GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band0 gdouble [-24,12] rw 29 Hz gain for the frequency band 29 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band1 gdouble [-24,12] rw 59 Hz gain for the frequency band 59 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band2 gdouble [-24,12] rw 119 Hz gain for the frequency band 119 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band3 gdouble [-24,12] rw 227 Hz gain for the frequency band 227 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band4 gdouble [-24,12] rw 474 Hz gain for the frequency band 474 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band5 gdouble [-24,12] rw 947 Hz gain for the frequency band 947 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band6 gdouble [-24,12] rw 1889 Hz gain for the frequency band 1889 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band7 gdouble [-24,12] rw 3770 Hz gain for the frequency band 3770 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band8 gdouble [-24,12] rw 7523 Hz gain for the frequency band 7523 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band9 gdouble [-24,12] rw 15011 Hz gain for the frequency band 15011 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer3Bands::band0 gdouble [-24,12] rw 110 Hz gain for the frequency band 100 Hz, ranging from -24.0 to +12.0. 0 GstIirEqualizer3Bands::band1 gdouble [-24,12] rw 1100 Hz gain for the frequency band 1100 Hz, ranging from -24.0 to +12.0. 0 GstIirEqualizer3Bands::band2 gdouble [-24,12] rw 11 kHz gain for the frequency band 11 kHz, ranging from -24.0 to +12.0. 0 GstIirEqualizerNBands::num-bands guint [1,64] rwx num-bands number of different bands to use. 10 GstMultiFileSink::location gchar* rw File Location Location of the file to write. NULL GstMultiFileSink::index gint >= 0 rw Index Index to use with location property to create file names. The index is incremented by one for each buffer read. 0 GstMultiFileSrc::caps GstCaps* rw Caps Caps describing the format of the data. GstMultiFileSrc::index gint >= 0 rw File Index Index to use with location property to create file names. The index is incremented by one for each buffer read. 0 GstMultiFileSrc::location gchar* rw File Location Pattern to create file names of input files. File names are created by calling sprintf() with the pattern and the current index. "%05d" GstOssSrc::device gchar* rw Device OSS device (usually /dev/dspN). "/dev/dsp" GstOssSrc::device-name gchar* r Device name Human-readable name of the sound device. "" GstSpectrum::bands guint rw Bands Number of frequency bands. 128 GstSpectrum::interval guint64 >= 1 rw Interval Interval of time between message posts (in nanoseconds). 100000000 GstSpectrum::message gboolean rw Message Whether to post a 'spectrum' element message on the bus for each passed interval. TRUE GstSpectrum::threshold gint <= 0 rw Threshold dB threshold for result. All lower values will be set to this. -60 GstSpectrum::message-magnitude gboolean rw Magnitude Whether to add a 'magnitude' field to the structure of any 'spectrum' element messages posted on the bus. TRUE GstSpectrum::message-phase gboolean rw Phase Whether to add a 'phase' field to the structure of any 'spectrum' element messages posted on the bus. FALSE GstVideoflip::method GstVideoflipMethod rw method method. Rotate clockwise 90 degrees GstVideoBox::alpha gdouble [0,1] rw Alpha Alpha value picture. 1 GstVideoBox::border-alpha gdouble [0,1] rw Border Alpha Alpha value of the border. 1 GstVideoBox::bottom gint rw Bottom Pixels to box at bottom (<0 = add a border). 0 GstVideoBox::fill GstVideoBoxFill rw Fill How to fill the borders. Black GstVideoBox::left gint rw Left Pixels to box at left (<0 = add a border). 0 GstVideoBox::right gint rw Right Pixels to box at right (<0 = add a border). 0 GstVideoBox::top gint rw Top Pixels to box at top (<0 = add a border). 