#!/usr/bin/python import subprocess import gnome def pair_to_dict(l): res = dict() for el in l: if "=" not in el: res[el]='' else: tmp = el.split('=',1) if len(tmp[0]) > 0: res[tmp[0]] = tmp[1] return res def build_url(uri = "http", hostname="", port = None, path = None, username = None, password = None): if path and path != None: if path[0] == "/": path = path[1:] else: path = "" if username: if password: username="%s:%s@" % (username,password) else: username="%s@" % (username) else: username="" if port and port != None: hostname="%s:%i" % (hostname,port) return "%s://%s%s/%s" % (uri,username,hostname,path) def get_txt_value(txts, txt): if txts.has_key(txt): return txts[txt] else: return None def _http_tcp(name, hostname, address, port, txts): path = get_txt_value(txts,"path") username = get_txt_value(txts,"u") password = get_txt_value(txts,"p") url = build_url("http",address,port, path, username,password) gnome.url_show(url) def _https_tcp(name, hostname, address, port, txts): path = get_txt_value(txts,"path") username = get_txt_value(txts,"u") password = get_txt_value(txts,"p") url = build_url("https",address,port, path, username,password) gnome.url_show(url) def _ftp_tcp(name, hostname, address, port, txts): path = get_txt_value(txts,"path") username = get_txt_value(txts,"u") password = get_txt_value(txts,"p") url = build_url("ftp",address,port, path, username,password) gnome.url_show(url) def _ssh_tcp(name, hostname, address, port, txts): if txts.has_key("u"): sshline = "ssh -l %s -p %i %s" % (txts["u"], port, address) else: sshline = "ssh -p %i %s" % (port, address) cmdline = [] cmdline.append("gnome-terminal") cmdline.append("--tab") cmdline.append("-t %s" % name) cmdline.append("-e %s" % sshline) pid = subprocess.Popen(cmdline).pid def _sftpssh_tcp(name, hostname, address, port, txts): path = get_txt_value(txts,"path") username = get_txt_value(txts,"u") password = get_txt_value(txts,"p") url = build_url("ftp",address,port, path, username,password) gnome.url_show(url) def handle(name, stype, hostname, address, port, txts): if stype == "_http._tcp": _http_tcp(name, hostname, address, port, txts) return if stype == "_https._tcp": _https_tcp(name, hostname, address, port, txts) return if stype == "_ftp._tcp": _ftp_tcp(name, hostname, address, port, txts) return if stype == "_ssh._tcp": _ssh_tcp(name, hostname, address, port, txts) return if stype == "_sftp-ssh._tcp": _sftpssh_tcp(name, hostname, address, port, txts) return if __name__ == "__main__": print build_url() print build_url("ftp") print build_url("https","www.google.com") print build_url("https","www.google.com",80) print build_url("https","www.google.com",80) print build_url("https","www.google.com",80,"test") print build_url("https","www.google.com",80,"/test") print build_url("https","www.google.com",80,"/test", "user") print build_url("https","www.google.com",0, "", None, "pass") print build_url("https","www.google.com",80,"/test", "user", "pass")