/*** This file is part of PulseAudio. Copyright 2004-2008 Lennart Poettering Copyright 2006 Pierre Ossman for Cendio AB PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "alsa-util.h" #include "alsa-source.h" /* #define DEBUG_TIMING */ #define DEFAULT_DEVICE "default" #define DEFAULT_TSCHED_BUFFER_USEC (2*PA_USEC_PER_SEC) /* 2s */ #define DEFAULT_TSCHED_WATERMARK_USEC (20*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC) /* 20ms */ #define TSCHED_WATERMARK_INC_STEP_USEC (10*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC) /* 10ms */ #define TSCHED_WATERMARK_DEC_STEP_USEC (5*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC) /* 5ms */ #define TSCHED_WATERMARK_VERIFY_AFTER_USEC (20*PA_USEC_PER_SEC) /* 20s */ #define TSCHED_WATERMARK_INC_THRESHOLD_USEC (0*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC) /* 0ms */ #define TSCHED_WATERMARK_DEC_THRESHOLD_USEC (100*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC) /* 100ms */ #define TSCHED_WATERMARK_STEP_USEC (10*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC) /* 10ms */ #define TSCHED_MIN_SLEEP_USEC (10*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC) /* 10ms */ #define TSCHED_MIN_WAKEUP_USEC (4*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC) /* 4ms */ #define SMOOTHER_WINDOW_USEC (10*PA_USEC_PER_SEC) /* 10s */ #define SMOOTHER_ADJUST_USEC (1*PA_USEC_PER_SEC) /* 1s */ #define SMOOTHER_MIN_INTERVAL (2*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC) /* 2ms */ #define SMOOTHER_MAX_INTERVAL (200*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC) /* 200ms */ #define VOLUME_ACCURACY (PA_VOLUME_NORM/100) struct userdata { pa_core *core; pa_module *module; pa_source *source; pa_thread *thread; pa_thread_mq thread_mq; pa_rtpoll *rtpoll; snd_pcm_t *pcm_handle; pa_alsa_fdlist *mixer_fdl; snd_mixer_t *mixer_handle; pa_alsa_path_set *mixer_path_set; pa_alsa_path *mixer_path; pa_cvolume hardware_volume; size_t frame_size, fragment_size, hwbuf_size, tsched_watermark, hwbuf_unused, min_sleep, min_wakeup, watermark_inc_step, watermark_dec_step, watermark_inc_threshold, watermark_dec_threshold; pa_usec_t watermark_dec_not_before; char *device_name; char *control_device; pa_bool_t use_mmap:1, use_tsched:1; pa_bool_t first; pa_rtpoll_item *alsa_rtpoll_item; snd_mixer_selem_channel_id_t mixer_map[SND_MIXER_SCHN_LAST]; pa_smoother *smoother; uint64_t read_count; pa_usec_t smoother_interval; pa_usec_t last_smoother_update; pa_reserve_wrapper *reserve; pa_hook_slot *reserve_slot; pa_reserve_monitor_wrapper *monitor; pa_hook_slot *monitor_slot; }; static void userdata_free(struct userdata *u); static pa_hook_result_t reserve_cb(pa_reserve_wrapper *r, void *forced, struct userdata *u) { pa_assert(r); pa_assert(u); if (pa_source_suspend(u->source, TRUE, PA_SUSPEND_APPLICATION) < 0) return PA_HOOK_CANCEL; return PA_HOOK_OK; } static void reserve_done(struct userdata *u) { pa_assert(u); if (u->reserve_slot) { pa_hook_slot_free(u->reserve_slot); u->reserve_slot = NULL; } if (u->reserve) { pa_reserve_wrapper_unref(u->reserve); u->reserve = NULL; } } static void reserve_update(struct userdata *u) { const char *description; pa_assert(u); if (!u->source || !u->reserve) return; if ((description = pa_proplist_gets(u->source->proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION))) pa_reserve_wrapper_set_application_device_name(u->reserve, description); } static int reserve_init(struct userdata *u, const char *dname) { char *rname; pa_assert(u); pa_assert(dname); if (u->reserve) return 0; if (pa_in_system_mode()) return 0; /* We are resuming, try to lock the device */ if (!(rname = pa_alsa_get_reserve_name(dname))) return 0; u->reserve = pa_reserve_wrapper_get(u->core, rname); pa_xfree(rname); if (!(u->reserve)) return -1; reserve_update(u); pa_assert(!u->reserve_slot); u->reserve_slot = pa_hook_connect(pa_reserve_wrapper_hook(u->reserve), PA_HOOK_NORMAL, (pa_hook_cb_t) reserve_cb, u); return 0; } static pa_hook_result_t monitor_cb(pa_reserve_monitor_wrapper *w, void* busy, struct userdata *u) { pa_bool_t b; pa_assert(w); pa_assert(u); b = PA_PTR_TO_UINT(busy) && !u->reserve; pa_source_suspend(u->source, b, PA_SUSPEND_APPLICATION); return PA_HOOK_OK; } static void monitor_done(struct userdata *u) { pa_assert(u); if (u->monitor_slot) { pa_hook_slot_free(u->monitor_slot); u->monitor_slot = NULL; } if (u->monitor) { pa_reserve_monitor_wrapper_unref(u->monitor); u->monitor = NULL; } } static int reserve_monitor_init(struct userdata *u, const char *dname) { char *rname; pa_assert(u); pa_assert(dname); if (pa_in_system_mode()) return 0; /* We are resuming, try to lock the device */ if (!(rname = pa_alsa_get_reserve_name(dname))) return 0; u->monitor = pa_reserve_monitor_wrapper_get(u->core, rname); pa_xfree(rname); if (!(u->monitor)) return -1; pa_assert(!u->monitor_slot); u->monitor_slot = pa_hook_connect(pa_reserve_monitor_wrapper_hook(u->monitor), PA_HOOK_NORMAL, (pa_hook_cb_t) monitor_cb, u); return 0; } static void fix_min_sleep_wakeup(struct userdata *u) { size_t max_use, max_use_2; pa_assert(u); pa_assert(u->use_tsched); max_use = u->hwbuf_size - u->hwbuf_unused; max_use_2 = pa_frame_align(max_use/2, &u->source->sample_spec); u->min_sleep = pa_usec_to_bytes(TSCHED_MIN_SLEEP_USEC, &u->source->sample_spec); u->min_sleep = PA_CLAMP(u->min_sleep, u->frame_size, max_use_2); u->min_wakeup = pa_usec_to_bytes(TSCHED_MIN_WAKEUP_USEC, &u->source->sample_spec); u->min_wakeup = PA_CLAMP(u->min_wakeup, u->frame_size, max_use_2); } static void fix_tsched_watermark(struct userdata *u) { size_t max_use; pa_assert(u); pa_assert(u->use_tsched); max_use = u->hwbuf_size - u->hwbuf_unused; if (u->tsched_watermark > max_use - u->min_sleep) u->tsched_watermark = max_use - u->min_sleep; if (u->tsched_watermark < u->min_wakeup) u->tsched_watermark = u->min_wakeup; } static void increase_watermark(struct userdata *u) { size_t old_watermark; pa_usec_t old_min_latency, new_min_latency; pa_assert(u); pa_assert(u->use_tsched); /* First, just try to increase the watermark */ old_watermark = u->tsched_watermark; u->tsched_watermark = PA_MIN(u->tsched_watermark * 2, u->tsched_watermark + u->watermark_inc_step); fix_tsched_watermark(u); if (old_watermark != u->tsched_watermark) { pa_log_info("Increasing wakeup watermark to %0.2f ms", (double) pa_bytes_to_usec(u->tsched_watermark, &u->source->sample_spec) / PA_USEC_PER_MSEC); return; } /* Hmm, we cannot increase the watermark any further, hence let's raise the latency */ old_min_latency = u->source->thread_info.min_latency; new_min_latency = PA_MIN(old_min_latency * 2, old_min_latency + TSCHED_WATERMARK_INC_STEP_USEC); new_min_latency = PA_MIN(new_min_latency, u->source->thread_info.max_latency); if (old_min_latency != new_min_latency) { pa_log_info("Increasing minimal latency to %0.2f ms", (double) new_min_latency / PA_USEC_PER_MSEC); pa_source_set_latency_range_within_thread(u->source, new_min_latency, u->source->thread_info.max_latency); } /* When we reach this we're officialy fucked! */ } static void decrease_watermark(struct userdata *u) { size_t old_watermark; pa_usec_t now; pa_assert(u); pa_assert(u->use_tsched); now = pa_rtclock_now(); if (u->watermark_dec_not_before <= 0) goto restart; if (u->watermark_dec_not_before > now) return; old_watermark = u->tsched_watermark; if (u->tsched_watermark < u->watermark_dec_step) u->tsched_watermark = u->tsched_watermark / 2; else u->tsched_watermark = PA_MAX(u->tsched_watermark / 2, u->tsched_watermark - u->watermark_dec_step); fix_tsched_watermark(u); if (old_watermark != u->tsched_watermark) pa_log_info("Decreasing wakeup watermark to %0.2f ms", (double) pa_bytes_to_usec(u->tsched_watermark, &u->source->sample_spec) / PA_USEC_PER_MSEC); /* We don't change the latency range*/ restart: u->watermark_dec_not_before = now + TSCHED_WATERMARK_VERIFY_AFTER_USEC; } static pa_usec_t hw_sleep_time(struct userdata *u, pa_usec_t *sleep_usec, pa_usec_t*process_usec) { pa_usec_t wm, usec; pa_assert(sleep_usec); pa_assert(process_usec); pa_assert(u); pa_assert(u->use_tsched); usec = pa_source_get_requested_latency_within_thread(u->source); if (usec == (pa_usec_t) -1) usec = pa_bytes_to_usec(u->hwbuf_size, &u->source->sample_spec); wm = pa_bytes_to_usec(u->tsched_watermark, &u->source->sample_spec); if (wm > usec) wm = usec/2; *sleep_usec = usec - wm; *process_usec = wm; #ifdef DEBUG_TIMING pa_log_debug("Buffer time: %lu ms; Sleep time: %lu ms; Process time: %lu ms", (unsigned long) (usec / PA_USEC_PER_MSEC), (unsigned long) (*sleep_usec / PA_USEC_PER_MSEC), (unsigned long) (*process_usec / PA_USEC_PER_MSEC)); #endif return usec; } static int try_recover(struct userdata *u, const char *call, int err) { pa_assert(u); pa_assert(call); pa_assert(err < 0); pa_log_debug("%s: %s", call, pa_alsa_strerror(err)); pa_assert(err != -EAGAIN); if (err == -EPIPE) pa_log_debug("%s: Buffer overrun!", call); if (err == -ESTRPIPE) pa_log_debug("%s: System suspended!", call); if ((err = snd_pcm_recover(u->pcm_handle, err, 1)) < 0) { pa_log("%s: %s", call, pa_alsa_strerror(err)); return -1; } u->first = TRUE; return 0; } static size_t check_left_to_record(struct userdata *u, size_t n_bytes, pa_bool_t on_timeout) { size_t left_to_record; size_t rec_space = u->hwbuf_size - u->hwbuf_unused; pa_bool_t overrun = FALSE; /* We use <= instead of < for this check here because an overrun * only happens after the last sample was processed, not already when * it is removed from the buffer. This is particularly important * when block transfer is used. */ if (n_bytes <= rec_space) left_to_record = rec_space - n_bytes; else { /* We got a dropout. What a mess! */ left_to_record = 0; overrun = TRUE; #ifdef DEBUG_TIMING PA_DEBUG_TRAP; #endif if (pa_log_ratelimit()) pa_log_info("Overrun!"); } #ifdef DEBUG_TIMING pa_log_debug("%0.2f ms left to record", (double) pa_bytes_to_usec(left_to_record, &u->source->sample_spec) / PA_USEC_PER_MSEC); #endif if (u->use_tsched) { pa_bool_t reset_not_before = TRUE; if (overrun || left_to_record < u->watermark_inc_threshold) increase_watermark(u); else if (left_to_record > u->watermark_dec_threshold) { reset_not_before = FALSE; /* We decrease the watermark only if have actually been * woken up by a timeout. If something else woke us up * it's too easy to fulfill the deadlines... */ if (on_timeout) decrease_watermark(u); } if (reset_not_before) u->watermark_dec_not_before = 0; } return left_to_record; } static int mmap_read(struct userdata *u, pa_usec_t *sleep_usec, pa_bool_t polled, pa_bool_t on_timeout) { pa_bool_t work_done = FALSE; pa_usec_t max_sleep_usec = 0, process_usec = 0; size_t left_to_record; unsigned j = 0; pa_assert(u); pa_source_assert_ref(u->source); if (u->use_tsched) hw_sleep_time(u, &max_sleep_usec, &process_usec); for (;;) { snd_pcm_sframes_t n; size_t n_bytes; int r; pa_bool_t after_avail = TRUE; if (PA_UNLIKELY((n = pa_alsa_safe_avail(u->pcm_handle, u->hwbuf_size, &u->source->sample_spec)) < 0)) { if ((r = try_recover(u, "snd_pcm_avail", (int) n)) == 0) continue; return r; } n_bytes = (size_t) n * u->frame_size; #ifdef DEBUG_TIMING pa_log_debug("avail: %lu", (unsigned long) n_bytes); #endif left_to_record = check_left_to_record(u, n_bytes, on_timeout); on_timeout = FALSE; if (u->use_tsched) if (!polled && pa_bytes_to_usec(left_to_record, &u->source->sample_spec) > process_usec+max_sleep_usec/2) { #ifdef DEBUG_TIMING pa_log_debug("Not reading, because too early."); #endif break; } if (PA_UNLIKELY(n_bytes <= 0)) { if (polled) PA_ONCE_BEGIN { char *dn = pa_alsa_get_driver_name_by_pcm(u->pcm_handle); pa_log(_("ALSA woke us up to read new data from the device, but there was actually nothing to read!