path: root/src/polypcore/resampler.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/polypcore/resampler.c')
1 files changed, 614 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/polypcore/resampler.c b/src/polypcore/resampler.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0417e44e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/polypcore/resampler.c
@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+ This file is part of polypaudio.
+ polypaudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+ or (at your option) any later version.
+ polypaudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along with polypaudio; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ USA.
+#include <config.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <samplerate.h>
+#include <liboil/liboilfuncs.h>
+#include <liboil/liboil.h>
+#include "resampler.h"
+#include "sconv.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+#include "log.h"
+struct pa_resampler {
+ pa_resample_method_t resample_method;
+ pa_sample_spec i_ss, o_ss;
+ pa_channel_map i_cm, o_cm;
+ size_t i_fz, o_fz;
+ pa_memblock_stat *memblock_stat;
+ void (*impl_free)(pa_resampler *r);
+ void (*impl_update_input_rate)(pa_resampler *r, uint32_t rate);
+ void (*impl_run)(pa_resampler *r, const pa_memchunk *in, pa_memchunk *out);
+ void *impl_data;
+struct impl_libsamplerate {
+ float* buf1, *buf2, *buf3, *buf4;
+ unsigned buf1_samples, buf2_samples, buf3_samples, buf4_samples;
+ pa_convert_to_float32ne_func_t to_float32ne_func;
+ pa_convert_from_float32ne_func_t from_float32ne_func;
+ SRC_STATE *src_state;
+ int map_required;
+struct impl_trivial {
+ unsigned o_counter;
+ unsigned i_counter;
+static int libsamplerate_init(pa_resampler*r);
+static int trivial_init(pa_resampler*r);
+pa_resampler* pa_resampler_new(
+ const pa_sample_spec *a,
+ const pa_channel_map *am,
+ const pa_sample_spec *b,
+ const pa_channel_map *bm,
+ pa_memblock_stat *s,
+ pa_resample_method_t resample_method) {
+ pa_resampler *r = NULL;
+ assert(a);
+ assert(b);
+ assert(pa_sample_spec_valid(a));
+ assert(pa_sample_spec_valid(b));
+ assert(resample_method != PA_RESAMPLER_INVALID);
+ r = pa_xnew(pa_resampler, 1);
+ r->impl_data = NULL;
+ r->memblock_stat = s;
+ r->resample_method = resample_method;
+ r->impl_free = NULL;
+ r->impl_update_input_rate = NULL;
+ r->impl_run = NULL;
+ /* Fill sample specs */
+ r->i_ss = *a;
+ r->o_ss = *b;
+ if (am)
+ r->i_cm = *am;
+ else
+ pa_channel_map_init_auto(&r->i_cm, r->i_ss.channels);
+ if (bm)
+ r->o_cm = *bm;
+ else
+ pa_channel_map_init_auto(&r->o_cm, r->o_ss.channels);
+ r->i_fz = pa_frame_size(a);
+ r->o_fz = pa_frame_size(b);
+ /* Choose implementation */
+ if (a->channels != b->channels ||
+ a->format != b->format ||
+ !pa_channel_map_equal(&r->i_cm, &r->o_cm) ||
+ resample_method != PA_RESAMPLER_TRIVIAL) {
+ /* Use the libsamplerate based resampler for the complicated cases */
+ if (resample_method == PA_RESAMPLER_TRIVIAL)
+ r->resample_method = PA_RESAMPLER_SRC_ZERO_ORDER_HOLD;
+ if (libsamplerate_init(r) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ } else {
+ /* Use our own simple non-fp resampler for the trivial cases and when the user selects it */
+ if (trivial_init(r) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ return r;
+ if (r)
+ pa_xfree(r);
+ return NULL;
+void pa_resampler_free(pa_resampler *r) {
+ assert(r);
+ if (r->impl_free)
