path: root/src/pulse
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/pulse')
11 files changed, 814 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/src/pulse/def.h b/src/pulse/def.h
index a3b86223..e01e667f 100644
--- a/src/pulse/def.h
+++ b/src/pulse/def.h
@@ -739,12 +739,7 @@ typedef enum pa_sink_flags {
/**< The latency can be adjusted dynamically depending on the
* needs of the connected streams. \since 0.9.15 */
- /**< This sink has support for passthrough mode. The data will be left
- * as is and not reformatted, resampled, mixed.
- * \since 1.0 */
/**< The HW volume changes are syncronized with SW volume.
* \since 1.0 */
@@ -753,7 +748,7 @@ typedef enum pa_sink_flags {
* The server will filter out these flags anyway, so you should never see
* these flags in sinks. */
/**< This sink shares the volume with the master sink (used by some filter
* sinks). */
/** \endcond */
@@ -769,7 +764,6 @@ typedef enum pa_sink_flags {
@@ -918,6 +912,13 @@ typedef void (*pa_free_cb_t)(void *p);
* information, \since 0.9.15 */
#define PA_STREAM_EVENT_REQUEST_UNCORK "request-uncork"
+/** A stream event notifying that the stream is going to be
+ * disconnected because the underlying sink changed and no longer
+ * supports the format that was originally negotiated. Clients need
+ * to connect a new stream to renegotiate a format and continue
+ * playback, \since 1.0 */
+#define PA_STREAM_EVENT_FORMAT_LOST "format-lost"
diff --git a/src/pulse/format.c b/src/pulse/format.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1a0981b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pulse/format.c
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+ This file is part of PulseAudio.
+ Copyright 2011 Intel Corporation
+ Copyright 2011 Collabora Multimedia
+ Copyright 2011 Arun Raghavan <>
+ PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,
+ or (at your option) any later version.
+ PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ USA.
+#include <config.h>
+#include <json.h>
+#include <pulse/internal.h>
+#include <pulse/xmalloc.h>
+#include <pulse/i18n.h>
+#include <pulsecore/core-util.h>
+#include <pulsecore/macro.h>
+#include "format.h"
+#define PA_JSON_MIN_KEY "min"
+#define PA_JSON_MAX_KEY "max"
+static int pa_format_info_prop_compatible(const char *one, const char *two);
+const char *pa_encoding_to_string(pa_encoding_t e) {
+ static const char* const table[]= {
+ [PA_ENCODING_PCM] = "pcm",
+ [PA_ENCODING_AC3_IEC61937] = "ac3-iec61937",
+ [PA_ENCODING_EAC3_IEC61937] = "eac3-iec61937",
+ [PA_ENCODING_MPEG_IEC61937] = "mpeg-iec61937",
+ [PA_ENCODING_DTS_IEC61937] = "dts-iec61937",
+ [PA_ENCODING_ANY] = "any",
+ };
+ if (e < 0 || e >= PA_ENCODING_MAX)
+ return NULL;
+ return table[e];
+pa_format_info* pa_format_info_new(void) {
+ pa_format_info *f = pa_xnew(pa_format_info, 1);
+ f->encoding = PA_ENCODING_INVALID;
+ f->plist = pa_proplist_new();
+ return f;
+pa_format_info* pa_format_info_copy(const pa_format_info *src) {
+ pa_format_info *dest;
+ pa_assert(src);
+ dest = pa_xnew(pa_format_info, 1);
+ dest->encoding = src->encoding;
+ if (src->plist)
+ dest->plist = pa_proplist_copy(src->plist);
+ else
+ dest->plist = NULL;
+ return dest;
+void pa_format_info_free(pa_format_info *f) {
+ pa_assert(f);
+ pa_proplist_free(f->plist);
+ pa_xfree(f);
+void pa_format_info_free2(pa_format_info *f, void *userdata) {
+ pa_format_info_free(f);
+int pa_format_info_valid(const pa_format_info *f) {
+ return (f->encoding >= 0 && f->encoding < PA_ENCODING_MAX && f->plist != NULL);
+int pa_format_info_is_pcm(const pa_format_info *f) {
+ return f->encoding == PA_ENCODING_PCM;
+char *pa_format_info_snprint(char *s, size_t l, const pa_format_info *f) {
+ char *tmp;
+ pa_assert(s);
+ pa_assert(l > 0);
+ pa_assert(f);
+ pa_init_i18n();
+ if (!pa_format_info_valid(f))
+ pa_snprintf(s, l, _("(invalid)"));
+ else {
+ tmp = pa_proplist_to_string_sep(f->plist, ", ");
+ pa_snprintf(s, l, _("%s, %s"), pa_encoding_to_string(f->encoding), tmp[0] ? tmp : _("(no properties)"));
+ pa_xfree(tmp);
+ }
+ return s;
+int pa_format_info_is_compatible(pa_format_info *first, pa_format_info *second) {
+ const char *key;
+ void *state = NULL;
+ pa_assert(first);