0 GstUDPSink::host gchar* rw host The host/IP/Multicast group to send the packets to. "localhost" GstUDPSink::port gint [0,65535] rw port The port to send the packets to. 4951 GstUDPSrc::caps GstCaps* rw Caps The caps of the source pad. GstUDPSrc::multicast-group gchar* rw Multicast Group The Address of multicast group to join. "" GstUDPSrc::port gint [0,65535] rw Port The port to receive the packets from, 0=allocate. 4951 GstUDPSrc::uri gchar* rw URI URI in the form of udp://multicast_group:port. "udp://" GstUDPSrc::sockfd gint >= -1 rw Socket Handle Socket to use for UDP reception. (-1 == allocate). -1 GstUDPSrc::buffer-size gint >= 0 rw Buffer Size Size of the kernel receive buffer in bytes, 0=default. 0 GstUDPSrc::timeout guint64 rw Timeout Post a message after timeout microseconds (0 = disabled). 0 GstUDPSrc::closefd gboolean rw Close sockfd Close sockfd if passed as property on state change. TRUE GstUDPSrc::skip-first-bytes gint >= 0 rw Skip first bytes number of bytes to skip for each udp packet. 0 GstUDPSrc::sock gint >= -1 r Socket Handle Socket currently in use for UDP reception. (-1 = no socket). -1 GstSMPTE::border gint >= 0 rw Border The border width of the transition. 0 GstSMPTE::depth gint [1,24] rw Depth Depth of the mask in bits. 16 GstSMPTE::fps gfloat >= 0 rw FPS Frames per second if no input files are given (deprecated). 0 GstSMPTE::type GstSMPTETransitionType rw Type The type of transition to use. A bar moves from left to right GstSMPTE::duration guint64 rw Duration Duration of the transition effect in nanoseconds. 1000000000 GstRTSPSrc::debug gboolean rwx Debug Dump request and response messages to stdout. FALSE GstRTSPSrc::location gchar* rw RTSP Location Location of the RTSP url to read. NULL GstRTSPSrc::protocols GstRTSPLowerTrans rwx Protocols Allowed lower transport protocols. UDP Unicast Mode|UDP Multicast Mode|TCP interleaved mode GstRTSPSrc::retry guint <= 65535 rwx Retry Max number of retries when allocating RTP ports. 20 GstRTSPSrc::timeout guint64 rwx Timeout Retry TCP transport after UDP timeout microseconds (0 = disabled). 5000000 GstRTSPSrc::latency guint rwx Buffer latency in ms Amount of ms to buffer. 3000 GstRTSPSrc::tcp-timeout guint64 rwx TCP Timeout Fail after timeout microseconds on TCP connections (0 = disabled). 20000000 GstRTSPSrc::connection-speed guint <= 2147483 rwx Connection Speed Network connection speed in kbps (0 = unknown). 0 GstRTPDec::skip gint rw Skip skip (unused). 0 GstRTPDec::latency guint rw Buffer latency in ms Amount of ms to buffer. 200 GstLevel::interval guint64 >= 1 rw Interval Interval of time between message posts (in nanoseconds). 100000000 GstLevel::message gboolean rw mesage Post a level message for each passed interval. TRUE GstLevel::peak-falloff gdouble >= 0 rw Peak Falloff Decay rate of decay peak after TTL (in dB/sec). 10 GstLevel::peak-ttl guint64 rw Peak TTL Time To Live of decay peak before it falls back (in nanoseconds). 300000000 GstDiceTV::square-bits gint [0,5] rw Square Bits The size of the Squares. 4 GstVertigoTV::speed gfloat [0.01,100] rw Speed Control the speed of movement. 0.02 GstVertigoTV::zoom-speed gfloat [1.01,1.1] rw Zoom Speed Control the rate of zooming. 1.01 GstRevTV::delay gint [1,100] rw Delay Delay in frames between updates. 1 GstRevTV::gain gint [1,200] rw Gain Control gain. 50 GstRevTV::linespace gint [1,100] rw Linespace Control line spacing. 6 GstQuarkTV::planes gint [1,32] rw Planes Number of frames in the buffer. 16 GstEFence::fence-top gboolean rw Fence Top Align buffers with top of fenced region. TRUE GstAlpha::alpha gdouble [0,1] rw Alpha The value for the alpha channel. 1 GstAlpha::angle gfloat [0,90] rw Angle Size of the colorcube to change. 20 GstAlpha::method GstAlphaMethod rw Method How the alpha channels should be created. Set/adjust alpha channel GstAlpha::noise-level gfloat [0,64] rw Noise Level Size of noise radius. 