/* $Id$ */ /*** This file is part of polypaudio. polypaudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. polypaudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with polypaudio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include "glib-mainloop.h" #include "idxset.h" #include "xmalloc.h" #include "glib.h" #include "util.h" struct pa_io_event { pa_glib_mainloop *mainloop; int dead; GIOChannel *io_channel; GSource *source; GIOCondition io_condition; int fd; void (*callback) (pa_mainloop_api*m, pa_io_event *e, int fd, pa_io_event_flags f, void *userdata); void *userdata; void (*destroy_callback) (pa_mainloop_api *m, pa_io_event*e, void *userdata); pa_io_event *next, *prev; }; struct pa_time_event { pa_glib_mainloop *mainloop; int dead; GSource *source; struct timeval timeval; void (*callback) (pa_mainloop_api*m, pa_time_event *e, const struct timeval *tv, void *userdata); void *userdata; void (*destroy_callback) (pa_mainloop_api *m, pa_time_event*e, void *userdata); pa_time_event *next, *prev; }; struct pa_defer_event { pa_glib_mainloop *mainloop; int dead; GSource *source; void (*callback) (pa_mainloop_api*m, pa_defer_event *e, void *userdata); void *userdata; void (*destroy_callback) (pa_mainloop_api *m, pa_defer_event*e, void *userdata); pa_defer_event *next, *prev; }; struct pa_glib_mainloop { GMainContext *glib_main_context; pa_mainloop_api api; GSource *cleanup_source; pa_io_event *io_events, *dead_io_events; pa_time_event *time_events, *dead_time_events; pa_defer_event *defer_events, *dead_defer_events; }; static void schedule_free_dead_events(pa_glib_mainloop *g); static void glib_io_enable(pa_io_event*e, pa_io_event_flags f); static pa_io_event* glib_io_new(pa_mainloop_api*m, int fd, pa_io_event_flags f, void (*callback) (pa_mainloop_api*m, pa_io_event*e, int fd, pa_io_event_flags f, void *userdata), void *userdata) { pa_io_event *e; pa_glib_mainloop *g; assert(m && m->userdata && fd >= 0 && callback); g = m->userdata; e = pa_xmalloc(sizeof(pa_io_event)); e->mainloop = m->userdata; e->dead = 0; e->fd = fd; e->callback = callback; e->userdata = userdata; e->destroy_callback = NULL; e->io_channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(e->fd); assert(e->io_channel); e->source = NULL; e->io_condition = 0; glib_io_enable(e, f); e->next = g->io_events; if (e->next) e->next->prev = e; g->io_events = e; e->prev = NULL; return e; } /* The callback GLIB calls whenever an IO condition is met */ static gboolean io_cb(GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data) { pa_io_event *e = data; pa_io_event_flags f; assert(source && e && e->io_channel == source); f = (condition & G_IO_IN ? PA_IO_EVENT_INPUT : 0) | (condition & G_IO_OUT ? PA_IO_EVENT_OUTPUT : 0) | (condition & G_IO_ERR ? PA_IO_EVENT_ERROR : 0) | (condition & G_IO_HUP ? PA_IO_EVENT_HANGUP : 0); e->callback(&e->mainloop->api, e, e->fd, f, e->userdata); return TRUE; } static void glib_io_enable(pa_io_event*e, pa_io_event_flags f) { GIOCondition c; assert(e && !e->dead); c = (f & PA_IO_EVENT_INPUT ? G_IO_IN : 0) | (f & PA_IO_EVENT_OUTPUT ? G_IO_OUT : 0); if (c == e->io_condition) return; if (e->source) { g_source_destroy(e->source); g_source_unref(e->source); } e->source = g_io_create_watch(e->io_channel, c | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP); assert(e->source); g_source_set_callback(e->source, (GSourceFunc) io_cb, e, NULL); g_source_attach(e->source, e->mainloop->glib_main_context); g_source_set_priority(e->source, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT); e->io_condition = c; } static void glib_io_free(pa_io_event*e) { assert(e && !e->dead); if (e->source) { g_source_destroy(e->source); g_source_unref(e->source); e->source = NULL; } if (e->prev) e->prev->next = e->next; else e->mainloop->io_events = e->next; if (e->next) e->next->prev = e->prev; if ((e->next = e->mainloop->dead_io_events)) e->next->prev = e; e->mainloop->dead_io_events = e; e->prev = NULL; e->dead = 1; schedule_free_dead_events(e->mainloop); } static void glib_io_set_destroy(pa_io_event*e, void (*callback)(pa_mainloop_api*m, pa_io_event *e, void *userdata)) { assert(e); e->destroy_callback = callback; } /* Time sources */ static void glib_time_restart(pa_time_event*e, const struct timeval *tv); static pa_time_event* glib_time_new(pa_mainloop_api*m, const struct timeval *tv, void (*callback) (pa_mainloop_api*m, pa_time_event*e, const struct timeval *tv, void *userdata), void *userdata) { pa_glib_mainloop *g; pa_time_event *e; assert(m && m->userdata && tv && callback); g = m->userdata; e = pa_xmalloc(sizeof(pa_time_event)); e->mainloop = g; e->dead = 0; e->callback = callback; e->userdata = userdata; e->destroy_callback = NULL; e->source = NULL; glib_time_restart(e, tv); e->next = g->time_events; if (e->next) e->next->prev = e; g->time_events = e; e->prev = NULL; return e; } static guint msec_diff(const struct timeval *a, const struct timeval *b) { guint r; assert(a && b); if (a->tv_sec < b->tv_sec) return 0; if (a->tv_sec == b->tv_sec && a->tv_sec <= b->tv_sec) return 0; r = (a->tv_sec-b->tv_sec)*1000; if (a->tv_usec >= b->tv_usec) r += (a->tv_usec - b->tv_usec) / 1000; else r -= (b->tv_usec - a->tv_usec) / 1000; return r; } static gboolean time_cb(gpointer data) { pa_time_event* e = data; assert(e && e->mainloop && e->source); g_source_unref(e->source); e->source = NULL; e->callback(&e->mainloop->api, e, &e->timeval, e->userdata); return FALSE; } static void glib_time_restart(pa_time_event*e, const struct timeval *tv) { struct timeval now; assert(e && e->mainloop && !e->dead); pa_gettimeofday(&now); if (e->source) { g_source_destroy(e->source); g_source_unref(e->source); } if (tv) { e->timeval = *tv; e->source = g_timeout_source_new(msec_diff(tv, &now)); assert(e->source); g_source_set_callback(e->source, time_cb, e, NULL); g_source_set_priority(e->source, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT); g_source_attach(e->source, e->mainloop->glib_main_context); } else e->source = NULL; } static void glib_time_free(pa_time_event *e) { assert(e && e->mainloop && !e->dead); if (e->source) { g_source_destroy(e->source); g_source_unref(e->source); e->source = NULL; } if (e->prev) e->prev->next = e->next; else e->mainloop->time_events = e->next; if (e->next) e->next->prev = e->prev; if ((e->next = e->mainloop->dead_time_events)) e->next->prev = e; e->mainloop->dead_time_events = e; e->prev = NULL; e->dead = 1; schedule_free_dead_events(e->mainloop); } static void glib_time_set_destroy(pa_time_event *e, void (*callback)(pa_mainloop_api*m, pa_time_event*e, void *userdata)) { assert(e); e->destroy_callback = callback; } /* Deferred sources */ static void glib_defer_enable(pa_defer_event *e, int b); static pa_defer_event* glib_defer_new(pa_mainloop_api*m, void (*callback) (pa_mainloop_api*m, pa_defer_event *e, void *userdata), void *userdata) { pa_defer_event *e; pa_glib_mainloop *g; assert(m && m->userdata && callback); g = m->userdata; e = pa_xmalloc(sizeof(pa_defer_event)); e->mainloop = g; e->dead = 0; e->callback = callback; e->userdata = userdata; e->destroy_callback = NULL; e->source = NULL; glib_defer_enable(e, 1); e->next = g->defer_events; if (e->next) e->next->prev = e; g->defer_events = e; e->prev = NULL; return e; } static gboolean idle_cb(gpointer data) { pa_defer_event* e = data; assert(e && e->mainloop && e->source); e->callback(&e->mainloop->api, e, e->userdata); return TRUE; } static void glib_defer_enable(pa_defer_event *e, int b) { assert(e && e->mainloop); if (e->source && !b) { g_source_destroy(e->source); g_source_unref(e->source); e->source = NULL; } else if (!e->source && b) { e->source = g_idle_source_new(); assert(e->source); g_source_set_callback(e->source, idle_cb, e, NULL); g_source_attach(e->source, e->mainloop->glib_main_context); g_source_set_priority(e->source, G_PRIORITY_HIGH); } } static