TODO ========================= GUI [x] menubar (fring,help) [x] refresh [x] save to file [x] select directory [x] show hidden files [x] "about" dialogue [x] open parent folder [x] click on folder -> open it [x] show busy cursor while walking dir tree [x] do not show black backrgound when app starts up [x] don't reload the busy cursor when it's already set ========================= DISPLAY [x] display total in ring center [x] restore the rainbow [D] always render text on top [-] make sure that filenames are always visible [x] cut down loooong directory names in link labels [ ] make sure labels don't overlap [ ] make rainbow colour dependent of percent of total ========================= FOLDER READING [x] merge back c_walker [x] sort subdirectories [x] don't re-walk the tree when opening a subdirectory [ ] handle directories with many many many files correctly ========================= DOCUMENTATION [ ] write README