#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "source.h" #include "source-output.h" #include "namereg.h" struct pa_source* pa_source_new(struct pa_core *core, const char *name, int fail, const struct pa_sample_spec *spec) { struct pa_source *s; char st[256]; int r; assert(core && spec && name); s = malloc(sizeof(struct pa_source)); assert(s); if (!(name = pa_namereg_register(core, name, PA_NAMEREG_SOURCE, s, fail))) { free(s); return NULL; } s->name = strdup(name); s->description = NULL; s->owner = NULL; s->core = core; s->sample_spec = *spec; s->outputs = pa_idxset_new(NULL, NULL); s->monitor_of = NULL; s->notify = NULL; s->userdata = NULL; r = pa_idxset_put(core->sources, s, &s->index); assert(s->index != PA_IDXSET_INVALID && r >= 0); pa_sample_snprint(st, sizeof(st), spec); fprintf(stderr, "source: created %u \"%s\" with sample spec \"%s\"\n", s->index, s->name, st); return s; } void pa_source_free(struct pa_source *s) { struct pa_source_output *o, *j = NULL; assert(s); pa_namereg_unregister(s->core, s->name); while ((o = pa_idxset_first(s->outputs, NULL))) { assert(o != j); pa_source_output_kill(o); j = o; } pa_idxset_free(s->outputs, NULL, NULL); pa_idxset_remove_by_data(s->core->sources, s, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "source: freed %u \"%s\"\n", s->index, s->name); free(s->name); free(s->description); free(s); } void pa_source_notify(struct pa_source*s) { assert(s); if (s->notify) s->notify(s); } static int do_post(void *p, uint32_t index, int *del, void*userdata) { struct pa_memchunk *chunk = userdata; struct pa_source_output *o = p; assert(o && o->push && del && chunk); pa_source_output_push(o, chunk); return 0; } void pa_source_post(struct pa_source*s, struct pa_memchunk *chunk) { assert(s && chunk); pa_idxset_foreach(s->outputs, do_post, chunk); } struct pa_source* pa_source_get_default(struct pa_core *c) { struct pa_source *source; assert(c); if ((source = pa_idxset_get_by_index(c->sources, c->default_source_index))) return source; if (!(source = pa_idxset_first(c->sources, &c->default_source_index))) return NULL; fprintf(stderr, "core: default source vanished, setting to %u.\n", source->index); return source; } void pa_source_set_owner(struct pa_source *s, struct pa_module *m) { assert(s); s->owner = m; }