path: root/polyp/module-x11-bell.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'polyp/module-x11-bell.c')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/polyp/module-x11-bell.c b/polyp/module-x11-bell.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29663134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polyp/module-x11-bell.c
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/XKBlib.h>
+#include "module.h"
+#include "sink.h"
+#include "scache.h"
+#include "modargs.h"
+struct x11_source {
+ void *io_source;
+ struct x11_source *next;
+struct userdata {
+ struct pa_core *core;
+ Display *display;
+ struct x11_source *x11_sources;
+ int xkb_event_base;
+ int sink_index;
+ char *scache_item;
+static const char* const valid_modargs[] = {
+ "sink",
+ "sample",
+ "display",
+static struct pa_sink* get_output_sink(struct userdata *u) {
+ struct pa_sink *s;
+ assert(u);
+ if (!(s = pa_idxset_get_by_index(u->core->sinks, u->sink_index)))
+ s = pa_sink_get_default(u->core);
+ u->sink_index = s ? s->index : PA_IDXSET_INVALID;
+ return s;
+static int ring_bell(struct userdata *u, int percent) {
+ struct pa_sink *s;
+ assert(u);
+ if (!(s = get_output_sink(u))) {
+ fprintf(stderr, __FILE__": Invalid sink\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (pa_scache_play_item(u->core, u->scache_item, s, percent*2) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, __FILE__": Failed to play sample\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void io_callback(struct pa_mainloop_api*a, void *id, int fd, enum pa_mainloop_api_io_events events, void *userdata) {
+ struct userdata *u = userdata;
+ assert(u);
+ while (XPending(u->display)) {
+ XEvent e;
+ XkbBellNotifyEvent *bne;
+ XNextEvent(u->display, &e);
+ if (((XkbEvent*) &e)->any.xkb_type != XkbBellNotify)
+ continue;
+ bne = ((XkbBellNotifyEvent*) &e);
+ if (ring_bell(u, bne->percent) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, __FILE__": Ringing bell failed, reverting to X11 device bell.\n");
+ XkbForceDeviceBell(u->display, bne->device, bne->bell_class, bne->bell_id, bne->percent);
+ }
+ }
+static void new_io_source(struct userdata *u, int fd) {
+ struct x11_source *s;
+ s = malloc(sizeof(struct x11_source));
+ assert(s);
+ s->io_source = u->core->mainloop->source_io(u->core->mainloop, fd, PA_MAINLOOP_API_IO_EVENT_INPUT, io_callback, u);
+ assert(s->io_source);
+ s->next = u->x11_sources;
+ u->x11_sources = s;
+int pa_module_init(struct pa_core *c, struct pa_module*m) {
+ struct userdata *u = NULL;
+ struct pa_modargs *ma = NULL;
+ int major, minor;
+ unsigned int auto_ctrls, auto_values;
+ assert(c && m);
+ if (!(ma = pa_modargs_new(m->argument, valid_modargs))) {
+ fprintf(stderr, __FILE__": failed to parse module arguments\n");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ m->userdata = u = malloc(sizeof(struct userdata));
+ assert(u);
+ u->core = c;
+ u->display = NULL;
+ u->x11_sources = NULL;
+ u->scache_item = strdup(pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "sample", "bell"));
+ assert(u->scache_item);
+ if (pa_modargs_get_sink_index(ma, c, &u->sink_index) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, __FILE__": Invalid sink specified\n");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (!(u->display = XOpenDisplay(pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "display", NULL)))) {
+ fprintf(stderr, __FILE__": XOpenDisplay() failed\n");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ new_io_source(u, ConnectionNumber(u->display));
+ major = XkbMajorVersion;
+ minor = XkbMinorVersion;
+ if (!XkbLibraryVersion(&major, &minor)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, __FILE__": XkbLibraryVersion() failed\n");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ major = XkbMajorVersion;
+ minor = XkbMinorVersion;
+ if (!XkbQueryExtension(u->display, NULL, &u->xkb_event_base, NULL, &major, &minor)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, __FILE__": XkbQueryExtension() failed\n");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ XkbSelectEvents(u->display, XkbUseCoreKbd, XkbBellNotifyMask, XkbBellNotifyMask);
+ auto_ctrls = auto_values = XkbAudibleBellMask;
+ XkbSetAutoResetControls(u->display, XkbAudibleBellMask, &auto_ctrls, &auto_values);
+ XkbChangeEnabledControls(u->display, XkbUseCoreKbd, XkbAudibleBellMask, 0);
+ pa_modargs_free(ma);
+ return 0;
+ if (ma)
+ pa_modargs_free(ma);
+ if (m->userdata)
+ pa_module_done(c, m);
+ return -1;
+void pa_module_done(struct pa_core *c, struct pa_module*m) {
+ struct userdata *u = m->userdata;
+ assert(c && m && u);
+ while (u->x11_sources) {
+ struct x11_source *s = u->x11_sources;
+ u->x11_sources = u->x11_sources->next;
+ c->mainloop->cancel_io(c->mainloop, s->io_source);
+ free(s);
+ }
+ free(u->scache_item);
+ if (u->display)
+ XCloseDisplay(u->display);
+ free(u);