+ pa_assert(second);
+ if (first->encoding != second->encoding)
+ return FALSE;
+ while ((key = pa_proplist_iterate(first->plist, &state))) {
+ const char *value_one, *value_two;
+ value_one = pa_proplist_gets(first->plist, key);
+ value_two = pa_proplist_gets(second->plist, key);
+ if (!value_two || !pa_format_info_prop_compatible(value_one, value_two))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+pa_format_info* pa_format_info_from_sample_spec(pa_sample_spec *ss, pa_channel_map *map) {
+ pa_format_info *f;
+ pa_assert(ss && pa_sample_spec_valid(ss));
+ pa_assert(!map || pa_channel_map_valid(map));
+ f = pa_format_info_new();
+ f->encoding = PA_ENCODING_PCM;
+ pa_format_info_set_sample_format(f, ss->format);
+ pa_format_info_set_rate(f, ss->rate);
+ pa_format_info_set_channels(f, ss->channels);
+ if (map) {
+ pa_channel_map_snprint(cm, sizeof(cm), map);
+ pa_format_info_set_prop_string(f, PA_PROP_FORMAT_CHANNEL_MAP, cm);
+ }
+ return f;
+/* For PCM streams */
+pa_bool_t pa_format_info_to_sample_spec(pa_format_info *f, pa_sample_spec *ss, pa_channel_map *map) {
+ char *sf = NULL, *m = NULL;
+ int rate, channels;
+ pa_bool_t ret = FALSE;
+ pa_assert(f);
+ pa_assert(ss);
+ pa_return_val_if_fail(f->encoding == PA_ENCODING_PCM, FALSE);
+ if (!pa_format_info_get_prop_string(f, PA_PROP_FORMAT_SAMPLE_FORMAT, &sf))
+ goto out;
+ if (!pa_format_info_get_prop_int(f, PA_PROP_FORMAT_RATE, &rate))
+ goto out;
+ if (!pa_format_info_get_prop_int(f, PA_PROP_FORMAT_CHANNELS, &channels))
+ goto out;
+ if ((ss->format = pa_parse_sample_format(sf)) == PA_SAMPLE_INVALID)
+ goto out;
+ ss->rate = (uint32_t) rate;
+ ss->channels = (uint8_t) channels;
+ if (map) {
+ pa_channel_map_init(map);
+ if (!pa_format_info_get_prop_string(f, PA_PROP_FORMAT_CHANNEL_MAP, &m))
+ goto out;
+ if (m && pa_channel_map_parse(map, m) == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ }
+ ret = TRUE;
+ if (sf)
+ pa_xfree(sf);
+ if (m)
+ pa_xfree(m);
+ return ret;
+/* For compressed streams */
+pa_bool_t pa_format_info_to_sample_spec_fake(pa_format_info *f, pa_sample_spec *ss) {
+ int rate;
+ pa_assert(f);
+ pa_assert(ss);
+ pa_return_val_if_fail(f->encoding != PA_ENCODING_PCM, FALSE);
+ ss->format = PA_SAMPLE_S16LE;
+ ss->channels = 2;
+ pa_return_val_if_fail(pa_format_info_get_prop_int(f, PA_PROP_FORMAT_RATE, &rate), FALSE);
+ ss->rate = (uint32_t) rate;
+ if (f->encoding == PA_ENCODING_EAC3_IEC61937)
+ ss->rate *= 4;
+ return TRUE;
+void pa_format_info_set_sample_format(pa_format_info *f, pa_sample_format_t sf) {
+ pa_format_info_set_prop_string(f, PA_PROP_FORMAT_SAMPLE_FORMAT, pa_sample_format_to_string(sf));
+void pa_format_info_set_rate(pa_format_info *f, int rate) {
+ pa_format_info_set_prop_int(f, PA_PROP_FORMAT_RATE, rate);
+void pa_format_info_set_channels(pa_format_info *f, int channels) {
+ pa_format_info_set_prop_int(f, PA_PROP_FORMAT_CHANNELS, channels);
+void pa_format_info_set_channel_map(pa_format_info *f, const pa_channel_map *map) {
+ pa_channel_map_snprint(map_str, sizeof(map_str), map);
+ pa_format_info_set_prop_string(f, PA_PROP_FORMAT_CHANNEL_MAP, map_str);
+pa_bool_t pa_format_info_get_prop_int(pa_format_info *f, const char *key, int *v) {
+ const char *str;
+ json_object *o;
+ pa_assert(f);
+ pa_assert(key);
+ pa_assert(v);
+ pa_return_val_if_fail(str = pa_proplist_gets(f->plist, key), FALSE);
+ o = json_tokener_parse(str);
+ pa_return_val_if_fail(!is_error(o), FALSE);
+ if (json_object_get_type(o) != json_type_int) {
+ json_object_put(o);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ *v = json_object_get_int(o);
+ json_object_put(o);
+ return TRUE;
+pa_bool_t pa_format_info_get_prop_string(pa_format_info *f, const char *key, char **v) {
+ const char *str = NULL;
+ json_object *o;
+ pa_assert(f);
+ pa_assert(key);
+ pa_assert(v);
+ pa_return_val_if_fail(str = pa_proplist_gets(f->plist, key), FALSE);
+ o = json_tokener_parse(str);
+ pa_return_val_if_fail(!is_error(o), FALSE);
+ if (json_object_get_type(o) != json_type_string) {
+ json_object_put(o);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ *v = pa_xstrdup(json_object_get_string(o));
+ json_object_put(o);
+ return TRUE;
+void pa_format_info_set_prop_int(pa_format_info *f, const char *key, int value) {
