/* $Id$ */ /*** This file is part of libnewmail libnewmail is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. libnewmail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with libnewmail; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ***/ #include #include #include #include /* The query to issue */ int query = NM_QUERY_NCUR|NM_QUERY_NNEW; /* A counter for the queries running */ int count = 0; /* The liboop main loop object */ oop_source *oop = NULL; /* A linked list structure for the spools */ struct spool_ll{ struct nm_spool *spool; struct spool_ll *next; } *spools = NULL; /* A function which converts binary mail spool status flags into human readable strings */ char *b2s(int b) { if (b < 0) return "fail"; if (b > 0) return "yes"; return "no"; } /* A callback function for oop which terminates the main loop */ void* _finish(oop_source *source, struct timeval tv, void *user) { return OOP_HALT; } /* A utility function which issues the callback defined above */ void finish(void) { oop->on_time(oop, OOP_TIME_NOW, _finish, NULL); } /* A callback function which is called whenever a mail spool query finished */ void cb_check(struct nm_spool *s, struct nm_status *status, const void *user) { struct nm_info i; static char txt[256]; /* Check the status flag */ if (!status) snprintf(txt, sizeof(txt), "%s", nm_strerror(nm_errno, errno, nm_explanation)); /* Get some information about the mail spool */ if (nm_info(s, &i) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "nm_open(): %s\n", nm_strerror(nm_errno, errno, nm_explanation)); goto finish; } /* Print that information */ printf("\n%s:\n\tName: %s\n\tType: %s\n\tText: %s\n\tFlags: ", i.path, i.name, i.type, i.text); if (i.flags & NM_FLAG_SYNCHRONOUS) printf("SYNCHRONOUS "); if (i.flags & NM_FLAG_ASYNCHRONOUS) printf("ASYNCHRONOUS "); printf("\n"); /* Show status information */ if (status) { if (query & NM_QUERY_NCUR) printf("\tCurrent: %i\n", status->cur); else if (query & NM_QUERY_CUR) printf("\tCurrent: %s\n", b2s(status->cur)); if (query & NM_QUERY_NNEW) printf("\tNew: %i\n", status->new); else if (query & NM_QUERY_NEW) printf("\tNew: %s\n", b2s(status->new)); } else fprintf(stderr, "\n\tFAILURE: %s\n", txt); finish: count--; if (count <= 0) finish(); } /* The callback function for iterating through the mail spools available */ void cb_list(const char *spool, const void *user) { struct nm_spool* s = NULL; struct spool_ll* l = 0; /* Open the mail spool */ if (!(s = nm_open(spool))) { fprintf(stderr, "nm_open(\"%s\"): %s\n", spool, nm_strerror(nm_errno, errno, nm_explanation)); goto finish; } /* Allocate a linked list entry */ if (!(l = malloc(sizeof(struct spool_ll)))) { fprintf(stderr, "Memory\n"); goto finish; } /* Start the spool query */ if (nm_query_submit(s, query, oop, cb_check, NULL) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "nm_check_submit(\"%s\"): %s\n", spool, nm_strerror(nm_errno, errno, nm_explanation)); goto finish; } /* Fill in the linked list entry */ l->spool = s; l->next = spools; spools = l; count++; return; finish: free(l); if (s) nm_close(s); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { oop_source_sys *sys; count = 1; /* This variable is initialized to 1 because otherwise * the main loop is terminated too early when * synchronous mail spools are queried */ /* Create a generic liboop main loop object */ if (!(sys = oop_sys_new())) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not reate OOP system source.\n"); return 1; } if (!(oop = oop_sys_source(sys))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not reate OOP system source.\n"); oop_sys_delete(sys); return 1; } /* Iterate through the mail spools avilable */ if (nm_list(cb_list, NULL) < 0) nm_perror("nm_list()"); count--; /* Wait until all queries finished */ while (count > 0) oop_sys_run(sys); /* Shutdown the main loop */ oop_sys_delete(sys); /* Free the linked list */ while (spools) { struct spool_ll *l = spools; spools = spools->next; nm_close(l->spool); free(l); } return 0; }