/* $Id$ */ /*** This file is part of polypaudio. polypaudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. polypaudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with polypaudio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "polyplib-internal.h" #include "xmalloc.h" #include "pstream-util.h" #include "util.h" #include "log.h" #define LATENCY_IPOL_INTERVAL_USEC (10000L) pa_stream *pa_stream_new(pa_context *c, const char *name, const pa_sample_spec *ss, const pa_channel_map *map) { pa_stream *s; assert(c); assert(ss); if (!pa_sample_spec_valid(ss)) return NULL; if (map && !pa_channel_map_valid(map)) return NULL; s = pa_xnew(pa_stream, 1); s->ref = 1; s->context = c; s->mainloop = c->mainloop; s->read_callback = NULL; s->read_userdata = NULL; s->write_callback = NULL; s->write_userdata = NULL; s->state_callback = NULL; s->state_userdata = NULL; s->direction = PA_STREAM_NODIRECTION; s->name = pa_xstrdup(name); s->sample_spec = *ss; if (map) s->channel_map = *map; else pa_channel_map_init_auto(&s->channel_map, ss->channels); s->channel = 0; s->channel_valid = 0; s->device_index = PA_INVALID_INDEX; s->requested_bytes = 0; s->state = PA_STREAM_DISCONNECTED; memset(&s->buffer_attr, 0, sizeof(s->buffer_attr)); s->mcalign = pa_mcalign_new(pa_frame_size(ss), c->memblock_stat); s->counter = 0; s->previous_time = 0; s->previous_ipol_time = 0; s->corked = 0; s->interpolate = 0; s->ipol_usec = 0; memset(&s->ipol_timestamp, 0, sizeof(s->ipol_timestamp)); s->ipol_event = NULL; s->ipol_requested = 0; PA_LLIST_PREPEND(pa_stream, c->streams, s); return pa_stream_ref(s); } static void stream_free(pa_stream *s) { assert(s); if (s->ipol_event) { assert(s->mainloop); s->mainloop->time_free(s->ipol_event); } pa_mcalign_free(s->mcalign); pa_xfree(s->name); pa_xfree(s); } void pa_stream_unref(pa_stream *s) { assert(s && s->ref >= 1); if (--(s->ref) == 0) stream_free(s); } pa_stream* pa_stream_ref(pa_stream *s) { assert(s && s->ref >= 1); s->ref++; return s; } pa_stream_state_t pa_stream_get_state(pa_stream *s) { assert(s && s->ref >= 1); return s->state; } pa_context* pa_stream_get_context(pa_stream *s) { assert(s && s->ref >= 1); return s->context; } uint32_t pa_stream_get_index(pa_stream *s) { assert(s && s->ref >= 1); return s->device_index; } void pa_stream_set_state(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_state_t st) { assert(s && s->ref >= 1); if (s->state == st) return; pa_stream_ref(s); s->state = st; if ((st == PA_STREAM_FAILED || st == PA_STREAM_TERMINATED) && s->context) { if (s->channel_valid) pa_dynarray_put((s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) ? s->context->playback_streams : s->context->record_streams, s->channel, NULL); PA_LLIST_REMOVE(pa_stream, s->context->streams, s); pa_stream_unref(s); } if (s->state_callback) s->state_callback(s, s->state_userdata); pa_stream_unref(s); } void pa_command_stream_killed(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, PA_GCC_UNUSED uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_context *c = userdata; pa_stream *s; uint32_t channel; assert(pd && (command == PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_STREAM_KILLED || command == PA_COMMAND_RECORD_STREAM_KILLED) && t && c); pa_context_ref(c); if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &channel) < 0 || !pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERROR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (!(s = pa_dynarray_get(command == PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_STREAM_KILLED ? c->playback_streams : c->record_streams, channel))) goto finish; c->error = PA_ERROR_KILLED; pa_stream_set_state(s, PA_STREAM_FAILED); finish: pa_context_unref(c); } void pa_command_request(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, PA_GCC_UNUSED uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_stream *s; pa_context *c = userdata; uint32_t bytes, channel; assert(pd && command == PA_COMMAND_REQUEST && t && c); pa_context_ref(c); if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &channel) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &bytes) < 0 || !pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERROR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (!(s = pa_dynarray_get(c->playback_streams, channel))) goto finish; if (s->state != PA_STREAM_READY) goto finish; pa_stream_ref(s); s->requested_bytes += bytes; if (s->requested_bytes && s->write_callback) s->write_callback(s, s->requested_bytes, s->write_userdata); pa_stream_unref(s); finish: pa_context_unref(c); } static void ipol_callback(pa_mainloop_api *m, pa_time_event *e, PA_GCC_UNUSED const struct timeval *tv, void *userdata) { struct timeval tv2; pa_stream *s = userdata; pa_stream_ref(s); /* pa_log("requesting new ipol data\n"); */ if (s->state == PA_STREAM_READY && !s->ipol_requested) { pa_operation_unref(pa_stream_get_latency_info(s, NULL, NULL)); s->ipol_requested = 1; } pa_gettimeofday(&tv2); pa_timeval_add(&tv2, LATENCY_IPOL_INTERVAL_USEC); m->time_restart(e, &tv2); pa_stream_unref(s); } void pa_create_stream_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, PA_GCC_UNUSED uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_stream *s = userdata; assert(pd && s && s->state == PA_STREAM_CREATING); pa_stream_ref(s); if (command != PA_COMMAND_REPLY) { if (pa_context_handle_error(s->context, command, t) < 0) goto finish; pa_stream_set_state(s, PA_STREAM_FAILED); goto finish; } if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &s->channel) < 0 || ((s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD) && pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &s->device_index) < 0) || ((s->direction != PA_STREAM_RECORD) && pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &s->requested_bytes) < 0) || !pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(s->context, PA_ERROR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } s->channel_valid = 1; pa_dynarray_put((s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD) ? s->context->record_streams : s->context->playback_streams, s->channel, s); pa_stream_set_state(s, PA_STREAM_READY); if (s->interpolate) { struct timeval tv; pa_operation_unref(pa_stream_get_latency_info(s, NULL, NULL)); pa_gettimeofday(&tv); tv.tv_usec += LATENCY_IPOL_INTERVAL_USEC; /* every 100 ms */ assert(!s->ipol_event); s->ipol_event = s->mainloop->time_new(s->mainloop, &tv, &ipol_callback, s); } if (s->requested_bytes && s->ref > 1 && s->write_callback) s->write_callback(s, s->requested_bytes, s->write_userdata); finish: pa_stream_unref(s); } static void create_stream(pa_stream *s, const char *dev, const pa_buffer_attr *attr, pa_stream_flags_t flags, const pa_cvolume *volume) { pa_tagstruct *t; uint32_t tag; assert(s && s->ref >= 1 && s->state == PA_STREAM_DISCONNECTED); pa_stream_ref(s); s->interpolate = !!(flags & PA_STREAM_INTERPOLATE_LATENCY); pa_stream_trash_ipol(s); if (attr) s->buffer_attr = *attr; else { /* half a second */ s->buffer_attr.tlength = pa_bytes_per_second(&s->sample_spec)/2; s->buffer_attr.maxlength = (s->buffer_attr.tlength*3)/2; s->buffer_attr.minreq = s->buffer_attr.tlength/100; s->buffer_attr.prebuf = s->buffer_attr.tlength - s->buffer_attr.minreq; s->buffer_attr.fragsize = s->buffer_attr.tlength/100; } pa_stream_set_state(s, PA_STREAM_CREATING); t = pa_tagstruct_new(NULL, 0); assert(t); if (!dev) { if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) dev = s->context->conf->default_sink; else dev = s->context->conf->default_source; } pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK ? PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM : PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, tag = s->context->ctag++); pa_tagstruct_puts(t, s->name); pa_tagstruct_put_sample_spec(t, &s->sample_spec); pa_tagstruct_put_channel_map(t, &s->channel_map); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, PA_INVALID_INDEX); pa_tagstruct_puts(t, dev); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->buffer_attr.maxlength); pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, !!(flags & PA_STREAM_START_CORKED)); if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) { pa_cvolume cv; pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->buffer_attr.tlength); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->buffer_attr.prebuf); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->buffer_attr.minreq); if (!volume) { pa_cvolume_reset(&cv, s->sample_spec.channels); volume = &cv; } pa_tagstruct_put_cvolume(t, volume); } else pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->buffer_attr.fragsize); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, pa_create_stream_callback, s); pa_stream_unref(s); } void pa_stream_connect_playback(pa_stream *s, const char *dev, const pa_buffer_attr *attr, pa_stream_flags_t flags, pa_cvolume *volume) { assert(s && s->context->state == PA_CONTEXT_READY && s->ref >= 1); s->direction = PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK; create_stream(s, dev, attr, flags, volume); } void