+ json_object *o;
+ pa_assert(f);
+ pa_assert(key);
+ o = json_object_new_int(value);
+ pa_proplist_sets(f->plist, key, json_object_to_json_string(o));
+ json_object_put(o);
+void pa_format_info_set_prop_int_array(pa_format_info *f, const char *key, const int *values, int n_values) {
+ json_object *o;
+ int i;
+ pa_assert(f);
+ pa_assert(key);
+ o = json_object_new_array();
+ for (i = 0; i < n_values; i++)
+ json_object_array_add(o, json_object_new_int(values[i]));
+ pa_proplist_sets(f->plist, key, json_object_to_json_string(o));
+ json_object_put(o);
+void pa_format_info_set_prop_int_range(pa_format_info *f, const char *key, int min, int max) {
+ json_object *o;
+ pa_assert(f);
+ pa_assert(key);
+ o = json_object_new_object();
+ json_object_object_add(o, PA_JSON_MIN_KEY, json_object_new_int(min));
+ json_object_object_add(o, PA_JSON_MAX_KEY, json_object_new_int(max));
+ pa_proplist_sets(f->plist, key, json_object_to_json_string(o));
+ json_object_put(o);
+void pa_format_info_set_prop_string(pa_format_info *f, const char *key, const char *value) {
+ json_object *o;
+ pa_assert(f);
+ pa_assert(key);
+ o = json_object_new_string(value);
+ pa_proplist_sets(f->plist, key, json_object_to_json_string(o));
+ json_object_put(o);
+void pa_format_info_set_prop_string_array(pa_format_info *f, const char *key, const char **values, int n_values) {
+ json_object *o;
+ int i;
+ pa_assert(f);
+ pa_assert(key);
+ o = json_object_new_array();
+ for (i = 0; i < n_values; i++)
+ json_object_array_add(o, json_object_new_string(values[i]));
+ pa_proplist_sets(f->plist, key, json_object_to_json_string(o));
+ json_object_put(o);
+static pa_bool_t pa_json_is_fixed_type(json_object *o)
+ switch(json_object_get_type(o)) {
+ case json_type_object:
+ case json_type_array:
+ return FALSE;
+ default:
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+static int pa_json_value_equal(json_object *o1, json_object *o2) {
+ return (json_object_get_type(o1) == json_object_get_type(o2)) &&
+ pa_streq(json_object_to_json_string(o1), json_object_to_json_string(o2));
+static int pa_format_info_prop_compatible(const char *one, const char *two) {
+ json_object *o1 = NULL, *o2 = NULL;
+ int i, ret = 0;
+ o1 = json_tokener_parse(one);
+ if (is_error(o1))
+ goto out;
+ o2 = json_tokener_parse(two);
+ if (is_error(o2))
+ goto out;
+ /* We don't deal with both values being non-fixed - just because there is no immediate need (FIXME) */
+ pa_return_val_if_fail(pa_json_is_fixed_type(o1) || pa_json_is_fixed_type(o2), FALSE);
+ if (pa_json_is_fixed_type(o1) && pa_json_is_fixed_type(o2)) {
+ ret = pa_json_value_equal(o1, o2);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (pa_json_is_fixed_type(o1)) {
+ json_object *tmp = o2;
+ o2 = o1;
+ o1 = tmp;
+ }
+ /* o2 is now a fixed type, and o1 is not */
+ if (json_object_get_type(o1) == json_type_array) {
+ for (i = 0; i < json_object_array_length(o1); i++) {
+ if (pa_json_value_equal(json_object_array_get_idx(o1, i), o2)) {
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (json_object_get_type(o1) == json_type_object) {
+ /* o1 should be a range type */
+ int min, max, v;
+ json_object *o_min = NULL, *o_max = NULL;
+ if (json_object_get_type(o2) != json_type_int) {
+ /* We don't support non-integer ranges */
+ goto out;
+ }
+ o_min = json_object_object_get(o1, PA_JSON_MIN_KEY);
+ if (!o_min || json_object_get_type(o_min) != json_type_int)
+ goto out;
+ o_max = json_object_object_get(o1, PA_JSON_MAX_KEY);
+ if (!o_max || json_object_get_type(o_max) != json_type_int)
+ goto out;
+ v = json_object_get_int(o2);
+ min = json_object_get_int(o_min);
+ max = json_object_get_int(o_max);
+ ret = v >= min && v <= max;
+ } else {
+ pa_log_warn("Got a format type that we don't support");
+ }
+ if (o1)
+ json_object_put(o1);
+ if (o2)
+ json_object_put(o2);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/src/pulse/format.h b/src/pulse/format.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06e1fe62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pulse/format.h
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#ifndef fooformathfoo
+#define fooformathfoo
+ This file is part of PulseAudio.
