path: root/gnome-disk-health.vala
diff options
authorLennart Poettering <>2008-07-01 20:05:21 +0200
committerLennart Poettering <>2008-07-01 20:05:21 +0200
commit3bd478d6d2c415b9a22622af973fdee9b1718422 (patch)
tree872c2f413c1b92dea423e244dd3d2b147d50a92d /gnome-disk-health.vala
parentf89ed71af80ebd54935cf14f01602ff73e8d8992 (diff)
remove SmartKit code and UI code
Diffstat (limited to 'gnome-disk-health.vala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 494 deletions
diff --git a/gnome-disk-health.vala b/gnome-disk-health.vala
deleted file mode 100644
index a3fcd4d..0000000
--- a/gnome-disk-health.vala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
-/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8 -*-*/
- This file is part of SmartKit.
- Copyright 2008 Lennart Poettering
- SmartKit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
- published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
- License, or (at your option) any later version.
- SmartKit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with SmartKit. If not, If not, see
- <>.
-using DBus;
-using GLib;
-using Gtk;
-public DiskHealth disk_health;
-public class DiskHealth : Gtk.Builder {
- string uifile = "gnome-disk-health.ui";
- public bool create_widgets(string disk_string) {
- test = null;
- try {
- add_from_file (uifile);
- Gtk.Widget window = (Gtk.Widget) get_object("DiskHealthDialog");
- Gtk.TreeView tree_view = (Gtk.TreeView) get_object ("attributeTreeView");
- /* id, name, text, icon, current, worst, threshold, type, verdict */
- list_store = new Gtk.ListStore(9, typeof(uint8), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string));
- tree_view.set_model(list_store);
- tree_view.insert_column_with_attributes (-1, null, new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), "icon-name", 3, null);
- tree_view.insert_column_with_attributes(-1, "Name", new Gtk.CellRendererText(), "text", 1, null);
- Gtk.CellRenderer cell = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
- cell.set("xalign", 1.0, null);
- tree_view.insert_column_with_attributes (-1, "Value", cell, "text", 2, null);
- if (!setup_connection(disk_string))
- return false;
- if (!fill_in_data())
- return false;
- setup_refresh_timer();
- window.show_all();
- window.destroy += Gtk.main_quit;
- ((Gtk.Button) get_object("closeButton")).clicked += Gtk.main_quit;
- ((Gtk.Button) get_object("refreshButton")).clicked += refresh;
- ((Gtk.Button) get_object("selfTestButton")).clicked += selfTest;
- } catch (GLib.Error e) {
- stderr.printf("Failed to create main window: %s\n", e.message);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- private DBus.Connection connection;
- private dynamic DBus.Object manager;
- private DBus.ObjectPath dbus_path;
- private dynamic DBus.Object disk;
- private Gtk.ListStore list_store;
- private string test;
- public bool setup_connection(string disk_string) {
- try {
- connection = DBus.Bus.get(DBus.BusType.SYSTEM);
- manager = connection.get_object("net.poettering.SmartKit", "/", "net.poettering.SmartKit.Manager");
- DBus.ObjectPath p;
- try {
- p = manager.getDiskByPath(disk_string);
- } catch (DBus.Error e) {
- try {
- p = manager.getDiskByUDI(disk_string);
- } catch (DBus.Error e) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- stderr.printf("Using D-Bus path %s\n", p);
- disk = connection.get_object("net.poettering.SmartKit", p, "net.poettering.SmartKit.Disk");
- } catch (DBus.Error e) {
- stderr.printf("D-Bus error: %s\n", e.message);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- public void refresh() {
- try {
- disk.readSmartData(true);
- fill_in_data();
- setup_refresh_timer();
- } catch (DBus.Error e) {
- stderr.printf("D-Bus error: %s\n", e.message);
- }
- }
- public uint refresh_time;
- public uint refresh_timer = 0;
- public void setup_refresh_timer() {
- uint t;
- if (refresh_time <= 0)
- t = 5*60;
- else if (refresh_time == 1)
- t = 5; /* if 1 min is request, we do 10s
- * instead, since we know that
- * the minimal value is 1min */
- else
- t = refresh_time*60;
- if (t > 5*60)
- t = 5*60;
- stderr.printf("Setting wakeup to %u (%u)\n", t, refresh_time);
- disk_health = this;
- if (refresh_timer > 0)
- Source.remove(refresh_timer);
- refresh_timer = Timeout.add_seconds(t,
- () => {
- stderr.printf("Woke up\n");
- disk_health.refresh();
- return false;
- });
- }
- public void selfTest() {
- try {
- disk.startSelfTest(test);
- refresh();
- } catch (DBus.Error e) {
- stderr.printf("D-Bus error: %s\n", e.message);
- }
- }
- public bool fill_in_data() {
- try {
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("pathLabel")).set_label(disk.getPath());
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("sizeLabel")).set_label(pretty_size(disk.getSize()));
- bool b = disk.isIdentifyAvailable();
- if (b) {
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("modelLabel")).set_label(disk.getIdentifyModel());