void glib_defer_free(pa_defer_event *e) { assert(e && e->mainloop && !e->dead); if (e->source) { g_source_destroy(e->source); g_source_unref(e->source); e->source = NULL; } if (e->prev) e->prev->next = e->next; else e->mainloop->defer_events = e->next; if (e->next) e->next->prev = e->prev; if ((e->next = e->mainloop->dead_defer_events)) e->next->prev = e; e->mainloop->dead_defer_events = e; e->prev = NULL; e->dead = 1; schedule_free_dead_events(e->mainloop); } static void glib_defer_set_destroy(pa_defer_event *e, void (*callback)(pa_mainloop_api *m, pa_defer_event *e, void *userdata)) { assert(e); e->destroy_callback = callback; } /* quit() */ static void glib_quit(pa_mainloop_api*a, PA_GCC_UNUSED int retval) { pa_glib_mainloop *g; assert(a && a->userdata); g = a->userdata; /* NOOP */ } static const pa_mainloop_api vtable = { .userdata = NULL, .io_new = glib_io_new, .io_enable = glib_io_enable, .io_free = glib_io_free, .io_set_destroy= glib_io_set_destroy, .time_new = glib_time_new, .time_restart = glib_time_restart, .time_free = glib_time_free, .time_set_destroy = glib_time_set_destroy, .defer_new = glib_defer_new, .defer_enable = glib_defer_enable, .defer_free = glib_defer_free, .defer_set_destroy = glib_defer_set_destroy, .quit = glib_quit, }; pa_glib_mainloop *pa_glib_mainloop_new(GMainContext *c) { pa_glib_mainloop *g; g = pa_xmalloc(sizeof(pa_glib_mainloop)); if (c) { g->glib_main_context = c; g_main_context_ref(c); } else g->glib_main_context = g_main_context_default(); g->api = vtable; g->api.userdata = g; g->io_events = g->dead_io_events = NULL; g->time_events = g->dead_time_events = NULL; g->defer_events = g->dead_defer_events = NULL; g->cleanup_source = NULL; return g; } static void free_io_events(pa_io_event *e) { while (e) { pa_io_event *r = e; e = r->next; if (r->source) { g_source_destroy(r->source); g_source_unref(r->source); } if (r->io_channel) g_io_channel_unref(r->io_channel); if (r->destroy_callback) r->destroy_callback(&r->mainloop->api, r, r->userdata); pa_xfree(r); } } static void free_time_events(pa_time_event *e) { while (e) { pa_time_event *r = e; e = r->next; if (r->source) { g_source_destroy(r->source); g_source_unref(r->source); } if (r->destroy_callback) r->destroy_callback(&r->mainloop->api, r, r->userdata); pa_xfree(r); } } static void free_defer_events(pa_defer_event *e) { while (e) { pa_defer_event *r = e; e = r->next; if (r->source) { g_source_destroy(r->source); g_source_unref(r->source); } if (r->destroy_callback) r->destroy_callback(&r->mainloop->api, r, r->userdata); pa_xfree(r); } } void pa_glib_mainloop_free(pa_glib_mainloop* g) { assert(g); free_io_events(g->io_events); free_io_events(g->dead_io_events); free_defer_events(g->defer_events); free_defer_events(g->dead_defer_events); free_time_events(g->time_events); free_time_events(g->dead_time_events); if (g->cleanup_source) { g_source_destroy(g->cleanup_source); g_source_unref(g->cleanup_source); } g_main_context_unref(g->glib_main_context); pa_xfree(g); } pa_mainloop_api* pa_glib_mainloop_get_api(pa_glib_mainloop *g) { assert(g); return &g->api; } static gboolean free_dead_events(gpointer p) { pa_glib_mainloop *g = p; assert(g); free_io_events(g->dead_io_events); free_defer_events(g->dead_defer_events); free_time_events(g->dead_time_events); g->dead_io_events = NULL; g->dead_defer_events = NULL; g->dead_time_events = NULL; g_source_destroy(g->cleanup_source); g_source_unref(g->cleanup_source); g->cleanup_source = NULL; return FALSE; } static void schedule_free_dead_events(pa_glib_mainloop *g) { assert(g && g->glib_main_context); if (g->cleanup_source) return; g->cleanup_source = g_idle_source_new(); assert(g->cleanup_source); g_source_set_callback(g->cleanup_source, free_dead_events, g, NULL); g_source_attach(g->cleanup_source, g->glib_main_context); }