/* $Id$ */ /*** This file is part of PulseAudio. Copyright 2006 Lennart Poettering PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "module-volume-restore-symdef.h" PA_MODULE_AUTHOR("Lennart Poettering"); PA_MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Automatically restore the volume and the devices of streams"); PA_MODULE_VERSION(PACKAGE_VERSION); PA_MODULE_LOAD_ONCE(TRUE); PA_MODULE_USAGE( "table= " "restore_device= " "restore_volume=" ); #define WHITESPACE "\n\r \t" #define DEFAULT_VOLUME_TABLE_FILE "volume-restore.table" #define SAVE_INTERVAL 10 static const char* const valid_modargs[] = { "table", "restore_device", "restore_volume", NULL, }; struct rule { char* name; pa_bool_t volume_is_set; pa_cvolume volume; char *sink, *source; }; struct userdata { pa_core *core; pa_hashmap *hashmap; pa_subscription *subscription; pa_hook_slot *sink_input_new_hook_slot, *sink_input_fixate_hook_slot, *source_output_new_hook_slot; pa_bool_t modified; char *table_file; pa_time_event *save_time_event; }; static pa_cvolume* parse_volume(const char *s, pa_cvolume *v) { char *p; long k; unsigned i; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(v); if (!isdigit(*s)) return NULL; k = strtol(s, &p, 0); if (k <= 0 || k > PA_CHANNELS_MAX) return NULL; v->channels = (unsigned) k; for (i = 0; i < v->channels; i++) { p += strspn(p, WHITESPACE); if (!isdigit(*p)) return NULL; k = strtol(p, &p, 0); if (k < (long) PA_VOLUME_MUTED) return NULL; v->values[i] = (pa_volume_t) k; } if (*p != 0) return NULL; return v; } static int load_rules(struct userdata *u) { FILE *f; int n = 0; int ret = -1; char buf_name[256], buf_volume[256], buf_sink[256], buf_source[256]; char *ln = buf_name; if (!(f = fopen(u->table_file, "r"))) { if (errno == ENOENT) { pa_log_info("Starting with empty ruleset."); ret = 0; } else pa_log("Failed to open file '%s': %s", u->table_file, pa_cstrerror(errno)); goto finish; } pa_lock_fd(fileno(f), 1); while (!feof(f)) { struct rule *rule; pa_cvolume v; pa_bool_t v_is_set; if (!fgets(ln, sizeof(buf_name), f)) break; n++; pa_strip_nl(ln); if (ln[0] == '#') continue; if (ln == buf_name) { ln = buf_volume; continue; } if (ln == buf_volume) { ln = buf_sink; continue; } if (ln == buf_sink) { ln = buf_source; continue; } pa_assert(ln == buf_source); if (buf_volume[0]) { if (!parse_volume(buf_volume, &v)) { pa_log("parse failure in %s:%u, stopping parsing", u->table_file, n); goto finish; } v_is_set = TRUE; } else v_is_set = FALSE; ln = buf_name; if (pa_hashmap_get(u->hashmap, buf_name)) { pa_log("double entry in %s:%u, ignoring", u->table_file, n); continue; } rule = pa_xnew(struct rule, 1); rule->name = pa_xstrdup(buf_name); if ((rule->volume_is_set = v_is_set)) rule->volume = v; rule->sink = buf_sink[0] ? pa_xstrdup(buf_sink) : NULL; rule->source = buf_source[0] ? pa_xstrdup(buf_source) : NULL; pa_hashmap_put(u->hashmap, rule->name, rule); } if (ln != buf_name) { pa_log("invalid number of lines in %s.", u->table_file); goto finish; } ret = 0; finish: if (f) { pa_lock_fd(fileno(f), 0); fclose(f); } return ret; } static int save_rules(struct userdata *u) { FILE *f; int ret = -1; void *state = NULL; struct rule *rule; if (!u->modified) return 0; pa_log_info("Saving rules..."); if (!(f = fopen(u->table_file, "w"))) { pa_log("Failed to open file '%s': %s", u->table_file, pa_cstrerror(errno)); goto finish; } pa_lock_fd(fileno(f), 1); while ((rule = pa_hashmap_iterate(u->hashmap, &state, NULL))) { unsigned i; fprintf(f, "%s\n", rule->name); if (rule->volume_is_set) { fprintf(f, "%u", rule->volume.channels); for (i = 0; i < rule->volume.channels; i++) fprintf(f, " %u", rule->volume.values[i]); } fprintf(f, "\n%s\n%s\n", rule->sink ? rule->sink : "", rule->source ? rule->source : ""); } ret = 0; u->modified = FALSE; pa_log_debug("Successfully saved rules..."); finish: if (f) { pa_lock_fd(fileno(f), 0); fclose(f); } return ret; } static char* client_name(pa_client *c) { char *t, *e; if (!pa_proplist_gets(c->proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME) || !c->driver) return NULL; t = pa_sprintf_malloc("%s$%s", c->driver, pa_proplist_gets(c->proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME)); t[strcspn(t, "\n\r#")] = 0; if (!