pa_stream_connect_record(pa_stream *s, const char *dev, const pa_buffer_attr *attr, pa_stream_flags_t flags) { assert(s && s->context->state == PA_CONTEXT_READY && s->ref >= 1); s->direction = PA_STREAM_RECORD; create_stream(s, dev, attr, flags, 0); } void pa_stream_write(pa_stream *s, const void *data, size_t length, void (*free_cb)(void *p), size_t delta) { pa_memchunk chunk; assert(s && s->context && data && length && s->state == PA_STREAM_READY && s->ref >= 1); if (free_cb) { chunk.memblock = pa_memblock_new_user((void*) data, length, free_cb, 1, s->context->memblock_stat); assert(chunk.memblock && chunk.memblock->data); } else { chunk.memblock = pa_memblock_new(length, s->context->memblock_stat); assert(chunk.memblock && chunk.memblock->data); memcpy(chunk.memblock->data, data, length); } chunk.index = 0; chunk.length = length; pa_pstream_send_memblock(s->context->pstream, s->channel, delta, &chunk); pa_memblock_unref(chunk.memblock); if (length < s->requested_bytes) s->requested_bytes -= length; else s->requested_bytes = 0; s->counter += length; } size_t pa_stream_writable_size(pa_stream *s) { assert(s && s->ref >= 1); return s->state == PA_STREAM_READY ? s->requested_bytes : 0; } pa_operation * pa_stream_drain(pa_stream *s, void (*cb) (pa_stream*s, int success, void *userdata), void *userdata) { pa_operation *o; pa_tagstruct *t; uint32_t tag; assert(s && s->ref >= 1 && s->state == PA_STREAM_READY); o = pa_operation_new(s->context, s); assert(o); o->callback = (pa_operation_callback) cb; o->userdata = userdata; t = pa_tagstruct_new(NULL, 0); assert(t); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, PA_COMMAND_DRAIN_PLAYBACK_STREAM); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, tag = s->context->ctag++); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->channel); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, pa_stream_simple_ack_callback, o); return pa_operation_ref(o); } static void stream_get_latency_info_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, PA_GCC_UNUSED uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o = userdata; pa_latency_info i, *p = NULL; struct timeval local, remote, now; assert(pd && o && o->stream && o->context); if (command != PA_COMMAND_REPLY) { if (pa_context_handle_error(o->context, command, t) < 0) goto finish; } else if (pa_tagstruct_get_usec(t, &i.buffer_usec) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_usec(t, &i.sink_usec) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_usec(t, &i.source_usec) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_boolean(t, &i.playing) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &i.queue_length) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_timeval(t, &local) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_timeval(t, &remote) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu64(t, &i.counter) < 0 || !pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(o->context, PA_ERROR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } else { pa_gettimeofday(&now); if (pa_timeval_cmp(&local, &remote) <= 0 && pa_timeval_cmp(&remote, &now) <= 0) { /* local and remote seem to have synchronized clocks */ if (o->stream->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) i.transport_usec = pa_timeval_diff(&remote, &local); else i.transport_usec = pa_timeval_diff(&now, &remote); i.synchronized_clocks = 1; i.timestamp = remote; } else { /* clocks are not synchronized, let's estimate latency then */ i.transport_usec = pa_timeval_diff(&now, &local)/2; i.synchronized_clocks = 0; i.timestamp = local; pa_timeval_add(&i.timestamp, i.transport_usec); } if (o->stream->interpolate) { /* pa_log("new interpol data\n"); */ o->stream->ipol_timestamp = i.timestamp; o->stream->ipol_usec = pa_stream_get_time(o->stream, &i); o->stream->ipol_requested = 0; } p = &i; } if (o->callback) { void (*cb)(pa_stream *s, const pa_latency_info *_i, void *_userdata) = (void (*)(pa_stream *s, const pa_latency_info *_i, void *_userdata)) o->callback; cb(o->stream, p, o->userdata); } finish: pa_operation_done(o); pa_operation_unref(o); } pa_operation* pa_stream_get_latency_info(pa_stream *s, void (*cb)(pa_stream *p, const pa_latency_info*i, void *userdata), void *userdata) { uint32_t tag; pa_operation *o; pa_tagstruct *t; struct timeval now; assert(s && s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD); o = pa_operation_new(s->context, s); assert(o); o->callback = (pa_operation_callback) cb; o->userdata = userdata; t = pa_tagstruct_new(NULL, 0); assert(t); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK ? PA_COMMAND_GET_PLAYBACK_LATENCY : PA_COMMAND_GET_RECORD_LATENCY); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, tag = s->context->ctag++); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->channel); pa_gettimeofday(&now); pa_tagstruct_put_timeval(t, &now); pa_tagstruct_putu64(t, s->counter); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, stream_get_latency_info_callback, o); return pa_operation_ref(o); } void pa_stream_disconnect_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, PA_GCC_UNUSED uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_stream *s = userdata; assert(pd && s && s->ref >= 1); pa_stream_ref(s); if (command != PA_COMMAND_REPLY) { if (pa_context_handle_error(s->context, command, t) < 0) goto finish; pa_stream_set_state(s, PA_STREAM_FAILED); goto finish; } else if (!pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(s->context, PA_ERROR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } pa_stream_set_state(s, PA_STREAM_TERMINATED); finish: pa_stream_unref(s); } void pa_stream_disconnect(pa_stream *s) { pa_tagstruct *t; uint32_t tag; assert(s && s->ref >= 1); if (!s->channel_valid || !s->context->state == PA_CONTEXT_READY) return; pa_stream_ref(s); t = pa_tagstruct_new(NULL, 0); assert(t); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK ? PA_COMMAND_DELETE_PLAYBACK_STREAM : (s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD ? PA_COMMAND_DELETE_RECORD_STREAM : PA_COMMAND_DELETE_UPLOAD_STREAM)); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, tag = s->context->ctag++); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->channel); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, pa_stream_disconnect_callback, s); pa_stream_unref(s); } void pa_stream_set_read_callback(pa_stream *s, void (*cb)(pa_stream *p, const void*data, size_t length, void *userdata), void *userdata) { assert(s && s->ref >= 1); s->read_callback = cb; s->read_userdata = userdata; } void pa_stream_set_write_callback(pa_stream *s, void (*cb)(pa_stream *p, size_t length, void *userdata), void *userdata) { assert(s && s->ref >= 1); s->write_callback = cb; s->write_userdata = userdata; } void pa_stream_set_state_callback(pa_stream *s, void (*cb)(pa_stream *s, void *userdata), void *userdata) { assert(s && s->ref >= 1); s->state_callback = cb; s->state_userdata = userdata; } void pa_stream_simple_ack_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, PA_GCC_UNUSED uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o = userdata; int success = 1; assert(pd && o && o->context && o->ref >= 1); if (command != PA_COMMAND_REPLY) { if (pa_context_handle_error(o->context, command, t) < 0) goto finish; success = 0; } else if (!pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(o->context, PA_ERROR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (o->callback) { void (*cb)(pa_stream *s, int _success, void *_userdata) = (void (*)(pa_stream *s, int _success, void *_userdata)) o->callback; cb(o->stream, success, o->userdata); } finish: pa_operation_done(o); pa_operation_unref(o); } pa_operation* pa_stream_cork(pa_stream *s, int b, void (*cb) (pa_stream*s, int success, void *userdata), void *userdata) { pa_operation *o; pa_tagstruct *t; uint32_t tag; assert(s && s->ref >= 1 && s->state == PA_STREAM_READY); if (s->interpolate) { if (!s->corked && b) /* Pausing */ s->ipol_usec = pa_stream_get_interpolated_time(s); else if (s->corked && !b) /* Unpausing */ pa_gettimeofday(&s->ipol_timestamp); } s->corked = b; o = pa_operation_new(s->context, s); assert(o); o->callback = (pa_operation_callback) cb; o->userdata = userdata; t = pa_tagstruct_new(NULL, 0); assert(t); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK ? PA_COMMAND_CORK_PLAYBACK_STREAM : PA_COMMAND_CORK_RECORD_STREAM); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, tag = s->context->ctag++); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->channel); pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, !!b); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, pa_stream_simple_ack_callback, o); pa_operation_unref(pa_stream_get_latency_info(s, NULL, NULL)); return pa_operation_ref(o); } static pa_operation* stream_send_simple_command(pa_stream *s, uint32_t command, void (*cb)(pa_stream *s, int success, void *userdata), void *userdata) { pa_tagstruct *t; pa_operation *o; uint32_t