+ Copyright 2011 Intel Corporation
+ Copyright 2011 Collabora Multimedia
+ Copyright 2011 Arun Raghavan <>
+ PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,
+ or (at your option) any later version.
+ PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ USA.
+#include <pulse/cdecl.h>
+#include <pulse/proplist.h>
+#include <pulse/sample.h>
+#include <pulse/channelmap.h>
+/**< Represents the type of encoding used in a stream or accepted by a sink. \since 1.0 */
+typedef enum pa_encoding {
+ /**< Any encoding format, PCM or compressed */
+ /**< Any PCM format */
+ /**< AC3 data encapsulated in IEC 61937 header/padding */
+ /**< EAC3 data encapsulated in IEC 61937 header/padding */
+ /**< MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 (Part 3, not AAC) data encapsulated in IEC 61937 header/padding */
+ /**< DTS data encapsulated in IEC 61937 header/padding */
+ /**< Valid encoding types must be less than this value */
+ /**< Represents an invalid encoding */
+} pa_encoding_t;
+/** Returns a printable string representing the given encoding type. \since 1.0 */
+const char *pa_encoding_to_string(pa_encoding_t e) PA_GCC_CONST;
+/**< Represents the format of data provided in a stream or processed by a sink. \since 1.0 */
+typedef struct pa_format_info {
+ pa_encoding_t encoding;
+ /**< The encoding used for the format */
+ pa_proplist *plist;
+ /**< Additional encoding-specific properties such as sample rate, bitrate, etc. */
+} pa_format_info;
+/**< Allocates a new \a pa_format_info structure. Clients must initialise at least the encoding field themselves. */
+pa_format_info* pa_format_info_new(void);
+/**< Returns a new \a pa_format_info struct and representing the same format as \a src */
+pa_format_info* pa_format_info_copy(const pa_format_info *src);
+/**< Frees a \a pa_format_info structure */
+void pa_format_info_free(pa_format_info *f);
+/** Returns non-zero when the format info structure is valid */
+int pa_format_info_valid(const pa_format_info *f);
+/** Returns non-zero when the format info structure represents a PCM (i.e. uncompressed data) format */
+int pa_format_info_is_pcm(const pa_format_info *f);
+/** Returns non-zero if the format represented \a first is a subset of
+ * the format represented by \second. This means that \a second must
+ * have all the fields that \a first does, but the reverse need not
+ * be true. This is typically expected to be used to check if a
+ * stream's format is compatible with a given sink. In such a case,
+ * \a first would be the sink's format and \a second would be the
+ * stream's.*/
+int pa_format_info_is_compatible(pa_format_info *first, pa_format_info *second);
+/** Maximum required string length for
+ * pa_format_info_snprint(). Please note that this value can change
+ * with any release without warning and without being considered API
+ * or ABI breakage. You should not use this definition anywhere where
+ * it might become part of an ABI. \since 1.0 */
+/** Return a human-readable string representing the given format. \since 1.0 */
+char *pa_format_info_snprint(char *s, size_t l, const pa_format_info *f);
+/** Sets an integer property on the given format info */
+void pa_format_info_set_prop_int(pa_format_info *f, const char *key, int value);
+/** Sets a property with a list of integer values on the given format info */
+void pa_format_info_set_prop_int_array(pa_format_info *f, const char *key, const int *values, int n_values);
+/** Sets a property which can have any value in a given integer range on the given format info */
+void pa_format_info_set_prop_int_range(pa_format_info *f, const char *key, int min, int max);
+/** Sets a string property on the given format info */
+void pa_format_info_set_prop_string(pa_format_info *f, const char *key, const char *value);
+/** Sets a property with a list of string values on the given format info */
+void pa_format_info_set_prop_string_array(pa_format_info *f, const char *key, const char **values, int n_values);
+/** Convenience method to set the sample format as a property on the given format */
+void pa_format_info_set_sample_format(pa_format_info *f, pa_sample_format_t sf);
+/** Convenience method to set the sampling rate as a property on the given format */
+void pa_format_info_set_rate(pa_format_info *f, int rate);
+/** Convenience method to set the number of channels as a property on the given format */
+void pa_format_info_set_channels(pa_format_info *f, int channels);
+/** Convenience method to set the channel map as a property on the given format */
+void pa_format_info_set_channel_map(pa_format_info *f, const pa_channel_map *map);
diff --git a/src/pulse/internal.h b/src/pulse/internal.h
index ab702b99..40f6804a 100644
