/*** This file is part of PulseAudio. Copyright 2004-2006 Lennart Poettering PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "x11wrap.h" typedef struct pa_x11_internal pa_x11_internal; struct pa_x11_internal { PA_LLIST_FIELDS(pa_x11_internal); pa_x11_wrapper *wrapper; pa_io_event* io_event; int fd; }; struct pa_x11_wrapper { PA_REFCNT_DECLARE; pa_core *core; char *property_name; Display *display; pa_defer_event* defer_event; pa_io_event* io_event; PA_LLIST_HEAD(pa_x11_client, clients); PA_LLIST_HEAD(pa_x11_internal, internals); }; struct pa_x11_client { PA_LLIST_FIELDS(pa_x11_client); pa_x11_wrapper *wrapper; pa_x11_event_cb_t event_cb; pa_x11_kill_cb_t kill_cb; void *userdata; }; /* Dispatch all pending X11 events */ static void work(pa_x11_wrapper *w) { pa_assert(w); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(w) >= 1); pa_x11_wrapper_ref(w); while (XPending(w->display)) { pa_x11_client *c, *n; XEvent e; XNextEvent(w->display, &e); for (c = w->clients; c; c = n) { n = c->next; if (c->event_cb) if (c->event_cb(w, &e, c->userdata) != 0) break; } } pa_x11_wrapper_unref(w); } /* IO notification event for the X11 display connection */ static void display_io_event(pa_mainloop_api *m, pa_io_event *e, int fd, PA_GCC_UNUSED pa_io_event_flags_t f, void *userdata) { pa_x11_wrapper *w = userdata; pa_assert(m); pa_assert(e); pa_assert(fd >= 0); pa_assert(w); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(w) >= 1); work(w); } /* Deferred notification event. Called once each main loop iteration */ static void defer_event(pa_mainloop_api *m, pa_defer_event *e, void *userdata) { pa_x11_wrapper *w = userdata; pa_assert(m); pa_assert(e); pa_assert(w); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(w) >= 1); m->defer_enable(e, 0); work(w); } /* IO notification event for X11 internal connections */ static void internal_io_event(pa_mainloop_api *m, pa_io_event *e, int fd, PA_GCC_UNUSED pa_io_event_flags_t f, void *userdata) { pa_x11_wrapper *w = userdata; pa_assert(m); pa_assert(e); pa_assert(fd >= 0); pa_assert(w); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(w) >= 1); XProcessInternalConnection(w->display, fd); work(w); } /* Add a new IO source for the specified X11 internal connection */ static pa_x11_internal* x11_internal_add(pa_x11_wrapper *w, int fd) { pa_x11_internal *i; pa_assert(fd >= 0); i = pa_xnew(pa_x11_internal, 1); i->wrapper = w; i->io_event = w->core->mainloop->io_new(w->core->mainloop, fd, PA_IO_EVENT_INPUT, internal_io_event, w); i->fd = fd; PA_LLIST_PREPEND(pa_x11_internal, w->internals, i); return i; } /* Remove an IO source for an X11 internal connection */ static void x11_internal_remove(pa_x11_wrapper *w, pa_x11_internal *i) { pa_assert(i); PA_LLIST_REMOVE(pa_x11_internal, w->internals, i); w->core->mainloop->io_free(i->io_event); pa_xfree(i); } /* Implementation of XConnectionWatchProc */ static void x11_watch(Display *display, XPointer userdata, int fd, Bool opening, XPointer *watch_data) { pa_x11_wrapper *w = (pa_x11_wrapper*) userdata; pa_assert(display); pa_assert(w); pa_assert(fd >= 0); if (opening) *watch_data = (XPointer) x11_internal_add(w, fd); else x11_internal_remove(w, (pa_x11_internal*) *watch_data); } static pa_x11_wrapper* x11_wrapper_new(pa_core *c, const char *name, const char *t) { pa_x11_wrapper*w; Display *d; if (!(d = XOpenDisplay(name))) { pa_log("XOpenDisplay() failed"); return NULL; } w = pa_xnew(pa_x11_wrapper, 1); PA_REFCNT_INIT(w); w->core = c; w->property_name = pa_xstrdup(t); w->display = d; PA_LLIST_HEAD_INIT(pa_x11_client, w->clients); PA_LLIST_HEAD_INIT(pa_x11_internal, w->internals); w->defer_event = c->mainloop->defer_new(c->mainloop, defer_event, w); w->io_event = c->mainloop->io_new(c->mainloop, ConnectionNumber(d), PA_IO_EVENT_INPUT, display_io_event, w); XAddConnectionWatch(d, x11_watch, (XPointer) w); pa_assert_se(pa_shared_set(c, w->property_name, w) >= 0); return w; } static void x11_wrapper_free(pa_x11_wrapper*w) { pa_assert(w); pa_assert_se(pa_shared_remove(w->core, w->property_name) >= 0); pa_assert(!w->clients); XRemoveConnectionWatch(w->display, x11_watch, (XPointer) w); XCloseDisplay(w->display); w->core->mainloop->io_free(w->io_event); w->core->mainloop->defer_free(w->defer_event); while (w->internals) x11_internal_remove(w, w->internals); pa_xfree(w->property_name); pa_xfree(w); } pa_x11_wrapper* pa_x11_wrapper_get(pa_core *c, const char *name) { char t[256]; pa_x11_wrapper *w; pa_core_assert_ref(c); pa_snprintf(t, sizeof(t), "x11-wrapper%s%s", name ? "@" : "", name ? name : ""); if ((w = pa_shared_get(c, t))) return pa_x11_wrapper_ref(w); return x11_wrapper_new(c, name, t); } pa_x11_wrapper* pa_x11_wrapper_ref(pa_x11_wrapper *w) { pa_assert(w); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(w) >= 1); PA_REFCNT_INC(w); return w; } void pa_x11_wrapper_unref(pa_x11_wrapper* w) { pa_assert(w); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(w) >= 1); if (PA_REFCNT_DEC(w) <= 0) x11_wrapper_free(w); } Display *pa_x11_wrapper_get_display(pa_x11_wrapper *w) { pa_assert(w); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(w) >= 1); /* Somebody is using us, schedule a output buffer flush */ w->core->mainloop->defer_enable(w->defer_event, 1); return w->display; } void pa_x11_wrapper_kill(pa_x11_wrapper *w) { pa_x11_client *c, *n; pa_assert(w); pa_x11_wrapper_ref(w); for (c = w->clients; c; c = n) { n = c->next; if (c->kill_cb) c->kill_cb(w, c->userdata); } pa_x11_wrapper_unref(w); } pa_x11_client* pa_x11_client_new(pa_x11_wrapper *w, pa_x11_event_cb_t event_cb, pa_x11_kill_cb_t kill_cb, void *userdata) { pa_x11_client *c; pa_assert(w); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(w) >= 1); c = pa_xnew(pa_x11_client, 1); c->wrapper = w; c->event_cb = event_cb; c->kill_cb = kill_cb; c->userdata = userdata; PA_LLIST_PREPEND(pa_x11_client, w->clients, c); return c; } void pa_x11_client_free(pa_x11_client *c) { pa_assert(c); pa_assert(c->wrapper); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(c->wrapper) >= 1); PA_LLIST_REMOVE(pa_x11_client, c->wrapper->clients, c); pa_xfree(c); }