#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "protocol-esound.h" #include "esound-spec.h" #include "memblock.h" #include "client.h" #include "sinkinput.h" #include "sink.h" #include "sample.h" /* This is heavily based on esound's code */ struct connection { uint32_t index; struct protocol_esound *protocol; struct iochannel *io; struct client *client; int authorized, swap_byte_order; void *read_data; size_t read_data_alloc, read_data_length; void *write_data; size_t write_data_alloc, write_data_index, write_data_length; esd_proto_t request; esd_client_state_t state; struct sink_input *sink_input; struct memblockq *input_memblockq; }; struct protocol_esound { int public; struct core *core; struct socket_server *server; struct idxset *connections; uint32_t sink_index; unsigned n_player; }; typedef struct proto_handler { size_t data_length; int (*proc)(struct connection *c, const void *data, size_t length); const char *description; } esd_proto_handler_info_t; #define MEMBLOCKQ_LENGTH (10*1204) #define MEMBLOCKQ_PREBUF (2*1024) #define BUFSIZE (1024) static void sink_input_drop_cb(struct sink_input *i, size_t length); static int sink_input_peek_cb(struct sink_input *i, struct memchunk *chunk); static void sink_input_kill_cb(struct sink_input *i); static uint32_t sink_input_get_latency_cb(struct sink_input *i); static int esd_proto_connect(struct connection *c, const void *data, size_t length); static int esd_proto_stream_play(struct connection *c, const void *data, size_t length); static int esd_proto_stream_record(struct connection *c, const void *data, size_t length); static int esd_proto_get_latency(struct connection *c, const void *data, size_t length); static int esd_proto_server_info(struct connection *c, const void *data, size_t length); static int esd_proto_all_info(struct connection *c, const void *data, size_t length); static int esd_proto_stream_pan(struct connection *c, const void *data, size_t length); static int do_write(struct connection *c); /* the big map of protocol handler info */ static struct proto_handler proto_map[ESD_PROTO_MAX] = { { ESD_KEY_LEN + sizeof(int), esd_proto_connect, "connect" }, { ESD_KEY_LEN + sizeof(int), NULL, "lock" }, { ESD_KEY_LEN + sizeof(int), NULL, "unlock" }, { ESD_NAME_MAX + 2 * sizeof(int), esd_proto_stream_play, "stream play" }, { ESD_NAME_MAX + 2 * sizeof(int), esd_proto_stream_record, "stream rec" }, { ESD_NAME_MAX + 2 * sizeof(int), NULL, "stream mon" }, { ESD_NAME_MAX + 3 * sizeof(int), NULL, "sample cache" }, { sizeof(int), NULL, "sample free" }, { sizeof(int), NULL, "sample play" }, { sizeof(int), NULL, "sample loop" }, { sizeof(int), NULL, "sample stop" }, { -1, NULL, "TODO: sample kill" }, { ESD_KEY_LEN + sizeof(int), NULL, "standby" }, { ESD_KEY_LEN + sizeof(int), NULL, "resume" }, { ESD_NAME_MAX, NULL, "sample getid" }, { ESD_NAME_MAX + 2 * sizeof(int), NULL, "stream filter" }, { sizeof(int), esd_proto_server_info, "server info" }, { sizeof(int), esd_proto_all_info, "all info" }, { -1, NULL, "TODO: subscribe" }, { -1, NULL, "TODO: unsubscribe" }, { 3 * sizeof(int), esd_proto_stream_pan, "stream pan"}, { 3 * sizeof(int), NULL, "sample pan" }, { sizeof(int), NULL, "standby mode" }, { 0, esd_proto_get_latency, "get latency" } }; static void connection_free(struct connection *c) { assert(c); idxset_remove_by_data(c->protocol->connections, c, NULL); if (c->state == ESD_STREAMING_DATA) c->protocol->n_player--; client_free(c->client); if (c->sink_input) sink_input_free(c->sink_input); if (c->input_memblockq) memblockq_free(c->input_memblockq); free(c->read_data); free(c->write_data); iochannel_free(c->io); free(c); } static struct sink* get_output_sink(struct protocol_esound *p) { struct sink *s; assert(p); if (!