\n" "Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver '%s'. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.\n" "We were woken up with POLLIN set -- however a subsequent snd_pcm_avail() returned 0 or another value < min_avail."), pa_strnull(dn)); pa_xfree(dn); } PA_ONCE_END; #ifdef DEBUG_TIMING pa_log_debug("Not reading, because not necessary."); #endif break; } if (++j > 10) { #ifdef DEBUG_TIMING pa_log_debug("Not filling up, because already too many iterations."); #endif break; } polled = FALSE; #ifdef DEBUG_TIMING pa_log_debug("Reading"); #endif for (;;) { int err; const snd_pcm_channel_area_t *areas; snd_pcm_uframes_t offset, frames; pa_memchunk chunk; void *p; snd_pcm_sframes_t sframes; frames = (snd_pcm_uframes_t) (n_bytes / u->frame_size); /* pa_log_debug("%lu frames to read", (unsigned long) frames); */ if (PA_UNLIKELY((err = pa_alsa_safe_mmap_begin(u->pcm_handle, &areas, &offset, &frames, u->hwbuf_size, &u->source->sample_spec)) < 0)) { if (!after_avail && err == -EAGAIN) break; if ((r = try_recover(u, "snd_pcm_mmap_begin", err)) == 0) continue; return r; } /* Make sure that if these memblocks need to be copied they will fit into one slot */ if (frames > pa_mempool_block_size_max(u->source->core->mempool)/u->frame_size) frames = pa_mempool_block_size_max(u->source->core->mempool)/u->frame_size; if (!after_avail && frames == 0) break; pa_assert(frames > 0); after_avail = FALSE; /* Check these are multiples of 8 bit */ pa_assert((areas[0].first & 7) == 0); pa_assert((areas[0].step & 7)== 0); /* We assume a single interleaved memory buffer */ pa_assert((areas[0].first >> 3) == 0); pa_assert((areas[0].step >> 3) == u->frame_size); p = (uint8_t*) areas[0].addr + (offset * u->frame_size); chunk.memblock = pa_memblock_new_fixed(u->core->mempool, p, frames * u->frame_size, TRUE); chunk.length = pa_memblock_get_length(chunk.memblock); chunk.index = 0; pa_source_post(u->source, &chunk); pa_memblock_unref_fixed(chunk.memblock); if (PA_UNLIKELY((sframes = snd_pcm_mmap_commit(u->pcm_handle, offset, frames)) < 0)) { if ((r = try_recover(u, "snd_pcm_mmap_commit", (int) sframes)) == 0) continue; return r; } work_done = TRUE; u->read_count += frames * u->frame_size; #ifdef DEBUG_TIMING pa_log_debug("Read %lu bytes (of possible %lu bytes)", (unsigned long) (frames * u->frame_size), (unsigned long) n_bytes); #endif if ((size_t) frames * u->frame_size >= n_bytes) break; n_bytes -= (size_t) frames * u->frame_size; } } if (u->use_tsched) { *sleep_usec = pa_bytes_to_usec(left_to_record, &u->source->sample_spec); if (*sleep_usec > process_usec) *sleep_usec -= process_usec; else *sleep_usec = 0; } return work_done ? 1 : 0; } static int unix_read(struct userdata *u, pa_usec_t *sleep_usec, pa_bool_t polled, pa_bool_t on_timeout) { int work_done = FALSE; pa_usec_t max_sleep_usec = 0, process_usec = 0; size_t left_to_record; unsigned j = 0; pa_assert(u); pa_source_assert_ref(u->source); if (u->use_tsched) hw_sleep_time(u, &max_sleep_usec, &process_usec); for (;;) { snd_pcm_sframes_t n; size_t n_bytes; int r; pa_bool_t after_avail = TRUE; if (PA_UNLIKELY((n = pa_alsa_safe_avail(u->pcm_handle, u->hwbuf_size, &u->source->sample_spec)) < 0)) { if ((r = try_recover(u, "snd_pcm_avail", (int) n)) == 0) continue; return r; } n_bytes = (size_t) n * u->frame_size; left_to_record = check_left_to_record(u, n_bytes, on_timeout); on_timeout = FALSE; if (u->use_tsched) if (!polled && pa_bytes_to_usec(left_to_record, &u->source->sample_spec) > process_usec+max_sleep_usec/2) break; if (PA_UNLIKELY(n_bytes <= 0)) { if (polled) PA_ONCE_BEGIN { char *dn = pa_alsa_get_driver_name_by_pcm(u->pcm_handle); pa_log(_("ALSA woke us up to read new data from the device, but there was actually nothing to read!\n" "Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver '%s'. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.\n" "We were woken up with POLLIN set -- however a subsequent snd_pcm_avail() returned 0 or another value < min_avail."), pa_strnull(dn)); pa_xfree(dn); } PA_ONCE_END; break; } if (++j > 10) { #ifdef DEBUG_TIMING pa_log_debug("Not filling up, because already too many iterations."); #endif break; } polled = FALSE; for (;;) { void *p; snd_pcm_sframes_t frames; pa_memchunk chunk; chunk.memblock = pa_memblock_new(u->core->mempool, (size_t) -1); frames = (snd_pcm_sframes_t) (pa_memblock_get_length(chunk.memblock) / u->frame_size); if (frames > (snd_pcm_sframes_t) (n_bytes/u->frame_size)) frames = (snd_pcm_sframes_t) (n_bytes/u->frame_size); /* pa_log_debug("%lu frames to read", (unsigned long) n); */ p = pa_memblock_acquire(chunk.memblock); frames = snd_pcm_readi(u->pcm_handle, (uint8_t*) p, (snd_pcm_uframes_t) frames); pa_memblock_release(chunk.memblock); if (PA_UNLIKELY(frames < 0)) { pa_memblock_unref(chunk.memblock); if (!after_avail && (int) frames == -EAGAIN) break; if ((r = try_recover(u, "snd_pcm_readi", (int) frames)) == 0) continue; return r; } if (!after_avail && frames == 0) { pa_memblock_unref(chunk.memblock); break; } pa_assert(frames > 0); after_avail = FALSE; chunk.index = 0; chunk.length = (size_t) frames * u->frame_size; pa_source_post(u->source, &chunk); pa_memblock_unref(chunk.memblock); work_done = TRUE; u->read_count += frames * u->frame_size; /* pa_log_debug("read %lu frames", (unsigned long) frames); */ if ((size_t) frames * u->frame_size >= n_bytes) break; n_bytes -= (size_t) frames * u->frame_size; } } if (u->use_tsched) { *sleep_usec = pa_bytes_to_usec(left_to_record, &u->source->sample_spec); if (*sleep_usec > process_usec) *sleep_usec -= process_usec; else *sleep_usec = 0; } return work_done ? 