path: root/
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* build-sys: updates to bootstrap.shLennart Poettering2011-10-121-19/+35
* build-sys: make libatasmart easily cross-compilableDiego Elio Pettenò2011-02-081-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | Pick up the AX_CC_FOR_BUILD macro from autoconf-archive (improved, going to be sent there soon), then use that one to find the host's compiler. Build the strpool in a different directory, since you cannot override CC and other variables on a per-target basis yet. While this adds recursivity to the build system is the best hope you have to properly solve the cross-compilation. Update .gitignore accordingly to the above changes, and make sure search macro files in the m4 directory.
* bump req'd versionsv0.14Lennart Poettering2009-08-061-3/+3
* autoconfizationLennart Poettering2008-07-011-0/+66