2 GstAlpha::target-b guint <= 255 rw Target Blue The Blue target. 0 GstAlpha::target-g guint <= 255 rw Target Green The Green target. 255 GstAlpha::target-r guint <= 255 rw Target Red The Red target. 0 GstShout2send::description gchar* rw description description. "" GstShout2send::genre gchar* rw genre genre. "" GstShout2send::ip gchar* rw ip ip. "" GstShout2send::mount gchar* rw mount mount. "" GstShout2send::password gchar* rw password password. "hackme" GstShout2send::port gint [1,65535] rw port port. 8000 GstShout2send::protocol GstShout2SendProtocol rw protocol Connection Protocol to use. Http Protocol (icecast 2.x) GstShout2send::streamname gchar* rw streamname name of the stream. "" GstShout2send::sync gboolean rw Sync Sync on the clock. FALSE GstShout2send::url gchar* rw url url. "" GstShout2send::username gchar* rw username username. "source" GstSpeexDec::enh gboolean rw Enh Enable perceptual enhancement. TRUE DV1394Src::channel gint [0,64] rw Channel Channel number for listening. 63 DV1394Src::consecutive gint >= 1 rw consecutive frames send n consecutive frames after skipping. 1 DV1394Src::drop-incomplete gboolean rw drop_incomplete drop incomplete frames. TRUE DV1394Src::guid guint64 rw GUID select one of multiple DV devices by its GUID. use a hexadecimal like 0xhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (0 = no guid). 0 DV1394Src::port gint [-1,16] rw Port Port number (-1 automatic). -1 DV1394Src::skip gint >= 0 rw skip frames skip n frames. 0 DV1394Src::use-avc gboolean rw Use AV/C Use AV/C VTR control. TRUE GstPngEnc::compression-level guint <= 9 rw compression-level PNG compression level. 6 GstPngEnc::snapshot gboolean rw Snapshot Send EOS after encoding a frame, useful for snapshots. TRUE GstCACASink::anti-aliasing gboolean rw Anti Aliasing Enables Anti-Aliasing. TRUE GstCACASink::dither GstCACASinkDithering rw Dither Type Set type of Dither. No dithering GstCACASink::screen-height gint >= 0 r Screen Height The height of the screen. 25 GstCACASink::screen-width gint >= 0 r Screen Width The width of the screen. 80 GstJpegEnc::quality gint [0,100] rw Quality Quality of encoding. 85 GstSmokeEnc::keyframe gint [1,100000] rw Keyframe Insert keyframe every N frames. 20 GstSmokeEnc::qmax gint [0,100] rw Qmax Maximum quality. 85 GstSmokeEnc::qmin gint [0,100] rw Qmin Minimum quality. 10 GstSmokeEnc::threshold gint [0,100000000] rw Threshold Motion estimation threshold. 3000 GstEsdSink::host gchar* rw Host The host running the esound daemon. NULL GstDVDec::clamp-chroma gboolean rw Clamp chroma Clamp chroma. FALSE GstDVDec::clamp-luma gboolean rw Clamp luma Clamp luma. FALSE GstDVDec::drop-factor gint >= 1 rw Drop Factor Only decode Nth frame. 1 GstDVDec::quality GstDVDecQualityEnum rw Quality Decoding quality. Highest quality colour decoding GstAASink::brightness gint rw brightness brightness. 0 GstAASink::contrast gint rw contrast contrast. 0 GstAASink::dither GstAASinkDitherers rw dither dither. no dithering GstAASink::driver GstAASinkDrivers rw driver driver. X11 driver 1.1 GstAASink::frame-time gint r frame_time frame_time. 0 GstAASink::frames-displayed gint r frames_displayed frames_displayed. 0 GstAASink::gamma gfloat [0,5] rw gamma gamma. 1 GstAASink::height gint rw height height. 0 GstAASink::inversion gboolean rw inversion inversion. TRUE GstAASink::randomval gint rw randomval randomval. 0 GstAASink::width gint rw width width. 0 GstRtpGSMParse::frequency gint rw frequency frequency. 8000 GstSpeexEnc::abr gint >= 0 rw ABR Enable average bit-rate (0 = disabled). 0 GstSpeexEnc::bitrate gint >= 0 rw Encoding Bit-rate Specify an encoding bit-rate (in bps). (0 = automatic). 0 GstSpeexEnc::complexity gint >= 0 rw Complexity Set encoding complexity. 