/* $Id$ */ /*** This file is part of polypaudio. polypaudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. polypaudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with polypaudio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "iochannel.h" #include "sink.h" #include "module.h" #include "util.h" #include "modargs.h" #include "xmalloc.h" #include "log.h" #include "module-esound-sink-symdef.h" #include "socket-client.h" #include "esound.h" #include "authkey.h" PA_MODULE_AUTHOR("Lennart Poettering") PA_MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Esound ") PA_MODULE_VERSION(PACKAGE_VERSION) PA_MODULE_USAGE("sink_name= server=
cookie= format= channels= rate=") #define DEFAULT_SINK_NAME "esound_output" #define PA_TYPEID_ESOUND_SINK PA_TYPEID_MAKE('E', 'S', 'D', 'S') struct userdata { pa_core *core; pa_sink *sink; pa_iochannel *io; pa_socket_client *client; pa_defer_event *defer_event; pa_memchunk memchunk; pa_module *module; void *write_data; size_t write_length, write_index; void *read_data; size_t read_length, read_index; enum { STATE_AUTH, STATE_LATENCY, STATE_RUNNING, STATE_DEAD } state; pa_usec_t latency; esd_format_t format; int32_t rate; }; static const char* const valid_modargs[] = { "server", "cookie", "rate", "format", "channels", "sink_name", NULL }; static void cancel(struct userdata *u) { assert(u); u->state = STATE_DEAD; if (u->io) { pa_iochannel_free(u->io); u->io = NULL; } if (u->defer_event) { u->core->mainloop->defer_free(u->defer_event); u->defer_event = NULL; } if (u->sink) { pa_sink_disconnect(u->sink); pa_sink_unref(u->sink); u->sink = NULL; } if (u->module) { pa_module_unload_request(u->module); u->module = NULL; } } static int do_write(struct userdata *u) { ssize_t r; assert(u); if (!pa_iochannel_is_writable(u->io)) return 0; if (u->write_data) { assert(u->write_index < u->write_length); if ((r = pa_iochannel_write(u->io, (uint8_t*) u->write_data + u->write_index, u->write_length - u->write_index)) <= 0) { pa_log(__FILE__": write() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } u->write_index += r; assert(u->write_index <= u->write_length); if (u->write_index == u->write_length) { free(u->write_data); u->write_data = NULL; u->write_index = u->write_length = 0; } } else if (u->state == STATE_RUNNING) { pa_module_set_used(u->module, pa_idxset_size(u->sink->inputs) + pa_idxset_size(u->sink->monitor_source->outputs)); if (!u->memchunk.length) if (pa_sink_render(u->sink, 8192, &u->memchunk) < 0) return 0; assert(u->memchunk.memblock && u->memchunk.length); if ((r = pa_iochannel_write(u->io, (uint8_t*) u->memchunk.memblock->data + u->memchunk.index, u->memchunk.length)) < 0) { pa_log(__FILE__": write() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } u->memchunk.index += r; u->memchunk.length -= r; if (u->memchunk.length <= 0) { pa_memblock_unref(u->memchunk.memblock); u->memchunk.memblock = NULL; } } return 0; } static int handle_response(struct userdata *u) { assert(u); switch (u->state) { case STATE_AUTH: assert(u->read_length == sizeof(int32_t)); /* Process auth data */ if (!*(int32_t*) u->read_data) { pa_log(__FILE__": Authentication failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } /* Request latency data */ assert(!u->write_data); *(int32_t*) (u->write_data = pa_xmalloc(u->write_length = sizeof(int32_t))) = ESD_PROTO_LATENCY; u->write_index = 0; u->state = STATE_LATENCY; /* Space for next response */ assert(u->read_length >= sizeof(int32_t)); u->read_index = 0; u->read_length = sizeof(int32_t); break; case STATE_LATENCY: { int32_t *p; assert(u->read_length == sizeof(int32_t)); /* Process latency info */ u->latency = (pa_usec_t) ((double) (*(int32_t*) u->read_data) * 1000000 / 44100); if (u->latency > 10000000) { pa_log(__FILE__": WARNING! Invalid latency information received from server\n"); u->latency = 0; } /* Create stream */ assert(!u->write_data); p = u->write_data = pa_xmalloc0(u->write_length = sizeof(int32_t)*3+ESD_NAME_MAX); *(p++) = ESD_PROTO_STREAM_PLAY; *(p++) = u->format; *(p++) = u->rate; pa_strlcpy((char*) p, "Polypaudio Tunnel", ESD_NAME_MAX); u->write_index = 0; u->state = STATE_RUNNING; /* Don't read any further */ pa_xfree(u->read_data); u->read_data = NULL; u->read_index = u->read_length = 0; break; } default: abort(); } return 0; } static int do_read(struct userdata *u) { assert(u); if (!pa_iochannel_is_readable(u->io)) return 0; if (u->state == STATE_AUTH || u->state == STATE_LATENCY) { ssize_t r; if (!u->read_data) return 0; assert(u->read_index < u->read_length); if ((r = pa_iochannel_read(u->io, (uint8_t*) u->read_data + u->read_index, u->read_length - u->read_index)) <= 0) { pa_log(__FILE__": read() failed: %s\n", r < 0 ? strerror(errno) : "EOF"); cancel(u); return -1; } u->read_index += r; assert(u->read_index <= u->read_length); if (u->read_index == u->read_length) return handle_response(u); } return 0; } static void do_work(struct userdata *u) { assert(u); u->core->mainloop->defer_enable(u->defer_event, 0); if (do_read(u) < 0 || do_write(u) < 0) cancel(u); } static void notify_cb(pa_sink*s) { struct userdata *u = s->userdata; assert(s && u); if (pa_iochannel_is_writable(u->io)) u->core->mainloop->defer_enable(u->defer_event, 1); } static pa_usec_t get_latency_cb(pa_sink *s) { struct userdata *u = s->userdata; assert(s && u); return u->latency + (u->memchunk.memblock ? pa_bytes_to_usec(u->memchunk.length, &s->sample_spec) : 0); } static void defer_callback(PA_GCC_UNUSED pa_mainloop_api *m, PA_GCC_UNUSED pa_defer_event*e, void *userdata) { struct userdata *u = userdata; assert(u); do_work(u); } static void io_callback(PA_GCC_UNUSED pa_iochannel *io, void*userdata) { struct userdata *u = userdata; assert(u); do_work(u); } static void on_connection(PA_GCC_UNUSED pa_socket_client *c, pa_iochannel*io, void *userdata) { struct userdata *u = userdata; pa_socket_client_unref(u->client); u->client = NULL; if (!io) { pa_log(__FILE__": connection failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); cancel(u); return; } u->io = io; pa_iochannel_set_callback(u->io, io_callback, u); } int pa__init(pa_core *c, pa_module*m) { struct userdata *u = NULL; const char *p; pa_sample_spec ss; pa_modargs *ma = NULL; assert(c && m); if (!(ma = pa_modargs_new(m->argument, valid_modargs))) { pa_log(__FILE__": failed to parse module arguments\n"); goto fail; } ss = c->default_sample_spec; if (pa_modargs_get_sample_spec(ma, &ss) < 0) { pa_log(__FILE__": invalid sample format specification\n"); goto fail; } if ((ss.format != PA_SAMPLE_U8 && ss.format != PA_SAMPLE_S16NE) || (ss.channels > 2)) { pa_log(__FILE__": esound sample type support is limited to mono/stereo and U8 or S16NE sample data\n"); goto fail; } u = pa_xmalloc0(sizeof(struct userdata)); u->core = c; u->module = m; m->userdata = u; u->format = (ss.format == PA_SAMPLE_U8 ? ESD_BITS8 : ESD_BITS16) | (ss.channels == 2 ? ESD_STEREO : ESD_MONO); u->rate = ss.rate; u->sink = NULL; u->client = NULL; u->io = NULL; u->read_data = u->write_data = NULL; u->read_index = u->write_index = u->read_length = u->write_length = 0; u->state = STATE_AUTH; u->latency = 0; if (!(u->sink = pa_sink_new(c, PA_TYPEID_ESOUND_SINK, pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "sink_name", DEFAULT_SINK_NAME), 0, &ss))) { pa_log(__FILE__": failed to create sink.\n"); goto fail; } if (!(u->client = pa_socket_client_new_string(u->core->mainloop, p = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "server", ESD_UNIX_SOCKET_NAME), ESD_DEFAULT_PORT))) { pa_log(__FILE__": failed to connect to server.\n"); goto fail; } pa_socket_client_set_callback(u->client, on_connection, u); /* Prepare the initial request */ u->write_data = pa_xmalloc(u->write_length = ESD_KEY_LEN + sizeof(int32_t)); if (pa_authkey_load_auto(pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "cookie", ".esd_auth"), u->write_data, ESD_KEY_LEN) < 0) { pa_log(__FILE__": failed to load cookie\n"); goto fail; } *(int32_t*) ((uint8_t*) u->write_data + ESD_KEY_LEN) = ESD_ENDIAN_KEY; /* Reserve space for the response */ u->read_data = pa_xmalloc(u->read_length = sizeof(int32_t)); u->sink->notify = notify_cb; u->sink->get_latency = get_latency_cb; u->sink->userdata = u; pa_sink_set_owner(u->sink, m); u->sink->description = pa_sprintf_malloc("Esound sink '%s'", p); u->memchunk.memblock = NULL; u->memchunk.length = 0; u->defer_event = c->mainloop->defer_new(c->mainloop, defer_callback, u); c->mainloop->defer_enable(u->defer_event, 0); pa_modargs_free(ma); return 0; fail: if (ma) pa_modargs_free(ma); pa__done(c, m); return -1; } void pa__done(pa_core *c, pa_module*m) { struct userdata *u; assert(c && m); if (!(u = m->userdata)) return; u->module = NULL; cancel(u); if (u->memchunk.memblock) pa_memblock_unref(u->memchunk.memblock); if (u->client) pa_socket_client_unref(u->client); pa_xfree(u->read_data); pa_xfree(u->write_data); pa_xfree(u); }