+ r->impl_free(r);
+ pa_xfree(r);
+void pa_resampler_set_input_rate(pa_resampler *r, uint32_t rate) {
+ assert(r);
+ assert(rate > 0);
+ if (r->i_ss.rate == rate)
+ return;
+ r->i_ss.rate = rate;
+ if (r->impl_update_input_rate)
+ r->impl_update_input_rate(r, rate);
+void pa_resampler_run(pa_resampler *r, const pa_memchunk *in, pa_memchunk *out) {
+ assert(r && in && out && r->impl_run);
+ r->impl_run(r, in, out);
+size_t pa_resampler_request(pa_resampler *r, size_t out_length) {
+ assert(r && (out_length % r->o_fz) == 0);
+ return (((out_length / r->o_fz)*r->i_ss.rate)/r->o_ss.rate) * r->i_fz;
+pa_resample_method_t pa_resampler_get_method(pa_resampler *r) {
+ assert(r);
+ return r->resample_method;
+static const char * const resample_methods[] = {
+ "src-sinc-best-quality",
+ "src-sinc-medium-quality",
+ "src-sinc-fastest",
+ "src-zero-order-hold",
+ "src-linear",
+ "trivial"
+const char *pa_resample_method_to_string(pa_resample_method_t m) {
+ if (m < 0 || m >= PA_RESAMPLER_MAX)
+ return NULL;
+ return resample_methods[m];
+pa_resample_method_t pa_parse_resample_method(const char *string) {
+ pa_resample_method_t m;
+ assert(string);
+ for (m = 0; m < PA_RESAMPLER_MAX; m++)
+ if (!strcmp(string, resample_methods[m]))
+ return m;
+/*** libsamplerate based implementation ***/
+static void libsamplerate_free(pa_resampler *r) {
+ struct impl_libsamplerate *u;
+ assert(r);
+ assert(r->impl_data);
+ u = r->impl_data;
+ if (u->src_state)
+ src_delete(u->src_state);
+ pa_xfree(u->buf1);
+ pa_xfree(u->buf2);
+ pa_xfree(u->buf3);
+ pa_xfree(u->buf4);
+ pa_xfree(u);
+static void calc_map_table(pa_resampler *r) {
+ struct impl_libsamplerate *u;
+ unsigned oc;
+ assert(r);
+ assert(r->impl_data);
+ u = r->impl_data;
+ if (!(u->map_required = (!pa_channel_map_equal(&r->i_cm, &r->o_cm) || r->i_ss.channels != r->o_ss.channels)))
+ return;
+ for (oc = 0; oc < r->o_ss.channels; oc++) {
+ unsigned ic, i = 0;
+ for (ic = 0; ic < r->i_ss.channels; ic++) {
+ pa_channel_position_t a, b;
+ a = r->[ic];
+ b = r->[oc];
+ if (a == b ||
+ u->map_table[oc][i++] = ic;
+ }
+ /* Add an end marker */
+ if (i < PA_CHANNELS_MAX)
+ u->map_table[oc][i] = -1;
+ }
+static float * convert_to_float(pa_resampler *r, float *input, unsigned n_frames) {
+ struct impl_libsamplerate *u;
+ unsigned n_samples;
+ assert(r);
+ assert(input);
+ assert(r->impl_data);
+ u = r->impl_data;
+ /* Convert the incoming sample into floats and place them in buf1 */
+ if (!u->to_float32ne_func)
+ return input;
+ n_samples = n_frames * r->i_ss.channels;
+ if (u->buf1_samples < n_samples)
+ u->buf1 = pa_xrealloc(u->buf1, sizeof(float) * (u->buf1_samples = n_samples));
+ u->to_float32ne_func(n_samples, input, u->buf1);
+ return u->buf1;
+static float *remap_channels(pa_resampler *r, float *input, unsigned n_frames) {
+ struct impl_libsamplerate *u;
+ unsigned n_samples;
+ int i_skip, o_skip;
+ unsigned oc;
+ assert(r);
+ assert(input);
+ assert(r->impl_data);
+ u = r->impl_data;
+ /* Remap channels and place the result int buf2 */
+ if (!u->map_required)
+ return input;
+ n_samples = n_frames * r->o_ss.channels;
+ if (u->buf2_samples < n_samples)
+ u->buf2 = pa_xrealloc(u->buf2, sizeof(float) * (u->buf2_samples = n_samples));
+ memset(u->buf2, 0, n_samples * sizeof(float));
+ o_skip = sizeof(float) * r->o_ss.channels;
+ i_skip = sizeof(float) * r->i_ss.channels;
+ for (oc = 0; oc < r->o_ss.channels; oc++) {
+ unsigned i;