*t) { pa_xfree(t); return NULL; } if ((e = strrchr(t, '('))) { char *k = e + 1 + strspn(e + 1, "0123456789-"); /* Dirty trick: truncate all trailing parens with numbers in * between, since they are usually used to identify multiple * sessions of the same application, which is something we * explicitly don't want. Besides other stuff this makes xmms * with esound work properly for us. */ if (*k == ')' && *(k+1) == 0) *e = 0; } return t; } static void save_time_callback(pa_mainloop_api*a, pa_time_event* e, const struct timeval *tv, void *userdata) { struct userdata *u = userdata; pa_assert(a); pa_assert(e); pa_assert(tv); pa_assert(u); pa_assert(e == u->save_time_event); u->core->mainloop->time_free(u->save_time_event); u->save_time_event = NULL; save_rules(u); } static void subscribe_callback(pa_core *c, pa_subscription_event_type_t t, uint32_t idx, void *userdata) { struct userdata *u = userdata; pa_sink_input *si = NULL; pa_source_output *so = NULL; struct rule *r; char *name; pa_assert(c); pa_assert(u); if (t != (PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SINK_INPUT|PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_NEW) && t != (PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SINK_INPUT|PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE) && t != (PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE_OUTPUT|PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_NEW) && t != (PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE_OUTPUT|PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE)) return; if ((t & PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_FACILITY_MASK) == PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SINK_INPUT) { if (!(si = pa_idxset_get_by_index(c->sink_inputs, idx))) return; if (!si->client || !(name = client_name(si->client))) return; } else { pa_assert((t & PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_FACILITY_MASK) == PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE_OUTPUT); if (!(so = pa_idxset_get_by_index(c->source_outputs, idx))) return; if (!so->client || !(name = client_name(so->client))) return; } if ((r = pa_hashmap_get(u->hashmap, name))) { pa_xfree(name); if (si) { if (!r->volume_is_set || !pa_cvolume_equal(pa_sink_input_get_volume(si), &r->volume)) { pa_log_info("Saving volume for <%s>", r->name); r->volume = *pa_sink_input_get_volume(si); r->volume_is_set = TRUE; u->modified = TRUE; } if (!r->sink || strcmp(si->sink->name, r->sink) != 0) { pa_log_info("Saving sink for <%s>", r->name); pa_xfree(r->sink); r->sink = pa_xstrdup(si->sink->name); u->modified = TRUE; } } else { pa_assert(so); if (!r->source || strcmp(so->source->name, r->source) != 0) { pa_log_info("Saving source for <%s>", r->name); pa_xfree(r->source); r->source = pa_xstrdup(so->source->name); u->modified = TRUE; } } } else { pa_log_info("Creating new entry for <%s>", name); r = pa_xnew(struct rule, 1); r->name = name; if (si) { r->volume = *pa_sink_input_get_volume(si); r->volume_is_set = TRUE; r->sink = pa_xstrdup(si->sink->name); r->source = NULL; } else { pa_assert(so); r->volume_is_set = FALSE; r->sink = NULL; r->source = pa_xstrdup(so->source->name); } pa_hashmap_put(u->hashmap, r->name, r); u->modified = TRUE; } if (u->modified && !u->save_time_event) { struct timeval tv; pa_gettimeofday(&tv); tv.tv_sec += SAVE_INTERVAL; u->save_time_event = u->core->mainloop->time_new(u->core->mainloop, &tv, save_time_callback, u); } } static pa_hook_result_t sink_input_new_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_sink_input_new_data *data, struct userdata *u) { struct rule *r; char *name; pa_assert(data); /* In the NEW hook we only adjust the device. Adjusting the volume * is left for the FIXATE hook */ if (!data->client || !