursive)) { assert(!threads_existing); return 0; } load_functions(); rwlock_unlock(rwlock); return real_pthread_rwlock_unlock(rwlock); }