3 GstSpeexEnc::dtx gboolean rw DTX Enable discontinuous transmission. FALSE GstSpeexEnc::last-message gchar* r last-message The last status message. NULL GstSpeexEnc::nframes gint >= 0 rw NFrames Number of frames per buffer. 1 GstSpeexEnc::quality gfloat [0,10] rw Quality Encoding quality. 8 GstSpeexEnc::vad gboolean rw VAD Enable voice activity detection. FALSE GstSpeexEnc::vbr gboolean rw VBR Enable variable bit-rate. FALSE GstDV1394Src::channel gint [0,64] rw Channel Channel number for listening. 63 GstDV1394Src::consecutive gint >= 1 rw consecutive frames send n consecutive frames after skipping. 1 GstDV1394Src::drop-incomplete gboolean rw drop_incomplete drop incomplete frames. TRUE GstDV1394Src::guid guint64 rw GUID select one of multiple DV devices by its GUID. use a hexadecimal like 0xhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (0 = no guid). 0 GstDV1394Src::port gint [G_MAXULONG,16] rw Port Port number (-1 automatic). -1 GstDV1394Src::skip gint >= 0 rw skip frames skip n frames. 0 GstDV1394Src::use-avc gboolean rw Use AV/C Use AV/C VTR control. TRUE GstDV1394Src::device-name gchar* r device name user-friendly name of the device. "Default" GstFlacEnc::blocksize guint [16,65535] rw Blocksize Blocksize in samples. 4608 GstFlacEnc::escape-coding gboolean rw Do Escape coding search for escape codes in the entropy coding stage for slightly better compression. FALSE GstFlacEnc::exhaustive-model-search gboolean rw Do exhaustive model search do exhaustive search of LP coefficient quantization (expensive!). FALSE GstFlacEnc::loose-mid-side-stereo gboolean rw Loose mid side stereo Loose mid side stereo. FALSE GstFlacEnc::max-lpc-order guint <= 32 rw Max LPC order Max LPC order; 0 => use only fixed predictors. 8 GstFlacEnc::max-residual-partition-order guint <= 16 rw Max residual partition order Max residual partition order (above 4 doesn't usually help much). 3 GstFlacEnc::mid-side-stereo gboolean rw Do mid side stereo Do mid side stereo (only for stereo input). TRUE GstFlacEnc::min-residual-partition-order guint <= 16 rw Min residual partition order Min residual partition order (above 4 doesn't usually help much). 3 GstFlacEnc::qlp-coeff-prec-search gboolean rw Do QLP coefficients precision search false = use qlp_coeff_precision, true = search around qlp_coeff_precision, take best. FALSE GstFlacEnc::qlp-coeff-precision guint <= 32 rw QLP coefficients precision Precision in bits of quantized linear-predictor coefficients; 0 = automatic. 0 GstFlacEnc::quality GstFlacEncQuality rw Quality Speed versus compression tradeoff. 5 - Default GstFlacEnc::rice-parameter-search-dist guint <= 15 rw rice_parameter_search_dist 0 = try only calc'd parameter k; else try all [k-dist..k+dist] parameters, use best. 0 GstFlacEnc::streamable-subset gboolean rw Streamable subset true to limit encoder to generating a Subset stream, else false. TRUE GstOssSink::device gchar* rw Device OSS device (usually /dev/dspN). "/dev/dsp" GstVideoMixer::background GstVideoMixerBackground rw Background Background type. Checker pattern GstMatroskaMux::writing-app gchar* rw Writing application. The name the application that creates the matroska file. NULL GstMatroskaMux::version gint [1,2] rw Matroska version This parameter determines what matroska features can be used. 1 GstTest::allowed-timestamp-deviation gint64 >= -1 rwx allowed timestamp deviation allowed average difference in usec between timestamp of next buffer and expected timestamp from analyzing last buffer. -1 GstTest::buffer-count gint64 >= -1 r buffer count number of buffers in stream. -1 GstTest::expected-buffer-count gint64 >= -1 rwx expected buffer count expected number of buffers in stream. -1 GstTest::expected-length gint64 >= -1 rwx expected length expected length of stream. -1 GstTest::expected-md5 gchar* rwx expected md5 expected md5 of processing the whole data. "---" GstTest::length gint64 >= -1 r length length of stream. -1 GstTest::md5 gchar* r md5 md5 of processing the whole data. "---" GstTest::timestamp-deviation gint64 >= -1 r timestamp deviation average difference in usec between timestamp of next buffer and expected timestamp from analyzing last buffer. -1 GstProgressReport::silent gboolean rw Do not print output to stdout Do not print output to stdout. FALSE GstProgressReport::update-freq gint >= 1 rw Update Frequency Number of seconds between reports when data is flowing. 