(name = client_name(data->client))) return PA_HOOK_OK; if ((r = pa_hashmap_get(u->hashmap, name))) { if (!data->sink && r->sink) { if ((data->sink = pa_namereg_get(c, r->sink, PA_NAMEREG_SINK, 1))) pa_log_info("Restoring sink for <%s>", r->name); } } pa_xfree(name); return PA_HOOK_OK; } static pa_hook_result_t sink_input_fixate_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_sink_input_new_data *data, struct userdata *u) { struct rule *r; char *name; pa_assert(data); /* In the FIXATE hook we only adjust the volum. Adjusting the device * is left for the NEW hook */ if (!data->client || !(name = client_name(data->client))) return PA_HOOK_OK; if ((r = pa_hashmap_get(u->hashmap, name))) { if (r->volume_is_set && data->sample_spec.channels == r->volume.channels) { pa_log_info("Restoring volume for <%s>", r->name); pa_sink_input_new_data_set_volume(data, &r->volume); } } pa_xfree(name); return PA_HOOK_OK; } static pa_hook_result_t source_output_new_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_source_output_new_data *data, struct userdata *u) { struct rule *r; char *name; pa_assert(data); if (!data->client || !(name = client_name(data->client))) return PA_HOOK_OK; if ((r = pa_hashmap_get(u->hashmap, name))) { if (!data->source && r->source) { if ((data->source = pa_namereg_get(c, r->source, PA_NAMEREG_SOURCE, 1))) pa_log_info("Restoring source for <%s>", r->name); } } return PA_HOOK_OK; } int pa__init(pa_module*m) { pa_modargs *ma = NULL; struct userdata *u; pa_bool_t restore_device = TRUE, restore_volume = TRUE; pa_assert(m); if (!(ma = pa_modargs_new(m->argument, valid_modargs))) { pa_log("Failed to parse module arguments"); goto fail; } u = pa_xnew(struct userdata, 1); u->core = m->core; u->hashmap = pa_hashmap_new(pa_idxset_string_hash_func, pa_idxset_string_compare_func); u->table_file = pa_runtime_path(pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "table", DEFAULT_VOLUME_TABLE_FILE)); u->modified = FALSE; u->subscription = NULL; u->sink_input_new_hook_slot = u->sink_input_fixate_hook_slot = u->source_output_new_hook_slot = NULL; u->save_time_event = NULL; m->userdata = u; if (pa_modargs_get_value_boolean(ma, "restore_device", &restore_device) < 0 || pa_modargs_get_value_boolean(ma, "restore_volume", &restore_volume) < 0) { pa_log("restore_volume= and restore_device= expect boolean arguments"); goto fail; } if (!(restore_device || restore_volume)) { pa_log("Both restrong the volume and restoring the device are disabled. There's no point in using this module at all then, failing."); goto fail; } if (load_rules(u) < 0) goto fail; u->subscription = pa_subscription_new(m->core, PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SINK_INPUT|PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SOURCE_OUTPUT, subscribe_callback, u); if (restore_device) { u->sink_input_new_hook_slot = pa_hook_connect(&m->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SINK_INPUT_NEW], (pa_hook_cb_t) sink_input_new_hook_callback, u); u->source_output_new_hook_slot = pa_hook_connect(&m->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SOURCE_OUTPUT_NEW], (pa_hook_cb_t) source_output_new_hook_callback, u); } if (restore_volume) u->sink_input_fixate_hook_slot = pa_hook_connect(&m->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SINK_INPUT_FIXATE], (pa_hook_cb_t) sink_input_fixate_hook_callback, u); pa_modargs_free(ma); return 0; fail: pa__done(m); if (ma) pa_modargs_free(ma); return -1; } static void free_func(void *p, void *userdata) { struct rule *r = p; pa_assert(r); pa_xfree(r->name); pa_xfree(r->sink); pa_xfree(r->source); pa_xfree(r); } void pa__done(pa_module*m) { struct userdata* u; pa_assert(m); if (!(u = m->userdata)) return; if (u->subscription) pa_subscription_free(u->subscription); if (u->sink_input_new_hook_slot) pa_hook_slot_free(u->sink_input_new_hook_slot); if (u->sink_input_fixate_hook_slot) pa_hook_slot_free(u->sink_input_fixate_hook_slot); if (u->source_output_new_hook_slot) pa_hook_slot_free(u->source_output_new_hook_slot); if (u->hashmap) { save_rules(u); pa_hashmap_free(u->hashmap, free_func, NULL); } if (u->save_time_event) u->core->mainloop->time_free(u->save_time_event); pa_xfree(u->table_file); pa_xfree(u); }