/* $Id$ */ /*** This file is part of polypaudio. polypaudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. polypaudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with polypaudio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "module.h" #include "xmalloc.h" #define UNLOAD_POLL_TIME 10 static void timeout_callback(struct pa_mainloop_api *m, void *id, const struct timeval *tv, void *userdata) { struct pa_core *c = userdata; struct timeval ntv; assert(c && c->mainloop == m && c->auto_unload_mainloop_source == id); pa_module_unload_unused(c); gettimeofday(&ntv, NULL); ntv.tv_sec += UNLOAD_POLL_TIME; m->enable_time(m, id, &ntv); } struct pa_module* pa_module_load(struct pa_core *c, const char *name, const char *argument) { struct pa_module *m = NULL; int r; assert(c && name); m = pa_xmalloc(sizeof(struct pa_module)); m->name = pa_xstrdup(name); m->argument = pa_xstrdup(argument); if (!(m->dl = lt_dlopenext(name))) goto fail; if (!(m->init = lt_dlsym(m->dl, "pa_module_init"))) goto fail; if (!(m->done = lt_dlsym(m->dl, "pa_module_done"))) goto fail; m->userdata = NULL; m->core = c; m->n_used = -1; m->auto_unload = 0; assert(m->init); if (m->init(c, m) < 0) goto fail; if (!c->modules) c->modules = pa_idxset_new(NULL, NULL); if (!c->auto_unload_mainloop_source) { struct timeval ntv; gettimeofday(&ntv, NULL); ntv.tv_sec += UNLOAD_POLL_TIME; c->auto_unload_mainloop_source = c->mainloop->source_time(c->mainloop, &ntv, timeout_callback, c); } assert(c->auto_unload_mainloop_source); assert(c->modules); r = pa_idxset_put(c->modules, m, &m->index); assert(r >= 0 && m->index != PA_IDXSET_INVALID); fprintf(stderr, "module: loaded %u \"%s\" with argument \"%s\".\n", m->index, m->name, m->argument); return m; fail: if (m) { pa_xfree(m->argument); pa_xfree(m->name); if (m->dl) lt_dlclose(m->dl); pa_xfree(m); } return NULL; } static void pa_module_free(struct pa_module *m) { assert(m && m->done && m->core); m->done(m->core, m); lt_dlclose(m->dl); fprintf(stderr, "module: unloaded %u \"%s\".\n", m->index, m->name); pa_xfree(m->name); pa_xfree(m->argument); pa_xfree(m); } void pa_module_unload(struct pa_core *c, struct pa_module *m) { assert(c && m); assert(c->modules); if (!(m = pa_idxset_remove_by_data(c->modules, m, NULL))) return; pa_module_free(m); } void pa_module_unload_by_index(struct pa_core *c, uint32_t index) { struct pa_module *m; assert(c && index != PA_IDXSET_INVALID); assert(c->modules); if (!(m = pa_idxset_remove_by_index(c->modules, index))) return; pa_module_free(m); } static void free_callback(void *p, void *userdata) { struct pa_module *m = p; assert(m); pa_module_free(m); } void pa_module_unload_all(struct pa_core *c) { assert(c); if (!c->modules) return; pa_idxset_free(c->modules, free_callback, NULL); c->modules = NULL; if (c->auto_unload_mainloop_source) c->mainloop->cancel_time(c->mainloop, c->auto_unload_mainloop_source); c->auto_unload_mainloop_source = NULL; } static int unused_callback(void *p, uint32_t index, int *del, void *userdata) { struct pa_module *m = p; time_t *now = userdata; assert(p && del && now); if (m->n_used == 0 && m->auto_unload && m->last_used_time+m->core->auto_unload_time <= *now) { pa_module_free(m); *del = 1; } return 0; } void pa_module_unload_unused(struct pa_core *c) { time_t now; assert(c); if (!c->modules) return; time(&now); pa_idxset_foreach(c->modules, unused_callback, &now); } struct once_info { struct pa_core *core; uint32_t index; }; static void module_unload_once_callback(void *userdata) { struct once_info *i = userdata; assert(i); pa_module_unload_by_index(i->core, i->index); pa_xfree(i); } void pa_module_unload_request(struct pa_core *c, struct pa_module *m) { struct once_info *i; assert(c && m); i = pa_xmalloc(sizeof(struct once_info)); i->core = c; i->index = m->index; pa_mainloop_api_once(c->mainloop, module_unload_once_callback, i); } void pa_module_set_used(struct pa_module*m, int used) { assert(m); if (m->n_used != used && used == 0) time(&m->last_used_time); m->n_used = used; }