5 GstProgressReport::format gchar* rw format Format to use for the querying. "auto" GstNavSeek::seek-offset gdouble >= 0 rw Seek Offset Time in seconds to seek by. 5 GstBreakMyData::probability gdouble [0,1] rwx probability probability for each byte in the buffer to be changed. 0 GstBreakMyData::seed guint rwx seed seed for randomness (initialized when going from READY to PAUSED). 0 GstBreakMyData::set-to gint [-1,255] rwx set-to set changed bytes to this value (-1 means random value. -1 GstBreakMyData::skip guint rwx skip amount of bytes skipped at the beginning of stream. 0 GstTextOverlay::deltax gint w X position modifier Shift X position to the left or to the right. Unit is pixels. 0 GstTextOverlay::deltay gint w Y position modifier Shift Y position up or down. Unit is pixels. 0 GstTextOverlay::font-desc gchararray w font description Pango font description of font to be used for rendering. See documentation of pango_font_description_from_string for syntax. "" GstTextOverlay::halign gchararray w horizontal alignment Horizontal alignment of the text. Can be either 'left', 'right', or 'center'. "center" GstTextOverlay::shaded-background gboolean w shaded background Whether to shade the background under the text area. FALSE GstTextOverlay::text gchararray w text Text to be display. "" GstTextOverlay::valign gchararray w vertical alignment Vertical alignment of the text. Can be either 'baseline', 'bottom', or 'top'. "baseline" GstTextOverlay::xpad gint w horizontal paddding Horizontal paddding when using left/right alignment. 25 GstTextOverlay::ypad gint w vertical padding Vertical padding when using top/bottom alignment. 25 GstCutter::leaky gboolean rw Leaky do we leak buffers when below threshold ?. FALSE GstCutter::pre-length guint64 rw Pre-recording buffer length Length of pre-recording buffer (in nanoseconds). 0 GstCutter::run-length guint64 rw Run length Length of drop below threshold before cut_stop (in nanoseconds). 0 GstCutter::threshold gdouble rw Threshold Volume threshold before trigger. 0 GstCutter::threshold-dB gdouble rw Threshold (dB) Volume threshold before trigger (in dB). 0 GstVideoFlip::method GstVideoFlipMethod rw method method. Rotate clockwise 90 degrees GstRtpMP4VPay::send-config gboolean rw Send Config Send the config parameters in RTP packets as well. FALSE GstRTPDepay::skip gint rw skip skip. 0 GstMultipartMux::boundary gchar* rw Boundary Boundary string. "ThisRandomString" GstCairoTextOverlay::deltax gint w X position modifier Shift X position to the left or to the right. Unit is pixels. 0 GstCairoTextOverlay::deltay gint w Y position modifier Shift Y position up or down. Unit is pixels. 0 GstCairoTextOverlay::font-desc gchar* w font description Pango font description of font to be used for rendering. See documentation of pango_font_description_from_string for syntax. "" GstCairoTextOverlay::halign gchar* w horizontal alignment Horizontal alignment of the text. Can be either 'left', 'right', or 'center'. "center" GstCairoTextOverlay::shaded-background gboolean w shaded background Whether to shade the background under the text area. FALSE GstCairoTextOverlay::text gchar* w text Text to be display. "" GstCairoTextOverlay::valign gchar* w vertical alignment Vertical alignment of the text. Can be either 'baseline', 'bottom', or 'top'. "baseline" GstCairoTextOverlay::xpad gint w horizontal paddding Horizontal paddding when using left/right alignment. 