--- a/src/pulse/internal.h
+++ b/src/pulse/internal.h
@@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ typedef struct pa_index_correction {
pa_bool_t corrupt:1;
} pa_index_correction;
struct pa_stream {
@@ -137,6 +139,9 @@ struct pa_stream {
pa_sample_spec sample_spec;
pa_channel_map channel_map;
+ uint8_t n_formats;
+ pa_format_info *req_formats[PA_MAX_FORMATS];
+ pa_format_info *format;
pa_proplist *proplist;
@@ -291,6 +296,13 @@ pa_tagstruct *pa_tagstruct_command(pa_context *c, uint32_t command, uint32_t *ta
void pa_ext_device_manager_command(pa_context *c, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t);
void pa_ext_stream_restore_command(pa_context *c, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t);
+void pa_format_info_free2(pa_format_info *f, void *userdata);
+pa_format_info* pa_format_info_from_sample_spec(pa_sample_spec *ss, pa_channel_map *map);
+pa_bool_t pa_format_info_to_sample_spec(pa_format_info *f, pa_sample_spec *ss, pa_channel_map *map);
+pa_bool_t pa_format_info_to_sample_spec_fake(pa_format_info *f, pa_sample_spec *ss);
+pa_bool_t pa_format_info_get_prop_int(pa_format_info *f, const char *key, int *v);
+pa_bool_t pa_format_info_get_prop_string(pa_format_info *f, const char *key, char **v);
pa_bool_t pa_mainloop_is_our_api(pa_mainloop_api*m);
diff --git a/src/pulse/introspect.c b/src/pulse/introspect.c
index c93fb062..e28a78c4 100644
--- a/src/pulse/introspect.c
+++ b/src/pulse/introspect.c
@@ -240,6 +240,33 @@ static void context_get_sink_info_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, u
+ if (o->context->version >= 21) {
+ i.formats = NULL;
+ if (pa_tagstruct_getu8(t, &i.n_formats)) {
+ pa_context_fail(o->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL);
+ pa_proplist_free(i.proplist);
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ pa_assert(i.n_formats > 0);
+ i.formats = pa_xnew0(pa_format_info*, i.n_formats);
+ for (j = 0; j < i.n_formats; j++) {
+ i.formats[j] = pa_format_info_new();
+ if (pa_tagstruct_get_format_info(t, i.formats[j]) < 0) {
+ do {
+ pa_format_info_free(i.formats[j]);
+ } while (j--);
+ pa_xfree(i.formats);
+ pa_context_fail(o->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL);
+ pa_proplist_free(i.proplist);
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ }
+ }
i.mute = (int) mute;
i.flags = (pa_sink_flags_t) flags;
i.state = (pa_sink_state_t) state;
@@ -253,6 +280,13 @@ static void context_get_sink_info_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, u
+ if (i.formats) {
+ for (j = 0; j < i.n_formats; j++)
+ pa_format_info_free(i.formats[j]);
+ pa_xfree(i.formats);
+ }
@@ -999,6 +1033,7 @@ static void context_get_sink_input_info_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t comm
i.proplist = pa_proplist_new();
+ i.format = pa_format_info_new();
if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &i.index) < 0 ||
pa_tagstruct_gets(t, & < 0 ||
@@ -1016,10 +1051,12 @@ static void context_get_sink_input_info_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t comm
(o->context->version >= 13 && pa_tagstruct_get_proplist(t, i.proplist) < 0) ||
(o->context->version >= 19 && pa_tagstruct_get_boolean(t, &corked) < 0) ||
(o->context->version >= 20 && (pa_tagstruct_get_boolean(t, &has_volume) < 0 ||
- pa_tagstruct_get_boolean(t, &volume_writable) < 0))) {
+ pa_tagstruct_get_boolean(t, &volume_writable) < 0)) ||
+ (o->context->version >= 21 && pa_tagstruct_get_format_info(t, i.format) < 0)) {
pa_context_fail(o->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL);
+ pa_format_info_free(i.format);
goto finish;
@@ -1034,6 +1071,7 @@ static void context_get_sink_input_info_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t comm
+ pa_format_info_free(i.format);
diff --git a/src/pulse/introspect.h b/src/pulse/introspect.h
index 297b4bac..a6b4a801 100644
--- a/src/pulse/introspect.h
+++ b/src/pulse/introspect.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include <pulse/channelmap.h>
#include <pulse/volume.h>
#include <pulse/proplist.h>
+#include <pulse/format.h>
#include <pulse/version.h>
/** \page introspect Server Query and Control
@@ -230,6 +231,8 @@ typedef struct pa_sink_info {
uint32_t n_ports; /**< Number of entries in port array \since 0.9.16 */
pa_sink_port_info** ports; /**< Array of available ports, or NULL. Array is terminated by an entry set to NULL. The number of entries is stored in n_ports \since 0.9.16 */
pa_sink_port_info* active_port; /**< Pointer to active port in the array, or NULL \since 0.9.16 */
+ uint8_t n_formats; /**< Number of formats supported by the sink. \since 1.0 */
+ pa_format_info **formats; /**< Array of formats supported by the sink. \since 1.0 */
} pa_sink_info;