+ static const float one = 1.0;
+ for (i = 0; i < PA_CHANNELS_MAX && u->map_table[oc][i] >= 0; i++)
+ oil_vectoradd_f32(
+ u->buf2 + oc, o_skip,
+ u->buf2 + oc, o_skip,
+ input + u->map_table[oc][i], i_skip,
+ n_frames,
+ &one, &one);
+ }
+ return u->buf2;
+static float *resample(pa_resampler *r, float *input, unsigned *n_frames) {
+ struct impl_libsamplerate *u;
+ SRC_DATA data;
+ unsigned out_n_frames, out_n_samples;
+ int ret;
+ assert(r);
+ assert(input);
+ assert(n_frames);
+ assert(r->impl_data);
+ u = r->impl_data;
+ /* Resample the data and place the result in buf3 */
+ if (!u->src_state)
+ return input;
+ out_n_frames = (*n_frames*r->o_ss.rate/r->i_ss.rate)+1024;
+ out_n_samples = out_n_frames * r->o_ss.channels;
+ if (u->buf3_samples < out_n_samples)
+ u->buf3 = pa_xrealloc(u->buf3, sizeof(float) * (u->buf3_samples = out_n_samples));
+ data.data_in = input;
+ data.input_frames = *n_frames;
+ data.data_out = u->buf3;
+ data.output_frames = out_n_frames;
+ data.src_ratio = (double) r->o_ss.rate / r->i_ss.rate;
+ data.end_of_input = 0;
+ ret = src_process(u->src_state, &data);
+ assert(ret == 0);
+ assert((unsigned) data.input_frames_used == *n_frames);
+ *n_frames = data.output_frames_gen;
+ return u->buf3;
+static float *convert_from_float(pa_resampler *r, float *input, unsigned n_frames) {
+ struct impl_libsamplerate *u;
+ unsigned n_samples;
+ assert(r);
+ assert(input);
+ assert(r->impl_data);
+ u = r->impl_data;
+ /* Convert the data into the correct sample type and place the result in buf4 */
+ if (!u->from_float32ne_func)
+ return input;
+ n_samples = n_frames * r->o_ss.channels;
+ if (u->buf4_samples < n_samples)
+ u->buf4 = pa_xrealloc(u->buf4, sizeof(float) * (u->buf4_samples = n_samples));
+ u->from_float32ne_func(n_samples, input, u->buf4);
+ return u->buf4;
+static void libsamplerate_run(pa_resampler *r, const pa_memchunk *in, pa_memchunk *out) {
+ struct impl_libsamplerate *u;
+ float *buf, *input;
+ unsigned n_frames;
+ assert(r);
+ assert(in);
+ assert(out);
+ assert(in->length);
+ assert(in->memblock);
+ assert(in->length % r->i_fz == 0);
+ assert(r->impl_data);
+ u = r->impl_data;
+ buf = input = (float*) ((uint8_t*) in->memblock->data + in->index);
+ n_frames = in->length / r->i_fz;
+ assert(n_frames > 0);
+ buf = convert_to_float(r, buf, n_frames);
+ buf = remap_channels(r, buf, n_frames);
+ buf = resample(r, buf, &n_frames);
+ if (n_frames) {
+ buf = convert_from_float(r, buf, n_frames);
+ if (buf == input) {
+ /* Mm, no adjustment has been necessary, so let's return the original block */
+ out->memblock = pa_memblock_ref(in->memblock);
+ out->index = in->index;
+ out->length = in->length;
+ } else {
+ float **p = NULL;
+ out->length = n_frames * r->o_fz;
+ out->index = 0;
+ if (buf == u->buf1) {
+ p = &u->buf1;
+ u->buf1_samples = 0;
+ } else if (buf == u->buf2) {
+ p = &u->buf2;
+ u->buf2_samples = 0;
+ } else if (buf == u->buf3) {
+ p = &u->buf3;
+ u->buf3_samples = 0;
+ } else if (buf == u->buf4) {
+ p = &u->buf4;
+ u->buf4_samples = 0;
+ }
+ assert(p);
+ /* Take the existing buffer and make it a memblock */
+ out->memblock = pa_memblock_new_dynamic(*p, out->length, r->memblock_stat);
+ *p = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ out->memblock = NULL;
+ out->index = out->length = 0;
+ }
+static void libsamplerate_update_input_rate(pa_resampler *r, uint32_t rate) {
+ struct impl_libsamplerate *u;
+ assert(r);
+ assert(rate > 0);
