/* $Id$ */ /*** This file is part of polypaudio. polypaudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. polypaudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with polypaudio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "ioline.h" #include "cli.h" #include "module.h" #include "sink.h" #include "source.h" #include "client.h" #include "sink-input.h" #include "source-output.h" #include "tokenizer.h" #include "strbuf.h" #include "namereg.h" #include "cli-text.h" #include "cli-command.h" #include "xmalloc.h" #include "log.h" #define PROMPT ">>> " struct pa_cli { struct pa_core *core; struct pa_ioline *line; void (*eof_callback)(struct pa_cli *c, void *userdata); void *userdata; struct pa_client *client; int fail, kill_requested, defer_kill; }; static void line_callback(struct pa_ioline *line, const char *s, void *userdata); static void client_kill(struct pa_client *c); struct pa_cli* pa_cli_new(struct pa_core *core, struct pa_iochannel *io, struct pa_module *m) { char cname[256]; struct pa_cli *c; assert(io); c = pa_xmalloc(sizeof(struct pa_cli)); c->core = core; c->line = pa_ioline_new(io); assert(c->line); c->userdata = NULL; c->eof_callback = NULL; pa_iochannel_socket_peer_to_string(io, cname, sizeof(cname)); c->client = pa_client_new(core, "CLI", cname); assert(c->client); c->client->kill = client_kill; c->client->userdata = c; c->client->owner = m; pa_ioline_set_callback(c->line, line_callback, c); pa_ioline_puts(c->line, "Welcome to polypaudio! Use \"help\" for usage information.\n"PROMPT); c->fail = c->kill_requested = c->defer_kill = 0; return c; } void pa_cli_free(struct pa_cli *c) { assert(c); pa_ioline_close(c->line); pa_ioline_unref(c->line); pa_client_free(c->client); pa_xfree(c); } static void client_kill(struct pa_client *client) { struct pa_cli *c; assert(client && client->userdata); c = client->userdata; pa_log(__FILE__": CLI client killed.\n"); if (c->defer_kill) c->kill_requested = 1; else { if (c->eof_callback) c->eof_callback(c, c->userdata); } } static void line_callback(struct pa_ioline *line, const char *s, void *userdata) { struct pa_strbuf *buf; struct pa_cli *c = userdata; char *p; assert(line && c); if (!s) { pa_log(__FILE__": CLI got EOF from user.\n"); if (c->eof_callback) c->eof_callback(c, c->userdata); return; } buf = pa_strbuf_new(); assert(buf); c->defer_kill++; pa_cli_command_execute_line(c->core, s, buf, &c->fail); c->defer_kill--; pa_ioline_puts(line, p = pa_strbuf_tostring_free(buf)); pa_xfree(p); if (c->kill_requested) { if (c->eof_callback) c->eof_callback(c, c->userdata); } else pa_ioline_puts(line, PROMPT); } void pa_cli_set_eof_callback(struct pa_cli *c, void (*cb)(struct pa_cli*c, void *userdata), void *userdata) { assert(c); c->eof_callback = cb; c->userdata = userdata; }