/** Callback prototype for pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name() and friends */
@@ -505,6 +508,7 @@ typedef struct pa_sink_input_info {
int corked; /**< Stream corked \since 1.0 */
int has_volume; /**< Stream has volume. If not set, then the meaning of this struct's volume member is unspecified. \since 1.0 */
int volume_writable; /**< The volume can be set. If not set, the volume can still change even though clients can't control the volume. \since 1.0 */
+ pa_format_info *format; /**< Stream format information. \since 1.0 */
} pa_sink_input_info;
/** Callback prototype for pa_context_get_sink_input_info() and friends*/
diff --git a/src/pulse/proplist.h b/src/pulse/proplist.h
index 7d026997..a641f248 100644
--- a/src/pulse/proplist.h
+++ b/src/pulse/proplist.h
@@ -254,6 +254,18 @@ PA_C_DECL_BEGIN
/** For modules: a version string for the module. e.g. "0.9.15" */
#define PA_PROP_MODULE_VERSION "module.version"
+/** For PCM formats: the sample format used as returned by pa_sample_format_to_string() \since 1.0 */
+#define PA_PROP_FORMAT_SAMPLE_FORMAT "format.sample_format"
+/** For all formats: the sample rate (unsigned integer) \since 1.0 */
+#define PA_PROP_FORMAT_RATE "format.rate"
+/** For all formats: the number of channels (unsigned integer) \since 1.0 */
+#define PA_PROP_FORMAT_CHANNELS "format.channels"
+/** For PCM formats: the channel map of the stream as returned by pa_channel_map_snprint() \since 1.0 */
+#define PA_PROP_FORMAT_CHANNEL_MAP "format.channel_map"
/** A property list object. Basically a dictionary with ASCII strings
* as keys and arbitrary data as values. \since 0.9.11 */
typedef struct pa_proplist pa_proplist;
diff --git a/src/pulse/pulseaudio.h b/src/pulse/pulseaudio.h
index 793ba9b1..a399ed96 100644
--- a/src/pulse/pulseaudio.h
+++ b/src/pulse/pulseaudio.h
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include <pulse/mainloop-api.h>
#include <pulse/sample.h>
+#include <pulse/format.h>
#include <pulse/def.h>
#include <pulse/context.h>
#include <pulse/stream.h>
diff --git a/src/pulse/sample.c b/src/pulse/sample.c
index 9698d8a5..50d55210 100644
--- a/src/pulse/sample.c
+++ b/src/pulse/sample.c
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ pa_sample_format_t pa_parse_sample_format(const char *format) {
else if (strcasecmp(format, "s24-32re") == 0)
return PA_SAMPLE_S24_32RE;
- return -1;
int pa_sample_format_is_le(pa_sample_format_t f) {
diff --git a/src/pulse/stream.c b/src/pulse/stream.c
index aac18a31..6c055a5c 100644
--- a/src/pulse/stream.c
+++ b/src/pulse/stream.c
@@ -80,31 +80,24 @@ static void reset_callbacks(pa_stream *s) {
s->buffer_attr_userdata = NULL;
-pa_stream *pa_stream_new_with_proplist(
+static pa_stream *pa_stream_new_with_proplist_internal(
pa_context *c,
const char *name,
const pa_sample_spec *ss,
const pa_channel_map *map,
+ pa_format_info * const *formats,
pa_proplist *p) {
pa_stream *s;
int i;
- pa_channel_map tmap;
pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(c) >= 1);
+ pa_assert((ss == NULL && map == NULL) || formats == NULL);
- PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, ss && pa_sample_spec_valid(ss), PA_ERR_INVALID);
- PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, c->version >= 12 || (ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S32LE && ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S32BE), PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED);
- PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, c->version >= 15 || (ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S24LE && ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S24BE), PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED);
- PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, c->version >= 15 || (ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S24_32LE && ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S24_32BE), PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED);
- PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, !map || (pa_channel_map_valid(map) && map->channels == ss->channels), PA_ERR_INVALID);
PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, name || (p && pa_proplist_contains(p, PA_PROP_MEDIA_NAME)), PA_ERR_INVALID);
- if (!map)
- PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, map = pa_channel_map_init_auto(&tmap, ss->channels, PA_CHANNEL_MAP_DEFAULT), PA_ERR_INVALID);
s = pa_xnew(pa_stream, 1);
s->context = c;
@@ -114,8 +107,28 @@ pa_stream *pa_stream_new_with_proplist(
s->flags = 0;
- s->sample_spec = *ss;
- s->channel_map = *map;
+ if (ss)
+ s->sample_spec = *ss;
+ else
+ s->sample_spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_INVALID;
+ if (map)
+ s->channel_map = *map;
+ else
+ pa_channel_map_init(&s->channel_map);