1 : 0; } static void update_smoother(struct userdata *u) { snd_pcm_sframes_t delay = 0; uint64_t position; int err; pa_usec_t now1 = 0, now2; snd_pcm_status_t *status; snd_pcm_status_alloca(&status); pa_assert(u); pa_assert(u->pcm_handle); /* Let's update the time smoother */ if (PA_UNLIKELY((err = pa_alsa_safe_delay(u->pcm_handle, &delay, u->hwbuf_size, &u->source->sample_spec, TRUE)) < 0)) { pa_log_warn("Failed to get delay: %s", pa_alsa_strerror(err)); return; } if (PA_UNLIKELY((err = snd_pcm_status(u->pcm_handle, status)) < 0)) pa_log_warn("Failed to get timestamp: %s", pa_alsa_strerror(err)); else { snd_htimestamp_t htstamp = { 0, 0 }; snd_pcm_status_get_htstamp(status, &htstamp); now1 = pa_timespec_load(&htstamp); } /* Hmm, if the timestamp is 0, then it wasn't set and we take the current time */ if (now1 <= 0) now1 = pa_rtclock_now(); /* check if the time since the last update is bigger than the interval */ if (u->last_smoother_update > 0) if (u->last_smoother_update + u->smoother_interval > now1) return; position = u->read_count + ((uint64_t) delay * (uint64_t) u->frame_size); now2 = pa_bytes_to_usec(position, &u->source->sample_spec); pa_smoother_put(u->smoother, now1, now2); u->last_smoother_update = now1; /* exponentially increase the update interval up to the MAX limit */ u->smoother_interval = PA_MIN (u->smoother_interval * 2, SMOOTHER_MAX_INTERVAL); } static pa_usec_t source_get_latency(struct userdata *u) { int64_t delay; pa_usec_t now1, now2; pa_assert(u); now1 = pa_rtclock_now(); now2 = pa_smoother_get(u->smoother, now1); delay = (int64_t) now2 - (int64_t) pa_bytes_to_usec(u->read_count, &u->source->sample_spec); return delay >= 0 ? (pa_usec_t) delay : 0; } static int build_pollfd(struct userdata *u) { pa_assert(u); pa_assert(u->pcm_handle); if (u->alsa_rtpoll_item) pa_rtpoll_item_free(u->alsa_rtpoll_item); if (!(u->alsa_rtpoll_item = pa_alsa_build_pollfd(u->pcm_handle, u->rtpoll))) return -1; return 0; } static int suspend(struct userdata *u) { pa_assert(u); pa_assert(u->pcm_handle); pa_smoother_pause(u->smoother, pa_rtclock_now()); /* Let's suspend */ snd_pcm_close(u->pcm_handle); u->pcm_handle = NULL; if (u->alsa_rtpoll_item) { pa_rtpoll_item_free(u->alsa_rtpoll_item); u->alsa_rtpoll_item = NULL; } pa_log_info("Device suspended..."); return 0; } static int update_sw_params(struct userdata *u) { snd_pcm_uframes_t avail_min; int err; pa_assert(u); /* Use the full buffer if noone asked us for anything specific */ u->hwbuf_unused = 0; if (u->use_tsched) { pa_usec_t latency; if ((latency = pa_source_get_requested_latency_within_thread(u->source)) != (pa_usec_t) -1) { size_t b; pa_log_debug("latency set to %0.2fms", (double) latency / PA_USEC_PER_MSEC); b = pa_usec_to_bytes(latency, &u->source->sample_spec); /* We need at least one sample in our buffer */ if (PA_UNLIKELY(b < u->frame_size)) b = u->frame_size; u->hwbuf_unused = PA_LIKELY(b < u->hwbuf_size) ? (u->hwbuf_size - b) : 0; } fix_min_sleep_wakeup(u); fix_tsched_watermark(u); } pa_log_debug("hwbuf_unused=%lu", (unsigned long) u->hwbuf_unused); avail_min = 1; if (u->use_tsched) { pa_usec_t sleep_usec, process_usec; hw_sleep_time(u, &sleep_usec, &process_usec); avail_min += pa_usec_to_bytes(sleep_usec, &u->source->sample_spec) / u->frame_size; } pa_log_debug("setting avail_min=%lu", (unsigned long) avail_min); if ((err = pa_alsa_set_sw_params(u->pcm_handle, avail_min, !u->use_tsched)) < 0) { pa_log("Failed to set software parameters: %s", pa_alsa_strerror(err)); return err; } return 0; } static int unsuspend(struct userdata *u) { pa_sample_spec ss; int err; pa_bool_t b, d; snd_pcm_uframes_t period_size, buffer_size; pa_assert(u); pa_assert(!u->pcm_handle); pa_log_info("Trying resume..."); if ((err = snd_pcm_open(&u->pcm_handle, u->device_name, SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE, SND_PCM_NONBLOCK| SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_RESAMPLE| SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_CHANNELS| SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT)) < 0) { pa_log("Error opening PCM device %s: %s", u->device_name, pa_alsa_strerror(err)); goto fail; } ss = u->source->sample_spec; period_size = u->fragment_size / u->frame_size; buffer_size = u->hwbuf_size / u->frame_size; b = u->use_mmap; d = u->use_tsched; if ((err = pa_alsa_set_hw_params(u->pcm_handle, &ss, &period_size, &buffer_size, 0, &b, &d, TRUE)) < 0) { pa_log("Failed to set hardware parameters: %s", pa_alsa_strerror(err)); goto fail; } if (b != u->use_mmap || d != u->use_tsched) { pa_log_warn("Resume failed, couldn't get original access mode."); goto fail; } if (!pa_sample_spec_equal(&ss, &u->source->sample_spec)) { pa_log_warn("Resume failed, couldn't restore original sample settings."); goto fail; } if (period_size*u->frame_size != u->fragment_size || buffer_size*u->frame_size != u->hwbuf_size) { pa_log_warn("Resume failed, couldn't restore original fragment settings. (Old: %lu/%lu, New %lu/%lu)", (unsigned long) u->hwbuf_size, (unsigned long) u->fragment_size, (unsigned long) (buffer_size*u->frame_size), (unsigned long) (period_size*u->frame_size)); goto fail; } if (update_sw_params(u) < 0) goto fail; if (build_pollfd(u) < 0) goto fail; /* FIXME: We need to reload the volume somehow */ u->read_count = 0; pa_smoother_reset(u->smoother, pa_rtclock_now(), TRUE); u->smoother_interval = SMOOTHER_MIN_INTERVAL; u->last_smoother_update = 0; u->first = TRUE; pa_log_info("Resumed successfully..."); return 0; fail: if (u->pcm_handle) { snd_pcm_close(u->pcm_handle); u->pcm_handle = NULL; } return -PA_ERR_IO; } static int source_process_msg(pa_msgobject *o, int code, void *data, int64_t offset, pa_memchunk *chunk) { struct userdata *u = PA_SOURCE(o)->userdata; switch (code) { case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_GET_LATENCY: { pa_usec_t r = 0; if (u->pcm_handle) r = source_get_latency(u); *((pa_usec_t*) data) = r; return 0; } case PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_SET_STATE: