' ?> pgETS

ETS Call Accounting - Query Results

"; if ($edate != "" && $sdate != "") { echo "Showing entries between $sdate (incl) and $edate (excl)."; } else if ($edate != "") { echo "Showing entries before $edate (excl)."; } else if ($sdate != "") { echo "Showing entries after $sdate (incl)."; } echo "

"; } $db = pg_pconnect($dbspec); $where = "WHERE 1=1"; if ($n_direction == 1) $where = $where." AND incoming='f'"; if ($n_direction == 2) $where = $where." AND incoming='t'"; if ($sdate != "") $where = $where." AND _timestamp >= '$sdate'"; if ($edate != "") $where = $where." AND _timestamp < '$edate'"; $q = pg_query($db, "SELECT CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(remote_msn FROM 1 FOR 3)='".$local_prefix."' THEN SUBSTRING(TRIM(remote_msn) FROM 4) ELSE TRIM(remote_msn) END, CASE WHEN incoming='t' THEN 'Incoming' ELSE 'Outgoing' END, participant, TO_CHAR(_timestamp, 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI'), CASE WHEN duration > 60 THEN duration/60||'m '||duration%60||'s' ELSE duration||'s' END FROM pgets_accounting ".$where." ORDER BY _timestamp ".$order); $num = pg_numrows($q); if ($num == 0) { echo "

No entries found.

\n"; } else { echo "\n\n"; $c = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $r = pg_fetch_row($q, $i); $c = 1-$c; echo ""; for ($j=0; $j < count($r); $j++) { echo ""; } echo "\n"; } echo "
Remote MSNDirectionP.Start timeDuration
\n"; $q = pg_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(*),SUM(duration) FROM pgets_accounting $where"); $r = pg_fetch_row($q, 0); if ($r[1] > 3600) { $sum = (int) ($r[1]/3600)."h ".(int)($r[1] % 3600 / 60)."m ".(int)($r[1] % 60)."s"; } else if ($r[1] > 60) { $sum = (int)($r[1]/60)."m ".(int)($r[1] % 60)."s"; } else { $sum = $r[1]."s"; } echo "

$r[0] items, $sum total duration.

"; } ?>