+ s->n_formats = 0;
+ if (formats) {
+ for (i = 0; formats[i] && i < PA_MAX_FORMATS; i++) {
+ s->n_formats++;
+ s->req_formats[i] = pa_format_info_copy(formats[i]);
+ }
+ /* Make sure the input array was NULL-terminated */
+ pa_assert(formats[i] == NULL);
+ }
+ /* We'll get the final negotiated format after connecting */
+ s->format = NULL;
s->direct_on_input = PA_INVALID_INDEX;
@@ -136,7 +149,18 @@ pa_stream *pa_stream_new_with_proplist(
* what older PA versions provided. */
s->buffer_attr.maxlength = (uint32_t) -1;
- s->buffer_attr.tlength = (uint32_t) pa_usec_to_bytes(250*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC, ss); /* 250ms of buffering */
+ if (ss)
+ s->buffer_attr.tlength = (uint32_t) pa_usec_to_bytes(250*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC, ss); /* 250ms of buffering */
+ else {
+ /* FIXME: We assume a worst-case compressed format corresponding to
+ * 48000 Hz, 2 ch, S16 PCM, but this can very well be incorrect */
+ pa_sample_spec tmp_ss = {
+ .format = PA_SAMPLE_S16NE,
+ .rate = 48000,
+ .channels = 2,
+ };
+ s->buffer_attr.tlength = (uint32_t) pa_usec_to_bytes(250*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC, &tmp_ss); /* 250ms of buffering */
+ }
s->buffer_attr.minreq = (uint32_t) -1;
s->buffer_attr.prebuf = (uint32_t) -1;
s->buffer_attr.fragsize = (uint32_t) -1;
@@ -179,6 +203,38 @@ pa_stream *pa_stream_new_with_proplist(
return s;
+pa_stream *pa_stream_new_with_proplist(
+ pa_context *c,
+ const char *name,
+ const pa_sample_spec *ss,
+ const pa_channel_map *map,
+ pa_proplist *p) {
+ pa_channel_map tmap;
+ PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, ss && pa_sample_spec_valid(ss), PA_ERR_INVALID);
+ PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, c->version >= 12 || (ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S32LE && ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S32BE), PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED);
+ PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, c->version >= 15 || (ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S24LE && ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S24BE), PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED);
+ PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, c->version >= 15 || (ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S24_32LE && ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S24_32BE), PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED);
+ PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, !map || (pa_channel_map_valid(map) && map->channels == ss->channels), PA_ERR_INVALID);
+ if (!map)
+ PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, map = pa_channel_map_init_auto(&tmap, ss->channels, PA_CHANNEL_MAP_DEFAULT), PA_ERR_INVALID);
+ return pa_stream_new_with_proplist_internal(c, name, ss, map, NULL, p);
+pa_stream *pa_stream_new_extended(
+ pa_context *c,
+ const char *name,
+ pa_format_info * const *formats,
+ pa_proplist *p) {
+ return pa_stream_new_with_proplist_internal(c, name, NULL, NULL, formats, p);
static void stream_unlink(pa_stream *s) {
pa_operation *o, *n;
@@ -220,6 +276,8 @@ static void stream_unlink(pa_stream *s) {
static void stream_free(pa_stream *s) {
+ unsigned int i;
@@ -244,6 +302,9 @@ static void stream_free(pa_stream *s) {
if (s->smoother)
+ for (i = 0; i < s->n_formats; i++)
+ pa_xfree(s->req_formats[i]);
@@ -705,6 +766,14 @@ void pa_command_stream_event(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, p
if (s->state != PA_STREAM_READY)
goto finish;
+ if (pa_streq(event, PA_STREAM_EVENT_FORMAT_LOST)) {
+ /* Let client know what the running time was when the stream had to be
+ * killed */
+ pa_usec_t time;
+ if (pa_stream_get_time(s, &time) == 0)
+ pa_proplist_setf(pl, "stream-time", "%llu", (unsigned long long) time);
+ }
if (s->event_callback)
s->event_callback(s, event, pl, s->event_userdata);
@@ -970,9 +1039,10 @@ void pa_create_stream_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag,
ss.channels != cm.channels ||
!pa_channel_map_valid(&cm) ||
!pa_sample_spec_valid(&ss) ||
- (!(s->flags & PA_STREAM_FIX_FORMAT) && ss.format != s->sample_spec.format) ||
- (!(s->flags & PA_STREAM_FIX_RATE) && ss.rate != s->sample_spec.rate) ||
- (!(s->flags & PA_STREAM_FIX_CHANNELS) && !pa_channel_map_equal(&cm, &s->channel_map))) {
+ (s->n_formats == 0 && (
+ (!(s->flags & PA_STREAM_FIX_FORMAT) && ss.format != s->sample_spec.format) ||
+ (!(s->flags & PA_STREAM_FIX_RATE) && ss.rate != s->sample_spec.rate) ||
+ (!(s->flags & PA_STREAM_FIX_CHANNELS) && !pa_channel_map_equal(&cm, &s->channel_map))))) {
pa_context_fail(s->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL);
goto finish;