switch ((pa_source_state_t) PA_PTR_TO_UINT(data)) { case PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED: { int r; pa_assert(PA_SOURCE_IS_OPENED(u->source->thread_info.state)); if ((r = suspend(u)) < 0) return r; break; } case PA_SOURCE_IDLE: case PA_SOURCE_RUNNING: { int r; if (u->source->thread_info.state == PA_SOURCE_INIT) { if (build_pollfd(u) < 0) return -PA_ERR_IO; } if (u->source->thread_info.state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED) { if ((r = unsuspend(u)) < 0) return r; } break; } case PA_SOURCE_UNLINKED: case PA_SOURCE_INIT: case PA_SOURCE_INVALID_STATE: ; } break; } return pa_source_process_msg(o, code, data, offset, chunk); } /* Called from main context */ static int source_set_state_cb(pa_source *s, pa_source_state_t new_state) { pa_source_state_t old_state; struct userdata *u; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_se(u = s->userdata); old_state = pa_source_get_state(u->source); if (PA_SOURCE_IS_OPENED(old_state) && new_state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED) reserve_done(u); else if (old_state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED && PA_SOURCE_IS_OPENED(new_state)) if (reserve_init(u, u->device_name) < 0) return -PA_ERR_BUSY; return 0; } static int mixer_callback(snd_mixer_elem_t *elem, unsigned int mask) { struct userdata *u = snd_mixer_elem_get_callback_private(elem); pa_assert(u); pa_assert(u->mixer_handle); if (mask == SND_CTL_EVENT_MASK_REMOVE) return 0; if (u->source->suspend_cause & PA_SUSPEND_SESSION) return 0; if (mask & SND_CTL_EVENT_MASK_VALUE) { pa_source_get_volume(u->source, TRUE); pa_source_get_mute(u->source, TRUE); } return 0; } static void source_get_volume_cb(pa_source *s) { struct userdata *u = s->userdata; pa_cvolume r; char t[PA_CVOLUME_SNPRINT_MAX]; pa_assert(u); pa_assert(u->mixer_path); pa_assert(u->mixer_handle); if (pa_alsa_path_get_volume(u->mixer_path, u->mixer_handle, &s->channel_map, &r) < 0) return; /* Shift down by the base volume, so that 0dB becomes maximum volume */ pa_sw_cvolume_multiply_scalar(&r, &r, s->base_volume); pa_log_debug("Read hardware volume: %s", pa_cvolume_snprint(t, sizeof(t), &r)); if (pa_cvolume_equal(&u->hardware_volume, &r)) return; s->volume = u->hardware_volume = r; /* Hmm, so the hardware volume changed, let's reset our software volume */ if (u->mixer_path->has_dB) pa_source_set_soft_volume(s, NULL); } static void source_set_volume_cb(pa_source *s) { struct userdata *u = s->userdata; pa_cvolume r; char t[PA_CVOLUME_SNPRINT_MAX]; pa_assert(u); pa_assert(u->mixer_path); pa_assert(u->mixer_handle); /* Shift up by the base volume */ pa_sw_cvolume_divide_scalar(&r, &s->volume, s->base_volume); if (pa_alsa_path_set_volume(u->mixer_path, u->mixer_handle, &s->channel_map, &r) < 0) return; /* Shift down by the base volume, so that 0dB becomes maximum volume */ pa_sw_cvolume_multiply_scalar(&r, &r, s->base_volume); u->hardware_volume = r; if (u->mixer_path->has_dB) { pa_cvolume new_soft_volume; pa_bool_t accurate_enough; /* Match exactly what the user requested by software */ pa_sw_cvolume_divide(&new_soft_volume, &s->volume, &u->hardware_volume); /* If the adjustment to do in software is only minimal we * can skip it. That saves us CPU at the expense of a bit of * accuracy */ accurate_enough = (pa_cvolume_min(&new_soft_volume) >= (PA_VOLUME_NORM - VOLUME_ACCURACY)) && (pa_cvolume_max(&new_soft_volume) <= (PA_VOLUME_NORM + VOLUME_ACCURACY)); pa_log_debug("Requested volume: %s", pa_cvolume_snprint(t, sizeof(t), &s->volume)); pa_log_debug("Got hardware volume: %s", pa_cvolume_snprint(t, sizeof(t), &u->hardware_volume)); pa_log_debug("Calculated software volume: %s (accurate-enough=%s)", pa_cvolume_snprint(t, sizeof(t), &new_soft_volume), pa_yes_no(accurate_enough)); if (!accurate_enough) s->soft_volume = new_soft_volume; } else { pa_log_debug("Wrote hardware volume: %s", pa_cvolume_snprint(t, sizeof(t), &r)); /* We can't match exactly what the user requested, hence let's * at least tell the user about it */ s->volume = r; } } static void source_get_mute_cb(pa_source *s) { struct userdata *u = s->userdata; pa_bool_t b; pa_assert(u); pa_assert(u->mixer_path); pa_assert(u->mixer_handle); if (pa_alsa_path_get_mute(u->mixer_path, u->mixer_handle, &b) < 0) return; s->muted = b; } static void source_set_mute_cb(pa_source *s) { struct userdata *u = s->userdata; pa_assert(u); pa_assert(u->mixer_path); pa_assert(u->mixer_handle); pa_alsa_path_set_mute(u->mixer_path, u->mixer_handle, s->muted); } static int source_set_port_cb(pa_source *s, pa_device_port *p) { struct userdata *u = s->userdata; pa_alsa_port_data *data; pa_assert(u); pa_assert(p); pa_assert(u->mixer_handle); data = PA_DEVICE_PORT_DATA(p); pa_assert_se(u->mixer_path = data->path); pa_alsa_path_select(u->mixer_path, u->mixer_handle); if (u->mixer_path->has_volume && u->mixer_path->has_dB) { s->base_volume = pa_sw_volume_from_dB(-u->mixer_path->max_dB); s->n_volume_steps = PA_VOLUME_NORM+1; if (u->mixer_path->max_dB > 0.0) pa_log_info("Fixing base volume to %0.2f dB", pa_sw_volume_to_dB(s->base_volume)); else pa_log_info("No particular base volume set, fixing to 0 dB"); } else { s->base_volume = PA_VOLUME_NORM; s->n_volume_steps = u->mixer_path->max_volume - u->mixer_path->min_volume + 1; } if (data->setting) pa_alsa_setting_select(data->setting, u->mixer_handle); if (s->set_mute) s->set_mute(s); if (s->set_volume) s->set_volume(s); return 0; } static void source_update_requested_latency_cb(pa_source *s) { struct userdata *u = s->userdata; pa_assert(u); pa_assert(u->use_tsched); if (!u->pcm_handle) return; update_sw_params(u); } static void thread_func(void *userdata) { struct userdata *u = userdata; unsigned short revents = 0; pa_assert(u); pa_log_debug("Thread starting up"); if (u->core->realtime_scheduling) pa_make_realtime(u->core->realtime_priority); pa_thread_mq_install(&u->thread_mq); for (;;) { int ret; #ifdef DEBUG_TIMING pa_log_debug("Loop"); #endif /* Read some data and pass it to the sources */ if (PA_SOURCE_IS_OPENED(u->source->thread_info.state)) { int work_done; pa_usec_t sleep_usec = 0; pa_bool_t on_timeout = pa_rtpoll_timer_elapsed(u->rtpoll); if (u->first) { pa_log_info("Starting capture."); snd_pcm_start(u->pcm_handle); pa_smoother_resume(u->smoother, pa_rtclock_now(), TRUE); u->first = FALSE; } if (u->use_mmap) work_done = mmap_read(u, &sleep_usec, revents & POLLIN, on_timeout); else work_done = unix_read(u, &sleep_usec, revents & POLLIN, on_timeout); if (work_done < 0) goto fail; /* pa_log_debug("work_done = %i", work_done); */ if (work_done) update_smoother(u); if (u->use_tsched) { pa_usec_t cusec; /* OK, the capture buffer is now empty, let's * calculate when to wake up next */ /* pa_log_debug("Waking up in %0.2fms (sound card clock).", (double) sleep_usec / PA_USEC_PER_MSEC); */ /* Convert from the sound card time domain to the * system time domain */ cusec = pa_smoother_translate(u->smoother, pa_rtclock_now(), sleep_usec); /* pa_log_debug("Waking up in %0.2fms (system clock).", (double) cusec / PA_USEC_PER_MSEC); */ /* We don't trust the conversion, so we wake up whatever comes first */ pa_rtpoll_set_timer_relative(u->rtpoll, PA_MIN(sleep_usec, cusec)); } } else if (u->use_tsched) /* OK, we're in an invalid state, let's disable our timers */ pa_rtpoll_set_timer_disabled(u->rtpoll); /* Hmm, nothing to do. Let's sleep */ if ((ret = pa_rtpoll_run(u->rtpoll, TRUE)) < 0) goto fail; if (ret == 0) goto finish; /* Tell ALSA about this and process its response */ if (PA_SOURCE_IS_OPENED(u->source->thread_info.state)) { struct pollfd *pollfd; int err; unsigned n; pollfd = pa_rtpoll_item_get_pollfd(u->alsa_rtpoll_item, &n); if ((err = snd_pcm_poll_descriptors_revents(u->pcm_handle, pollfd, n, &revents)) < 0) { pa_log("snd_pcm_poll_descriptors_revents() failed: %s", pa_alsa_strerror(err)); goto fail; } if (revents & ~POLLIN) { if (pa_alsa_recover_from_poll(u->pcm_handle, revents) < 0) goto fail; u->first = TRUE; } else if (revents && u->use_tsched && pa_log_ratelimit()) pa_log_debug("Wakeup from ALSA!"); } else revents = 0; } fail: /* If this was no regular exit from the loop we have to continue * processing messages until we received PA_MESSAGE_SHUTDOWN */ pa_asyncmsgq_post(u->thread_mq.outq, PA_MSGOBJECT(u->core), PA_CORE_MESSAGE_UNLOAD_MODULE, u->module, 0, NULL, NULL); pa_asyncmsgq_wait_for(u->thread_mq.inq, PA_MESSAGE_SHUTDOWN); finish: pa_log_debug("Thread shutting down"); } static void set_source_name(pa_source_new_data *data, pa_modargs *ma, const char *device_id, const char *device_name, pa_alsa_mapping *mapping) { const char *n; char *t; pa_assert(data); pa_assert(ma); pa_assert(device_name); if ((n = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "source_name", NULL))) { pa_source_new_data_set_name(data, n); data->namereg_fail = TRUE; return; } if ((n = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "name", NULL))) data->namereg_fail = TRUE; else { n = device_id ? device_id : device_name; data->namereg_fail = FALSE; } if (mapping) t = pa_sprintf_malloc("alsa_input.%s.%s", n, mapping->name); else t = pa_sprintf_malloc("alsa_input.%s", n); pa_source_new_data_set_name(data, t); pa_xfree(t); } static void find_mixer(struct userdata *u, pa_alsa_mapping *mapping, const char *element, pa_bool_t ignore_dB) { if (!mapping && !element) return; if (!(u->mixer_handle = pa_alsa_open_mixer_for_pcm(u->pcm_handle, &u->control_device))) { pa_log_info("Failed to find a working mixer device."); return; } if (element) { if (!(u->mixer_path = pa_alsa_path_synthesize(element, PA_ALSA_DIRECTION_INPUT))) goto fail; if (pa_alsa_path_probe(u->mixer_path, u->mixer_handle, ignore_dB) < 0) goto fail; pa_log_debug("Probed mixer path %s:", u->mixer_path->name); pa_alsa_path_dump(u->mixer_path); } else { if (!(u->mixer_path_set = pa_alsa_path_set_new(mapping, PA_ALSA_DIRECTION_INPUT))) goto fail; pa_alsa_path_set_probe(u->mixer_path_set, u->mixer_handle, ignore_dB); pa_log_debug("Probed mixer paths:"); pa_alsa_path_set_dump(u->mixer_path_set); } return; fail: if (u->mixer_path_set) { pa_alsa_path_set_free(u->mixer_path_set); u->mixer_path_set = NULL; } else if (u->mixer_path) { pa_alsa_path_free(u->mixer_path); u->mixer_path = NULL; } if (u->mixer_handle) { snd_mixer_close(u->mixer_handle); u->mixer_handle = NULL; } } static int setup_mixer(struct userdata *u, pa_bool_t ignore_dB) { pa_assert(u); if (!u->mixer_handle) return 0; if (u->source->active_port) { pa_alsa_port_data *data; /* We have a list of supported paths, so let's activate the * one that has been chosen as active */ data = PA_DEVICE_PORT_DATA(u->source->active_port); u->mixer_path = data->path; pa_alsa_path_select(data->path, u->mixer_handle); if (data->setting) pa_alsa_setting_select(data->setting, u->mixer_handle); } else { if (!u->mixer_path && u->mixer_path_set) u->mixer_path = u->mixer_path_set->paths; if (u->mixer_path) { /* Hmm, we have only a single path, then let's activate it */ pa_alsa_path_select(u->mixer_path, u->mixer_handle); if (u->mixer_path->settings) pa_alsa_setting_select(u->mixer_path->settings, u->mixer_handle); } else return 0; } if (!u->mixer_path->has_volume) pa_log_info("Driver does not support hardware volume control, falling back to software volume control."); else { if (u->mixer_path->has_dB) { pa_log_info("Hardware volume ranges from %0.2f dB to %0.2f dB.", u->mixer_path->min_dB, u->mixer_path->max_dB); u->source->base_volume = pa_sw_volume_from_dB(-u->mixer_path->max_dB); u->source->n_volume_steps = PA_VOLUME_NORM+1; if (u->mixer_path->max_dB > 0.0) pa_log_info("Fixing base volume to %0.2f