(s = idxset_get_by_index(p->core->sinks, p->sink_index))) s = sink_get_default(p->core); if (s->index) p->sink_index = s->index; else p->sink_index = IDXSET_INVALID; return s; } static void* connection_write(struct connection *c, size_t length) { size_t t, i; assert(c); t = c->write_data_length+length; if (c->write_data_alloc < t) c->write_data = realloc(c->write_data, c->write_data_alloc = t); assert(c->write_data); i = c->write_data_length; c->write_data_length += length; return c->write_data+i; } /*** esound commands ***/ static int esd_proto_connect(struct connection *c, const void *data, size_t length) { uint32_t ekey; int *ok; assert(length == (ESD_KEY_LEN + sizeof(uint32_t))); c->authorized = 1; ekey = *(uint32_t*)(data+ESD_KEY_LEN); if (ekey == ESD_ENDIAN_KEY) c->swap_byte_order = 0; else if (ekey == ESD_SWAP_ENDIAN_KEY) c->swap_byte_order = 1; else { fprintf(stderr, "protocol-esound.c: client sent invalid endian key\n"); return -1; } ok = connection_write(c, sizeof(int)); assert(ok); *ok = 1; return 0; } static int esd_proto_stream_play(struct connection *c, const void *data, size_t length) { char name[ESD_NAME_MAX]; int format, rate; struct sink *sink; struct pa_sample_spec ss; assert(length == (sizeof(int)*2+ESD_NAME_MAX)); format = maybe_swap_endian_32(c->swap_byte_order, *(int*)data); rate = maybe_swap_endian_32(c->swap_byte_order, *((int*)data + 1)); ss.rate = rate; ss.channels = ((format & ESD_MASK_CHAN) == ESD_STEREO) ? 2 : 1; ss.format = ((format & ESD_MASK_BITS) == ESD_BITS16) ? PA_SAMPLE_S16NE : PA_SAMPLE_U8; if (!pa_sample_spec_valid(&ss)) return -1; if (!(sink = get_output_sink(c->protocol))) return -1; strncpy(name, data + sizeof(int)*2, sizeof(name)); name[sizeof(name)-1] = 0; client_rename(c->client, name); assert(!c->input_memblockq); c->input_memblockq = memblockq_new(MEMBLOCKQ_LENGTH, pa_sample_size(&ss), MEMBLOCKQ_PREBUF); assert(c->input_memblockq); assert(!c->sink_input); c->sink_input = sink_input_new(sink, name, &ss); assert(c->sink_input); c->sink_input->peek = sink_input_peek_cb; c->sink_input->drop = sink_input_drop_cb; c->sink_input->kill = sink_input_kill_cb; c->sink_input->get_latency = sink_input_get_latency_cb; c->sink_input->userdata = c; c->state = ESD_STREAMING_DATA; c->protocol->n_player++; return 0; } static int esd_proto_stream_record(struct connection *c, const void *data, size_t length) { assert(c && data && length == (sizeof(int)*2+ESD_NAME_MAX)); assert(0); } static int esd_proto_get_latency(struct connection *c, const void *data, size_t length) { struct sink *sink; int latency, *lag; assert(c && !data && length == 0); if (!(sink = get_output_sink(c->protocol))) latency = 0; else { float usec = sink_get_latency(sink); usec += pa_samples_usec(MEMBLOCKQ_LENGTH-BUFSIZE, &sink->sample_spec); latency = (int) ((usec*44100)/1000000); } lag = connection_write(c, sizeof(int)); assert(lag); *lag = c->swap_byte_order ? swap_endian_32(latency) : latency; return 0; } static int esd_proto_server_info(struct connection *c, const void *data, size_t length) { int rate = 44100, format = ESD_STEREO|ESD_BITS16; int *response; struct sink *sink; assert(c && data && length == sizeof(int)); if ((sink = get_output_sink(c->protocol))) { rate = sink->sample_spec.rate; format = (sink->sample_spec.format == PA_SAMPLE_U8) ? ESD_BITS8 : ESD_BITS16; format |= (sink->sample_spec.channels >= 2) ? ESD_STEREO : ESD_MONO; } response = connection_write(c, sizeof(int)*3); assert(response); *(response++) = 0; *(response++) = maybe_swap_endian_32(c->swap_byte_order, rate); *(response++) = maybe_swap_endian_32(c->swap_byte_order, format); return 0; } static int esd_proto_all_info(struct connection *c, const void *data, size_t length) { void *response; size_t t, k, s; struct connection *conn; size_t index = IDXSET_INVALID; assert(c && data && length == sizeof(int)); if (esd_proto_server_info(c, data, length) < 0) return -1; k = sizeof(int)*5+ESD_NAME_MAX; s = sizeof(int)*6+ESD_NAME_MAX; response = connection_write(c, (t = s+k*(c->protocol->n_player+1))); assert(k); for (conn = idxset_first(c->protocol->connections, &index); conn; conn = idxset_next(c->protocol->connections, &index)) { int format = ESD_BITS16 | ESD_STEREO, rate = 44100, volume = 0xFF; if (conn->state != ESD_STREAMING_DATA) continue; assert(t >= s+k+k); if (conn->sink_input) { rate = conn->sink_input->sample_spec.rate; volume = (conn->sink_input->volume*0xFF)/0x100; format = (conn->sink_input->sample_spec.format == PA_SAMPLE_U8) ? ESD_BITS8 : ESD_BITS16; format |= (conn->sink_input->sample_spec.channels >= 2) ? ESD_STEREO : ESD_MONO; } /* id */ *((int*) response) = maybe_swap_endian_32(c->swap_byte_order, (int) conn->index); response += sizeof(int); /* name */ assert(conn->client); strncpy(response, conn->client->name, ESD_NAME_MAX); response += ESD_NAME_MAX; /* rate */ *((int*) response) = maybe_swap_endian_32(c->swap_byte_order, rate); response += sizeof(int); /* left */ *((int*) response) = maybe_swap_endian_32(c->swap_byte_order, volume); response += sizeof(int); /*right*/ *((int*) response) = maybe_swap_endian_32(c->swap_byte_order, volume); response += sizeof(int); /*format*/ *((int*) response) = maybe_swap_endian_32(c->swap_byte_order, format); response += sizeof(int); t-= k; } assert(t == s+k); memset(response, 0, t); return 0; } static int esd_proto_stream_pan(struct connection *c, const void *data, size_t length) { int *ok; uint32_t index, volume; struct connection *conn; assert(c && data && length == sizeof(int)*3); index = (uint32_t) maybe_swap_endian_32(c->swap_byte_order, *(int*)data); volume = (uint32_t) maybe_swap_endian_32(c->swap_byte_order, *((int*)data + 1)); volume = (volume*0x100)/0xFF; ok = connection_write(c, sizeof(int)); assert(ok); if ((conn = idxset_get_by_index(c->protocol->connections, index))) { assert(conn->sink_input); conn->sink_input->volume = volume; *ok = 1; } else *ok = 0; return 0; } /*** client callbacks ***/ static void client_kill_cb(struct client *c) { assert(c && c->userdata); connection_free(c->userdata); } /*** iochannel callbacks ***/ static int do_read(struct connection *c) { assert(c && c->io); if (!iochannel_is_readable(c->io)) return 0; if (c->state == ESD_NEXT_REQUEST) { ssize_t r; assert(c->read_data_length < sizeof(c->request)); if ((r = iochannel_read(c->io, ((void*) &c->request) + c->read_data_length, sizeof(c->request) - c->read_data_length)) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "protocol-esound.c: read() failed: %s\n", r == 0 ? "EOF" : strerror(errno)); return -1; } if ((c->read_data_length+= r) >= sizeof(c->request)) { struct proto_handler *handler; if (c->swap_byte_order) c->request = swap_endian_32(c->request); if (c->request < ESD_PROTO_CONNECT || c->request > ESD_PROTO_MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "protocol-esound.c: recieved invalid request.\n"); return -1; } handler = proto_map+c->request; if (!handler->proc) { fprintf(stderr, "protocol-sound.c: recieved unimplemented request.\n"); return -1; } if (handler->data_length == 0) { c->read_data_length = 0; if (handler->proc(c, NULL, 0) < 0) return -1; } else { if (c->read_data_alloc < handler->data_length) c->read_data = realloc(c->read_data, c->read_data_alloc = handler->data_length); assert(c->read_data); c->state = ESD_NEEDS_REQDATA; c->read_data_length = 0; } } } else if (c->state == ESD_NEEDS_REQDATA) { ssize_t r; struct proto_handler *handler = proto_map+c->request; assert(handler->proc); assert(c->read_data && c->read_data_length < handler->data_length); if ((r = iochannel_read(c->io, c->read_data + c->read_data_length, handler->data_length - c->read_data_length)) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "protocol-esound.c: read() failed: %s\n", r == 0 ? "EOF" : strerror(errno)); return -1; } if ((c->read_data_length+= r) >= handler->data_length) { size_t l = c->read_data_length; assert(handler->proc); c->state = ESD_NEXT_REQUEST; c->read_data_length = 0; if (handler->proc(c, c->read_data, l) < 0) return -1; } } else if (c->state == ESD_STREAMING_DATA) { struct memchunk chunk; ssize_t