tag; assert(s && s->ref >= 1 && s->state == PA_STREAM_READY); o = pa_operation_new(s->context, s); o->callback = (pa_operation_callback) cb; o->userdata = userdata; t = pa_tagstruct_new(NULL, 0); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, command); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, tag = s->context->ctag++); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->channel); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, pa_stream_simple_ack_callback, o); return pa_operation_ref(o); } pa_operation* pa_stream_flush(pa_stream *s, void (*cb)(pa_stream *s, int success, void *userdata), void *userdata) { pa_operation *o; o = stream_send_simple_command(s, s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK ? PA_COMMAND_FLUSH_PLAYBACK_STREAM : PA_COMMAND_FLUSH_RECORD_STREAM, cb, userdata); pa_operation_unref(pa_stream_get_latency_info(s, NULL, NULL)); return o; } pa_operation* pa_stream_prebuf(pa_stream *s, void (*cb)(pa_stream *s, int success, void *userdata), void *userdata) { pa_operation *o; o = stream_send_simple_command(s, PA_COMMAND_PREBUF_PLAYBACK_STREAM, cb, userdata); pa_operation_unref(pa_stream_get_latency_info(s, NULL, NULL)); return o; } pa_operation* pa_stream_trigger(pa_stream *s, void (*cb)(pa_stream *s, int success, void *userdata), void *userdata) { pa_operation *o; o = stream_send_simple_command(s, PA_COMMAND_TRIGGER_PLAYBACK_STREAM, cb, userdata); pa_operation_unref(pa_stream_get_latency_info(s, NULL, NULL)); return o; } pa_operation* pa_stream_set_name(pa_stream *s, const char *name, void(*cb)(pa_stream*c, int success, void *userdata), void *userdata) { pa_operation *o; pa_tagstruct *t; uint32_t tag; assert(s && s->ref >= 1 && s->state == PA_STREAM_READY && name && s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD); o = pa_operation_new(s->context, s); assert(o); o->callback = (pa_operation_callback) cb; o->userdata = userdata; t = pa_tagstruct_new(NULL, 0); assert(t); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD ? PA_COMMAND_SET_RECORD_STREAM_NAME : PA_COMMAND_SET_PLAYBACK_STREAM_NAME); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, tag = s->context->ctag++); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->channel); pa_tagstruct_puts(t, name); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, pa_stream_simple_ack_callback, o); return pa_operation_ref(o); } uint64_t pa_stream_get_counter(pa_stream *s) { assert(s); return s->counter; } pa_usec_t pa_stream_get_time(pa_stream *s, const pa_latency_info *i) { pa_usec_t usec; assert(s); usec = pa_bytes_to_usec(i->counter, &s->sample_spec); if (i) { if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) { pa_usec_t latency = i->transport_usec + i->buffer_usec + i->sink_usec; if (usec < latency) usec = 0; else usec -= latency; } else if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD) { usec += i->source_usec + i->buffer_usec + i->transport_usec; if (usec > i->sink_usec) usec -= i->sink_usec; else usec = 0; } } if (usec < s->previous_time) usec = s->previous_time; s->previous_time = usec; return usec; } static pa_usec_t time_counter_diff(pa_stream *s, pa_usec_t t, pa_usec_t c, int *negative) { assert(s); if (negative) *negative = 0; if (c < t) { if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD) { if (negative) *negative = 1; return t-c; } else return 0; } else return c-t; } pa_usec_t pa_stream_get_latency(pa_stream *s, const pa_latency_info *i, int *negative) { pa_usec_t t, c; assert(s && i); t = pa_stream_get_time(s, i); c = pa_bytes_to_usec(s->counter, &s->sample_spec); return time_counter_diff(s, t, c, negative); } const pa_sample_spec* pa_stream_get_sample_spec(pa_stream *s) { assert(s); return &s->sample_spec; } void pa_stream_trash_ipol(pa_stream *s) { assert(s); if (!s->interpolate) return; memset(&s->ipol_timestamp, 0, sizeof(s->ipol_timestamp)); s->ipol_usec = 0; } pa_usec_t pa_stream_get_interpolated_time(pa_stream *s) { pa_usec_t usec; assert(s && s->interpolate); if (s->corked) usec = s->ipol_usec; else { if (s->ipol_timestamp.tv_sec == 0) usec = 0; else usec = s->ipol_usec + pa_timeval_age(&s->ipol_timestamp); } if (usec < s->previous_ipol_time) usec = s->previous_ipol_time; s->previous_ipol_time = usec; return usec; } pa_usec_t pa_stream_get_interpolated_latency(pa_stream *s, int *negative) { pa_usec_t t, c; assert(s && s->interpolate); t = pa_stream_get_interpolated_time(s); c = pa_bytes_to_usec(s->counter, &s->sample_spec); return time_counter_diff(s, t, c, negative); }