dB", pa_sw_volume_to_dB(u->source->base_volume)); else pa_log_info("No particular base volume set, fixing to 0 dB"); } else { pa_log_info("Hardware volume ranges from %li to %li.", u->mixer_path->min_volume, u->mixer_path->max_volume); u->source->base_volume = PA_VOLUME_NORM; u->source->n_volume_steps = u->mixer_path->max_volume - u->mixer_path->min_volume + 1; } u->source->get_volume = source_get_volume_cb; u->source->set_volume = source_set_volume_cb; u->source->flags |= PA_SOURCE_HW_VOLUME_CTRL | (u->mixer_path->has_dB ? PA_SOURCE_DECIBEL_VOLUME : 0); pa_log_info("Using hardware volume control. Hardware dB scale %s.", u->mixer_path->has_dB ? "supported" : "not supported"); } if (!u->mixer_path->has_mute) { pa_log_info("Driver does not support hardware mute control, falling back to software mute control."); } else { u->source->get_mute = source_get_mute_cb; u->source->set_mute = source_set_mute_cb; u->source->flags |= PA_SOURCE_HW_MUTE_CTRL; pa_log_info("Using hardware mute control."); } u->mixer_fdl = pa_alsa_fdlist_new(); if (pa_alsa_fdlist_set_mixer(u->mixer_fdl, u->mixer_handle, u->core->mainloop) < 0) { pa_log("Failed to initialize file descriptor monitoring"); return -1; } if (u->mixer_path_set) pa_alsa_path_set_set_callback(u->mixer_path_set, u->mixer_handle, mixer_callback, u); else pa_alsa_path_set_callback(u->mixer_path, u->mixer_handle, mixer_callback, u); return 0; } pa_source *pa_alsa_source_new(pa_module *m, pa_modargs *ma, const char*driver, pa_card *card, pa_alsa_mapping *mapping) { struct userdata *u = NULL; const char *dev_id = NULL; pa_sample_spec ss, requested_ss; pa_channel_map map; uint32_t nfrags, frag_size, buffer_size, tsched_size, tsched_watermark; snd_pcm_uframes_t period_frames, buffer_frames, tsched_frames; size_t frame_size; pa_bool_t use_mmap = TRUE, b, use_tsched = TRUE, d, ignore_dB = FALSE; pa_source_new_data data; pa_alsa_profile_set *profile_set = NULL; pa_assert(m); pa_assert(ma); ss = m->core->default_sample_spec; map = m->core->default_channel_map; if (pa_modargs_get_sample_spec_and_channel_map(ma, &ss, &map, PA_CHANNEL_MAP_ALSA) < 0) { pa_log("Failed to parse sample specification"); goto fail; } requested_ss = ss; frame_size = pa_frame_size(&ss); nfrags = m->core->default_n_fragments; frag_size = (uint32_t) pa_usec_to_bytes(m->core->default_fragment_size_msec*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC, &ss); if (frag_size <= 0) frag_size = (uint32_t) frame_size; tsched_size = (uint32_t) pa_usec_to_bytes(DEFAULT_TSCHED_BUFFER_USEC, &ss); tsched_watermark = (uint32_t) pa_usec_to_bytes(DEFAULT_TSCHED_WATERMARK_USEC, &ss); if (pa_modargs_get_value_u32(ma, "fragments", &nfrags) < 0 || pa_modargs_get_value_u32(ma, "fragment_size", &frag_size) < 0 || pa_modargs_get_value_u32(ma, "tsched_buffer_size", &tsched_size) < 0 || pa_modargs_get_value_u32(ma, "tsched_buffer_watermark", &tsched_watermark) < 0) { pa_log("Failed to parse buffer metrics"); goto fail; } buffer_size = nfrags * frag_size; period_frames = frag_size/frame_size; buffer_frames = buffer_size/frame_size; tsched_frames = tsched_size/frame_size; if (pa_modargs_get_value_boolean(ma, "mmap", &use_mmap) < 0) { pa_log("Failed to parse mmap argument."); goto fail; } if (pa_modargs_get_value_boolean(ma, "tsched", &use_tsched) < 0) { pa_log("Failed to parse timer_scheduling argument."); goto fail; } if (pa_modargs_get_value_boolean(ma, "ignore_dB", &ignore_dB) < 0) { pa_log("Failed to parse ignore_dB argument."); goto fail; } use_tsched = pa_alsa_may_tsched(use_tsched); u = pa_xnew0(struct userdata, 1); u->core = m->core; u->module = m; u->use_mmap = use_mmap; u->use_tsched = use_tsched; u->first = TRUE; u->rtpoll = pa_rtpoll_new(); pa_thread_mq_init(&u->thread_mq, m->core->mainloop, u->rtpoll); u->smoother = pa_smoother_new( SMOOTHER_ADJUST_USEC, SMOOTHER_WINDOW_USEC, TRUE, TRUE, 5, pa_rtclock_now(), TRUE); u->smoother_interval = SMOOTHER_MIN_INTERVAL; dev_id = pa_modargs_get_value( ma, "device_id", pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "device", DEFAULT_DEVICE)); if (reserve_init(u, dev_id) < 0) goto fail; if (reserve_monitor_init(u, dev_id) < 0) goto fail; b = use_mmap; d = use_tsched; if (mapping) { if (!(dev_id = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "device_id", NULL))) { pa_log("device_id= not set"); goto fail; } if (!(u->pcm_handle = pa_alsa_open_by_device_id_mapping( dev_id, &u->device_name, &ss, &map, SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE, &period_frames, &buffer_frames, tsched_frames, &b, &d, mapping))) goto fail; } else if ((dev_id = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "device_id", NULL))) { if (!(profile_set = pa_alsa_profile_set_new(NULL, &map))) goto fail; if (!(u->pcm_handle = pa_alsa_open_by_device_id_auto( dev_id, &u->device_name, &ss, &map, SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE, &period_frames, &buffer_frames, tsched_frames, &b, &d, profile_set, &mapping))) goto fail; } else { if (!