r; assert(c->input_memblockq); if (!memblockq_is_writable(c->input_memblockq, BUFSIZE)) return 0; chunk.memblock = memblock_new(BUFSIZE); assert(chunk.memblock && chunk.memblock->data); if ((r = iochannel_read(c->io, chunk.memblock->data, BUFSIZE)) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "protocol-esound.c: read() failed: %s\n", r == 0 ? "EOF" : strerror(errno)); memblock_unref(chunk.memblock); return -1; } chunk.memblock->length = chunk.length = r; chunk.index = 0; assert(c->input_memblockq); memblockq_push_align(c->input_memblockq, &chunk, 0); memblock_unref(chunk.memblock); assert(c->sink_input); sink_notify(c->sink_input->sink); } else assert(0); return 0; } static int do_write(struct connection *c) { ssize_t r; assert(c && c->io); if (!iochannel_is_writable(c->io)) return 0; if (!c->write_data_length) return 0; assert(c->write_data_index < c->write_data_length); if ((r = iochannel_write(c->io, c->write_data+c->write_data_index, c->write_data_length-c->write_data_index)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "protocol-esound.c: write() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if ((c->write_data_index +=r) >= c->write_data_length) c->write_data_length = c->write_data_index = 0; return 0; } static void io_callback(struct iochannel*io, void *userdata) { struct connection *c = userdata; assert(io && c && c->io == io); if (do_read(c) < 0 || do_write(c) < 0) connection_free(c); } /*** sink_input callbacks ***/ static int sink_input_peek_cb(struct sink_input *i, struct memchunk *chunk) { struct connection*c; assert(i && i->userdata && chunk); c = i->userdata; if (memblockq_peek(c->input_memblockq, chunk) < 0) return -1; return 0; } static void sink_input_drop_cb(struct sink_input *i, size_t length) { struct connection*c = i->userdata; assert(i && c && length); memblockq_drop(c->input_memblockq, length); if (do_read(c) < 0) connection_free(c); } static void sink_input_kill_cb(struct sink_input *i) { assert(i && i->userdata); connection_free((struct connection *) i->userdata); } static uint32_t sink_input_get_latency_cb(struct sink_input *i) { struct connection*c = i->userdata; assert(i && c); return pa_samples_usec(memblockq_get_length(c->input_memblockq), &c->sink_input->sample_spec); } /*** socket server callback ***/ static void on_connection(struct socket_server*s, struct iochannel *io, void *userdata) { struct connection *c; char cname[256]; assert(s && io && userdata); c = malloc(sizeof(struct connection)); assert(c); c->protocol = userdata; c->io = io; iochannel_set_callback(c->io, io_callback, c); iochannel_peer_to_string(io, cname, sizeof(cname)); assert(c->protocol->core); c->client = client_new(c->protocol->core, "ESOUND", cname); assert(c->client); c->client->kill = client_kill_cb; c->client->userdata = c; c->authorized = c->protocol->public; c->swap_byte_order = 0; c->read_data_length = 0; c->read_data = malloc(c->read_data_alloc = proto_map[ESD_PROTO_CONNECT].data_length); assert(c->read_data); c->write_data_length = c->write_data_index = c->write_data_alloc = 0; c->write_data = NULL; c->state = ESD_NEEDS_REQDATA; c->request = ESD_PROTO_CONNECT; c->sink_input = NULL; c->input_memblockq = NULL; idxset_put(c->protocol->connections, c, &c->index); } /*** entry points ***/ struct protocol_esound* protocol_esound_new(struct core*core, struct socket_server *server) { struct protocol_esound *p; assert(core && server); p = malloc(sizeof(struct protocol_esound)); assert(p); p->public = 1; p->server = server; p->core = core; p->connections = idxset_new(NULL, NULL); assert(p->connections); p->sink_index = IDXSET_INVALID; p->n_player = 0; socket_server_set_callback(p->server, on_connection, p); return p; } void protocol_esound_free(struct protocol_esound *p) { struct connection *c; assert(p); while ((c = idxset_first(p->connections, NULL))) connection_free(c); idxset_free(p->connections, NULL, NULL); socket_server_free(p->server); free(p); }