25 GstCairoTextOverlay::ypad gint w vertical padding Vertical padding when using top/bottom alignment. 25 GstOssMixerElement::device-name gchar* r Device name Human-readable name of the sound device. NULL GstOssMixerElement::device gchar* rw Device OSS mixer device (usually /dev/mixer). "/dev/mixer" GstID3Demux::prefer-v1 gboolean rwx Prefer version 1 tag Prefer tags from ID3v1 tag at end of file when both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags are present. FALSE GstDynUDPSink::sockfd gint [-1,32767] rw socket handle Socket to use for UDP sending. (-1 == allocate). -1 GstDynUDPSink::closefd gboolean rw Close sockfd Close sockfd if passed as property on state change. TRUE GstCdioCddaSrc::read-speed gint [-1,100] rw Read speed Read from device at the specified speed (-1 = default). -1 GstMultiUDPSink::bytes-served guint64 r Bytes served Total number of bytes send to all clients. 0 GstMultiUDPSink::bytes-to-serve guint64 r Bytes to serve Number of bytes received to serve to clients. 0 GstMultiUDPSink::clients gchar* rw Clients A comma separated list of host:port pairs with destinations. NULL GstMultiUDPSink::closefd gboolean rw Close sockfd Close sockfd if passed as property on state change. TRUE GstMultiUDPSink::sock gint >= -1 r Socket Handle Socket currently in use for UDP sending. (-1 == no socket). -1 GstMultiUDPSink::sockfd gint >= -1 rw Socket Handle Socket to use for UDP sending. (-1 == allocate). -1 GstMultiUDPSink::auto-multicast gboolean rw Automatically join/leave multicast groups Automatically join/leave the multicast groups, FALSE means user has to do it himself. TRUE GstCmmlDec::wait-clip-end-time gboolean rw Wait clip end time Send a tag for a clip when the clip ends, setting its end-time. Use when you need to know both clip's start-time and end-time. FALSE GstCmmlEnc::granule-rate-denominator gint64 >= 0 rwx Granulerate denominator Granulerate denominator. 1 GstCmmlEnc::granule-rate-numerator gint64 >= 0 rwx Granulerate numerator Granulerate numerator. 1000 GstCmmlEnc::granule-shift guchar <= 64 rwx Granuleshift The number of lower bits to use for partitioning a granule position. 32 GstHalAudioSrc::udi gchar* rw UDI Unique Device Id. NULL GstHalAudioSink::udi gchar* rw UDI Unique Device Id. NULL GstPixbufScale::method GstPixbufScaleMethod rw method method. 2 GstGdkPixbuf::silent gboolean rw Silent Produce verbose output ? (deprecated). FALSE GstGConfAudioSink::profile GstGConfProfile rw Profile Profile. Sound Events GstXImageSrc::display-name gchar* rw Display X Display Name. NULL GstXImageSrc::screen-num guint <= G_MAXINT rw Screen number X Screen Number. 0 GstXImageSrc::show-pointer gboolean rw Show Mouse Pointer Show mouse pointer (if XFixes extension enabled). TRUE GstXImageSrc::endx guint <= G_MAXINT rw End X X coordinate of bottom right corner of area to be recorded (0 for bottom right of screen). 0 GstXImageSrc::endy guint <= G_MAXINT rw End Y Y coordinate of bottom right corner of area to be recorded (0 for bottom right of screen). 0 GstXImageSrc::startx guint <= G_MAXINT rw Start X co-ordinate X coordinate of top left corner of area to be recorded (0 for top left of screen). 0 GstXImageSrc::starty guint <= G_MAXINT rw Start Y co-ordinate Y coordinate of top left corner of area to be recorded (0 for top left of screen). 0 GstXImageSrc::use-damage gboolean rw Use XDamage Use XDamage (if XDamage extension enabled). TRUE GstVideoBalance::brightness gdouble [-1,1] rw Brightness brightness. 0 GstVideoBalance::contrast gdouble [0,2] rw Contrast contrast. 1 GstVideoBalance::hue gdouble [-1,1] rw Hue hue. 0 GstVideoBalance::saturation gdouble [0,2] rw Saturation saturation. 