(u->pcm_handle = pa_alsa_open_by_device_string( pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "device", DEFAULT_DEVICE), &u->device_name, &ss, &map, SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE, &period_frames, &buffer_frames, tsched_frames, &b, &d, FALSE))) goto fail; } pa_assert(u->device_name); pa_log_info("Successfully opened device %s.", u->device_name); if (pa_alsa_pcm_is_modem(u->pcm_handle)) { pa_log_notice("Device %s is modem, refusing further initialization.", u->device_name); goto fail; } if (mapping) pa_log_info("Selected mapping '%s' (%s).", mapping->description, mapping->name); if (use_mmap && !b) { pa_log_info("Device doesn't support mmap(), falling back to UNIX read/write mode."); u->use_mmap = use_mmap = FALSE; } if (use_tsched && (!b || !d)) { pa_log_info("Cannot enable timer-based scheduling, falling back to sound IRQ scheduling."); u->use_tsched = use_tsched = FALSE; } if (u->use_mmap) pa_log_info("Successfully enabled mmap() mode."); if (u->use_tsched) pa_log_info("Successfully enabled timer-based scheduling mode."); /* ALSA might tweak the sample spec, so recalculate the frame size */ frame_size = pa_frame_size(&ss); find_mixer(u, mapping, pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "control", NULL), ignore_dB); pa_source_new_data_init(&data); data.driver = driver; data.module = m; data.card = card; set_source_name(&data, ma, dev_id, u->device_name, mapping); pa_source_new_data_set_sample_spec(&data, &ss); pa_source_new_data_set_channel_map(&data, &map); pa_alsa_init_proplist_pcm(m->core, data.proplist, u->pcm_handle); pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_STRING, u->device_name); pa_proplist_setf(data.proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_BUFFERING_BUFFER_SIZE, "%lu", (unsigned long) (buffer_frames * frame_size)); pa_proplist_setf(data.proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_BUFFERING_FRAGMENT_SIZE, "%lu", (unsigned long) (period_frames * frame_size)); pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_ACCESS_MODE, u->use_tsched ? "mmap+timer" : (u->use_mmap ? "mmap" : "serial")); if (mapping) { pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_PROFILE_NAME, mapping->name); pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION, mapping->description); } pa_alsa_init_description(data.proplist); if (u->control_device) pa_alsa_init_proplist_ctl(data.proplist, u->control_device); if (pa_modargs_get_proplist(ma, "source_properties", data.proplist, PA_UPDATE_REPLACE) < 0) { pa_log("Invalid properties"); pa_source_new_data_done(&data); goto fail; } if (u->mixer_path_set) pa_alsa_add_ports(&data.ports, u->mixer_path_set); u->source = pa_source_new(m->core, &data, PA_SOURCE_HARDWARE|PA_SOURCE_LATENCY|(u->use_tsched ? PA_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_LATENCY : 0)); pa_source_new_data_done(&data); if (!u->source) { pa_log("Failed to create source object"); goto fail; } u->source->parent.process_msg = source_process_msg; if (u->use_tsched) u->source->update_requested_latency = source_update_requested_latency_cb; u->source->set_state = source_set_state_cb; u->source->set_port = source_set_port_cb; u->source->userdata = u; pa_source_set_asyncmsgq(u->source, u->thread_mq.inq); pa_source_set_rtpoll(u->source, u->rtpoll); u->frame_size = frame_size; u->fragment_size = frag_size = (size_t) (period_frames * frame_size); u->hwbuf_size = buffer_size = (size_t) (buffer_frames * frame_size); pa_cvolume_mute(&u->hardware_volume, u->source->sample_spec.channels); pa_log_info("Using %0.1f fragments of size %lu bytes (%0.2fms), buffer size is %lu bytes (%0.2fms)", (double) u->hwbuf_size / (double) u->fragment_size, (long unsigned) u->fragment_size, (double) pa_bytes_to_usec(u->fragment_size, &ss) / PA_USEC_PER_MSEC, (long unsigned) u->hwbuf_size, (double) pa_bytes_to_usec(u->hwbuf_size, &ss) / PA_USEC_PER_MSEC); if (u->use_tsched) { u->tsched_watermark = pa_usec_to_bytes_round_up(pa_bytes_to_usec_round_up(tsched_watermark, &requested_ss), &u->source->sample_spec); u->watermark_inc_step = pa_usec_to_bytes(TSCHED_WATERMARK_INC_STEP_USEC, &u->source->sample_spec); u->watermark_dec_step = pa_usec_to_bytes(TSCHED_WATERMARK_DEC_STEP_USEC, &u->source->sample_spec); u->watermark_inc_threshold = pa_usec_to_bytes_round_up(TSCHED_WATERMARK_INC_THRESHOLD_USEC, &u->source->sample_spec); u->watermark_dec_threshold = pa_usec_to_bytes_round_up(TSCHED_WATERMARK_DEC_THRESHOLD_USEC, &u->source->sample_spec); fix_min_sleep_wakeup(u); fix_tsched_watermark(u); pa_source_set_latency_range(u->source, 0, pa_bytes_to_usec(u->hwbuf_size, &ss)); pa_log_info("Time scheduling watermark is %0.2fms", (double) pa_bytes_to_usec(u->tsched_watermark, &ss) / PA_USEC_PER_MSEC); } else pa_source_set_fixed_latency(u->source, pa_bytes_to_usec(u->hwbuf_size, &ss)); reserve_update(u); if (update_sw_params(u) < 0) goto fail; if (setup_mixer(u, ignore_dB) < 0) goto fail; pa_alsa_dump(PA_LOG_DEBUG, u->pcm_handle); if (!(u->thread = pa_thread_new("alsa-source", thread_func, u))) { pa_log("Failed to create thread."); goto fail; } /* Get initial mixer settings */ if (data.volume_is_set) { if (u->source->set_volume) u->source->set_volume(u->source); } else { if (u->source->get_volume) u->source->get_volume(u->source); } if (data.muted_is_set) { if (u->source->set_mute) u->source->set_mute(u->source); } else { if (u->source->get_mute) u->source->get_mute(u->source); } pa_source_put(u->source); if (profile_set) pa_alsa_profile_set_free(profile_set); return u->source; fail: if (u) userdata_free(u); if (profile_set) pa_alsa_profile_set_free(profile_set); return NULL; } static void userdata_free(struct userdata *u) { pa_assert(u); if (u->source) pa_source_unlink(u->source); if (u->thread) { pa_asyncmsgq_send(u->thread_mq.inq, NULL, PA_MESSAGE_SHUTDOWN, NULL, 0, NULL); pa_thread_free(u->thread); } pa_thread_mq_done(&u->thread_mq); if (u->source) pa_source_unref(u->source); if (u->alsa_rtpoll_item) pa_rtpoll_item_free(u->alsa_rtpoll_item); if (u->rtpoll) pa_rtpoll_free(u->rtpoll); if (u->pcm_handle) { snd_pcm_drop(u->pcm_handle); snd_pcm_close(u->pcm_handle); } if (u->mixer_fdl) pa_alsa_fdlist_free(u->mixer_fdl); if (u->mixer_path_set) pa_alsa_path_set_free(u->mixer_path_set); else if (u->mixer_path) pa_alsa_path_free(u->mixer_path); if (u->mixer_handle) snd_mixer_close(u->mixer_handle); if (u->smoother) pa_smoother_free(u->smoother); reserve_done(u); monitor_done(u); pa_xfree(u->device_name); pa_xfree(u->control_device); pa_xfree(u); } void pa_alsa_source_free(pa_source *s) { struct userdata *u; pa_source_assert_ref(s); pa_assert_se(u = s->userdata); userdata_free(u); }