/* $Id$ */ /*** This file is part of PulseAudio. PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "daemon-conf.h" #ifndef OS_IS_WIN32 # define PATH_SEP "/" #else # define PATH_SEP "\\" #endif #define DEFAULT_SCRIPT_FILE PA_DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR PATH_SEP "default.pa" #define DEFAULT_SCRIPT_FILE_USER PATH_SEP "default.pa" #define DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE PA_DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR PATH_SEP "daemon.conf" #define DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_USER PATH_SEP "daemon.conf" #define ENV_SCRIPT_FILE "PULSE_SCRIPT" #define ENV_CONFIG_FILE "PULSE_CONFIG" #define ENV_DL_SEARCH_PATH "PULSE_DLPATH" static const pa_daemon_conf default_conf = { .cmd = PA_CMD_DAEMON, .daemonize = 0, .fail = 1, .high_priority = 0, .disallow_module_loading = 0, .exit_idle_time = -1, .module_idle_time = 20, .scache_idle_time = 20, .auto_log_target = 1, .script_commands = NULL, .dl_search_path = NULL, .default_script_file = NULL, .log_target = PA_LOG_SYSLOG, .log_level = PA_LOG_NOTICE, .resample_method = PA_RESAMPLER_SRC_SINC_FASTEST, .config_file = NULL, .use_pid_file = 1, .system_instance = 0 #ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H , .rlimit_as = { .value = 0, .is_set = 0 }, .rlimit_core = { .value = 0, .is_set = 0 }, .rlimit_data = { .value = 0, .is_set = 0 }, .rlimit_fsize = { .value = 0, .is_set = 0 }, .rlimit_nofile = { .value = 25, .is_set = 1 }, .rlimit_stack = { .value = 0, .is_set = 0 } #ifdef RLIMIT_NPROC , .rlimit_nproc = { .value = 0, .is_set = 0 } #endif #ifdef RLIMIT_MEMLOCK , .rlimit_memlock = { .value = 0, .is_set = 1 } #endif #endif }; pa_daemon_conf* pa_daemon_conf_new(void) { FILE *f; pa_daemon_conf *c = pa_xmemdup(&default_conf, sizeof(default_conf)); if ((f = pa_open_config_file(DEFAULT_SCRIPT_FILE, DEFAULT_SCRIPT_FILE_USER, ENV_SCRIPT_FILE, &c->default_script_file, "r"))) fclose(f); c->dl_search_path = pa_xstrdup(PA_DLSEARCHPATH); return c; } void pa_daemon_conf_free(pa_daemon_conf *c) { assert(c); pa_xfree(c->script_commands); pa_xfree(c->dl_search_path); pa_xfree(c->default_script_file); pa_xfree(c->config_file); pa_xfree(c); } int pa_daemon_conf_set_log_target(pa_daemon_conf *c, const char *string) { assert(c && string); if (!strcmp(string, "auto")) c->auto_log_target = 1; else if (!strcmp(string, "syslog")) { c->auto_log_target = 0; c->log_target = PA_LOG_SYSLOG; } else if (!strcmp(string, "stderr")) { c->auto_log_target = 0; c->log_target = PA_LOG_STDERR; } else return -1; return 0; } int pa_daemon_conf_set_log_level(pa_daemon_conf *c, const char *string) { uint32_t u; assert(c && string); if (pa_atou(string, &u) >= 0) { if (u >= PA_LOG_LEVEL_MAX) return -1; c->log_level = (pa_log_level_t) u; } else if (pa_startswith(string, "debug")) c->log_level = PA_LOG_DEBUG; else if (pa_startswith(string, "info")) c->log_level = PA_LOG_INFO; else if (pa_startswith(string, "notice")) c->log_level = PA_LOG_NOTICE; else if (pa_startswith(string, "warn")) c->log_level = PA_LOG_WARN; else if (pa_startswith(string, "err")) c->log_level = PA_LOG_ERROR; else return -1; return 0; } int pa_daemon_conf_set_resample_method(pa_daemon_conf *c, const char *string) { int m; assert(c && string); if ((m = pa_parse_resample_method(string)) < 0) return -1; c->resample_method = m; return 0; } static int parse_log_target(const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *lvalue, const char *rvalue, void *data, PA_GCC_UNUSED void *userdata) { pa_daemon_conf *c = data; assert(filename && lvalue && rvalue && data); if (pa_daemon_conf_set_log_target(c, rvalue) < 0) { pa_log(__FILE__": [%s:%u] Invalid log target '%s'.", filename, line, rvalue); return -1; } return 0; } static int