#!@PYTHON@ # -*-python-*- # Copyright (C) 2005 by Sebastien Estienne # # This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of # the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by # the Free Software Foundation. # This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied # warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. # See "COPYING" in the source distribution for more information. # # $id$ # # todo # * dict([el.split('=',1) for el in l ]) import os import subprocess import sys import pygtk sys.path.append("@actionsdir@") import services pygtk.require('2.0') def error_msg(msg): d = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=None, flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK) d.set_markup(msg) d.show_all() d.run() d.destroy() try: import gobject import avahi import dbus import gtk import gnomeapplet import gnome.ui import gconf import avahi.ServiceTypeDatabase except ImportError, e: error_msg("A python module is missing.\n%s" % (e)) sys.exit() try: import dbus.glib except ImportError, e: pass #from gettext import gettext as _ class ServiceDiscoveryApplet(gnomeapplet.Applet): def __init__(self, applet, iid): self.__gobject_init__() self.applet = applet self.service_browsers = {} self.service_menu = gtk.Menu() self.zc_types = {} self.zc_services = {} self.zc_pretty_name = avahi.ServiceTypeDatabase.ServiceTypeDatabase() # Gconf Paths self.gc_options = "/apps/service-discovery-applet/options" self.gc_services = "/apps/service-discovery-applet/services" # Gconf self.gc_client = gconf.client_get_default () self.gc_client.add_dir (self.gc_options, gconf.CLIENT_PRELOAD_NONE) self.show_local_services = self.gc_client.get_bool ("%s/%s" % (self.gc_options,"show_local_services")) self.gc_client.add_dir (self.gc_services, gconf.CLIENT_PRELOAD_NONE) self.gc_client.notify_add (self.gc_services, self.gc_services_cb) self.gc_client.notify_add (self.gc_options, self.gc_options_cb) self.eb = gtk.EventBox() self.eb.set_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK) self.eb.connect("button-press-event", self.on_button_press) #self.eb.connect('motion-notify-event', self.on_applet_motion_notify_event) #self.eb.connect('leave-notify-event', self.on_applet_leave_notify_event) self.eb.connect("size-allocate", self.on_eventbox_size_allocate) self.applet.add(self.eb) self.image = gtk.Image() self.image.set_from_file("/usr/share/service-discovery-applet/icons//24x24/service-discovery-applet.png") self.eb.add(self.image) applet.connect("change_background", self.on_change_background) applet.set_applet_flags(gnomeapplet.EXPAND_MINOR) # funky right-click menu menuXml = """ """ applet.setup_menu(menuXml, [ ("SDA About", self.on_about), ("SDA Config", self.on_config), ("SDA Start", self.start_service_discovery), ("SDA Stop", self.stop_service_discovery) ], applet) popup = applet.get_popup_component() #Start Service Discovery self.domain = "" self.system_bus = dbus.SystemBus() self.server = dbus.Interface(self.system_bus.get_object(avahi.DBUS_NAME, avahi.DBUS_PATH_SERVER), avahi.DBUS_INTERFACE_SERVER) self.start_service_discovery(None, None, None) self.session_bus = dbus.SessionBus() obj = self.session_bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.Notifications", "/org/freedesktop/Notifications") self.notif = dbus.Interface(obj, "org.freedesktop.Notifications") self.applet.show_all() def start_notifying_cb(self): print "start notifying" self.show_notifications = self.gc_client.get_bool ("%s/%s" % (self.gc_options,"show_notifications")) def siocgifname(self, interface): if interface <= 0: return "any" else: return self.server.GetNetworkInterfaceNameByIndex(interface) def service_resolved(self, interface, protocol, name, type, domain, host, aprotocol, address, port, txt): print "Service data for service '%s' of type '%s' in domain '%s' on %s.%i:" % (name, type, domain, self.siocgifname(interface), protocol) print "\tHost %s (%s), port %i, TXT data: %s" % (host, address, port, avahi.txt_array_to_string_array(txt)) txts = avahi.txt_array_to_string_array(txt) txts = services.pair_to_dict(txts) services.handle(name, type, host, address, port, txts) # if os.path.exists("@scriptsdir@/%s.sh" % type): # cmd = [] # cmd.append("@scriptsdir@/%s.sh" % type) # cmd.append("%s" % name) # cmd.append("%s" % host) # cmd.append("%s" % address) # cmd.append("%i" % port) # cmd.append('%s' % " ".join(avahi.txt_array_to_string_array(txt))) # print cmd # pid = subprocess.Popen(cmd).pid def print_error(self, err): print "Error:", str(err) def menuitem_response(self, widget, interface, protocol, name, type, domain): self.server.ResolveService(interface, protocol, name, type, domain, avahi.PROTO_INET, reply_handler=self.service_resolved, error_handler=self.print_error) def new_service(self, interface, protocol, name, type, domain): print "Found service '%s' of type '%s' in domain '%s' on %s.