+ assert(r->impl_data);
+ u = r->impl_data;
+ if (!u->src_state) {
+ int err;
+ u->src_state = src_new(r->resample_method, r->o_ss.channels, &err);
+ assert(u->src_state);
+ } else {
+ int ret = src_set_ratio(u->src_state, (double) r->o_ss.rate / rate);
+ assert(ret == 0);
+ }
+static int libsamplerate_init(pa_resampler *r) {
+ struct impl_libsamplerate *u = NULL;
+ int err;
+ r->impl_data = u = pa_xnew(struct impl_libsamplerate, 1);
+ u->buf1 = u->buf2 = u->buf3 = u->buf4 = NULL;
+ u->buf1_samples = u->buf2_samples = u->buf3_samples = u->buf4_samples = 0;
+ if (r->i_ss.format == PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32NE)
+ u->to_float32ne_func = NULL;
+ else if (!(u->to_float32ne_func = pa_get_convert_to_float32ne_function(r->i_ss.format)))
+ goto fail;
+ if (r->o_ss.format == PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32NE)
+ u->from_float32ne_func = NULL;
+ else if (!(u->from_float32ne_func = pa_get_convert_from_float32ne_function(r->o_ss.format)))
+ goto fail;
+ if (r->o_ss.rate == r->i_ss.rate)
+ u->src_state = NULL;
+ else if (!(u->src_state = src_new(r->resample_method, r->o_ss.channels, &err)))
+ goto fail;
+ r->impl_free = libsamplerate_free;
+ r->impl_update_input_rate = libsamplerate_update_input_rate;
+ r->impl_run = libsamplerate_run;
+ calc_map_table(r);
+ return 0;
+ pa_xfree(u);
+ return -1;
+/* Trivial implementation */
+static void trivial_run(pa_resampler *r, const pa_memchunk *in, pa_memchunk *out) {
+ size_t fz;
+ unsigned n_frames;
+ struct impl_trivial *u;
+ assert(r);
+ assert(in);
+ assert(out);
+ assert(r->impl_data);
+ u = r->impl_data;
+ fz = r->i_fz;
+ assert(fz == r->o_fz);
+ n_frames = in->length/fz;
+ if (r->i_ss.rate == r->o_ss.rate) {
+ /* In case there's no diefference in sample types, do nothing */
+ *out = *in;
+ pa_memblock_ref(out->memblock);
+ u->o_counter += n_frames;
+ } else {
+ /* Do real resampling */
+ size_t l;
+ unsigned o_index;
+ /* The length of the new memory block rounded up */
+ l = ((((n_frames+1) * r->o_ss.rate) / r->i_ss.rate) + 1) * fz;
+ out->index = 0;
+ out->memblock = pa_memblock_new(l, r->memblock_stat);
+ for (o_index = 0;; o_index++, u->o_counter++) {
+ unsigned j;
+ j = (u->o_counter * r->i_ss.rate / r->o_ss.rate);
+ j = j > u->i_counter ? j - u->i_counter : 0;
+ if (j >= n_frames)
+ break;
+ assert(o_index*fz < out->memblock->length);
+ memcpy((uint8_t*) out->memblock->data + fz*o_index,
+ (uint8_t*) in->memblock->data + in->index + fz*j, fz);
+ }
+ out->length = o_index*fz;
+ }
+ u->i_counter += n_frames;
+ /* Normalize counters */
+ while (u->i_counter >= r->i_ss.rate) {
+ u->i_counter -= r->i_ss.rate;
+ assert(u->o_counter >= r->o_ss.rate);
+ u->o_counter -= r->o_ss.rate;
+ }
+static void trivial_free(pa_resampler *r) {
+ assert(r);
+ pa_xfree(r->impl_data);
+static void trivial_update_input_rate(pa_resampler *r, uint32_t rate) {
+ struct impl_trivial *u;
+ assert(r);
+ assert(rate > 0);
+ assert(r->impl_data);
+ u = r->impl_data;
+ u->i_counter = 0;
+ u->o_counter = 0;
+static int trivial_init(pa_resampler*r) {
+ struct impl_trivial *u;
+ assert(r);
+ assert(r->i_ss.format == r->o_ss.format);
+ assert(r->i_ss.channels == r->o_ss.channels);
+ r->impl_data = u = pa_xnew(struct impl_trivial, 1);
+ u->o_counter = u->i_counter = 0;
+ r->impl_run = trivial_run;
+ r->impl_free = trivial_free;
+ r->impl_update_input_rate = trivial_update_input_rate;
+ return 0;