/* $Id$ */ /*** This file is part of polypaudio. polypaudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. polypaudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with polypaudio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "pdispatch.h" #include "native-common.h" #include "xmalloc.h" #include "llist.h" /*#define DEBUG_OPCODES*/ #ifdef DEBUG_OPCODES static const char *command_names[PA_COMMAND_MAX] = { [PA_COMMAND_ERROR] = "ERROR", [PA_COMMAND_TIMEOUT] = "TIMEOUT", [PA_COMMAND_REPLY] = "REPLY", [PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM] = "CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM", [PA_COMMAND_DELETE_PLAYBACK_STREAM] = "DELETE_PLAYBACK_STREAM", [PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM] = "CREATE_RECORD_STREAM", [PA_COMMAND_DELETE_RECORD_STREAM] = "DELETE_RECORD_STREAM", [PA_COMMAND_AUTH] = "AUTH", [PA_COMMAND_REQUEST] = "REQUEST", [PA_COMMAND_EXIT] = "EXIT", [PA_COMMAND_SET_NAME] = "SET_NAME", [PA_COMMAND_LOOKUP_SINK] = "LOOKUP_SINK", [PA_COMMAND_LOOKUP_SOURCE] = "LOOKUP_SOURCE", [PA_COMMAND_DRAIN_PLAYBACK_STREAM] = "DRAIN_PLAYBACK_STREAM", [PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_STREAM_KILLED] = "PLAYBACK_STREAM_KILLED", [PA_COMMAND_RECORD_STREAM_KILLED] = "RECORD_STREAM_KILLED", [PA_COMMAND_STAT] = "STAT", [PA_COMMAND_GET_PLAYBACK_LATENCY] = "PLAYBACK_LATENCY", [PA_COMMAND_CREATE_UPLOAD_STREAM] = "CREATE_UPLOAD_STREAM", [PA_COMMAND_DELETE_UPLOAD_STREAM] = "DELETE_UPLOAD_STREAM", [PA_COMMAND_FINISH_UPLOAD_STREAM] = "FINISH_UPLOAD_STREAM", [PA_COMMAND_PLAY_SAMPLE] = "PLAY_SAMPLE", [PA_COMMAND_REMOVE_SAMPLE] = "REMOVE_SAMPLE", [PA_COMMAND_GET_SERVER_INFO] = "GET_SERVER_INFO", [PA_COMMAND_GET_SINK_INFO] = "GET_SET_INFO", [PA_COMMAND_GET_SINK_INPUT_INFO] = "GET_SINK_INPUT_INFO", [PA_COMMAND_SUBSCRIBE] = "SUBSCRIBE", [PA_COMMAND_SUBSCRIBE_EVENT] = "SUBSCRIBE_EVENT", [PA_COMMAND_SET_SINK_VOLUME] = "SET_SINK_VOLUME", [PA_COMMAND_SET_SINK_INPUT_VOLUME] = "SET_SINK_INPUT_VOLUME", [PA_COMMAND_TRIGGER_PLAYBACK_STREAM] = "TRIGGER_PLAYBACK_STREAM", [PA_COMMAND_FLUSH_PLAYBACK_STREAM] = "FLUSH_PLAYBACK_STREAM", [PA_COMMAND_CORK_PLAYBACK_STREAM] = "CORK_PLAYBACK_STREAM", }; #endif struct reply_info { struct pa_pdispatch *pdispatch; PA_LLIST_FIELDS(struct reply_info); void (*callback)(struct pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, struct pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata); void *userdata; uint32_t tag; struct pa_time_event *time_event; }; struct pa_pdispatch { int ref; struct pa_mainloop_api *mainloop; const struct pa_pdispatch_command *command_table; unsigned n_commands; PA_LLIST_HEAD(struct reply_info, replies); void (*drain_callback)(struct pa_pdispatch *pd, void *userdata); void *drain_userdata; }; static void reply_info_free(struct reply_info *r) { assert(r && r->pdispatch && r->pdispatch->mainloop); if (r->time_event) r->pdispatch->mainloop->time_free(r->time_event); PA_LLIST_REMOVE(struct reply_info, r->pdispatch->replies, r); pa_xfree(r); } struct pa_pdispatch* pa_pdispatch_new(struct pa_mainloop_api *mainloop, const struct pa_pdispatch_command*table, unsigned entries) { struct pa_pdispatch *pd; assert(mainloop); assert((entries && table) || (!entries && !table)); pd = pa_xmalloc(sizeof(struct pa_pdispatch)); pd->ref = 1; pd->mainloop = mainloop; pd->command_table = table; pd->n_commands = entries; PA_LLIST_HEAD_INIT(struct pa_reply_info, pd->replies); pd->drain_callback = NULL; pd->drain_userdata = NULL; return pd; } void pdispatch_free(struct pa_pdispatch *pd) { assert(pd); while (pd->replies) reply_info_free(pd->replies); pa_xfree(pd); } static void run_action(struct pa_pdispatch *pd, struct reply_info *r, uint32_t command, struct pa_tagstruct *ts) { void (*callback)(struct pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, struct pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata); void *userdata; uint32_t tag; assert(r); pa_pdispatch_ref(pd); callback = r->callback; userdata = r->userdata; tag = r->tag; reply_info_free(r); callback(pd, command, tag, ts, userdata); if (pd->drain_callback && !pa_pdispatch_is_pending(pd)) pd->drain_callback(pd, pd->drain_userdata); pa_pdispatch_unref(pd); } int pa_pdispatch_run(struct pa_pdispatch *pd, struct pa_packet*packet, void *userdata) { uint32_t tag, command; struct pa_tagstruct *ts = NULL; int ret = -1; assert(pd && packet && packet->data); pa_pdispatch_ref(pd); if (packet->length <= 8) goto finish; ts = pa_tagstruct_new(packet->data, packet->length); assert(ts); if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(ts, &command) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(ts, &tag) < 0) goto finish; #ifdef DEBUG_OPCODES fprintf(stderr, __FILE__": Recieved opcode <%s>\n", command_names[command]); #endif if (command == PA_COMMAND_ERROR || command == PA_COMMAND_REPLY) { struct reply_info *r; for (r = pd->replies; r; r = r->next) if (r->tag == tag) break; if (r) run_action(pd, r, command, ts); } else if (pd->command_table && (command < pd->n_commands) && pd->command_table[command].proc) { const struct pa_pdispatch_command *c = pd->command_table+command; c->proc(pd, command, tag, ts, userdata); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Recieved unsupported command %u\n", command); goto finish; } ret = 0; finish: if (ts) pa_tagstruct_free(ts); pa_pdispatch_unref(pd); return ret; } static void timeout_callback(struct pa_mainloop_api*m, struct pa_time_event*e, const struct timeval *tv, void *userdata) { struct reply_info*r = userdata; assert(r && r->time_event == e && r->pdispatch && r->pdispatch->mainloop == m && r->callback); run_action(r->pdispatch, r, PA_COMMAND_TIMEOUT, NULL); } void pa_pdispatch_register_reply(struct pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t tag, int timeout, void (*cb)(struct pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, struct pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata), void *userdata) { struct reply_info *r; struct timeval tv; assert(pd && pd->ref >= 1 && cb); r = pa_xmalloc(sizeof(struct reply_info)); r->pdispatch = pd; r->callback = cb; r->userdata = userdata; r->tag = tag; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); tv.tv_sec += timeout; r->time_event = pd->mainloop->time_new(pd->mainloop, &tv, timeout_callback, r); assert(r->time_event); PA_LLIST_PREPEND(struct reply_info, pd->replies, r); } int pa_pdispatch_is_pending(struct pa_pdispatch *pd) { assert(pd); return !!pd->replies; } void pa_pdispatch_set_drain_callback(struct pa_pdispatch *pd, void (*cb)(struct pa_pdispatch *pd, void *userdata), void *userdata) { assert(pd); assert(!cb || pa_pdispatch_is_pending(pd)); pd->drain_callback = cb; pd->drain_userdata = userdata; } void pa_pdispatch_unregister_reply(struct pa_pdispatch *pd, void *userdata) { struct reply_info *r, *n; assert(pd); for (r = pd->replies; r; r = n) { n = r->next; if (r->userdata == userdata) reply_info_free(r); } } void pa_pdispatch_unref(struct pa_pdispatch *pd) { assert(pd && pd->ref >= 1); if (!(--(pd->ref))) pdispatch_free(pd); } struct pa_pdispatch* pa_pdispatch_ref(struct pa_pdispatch *pd) { assert(pd && pd->ref >= 1); pd->ref++; return pd; }