@@ -999,6 +1069,22 @@ void pa_create_stream_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag,
s->timing_info.configured_sink_usec = usec;
+ if (s->context->version >= 21 && s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) {
+ pa_format_info *f = pa_format_info_new();
+ pa_tagstruct_get_format_info(t, f);
+ if (pa_format_info_valid(f))
+ s->format = f;
+ else {
+ pa_format_info_free(f);
+ if (s->n_formats > 0) {
+ /* We used the extended API, so we should have got back a proper format */
+ pa_context_fail(s->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL);
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (!pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) {
pa_context_fail(s->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL);
goto finish;
@@ -1039,6 +1125,7 @@ static int create_stream(
pa_tagstruct *t;
uint32_t tag;
pa_bool_t volume_set = FALSE;
+ uint32_t i;
pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1);
@@ -1079,7 +1166,7 @@ static int create_stream(
- PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !volume || volume->channels == s->sample_spec.channels, PA_ERR_INVALID);
+ PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !volume || (pa_sample_spec_valid(&s->sample_spec) && volume->channels == s->sample_spec.channels), PA_ERR_INVALID);
PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !sync_stream || (direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK && sync_stream->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK), PA_ERR_INVALID);
@@ -1147,8 +1234,16 @@ static int create_stream(
volume_set = !!volume;
- if (!volume)
- volume = pa_cvolume_reset(&cv, s->sample_spec.channels);
+ if (!volume) {
+ if (pa_sample_spec_valid(&s->sample_spec))
+ volume = pa_cvolume_reset(&cv, s->sample_spec.channels);
+ else {
+ /* This is not really relevant, since no volume was set, and
+ * the real number of channels is embedded in the format_info
+ * structure */
+ volume = pa_cvolume_reset(&cv, PA_CHANNELS_MAX);
+ }
+ }
pa_tagstruct_put_cvolume(t, volume);
} else
@@ -1214,6 +1309,15 @@ static int create_stream(
pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, flags & (PA_STREAM_PASSTHROUGH));
+ if (s->context->version >= 21) {
+ if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) {
+ pa_tagstruct_putu8(t, s->n_formats);
+ for (i = 0; i < s->n_formats; i++)
+ pa_tagstruct_put_format_info(t, s->req_formats[i]);
+ }
+ }
pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t);
pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, pa_create_stream_callback, s, NULL);
@@ -2374,6 +2478,16 @@ const pa_channel_map* pa_stream_get_channel_map(pa_stream *s) {
return &s->channel_map;
+const pa_format_info* pa_stream_get_format_info(pa_stream *s) {
+ pa_assert(s);
+ pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1);
+ /* We don't have the format till routing is done */
+ PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED);
+ return s->format;
const pa_buffer_attr* pa_stream_get_buffer_attr(pa_stream *s) {
pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1);
diff --git a/src/pulse/stream.h b/src/pulse/stream.h
index dd67db73..b265fae6 100644
--- a/src/pulse/stream.h
+++ b/src/pulse/stream.h
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pulse/sample.h>
+#include <pulse/format.h>
#include <pulse/channelmap.h>
#include <pulse/volume.h>
#include <pulse/def.h>
@@ -356,6 +357,16 @@ pa_stream* pa_stream_new_with_proplist(
const pa_channel_map *map /**< The desired channel map, or NULL for default */,
pa_proplist *p /**< The initial property list */);
+/* Create a new, unconnected stream with the specified name, the set of formats
+ * this client can provide, and an initial list of properties. While
+ * connecting, the server will select the most appropriate format which the
+ * client must then provide. \since 1.0 */
+pa_stream *pa_stream_new_extended(
+ pa_context *c /**< The context to create this stream in */,
+ const char *name /**< A name for this stream */,
+ pa_format_info * const * formats /**< The list of formats that can be provided */,
+ pa_proplist *p /**< The initial property list */);
/** Decrease the reference counter by one */
void pa_stream_unref(pa_stream *s);
@@ -698,6 +709,9 @@ const pa_sample_spec* pa_stream_get_sample_spec(pa_stream *s);
/** Return a pointer to the stream's channel map. */
const pa_channel_map* pa_stream_get_channel_map(pa_stream *s);
+/** Return a pointer to the stream's format \since 1.0 */
+const pa_format_info* pa_stream_get_format_info(pa_stream *s);
/** Return the per-stream server-side buffer metrics of the
* stream. Only valid after the stream has been connected successfuly
* and if the server is at least PulseAudio 0.9. This will return the