parse_log_level(const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *lvalue, const char *rvalue, void *data, PA_GCC_UNUSED void *userdata) { pa_daemon_conf *c = data; assert(filename && lvalue && rvalue && data); if (pa_daemon_conf_set_log_level(c, rvalue) < 0) { pa_log(__FILE__": [%s:%u] Invalid log level '%s'.", filename, line, rvalue); return -1; } return 0; } static int parse_resample_method(const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *lvalue, const char *rvalue, void *data, PA_GCC_UNUSED void *userdata) { pa_daemon_conf *c = data; assert(filename && lvalue && rvalue && data); if (pa_daemon_conf_set_resample_method(c, rvalue) < 0) { pa_log(__FILE__": [%s:%u] Inavalid resample method '%s'.", filename, line, rvalue); return -1; } return 0; } static int parse_rlimit(const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *lvalue, const char *rvalue, void *data, PA_GCC_UNUSED void *userdata) { #ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H struct pa_rlimit *r = data; assert(filename); assert(lvalue); assert(rvalue); assert(r); if (rvalue[strspn(rvalue, "\t ")] == 0) { /* Empty string */ r->is_set = 0; r->value = 0; } else { int32_t k; if (pa_atoi(rvalue, &k) < 0) { pa_log(__FILE__": [%s:%u] Inavalid rlimit '%s'.", filename, line, rvalue); return -1; } r->is_set = k >= 0; r->value = k >= 0 ? (rlim_t) k : 0; } #else pa_log_warn(__FILE__": [%s:%u] rlimit not supported on this platform.", filename, line); #endif return 0; } int pa_daemon_conf_load(pa_daemon_conf *c, const char *filename) { int r = -1; FILE *f = NULL; pa_config_item table[] = { { "daemonize", pa_config_parse_bool, NULL }, { "fail", pa_config_parse_bool, NULL }, { "high-priority", pa_config_parse_bool, NULL }, { "disallow-module-loading", pa_config_parse_bool, NULL }, { "exit-idle-time", pa_config_parse_int, NULL }, { "module-idle-time", pa_config_parse_int, NULL }, { "scache-idle-time", pa_config_parse_int, NULL }, { "dl-search-path", pa_config_parse_string, NULL }, { "default-script-file", pa_config_parse_string, NULL }, { "log-target", parse_log_target, NULL }, { "log-level", parse_log_level, NULL }, { "verbose", parse_log_level, NULL }, { "resample-method", parse_resample_method, NULL }, { "use-pid-file", pa_config_parse_bool, NULL }, { "system-instance", pa_config_parse_bool, NULL }, #ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H { "rlimit-as", parse_rlimit, NULL }, { "rlimit-core", parse_rlimit, NULL }, { "rlimit-data", parse_rlimit, NULL }, { "rlimit-fsize", parse_rlimit, NULL }, { "rlimit-nofile", parse_rlimit, NULL }, { "rlimit-stack", parse_rlimit, NULL }, #ifdef RLIMIT_NPROC { "rlimit-nproc", parse_rlimit, NULL }, #endif #ifdef RLIMIT_MEMLOCK { "rlimit-memlock", parse_rlimit, NULL }, #endif #endif { NULL, NULL, NULL }, }; table[0].data = &c->daemonize; table[1].data = &c->fail; table[2].data = &c->high_priority; table[3].data = &c->disallow_module_loading; table[4].data = &c->exit_idle_time; table[5].data = &c->module_idle_time; table[6].data = &c->scache_idle_time; table[7].data = &c->dl_search_path; table[8].data = &c->default_script_file; table[9].data = c; table[10].data = c; table[11].data = c; table[12].data = c; table[13].data = &c->use_pid_file; table[14].data = &c->system_instance; #ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H table[15].data = &c->rlimit_as; table[16].data = &c->rlimit_core; table[17].data = &c->rlimit_data; table[18].data = &c->rlimit_fsize; table[19].data = &c->rlimit_nofile; table[20].data = &c->rlimit_stack; #ifdef RLIMIT_NPROC table[21].data = &c->rlimit_nproc; #endif #ifdef RLIMIT_MEMLOCK #ifndef RLIMIT_NPROC #error "Houston, we have a numbering problem!" #endif table[22].data = &c->rlimit_memlock; #endif #endif pa_xfree(c->config_file); c->config_file = NULL; f = filename ? fopen(c->config_file = pa_xstrdup(filename), "r") : pa_open_config_file(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_USER, ENV_CONFIG_FILE, &c->config_file, "r"); if (!f && errno != ENOENT) { pa_log(__FILE__": WARNING: failed to open configuration file '%s': %s", c->config_file, pa_cstrerror(errno)); goto finish; } r = f ? pa_config_parse(c->config_file, f, table, NULL) : 0; finish: if (f) fclose(f); return r; } int pa_daemon_conf_env(pa_daemon_conf *c) { char *e; if ((e = getenv(ENV_DL_SEARCH_PATH))) { pa_xfree(c->dl_search_path); c->dl_search_path = pa_xstrdup(e); } if ((e = getenv(ENV_SCRIPT_FILE))) { pa_xfree(c->default_script_file); c->default_script_file = pa_xstrdup(e); } return 0; } static const char* const log_level_to_string[] = { [PA_LOG_DEBUG] = "debug", [PA_LOG_INFO] = "info", [PA_LOG_NOTICE] = "notice", [PA_LOG_WARN] = "warning", [PA_LOG_ERROR] = "error" }; char *pa_daemon_conf_dump(pa_daemon_conf *c) { pa_strbuf *s = pa_strbuf_new(); if (c->config_file) pa_strbuf_printf(s, "### Read from configuration file: %s ###\n", c->config_file); assert(c->log_level <= PA_LOG_LEVEL_MAX); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "daemonize = %i\n", !!c->daemonize); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "fail = %i\n", !!c->fail); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "high-priority = %i\n", !!c->high_priority); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "disallow-module-loading = %i\n", !!c->disallow_module_loading); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "exit-idle-time = %i\n", c->exit_idle_time); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "module-idle-time = %i\n", c->module_idle_time); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "scache-idle-time = %i\n", c->scache_idle_time); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "dl-search-path = %s\n", c->dl_search_path ? c->dl_search_path : ""); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "default-script-file = %s\n", c->default_script_file); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "log-target = %s\n", c->auto_log_target ? "auto" : (c->log_target == PA_LOG_SYSLOG ? "syslog" : "stderr")); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "log-level = %s\n", log_level_to_string[c->log_level]); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "resample-method = %s\n", pa_resample_method_to_string(c->resample_method)); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "use-pid-file = %i\n", c->use_pid_file); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "system-instance = %i\n", !!c->system_instance); #ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H pa_strbuf_printf(s, "rlimit-as = %li\n", c->rlimit_as.is_set ? (long int) c->rlimit_as.value : -1); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "rlimit-core = %li\n", c->rlimit_core.is_set ? (long int) c->rlimit_core.value : -1); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "rlimit-data = %li\n", c->rlimit_data.is_set ? (long int) c->rlimit_data.value : -1); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "rlimit-fsize = %li\n", c->rlimit_fsize.is_set ? (long int) c->rlimit_fsize.value : -1); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "rlimit-nofile = %li\n", c->rlimit_nofile.is_set ? (long int) c->rlimit_nofile.value : -1); pa_strbuf_printf(s, "rlimit-stack = %li\n", c->rlimit_stack.is_set ? (long int) c->rlimit_stack.value : -1); #ifdef RLIMIT_NPROC pa_strbuf_printf(s, "rlimit-nproc = %li\n", c->rlimit_nproc.is_set ? (long int) c->rlimit_nproc.value : -1); #endif #ifdef RLIMIT_MEMLOCK pa_strbuf_printf(s, "rlimit-memlock = %li\n", c->rlimit_memlock.is_set ? (long int) c->rlimit_memlock.value : -1); #endif #endif return pa_strbuf_tostring_free(s); }