1 GstMultipartDemux::autoscan gboolean rw autoscan Try to autofind the prefix (deprecated unused, see boundary). FALSE GstMultipartDemux::boundary gchar* rwx Boundary The boundary string separating data, automatic if NULL. NULL GstAviMux::bigfile gboolean rw Bigfile Support (>2GB) Support for openDML-2.0 (big) AVI files. TRUE GstJpegDec::idct-method GstIDCTMethod rw IDCT Method The IDCT algorithm to use. Faster, less accurate integer method GstRTPiLBCDepay::mode iLBCMode rw Mode iLBC frame mode. 30ms frames GstAudioPanorama::panorama gfloat [-1,1] rw Panorama Position in stereo panorama (-1.0 left -> 1.0 right). 0 GstAudioPanorama::method GstAudioPanoramaMethod rw Panning method Psychoacoustic mode keeps same perceived loudness, simple mode just controls volume of one channel. Psychoacoustic Panning (default) GstAudioInvert::degree gfloat [0,1] rw Degree Degree of inversion. 0 GstAudioAmplify::amplification gfloat >= 0 rw Amplification Factor of amplification. 1 GstAudioAmplify::clipping-method GstAudioPanoramaClippingMethod rw Clipping method Selects how to handle values higher than the maximum. Normal Clipping (default) GstAudioDynamic::characteristics GstAudioDynamicCharacteristics rw Characteristics Selects whether the ratio should be applied smooth (soft-knee) or hard (hard-knee). Hard Knee (default) GstAudioDynamic::mode GstAudioDynamicMode rw Mode Selects whether the filter should work on loud samples (compressor) orquiet samples (expander). Compressor (default) GstAudioDynamic::ratio gfloat >= 0 rw Ratio Ratio that should be applied. 1 GstAudioDynamic::threshold gfloat [0,1] rw Threshold Threshold until the filter is activated. 0 GstDirectDrawSink::force-aspect-ratio gboolean rw Force aspect ratio When enabled, scaling will respect original aspect ratio. FALSE GstWavpackEnc::bitrate guint <= 9600000 rw Bitrate Try to encode with this average bitrate (bits/sec). This enables lossy encoding, values smaller than 24000 disable it again. 0 GstWavpackEnc::bits-per-sample gdouble [0,24] rw Bits per sample Try to encode with this amount of bits per sample. This enables lossy encoding, values smaller than 2.0 disable it again. 0 GstWavpackEnc::correction-mode GstWavpackEncCorrectionMode rw Correction stream mode Use this mode for the correction stream. Only works in lossy mode!. Create no correction file GstWavpackEnc::extra-processing guint <= 6 rw Extra processing Use better but slower filters for better compression/quality. 0 GstWavpackEnc::joint-stereo-mode GstWavpackEncJSMode rw Joint-Stereo mode Use this joint-stereo mode. auto GstWavpackEnc::md5 gboolean rw MD5 Store MD5 hash of raw samples within the file. FALSE GstWavpackEnc::mode GstWavpackEncMode rw Encoding mode Speed versus compression tradeoff. Normal Compression GstRtpMP2TDepay::skip-first-bytes guint rw Skip first bytes The amount of bytes that need to be skipped at the beginning of the payload. 0 GstRtpH263PPay::fragmentation-mode GstFragmentationMode rw Fragmentation Mode Packet Fragmentation Mode. Normal GstGamma::gamma gdouble [0.01,10] rw Gamma gamma. 1 GstVideoCrop::bottom gint >= 0 rw Bottom Pixels to crop at bottom. 0 GstVideoCrop::left gint >= 0 rw Left Pixels to crop at left. 0 GstVideoCrop::right gint >= 0 rw Right Pixels to crop at right. 0 GstVideoCrop::top gint >= 0 rw Top Pixels to crop at top. 0 GstV4l2Src::device gchar* rw Device Device location. "/dev/video0" GstV4l2Src::device-name gchar* r Device name Name of the device. NULL GstV4l2Src::flags GstV4l2DeviceTypeFlags r Flags Device type flags. GstV4l2Src::queue-size guint [2,16] rw Queue size Number of buffers to be enqueud in the driver. 2 GstV4l2Src::always-copy gboolean rw Always Copy If the buffer will or not be used directly from mmap. TRUE GstV4l2Src::device-fd gint >= -1 r File descriptor File descriptor of the device. -1 GstAudioChebBand::lower-frequency gfloat [0,100000] rw Lower frequency Start frequency of the band (Hz). 