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("serialLabel")).set_label(disk.getIdentifySerial());
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("firmwareLabel")).set_label(disk.getIdentifyFirmware());
- } else {
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("modelLabel")).set_label("n/a");
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("serialLabel")).set_label("n/a");
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("firmwareLabel")).set_label("n/a");
- }
- if (b)
- b = disk.isSmartAvailable();
- if (b)
- return fill_in_smart_data();
- else
- return fill_in_no_smart_data();
- } catch (DBus.Error e) {
- stderr.printf("D-Bus error: %s\n", e.message);
- return false;
- }
- }
- public bool fill_in_no_smart_data() {
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("smartLabel")).set_markup("Disk health functionality (S.M.A.R.T.) is <b>not</b> available.");
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("healthLabel")).set_label("");
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("badSectorsLabel")).set_label("");
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("temperatureLabel")).set_label("");
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("powerOnLabel")).set_label("");
- return fill_in_no_self_test_data();
- }
- public string format_pretty(uint64 value, string unit) {
- switch (unit) {
- case "mseconds":
- if (value >= (uint64)1000*60*60*24*365)
- return "%0.1f years".printf(((double) value)/(1000.0*60*60*24*365));
- else if (value >= (uint64) 1000*60*60*24*30)
- return "%0.1f months".printf(((double) value)/(1000.0*60*60*24*30));
- else if (value >= 1000*60*60*24)
- return "%0.1f days".printf(((double) value)/(1000.0*60*60*24));
- else if (value >= 1000*60*60)
- return "%0.1f h".printf(((double) value)/(1000.0*60*60));
- else if (value >= 1000*60)
- return "%0.1f min".printf(((double) value)/(1000.0*60));
- else if (value >= 1000)
- return "%0.1f s".printf(((double) value)/(1000.0));
- else
- return "%llu ms".printf(value);
- case "mkelvin":
- return "%0.1f °C".printf(((double) value - 273150) / 1000);
- case "sectors":
- return "%llu sectors".printf(value);
- case "none":
- return "%llu".printf(value);
- }
- return "n/a";
- }
- public bool fill_in_smart_data() {
- try {
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("smartLabel")).set_label("Disk health functionality (S.M.A.R.T.) is available.");
- bool b = disk.checkSmartStatus();
- if (b)
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("healthLabel")).set_label("The disk reports to be healthy.");
- else
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("healthLabel")).set_label("The disk reports that it has already failed or is expected to fail in the next 24h.");
- DBus.ObjectPath[] attrs = disk.getAttributes();
- uint64 temp = 0;
- uint64 rsc = 0;
- uint64 rec = 0;
- uint64 cps = 0;
- uint64 ou = 0;
- uint64 pon = 0;
- list_store.clear();
- foreach (DBus.ObjectPath a in attrs) {
- dynamic DBus.Object attribute;
- uint8 id;
- bool good, online, prefailure;
- string name;
- uint64 pretty_value;
- string pretty_unit;
- uint8 current, worst, threshold;
- attribute = connection.get_object("net.poettering.SmartKit", a, "net.poettering.SmartKit.Attribute");
- /* id, name, text, icon, current, worst, threshold, type, verdict */
- id = attribute.getId();
- name = attribute.getName();
- pretty_value = attribute.getPrettyValue();
- pretty_unit = attribute.getPrettyUnit();
- good = attribute.isGood();
- current = attribute.getCurrentValue();
- worst = attribute.getWorstValue();
- threshold = attribute.getThreshold();
- online = attribute.isOnline();
- prefailure = attribute.isPrefailure();
- Gtk.TreeIter iter;
- list_store.append(out iter);
- list_store.set(iter,
- 0, id,
- 1, name,
- 2, format_pretty(pretty_value, pretty_unit),
- 3, good ? "dialog-ok" : "dialog-warning",
- 4, "%u".printf(current),
- 5, "%u".printf(worst),
- 6, "%u".printf(threshold),
- 7, "%s/%s".printf(online ? "Online" : "Offline", prefailure ? "Prefailure" : "Old Age"),
- 8, good ? "OK" : "FAILURE",
- -1);
- if (name == "reallocated-sector-count")
- rsc = pretty_value;
- if (name == "reallocated-event-count")
- rec = pretty_value;
- if (name == "current-pending-sector")
- cps = pretty_value;
- if (name == "offline-uncorrectable")
- ou = pretty_value;
- if (name == "temperature-celsius-1" ||
- name == "temperature-celsius-2" ||
- name == "airflow-temperature-celsius")
- if (pretty_value > temp)
- temp = pretty_value;
- if (name == "power-on-minutes" ||
- name == "power-on-seconds" ||
- name == "power-on-hours")
- pon = pretty_value;
- }
- uint64 sectors = cps + ou + (rsc > rec ? rsc : rec);
- if (sectors > 0)
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("badSectorsLabel")).set_markup("<b>Warning:</b> The disk reports to have %llu bad sectors.".printf(sectors));
- else
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("badSectorsLabel")).set_label("The disk reports to have no bad sectors.");