%i." % (name, type, domain, self.siocgifname(interface), protocol) if self.show_local_services == False: if self.server.IsServiceLocal( interface, protocol, name, type, domain) == True: return if self.zc_types.has_key(type) == False: menuitem = gtk.ImageMenuItem() if self.zc_pretty_name.has_key(type): pretty_name = self.zc_pretty_name[type] else: pretty_name = type menuitem.add(gtk.Label(pretty_name)) img = gtk.Image() iconfile = "@iconsdir@/24x24/%s.png" % (type) if not os.path.exists(iconfile): iconfile = "@iconsdir@/24x24/service-discovery-applet.png" img.set_from_file(iconfile) menuitem.set_image(img) self.service_menu.add(menuitem) self.zc_types[type] = gtk.Menu() menuitem.set_submenu(self.zc_types[type]) menuitem.show_all() menuitem = gtk.MenuItem(name) self.zc_types[type].add(menuitem) self.zc_services[(interface, protocol, name, type, domain)] = menuitem menuitem.connect("activate", self.menuitem_response,interface, protocol, name, type, domain) menuitem.show_all() iconfile = "@iconsdir@/48x48/%s.png" % (type) if not os.path.exists(iconfile): iconfile = "@iconsdir@/48x48/service-discovery-applet.png" pretty_name = type if self.zc_pretty_name.has_key(type): pretty_name = self.zc_pretty_name[type] message = "Name : %s\nType : %s (%s)" % (name,pretty_name, type) try: if self.show_notifications == True: self.notif.Notify("Service Discovery Applet", iconfile, dbus.UInt32(0),"",dbus.Byte(0), "New Service found",message, [iconfile],[""],[""],True,dbus.UInt32(3)) except: print "can't use notification daemon" pass def remove_service(self, interface, protocol, name, type, domain): print "Service '%s' of type '%s' in domain '%s' on %s.%i disappeared." % (name, type, domain, self.siocgifname(interface), protocol) if self.zc_services.has_key((interface, protocol, name, type, domain)): self.zc_types[type].remove(self.zc_services[(interface, protocol, name, type, domain)]) # else: # # if the key wasn't present it certainly means the service is local and we disable browsing localy # return if self.zc_types[type].get_children() == []: self.service_menu.remove(self.zc_types[type].get_attach_widget()) del self.zc_types[type] iconfile = "@iconsdir@/48x48/%s.png" % (type) if not os.path.exists(iconfile): iconfile = "@iconsdir@/48x48/service-discovery-applet.png" pretty_name = type if self.zc_pretty_name.has_key(type): pretty_name = self.zc_pretty_name[type] message = "Name : %s\nType : %s (%s)" % (name, pretty_name, type) try: if self.show_notifications == True: self.notif.Notify("Service Discovery Applet", iconfile, dbus.UInt32(0),"",dbus.Byte(0), "Service disappeared",message, [iconfile],[""],[""],True,dbus.UInt32(3)) except: print "can't use notification daemon" pass def add_service_type(self, interface, protocol, type, domain): # Are we already browsing this domain for this type? if self.service_browsers.has_key((interface, protocol, type, domain)): return print "Browsing for services of type '%s' in domain '%s' on %s.%i ..." % (type, domain, self.siocgifname(interface), protocol) b = dbus.Interface(self.system_bus.get_object(avahi.DBUS_NAME, self.server.ServiceBrowserNew(interface, protocol, type, domain)) , avahi.DBUS_INTERFACE_SERVICE_BROWSER) b.connect_to_signal('ItemNew', self.new_service) b.connect_to_signal('ItemRemove', self.remove_service) self.service_browsers[(interface, protocol, type, domain)] = b def del_service_type(self, interface, protocol, type, domain): service = (interface, protocol, type, domain) if not self.service_browsers.has_key(service): return sb = self.service_browsers[service] sb.Free() del self.service_browsers[service] # delete the sub menu of service_type if self.zc_types.has_key(type): self.service_menu.remove(self.zc_types[type].get_attach_widget()) del self.zc_types[type] def position_popup_cb(self, widget): x, y = self.applet.window.get_origin() applet_width = self.applet.allocation.width applet_height = self.applet.allocation.height widget_width ,widget_height = widget.size_request() orientation = self.applet.get_orient() if orientation == gnomeapplet.ORIENT_UP: y -= widget_height elif orientation == gnomeapplet.ORIENT_DOWN: y += applet_height elif orientation == gnomeapplet.ORIENT_LEFT: x -= widget_width elif orientation == gnomeapplet.ORIENT_RIGHT: x += applet_width return (x, y, True) def on_button_press(self, widget, event): if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 1: self.service_menu.show_all() self.service_menu.popup(None, None, self.position_popup_cb, event.button, event.time) return False def on_eventbox_size_allocate(self, eventbox, rect): if (rect.x <= 0) or (rect.y <= 0): return False rect.x -= 1 rect.y -= 1 rect.width += 2 rect.height += 2 gtk.Widget.size_allocate(eventbox, rect) return False def on_change_background(self, panelapplet, backgroundtype, color, pixmap): self.eb.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) if backgroundtype == gnomeapplet.PIXMAP_BACKGROUND: s = self.eb.get_style() s.bg_pixmap[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = pixmap def on_about(self, component, verb, applet): icon = gtk.Image() icon.set_from_file("@iconsdir@/48x48/service-discovery-applet.png") fullname = "Service Discovery Applet" copyright = "Copyright (C) 2005 Sebastien Estienne" description = "An applet to quickly access your zeroconf services." authors = ["Sebastien Estienne "] about = gnome.ui.About(fullname, "@version@", copyright, description, authors, None, None, icon.get_pixbuf()) about.set_icon(icon.get_pixbuf()) about.show() def on_config(self, component, verb, applet): pid = subprocess.Popen(["service-discovery-config", ""]).pid #FIXME replace with gconf key def start_service_discovery(self, component, verb, applet): if len(self.domain) != 0: print "domain not null %s" % (self.domain) return try: self.domain = self.server.GetDomainName() except: print "Check that Avahi daemon is running!" return self.interface = avahi.IF_UNSPEC self.protocol = avahi.PROTO_INET gc_entries = self.gc_client.all_entries(self.gc_services) for gc_entry in gc_entries: if self.gc_client.get_bool(gc_entry.key) == True: service_type = os.path.basename(gc_entry.key) self.add_service_type(self.interface, self.protocol, service_type, self.domain) # Wait one second before displaying notifications self.show_notifications = False gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.start_notifying_cb) def stop_service_discovery(self, component, verb, applet): if len(self.domain) == 0: return for service in self.service_browsers.copy(): self.del_service_type(service[0],service[1],service[2],service[3]) self.domain = "" # Callback called when a service is added/removed/enabled/disabled in gconf def gc_services_cb (self, client, cnxn_id, gc_entry, data): service_type = os.path.basename(gc_entry.key) # FIXME unset key if client.get_bool(gc_entry.key) == True: # Browse for a new service print "browse %s" % (service_type) self.add_service_type(self.interface, self.protocol, service_type, self.domain) else: # Stop browsing for a service print "remove %s" % (service_type) self.del_service_type(self.interface, self.protocol, service_type, self.domain) def gc_options_cb (self, client, cnxn_id, gc_entry, data): key = os.path.basename(gc_entry.key) if key == "show_notifications": self.show_notifications = client.get_bool(gc_entry.key) if key == "show_local_services": self.show_local_services = client.get_bool(gc_entry.key) status = self.domain self.stop_service_discovery(None,None,None) # only start if it was running before if len(status) != 0: self.start_service_discovery(None,None,None) def applet_factory(applet, iid): #service-discovery-applet = ServiceDiscoveryApplet(applet, iid) #service-discovery-applet.show_all() def activate_factory(): gnomeapplet.bonobo_factory("OAFIID:GNOME_ServiceDiscoveryApplet_Factory", gnomeapplet.Applet.__gtype__, "Service discovery applet", "0", applet_factory) def main(): gobject.type_register(ServiceDiscoveryApplet) if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "-window": applet_window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) applet_window.set_title("Service discovery applet") applet_window.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit) gnome.init("Service discovery applet", "@version@") applet = gnomeapplet.Applet() applet_factory(applet, None) applet.reparent(applet_window) applet_window.show_all() gtk.main() else: activate_factory() if __name__ == "__main__": main()