0 GstAudioChebBand::mode GstAudioChebBandMode rw Mode Low pass or high pass mode. Band pass (default) GstAudioChebBand::poles gint [4,32] rw Poles Number of poles to use, will be rounded up to the next multiply of four. 4 GstAudioChebBand::ripple gfloat [0,200] rw Ripple Amount of ripple (dB). 0.25 GstAudioChebBand::type gint [1,2] rw Type Type of the chebychev filter. 1 GstAudioChebBand::upper-frequency gfloat [0,100000] rw Upper frequency Stop frequency of the band (Hz). 0 GstAudioChebLimit::cutoff gfloat [0,100000] rw Cutoff Cut off frequency (Hz). 0 GstAudioChebLimit::mode GstAudioChebLimitMode rw Mode Low pass or high pass mode. Low pass (default) GstAudioChebLimit::poles gint [2,32] rw Poles Number of poles to use, will be rounded up to the next even number. 4 GstAudioChebLimit::ripple gfloat [0,200] rw Ripple Amount of ripple (dB). 0.25 GstAudioChebLimit::type gint [1,2] rw Type Type of the chebychev filter. 1 GstAudioWSincBand::lower-frequency gfloat [0,100000] rw Lower Frequency Cut-off lower frequency (Hz). 0 GstAudioWSincBand::upper-frequency gfloat [0,100000] rw Upper Frequency Cut-off upper frequency (Hz). 0 GstAudioWSincBand::mode GstAudioWSincBandMode rw Mode Band pass or band reject mode. Band pass (default) GstAudioWSincBand::window GstAudioWSincBandWindow rw Window Window function to use. Hamming window (default) GstAudioWSincBand::length gint [3,50000] rw Length Filter kernel length, will be rounded to the next odd number. 101 GstAudioWSincLimit::frequency gdouble >= 0 rw Frequency Cut-off Frequency (Hz). 0 GstAudioWSincLimit::length gint [3,50000] rw Length Filter kernel length, will be rounded to the next odd number. 101 GstAudioWSincLimit::mode GstAudioWSincLimitMode rw Mode Low pass or high pass mode. Low pass (default) GstAudioWSincLimit::window GstAudioWSincLimitWindow rw Window Window function to use. Hamming window (default) GstAudioWSincLimit::cutoff gfloat [0,100000] rw Cutoff Cut-off Frequency (Hz). 0 GstRndBufferSize::max glong >= 1 rwx maximum maximum buffer size. 8192 GstRndBufferSize::min glong >= 0 rwx mininum mininum buffer size. 1 GstRndBufferSize::seed gulong rwx random number seed seed for randomness (initialized when going from READY to PAUSED). GstAutoAudioSink::filter-caps GstCaps* rw Filter caps Filter sink candidates using these caps. GstAutoVideoSink::filter-caps GstCaps* rw Filter caps Filter sink candidates using these caps. GstOsxAudioSink::device gint >= 0 rw Device ID Device ID of output device. 0 GstOsxAudioSrc::device gint >= 0 rw Device ID Device ID of input device. 0 GstOSXVideoSink::embed gboolean rw embed When enabled, it can be embedded. FALSE GstOSXVideoSink::fullscreen gboolean rw fullscreen When enabled, the view is fullscreen. FALSE GstGdkPixbufSink::last-pixbuf GdkPixbuf* r Last Pixbuf Last GdkPixbuf object rendered. GstGdkPixbufSink::send-messages gboolean rw Send Messages Whether to post messages containing pixbufs on the bus. TRUE GstSoupHTTPSrc::automatic-redirect gboolean rw automatic-redirect Automatically follow HTTP redirects (HTTP Status Code 3xx). TRUE GstSoupHTTPSrc::cookies GStrv* rw Cookies HTTP request cookies. GstSoupHTTPSrc::iradio-genre gchar* r iradio-genre Genre of the stream. NULL GstSoupHTTPSrc::iradio-mode gboolean rw iradio-mode Enable internet radio mode (extraction of shoutcast/icecast metadata). FALSE GstSoupHTTPSrc::iradio-name gchar* r iradio-name Name of the stream. NULL GstSoupHTTPSrc::iradio-title gchar* r iradio-title Name of currently playing song. NULL GstSoupHTTPSrc::iradio-url gchar* r iradio-url Homepage URL for radio stream. NULL GstSoupHTTPSrc::location gchar* rw Location Location to read from. "" GstSoupHTTPSrc::proxy gchar* rw Proxy HTTP proxy server URI. "" GstSoupHTTPSrc::user-agent gchar* rw User-Agent Value of the User-Agent HTTP request header field. "GStreamer souphttpsrc "