- if (temp > 0)
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("temperatureLabel")).set_label("The current temperature of the disk is %0.1f °C.".printf((double) (temp - 273150) / 1000));
- else
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("temperatureLabel")).set_label("");
- if (pon > 0)
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("powerOnLabel")).set_label("The disk has been powered on for %s.".printf(format_pretty(pon, "mseconds")));
- else
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("powerOnLabel")).set_label("");
- bool a = disk.getStartTestAvailable();
- b = disk.getConveyanceTestAvailable();
- bool c = disk.getShortAndExtendedTestAvailable();
- if (a && (b || c))
- return fill_in_self_test_data(c, b);
- else
- return fill_in_no_self_test_data();
- } catch (DBus.Error e) {
- stderr.printf("D-Bus error: %s\n", e.message);
- return false;
- }
- }
- public bool fill_in_self_test_data(bool sae, bool c) {
- try {
- bool show_percent = false;
- string text;
- string state = disk.getSelfTestExecutionStatus();
- switch (state) {
- case "success-or-never":
- text = "The previous self-test completed without error or no self-test has ever been run.";
- break;
- case "aborted":
- text = "The previous self-test was aborted by the user.";
- break;
- case "interrupted":
- text = "The previous self-test was interrupted by the host with a hardware or software reset.";
- break;
- case "fatal":
- text = "A fatal error or unknown test error occurred while the device was executing the previous self-test and the device was unable to complete the self-test.";
- break;
- case "error-unknown":
- text = "The previous self-test completed having a test element that failed.";
- break;
- case "error-electrical":
- text = "The previous self-test completed having the electrical element of the test failed.";
- break;
- case "eror-servo":
- text = "The previous self-test completed having the servo (and/or seek) test element of the test failed.";
- break;
- case "error-read":
- text = "The previous self-test completed having the read element of the test failed.";
- break;
- case "error-handling":
- text = "The previous self-test completed having a test element that failed and the device is suspected of having handling damage.";
- break;
- case "inprogress":
- text = "Self-test in progress...";
- show_percent = true;
- break;
- default:
- text = "Unknown state";
- break;
- }
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("selfTestLabel")).set_label(text);
- if (show_percent) {
- uint percent = disk.getSelfTestExecutionPercentRemaining();
- ((Gtk.ProgressBar) get_object("selfTestProgressBar")).set_fraction((double) (100-percent)/100);
- ((Gtk.ProgressBar) get_object("selfTestProgressBar")).set_text("%u%% remaining".printf(percent));
- } else {
- ((Gtk.ProgressBar) get_object("selfTestProgressBar")).set_fraction(0.0);
- ((Gtk.ProgressBar) get_object("selfTestProgressBar")).set_text("n/a");
- }
- ((Gtk.ProgressBar) get_object("selfTestProgressBar")).set_sensitive(show_percent);
- if (state == "inprogress") {
- ((Gtk.Button) get_object("selfTestButton")).set_label("Abort Self-Test");
- bool b = disk.getAbortTestAvailable();
- ((Gtk.Button) get_object("selfTestButton")).set_sensitive(b);
- this.test = "abort";
- if (sae)
- this.refresh_time = disk.getShortTestPollingMinutes();
- else
- this.refresh_time = disk.getConveyanceTestPollingMinutes();
- } else {
- uint saet, ct;
- ((Gtk.Button) get_object("selfTestButton")).set_label("Start Self-Test");
- ((Gtk.Button) get_object("selfTestButton")).set_sensitive(true);
- if (sae)
- this.test = "short";
- else
- this.test = "conveyance";
- this.refresh_time = 0;
- }
- } catch (DBus.Error e) {
- stderr.printf("D-Bus error: %s\n", e.message);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- public bool fill_in_no_self_test_data() {
- ((Gtk.Label) get_object("selfTestLabel")).set_label("Self-test functionality is not available.");
- ((Gtk.Button) get_object("selfTestButton")).set_sensitive(false);
- ((Gtk.ProgressBar) get_object("selfTestProgressBar")).set_sensitive(false);
- test = null;
- return true;
- }
- public static string pretty_size(uint64 size) {
- if (size >= (uint64)1024*(uint64)1024*(uint64)1024*(uint64)1024)
- return "%0.1f TiB".printf((double) size/1024/1024/1024/1024);
- else if (size >= (uint64)1024*(uint64)1024*(uint64)1024)
- return "%0.1f GiB".printf((double) size/1024/1024/1024);
- else if (size >= (uint64)1024*(uint64)1024)
- return "%0.1f MiB".printf((double) size/1024/1024);
- else if (size >= (uint64)1024)
- return "%0.1f KiB".printf((double) size/1024);
- else
- return "%u B".printf((uint) size);
- }
- public static int main (string[] args) {
- Gtk.init(ref args);
- if (args.length != 2) {
- stderr.printf("Please specify device to check health for.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- var dh = new DiskHealth();
- if (dh.create_widgets(args[1]))
- Gtk.main ();
- return 0;
- }