/*** This file is part of PulseAudio. Copyright 2004-2006 Lennart Poettering PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BUFSIZE 1024 static pa_context *context = NULL; static pa_mainloop_api *mainloop_api = NULL; static char *device = NULL, *sample_name = NULL, *sink_name = NULL, *source_name = NULL, *module_name = NULL, *module_args = NULL, *card_name = NULL, *profile_name = NULL; static uint32_t sink_input_idx = PA_INVALID_INDEX, source_output_idx = PA_INVALID_INDEX; static uint32_t module_index; static int suspend; static SNDFILE *sndfile = NULL; static pa_stream *sample_stream = NULL; static pa_sample_spec sample_spec; static size_t sample_length = 0; static int actions = 1; static int nl = 0; static enum { NONE, EXIT, STAT, UPLOAD_SAMPLE, PLAY_SAMPLE, REMOVE_SAMPLE, LIST, MOVE_SINK_INPUT, MOVE_SOURCE_OUTPUT, LOAD_MODULE, UNLOAD_MODULE, SUSPEND_SINK, SUSPEND_SOURCE, SET_CARD_PROFILE } action = NONE; static void quit(int ret) { assert(mainloop_api); mainloop_api->quit(mainloop_api, ret); } static void context_drain_complete(pa_context *c, void *userdata) { pa_context_disconnect(c); } static void drain(void) { pa_operation *o; if (!(o = pa_context_drain(context, context_drain_complete, NULL))) pa_context_disconnect(context); else pa_operation_unref(o); } static void complete_action(void) { assert(actions > 0); if (!(--actions)) drain(); } static void stat_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_stat_info *i, void *userdata) { char s[128]; if (!i) { fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to get statistics: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c))); quit(1); return; } pa_bytes_snprint(s, sizeof(s), i->memblock_total_size); printf(_("Currently in use: %u blocks containing %s bytes total.\n"), i->memblock_total, s); pa_bytes_snprint(s, sizeof(s), i->memblock_allocated_size); printf(_("Allocated during whole lifetime: %u blocks containing %s bytes total.\n"), i->memblock_allocated, s); pa_bytes_snprint(s, sizeof(s), i->scache_size); printf(_("Sample cache size: %s\n"), s); complete_action(); } static void get_server_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_server_info *i, void *useerdata) { char s[PA_SAMPLE_SPEC_SNPRINT_MAX]; if (!i) { fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to get server information: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c))); quit(1); return; } pa_sample_spec_snprint(s, sizeof(s), &i->sample_spec); printf(_("User name: %s\n" "Host Name: %s\n" "Server Name: %s\n" "Server Version: %s\n" "Default Sample Specification: %s\n" "Default Sink: %s\n" "Default Source: %s\n" "Cookie: %08x\n"), i->user_name, i->host_name, i->server_name, i->server_version, s, i->default_sink_name, i->default_source_name, i->cookie); complete_action(); } static void get_sink_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_sink_info *i, int is_last, void *userdata) { static const char *state_table[] = { [1+PA_SINK_INVALID_STATE] = "n/a", [1+PA_SINK_RUNNING] = "RUNNING", [1+PA_SINK_IDLE] = "IDLE", [1+PA_SINK_SUSPENDED] = "SUSPENDED" }; char s[PA_SAMPLE_SPEC_SNPRINT_MAX], cv[PA_CVOLUME_SNPRINT_MAX], cvdb[PA_SW_CVOLUME_SNPRINT_DB_MAX], v[PA_VOLUME_SNPRINT_MAX], vdb[PA_SW_VOLUME_SNPRINT_DB_MAX], cm[PA_CHANNEL_MAP_SNPRINT_MAX]; char *pl; if (is_last < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to get sink information: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c))); quit(1); return; } if (is_last) { complete_action(); return; } assert(i); if (nl) printf("\n"); nl = 1; printf(_("Sink #%u\n" "\tState: %s\n" "\tName: %s\n" "\tDescription: %s\n" "\tDriver: %s\n" "\tSample Specification: %s\n" "\tChannel Map: %s\n" "\tOwner Module: %u\n" "\tMute: %s\n" "\tVolume: %s%s%s\n" "\t balance %0.2f\n" "\tBase Volume: %s%s%s\n" "\tMonitor Source: %s\n" "\tLatency: %0.0f usec, configured %0.0f usec\n" "\tFlags: %s%s%s%s%s%s\n" "\tProperties:\n\t\t%s\n"), i->index, state_table[1+i->state], i->name, pa_strnull(i->description), pa_strnull(i->driver), pa_sample_spec_snprint(s, sizeof(s), &i->sample_spec), pa_channel_map_snprint(cm, sizeof(cm), &i->channel_map), i->owner_module, pa_yes_no(i->mute), pa_cvolume_snprint(cv, sizeof(cv), &i->volume), i->flags & PA_SINK_DECIBEL_VOLUME ? "\n\t " : "", i->flags & PA_SINK_DECIBEL_VOLUME ? pa_sw_cvolume_snprint_dB(cvdb, sizeof(cvdb), &i->volume) : "", pa_cvolume_get_balance(&i->volume, &i->channel_map), pa_volume_snprint(v, sizeof(v), i->base_volume), i->flags & PA_SINK_DECIBEL_VOLUME ? "\n\t " : "", i->flags & PA_SINK_DECIBEL_VOLUME ? pa_sw_volume_snprint_dB(vdb, sizeof(vdb), i->base_volume) : "", pa_strnull(i->monitor_source_name), (double) i->latency, (double) i->configured_latency, i->flags & PA_SINK_HARDWARE ? "HARDWARE " : "", i->flags & PA_SINK_NETWORK ? "NETWORK " : "", i->flags & PA_SINK_HW_MUTE_CTRL ? "HW_MUTE_CTRL " : "", i->flags & PA_SINK_HW_VOLUME_CTRL ? "HW_VOLUME_CTRL " : "", i->flags & PA_SINK_DECIBEL_VOLUME ? "DECIBEL_VOLUME " : "", i->flags & PA_SINK_LATENCY ? "LATENCY " : "", pl = pa_proplist_to_string_sep(i->proplist, "\n\t\t")); pa_xfree(pl); } static void get_source_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_source_info *i, int is_last, void *userdata) { static const char *state_table[] = { [1+PA_SOURCE_INVALID_STATE] = "n/a", [1+PA_SOURCE_RUNNING] = "RUNNING", [1+PA_SOURCE_IDLE] = "IDLE", [1+PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED] = "SUSPENDED" }; char s[PA_SAMPLE_SPEC_SNPRINT_MAX], cv[PA_CVOLUME_SNPRINT_MAX], cvdb[PA_SW_CVOLUME_SNPRINT_DB_MAX], v[PA_VOLUME_SNPRINT_MAX], vdb[PA_SW_VOLUME_SNPRINT_DB_MAX], cm[PA_CHANNEL_MAP_SNPRINT_MAX]; char *pl; if (is_last < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to get source information: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c))); quit(1); return; } if (is_last) { complete_action(); return; } assert(i); if (nl) printf("\n"); nl = 1; printf(_("Source #%u\n" "\tState: %s\n" "\tName: %s\n" "\tDescription: %s\n" "\tDriver: %s\n" "\tSample Specification: %s\n" "\tChannel Map: %s\n" "\tOwner Module: %u\n" "\tMute: %s\n" "\tVolume: %s%s%s\n" "\t balance %0.2f\n" "\tBase Volume: %s%s%s\n" "\tMonitor of Sink: %s\n" "\tLatency: %0.0f usec, configured %0.0f usec\n" "\tFlags: %s%s%s%s%s%s\n" "\tProperties:\n\t\t%s\n"), i->index, state_table[1+i->state], i->name, pa_strnull(i->description), pa_strnull(i->driver), pa_sample_spec_snprint(s, sizeof(s), &i->sample_spec), pa_channel_map_snprint(cm, sizeof(cm), &i->channel_map), i->owner_module, pa_yes_no(i->mute), pa_cvolume_snprint(cv, sizeof(cv), &i->volume), i->flags & PA_SOURCE_DECIBEL_VOLUME ? "\n\t " : "", i->flags & PA_SOURCE_DECIBEL_VOLUME ? pa_sw_cvolume_snprint_dB(cvdb, sizeof(cvdb), &i->volume) : "", pa_cvolume_get_balance(&i->volume, &i->channel_map), pa_volume_snprint(v, sizeof(v), i->base_volume), i->flags & PA_SOURCE_DECIBEL_VOLUME ? "\n\t " : "", i->flags & PA_SOURCE_DECIBEL_VOLUME ? pa_sw_volume_snprint_dB(vdb, sizeof(vdb), i->base_volume) : "", i->monitor_of_sink_name ? i->monitor_of_sink_name : _("n/a"), (double) i->latency, (double) i->configured_latency, i->flags & PA_SOURCE_HARDWARE ? "HARDWARE " : "", i->flags & PA_SOURCE_NETWORK ? "NETWORK " : "", i->flags & PA_SOURCE_HW_MUTE_CTRL ? "HW_MUTE_CTRL " : "", i->flags & PA_SOURCE_HW_VOLUME_CTRL ? "HW_VOLUME_CTRL " : "", i->flags & PA_SOURCE_DECIBEL_VOLUME ? "DECIBEL_VOLUME " : "", i->flags & PA_SOURCE_LATENCY ? "LATENCY " : "", pl = pa_proplist_to_string_sep(i->proplist, "\n\t\t")); pa_xfree(pl); } static void get_module_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_module_info *i, int is_last, void *userdata) { char t[32]; char *pl; if (is_last < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to get module information: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c))); quit(1); return; } if (is_last) { complete_action(); return; } assert(i); if (nl) printf("\n"); nl = 1; snprintf(t, sizeof(t), "%u", i->n_used); printf(_("Module #%u\n" "\tName: %s\n" "\tArgument: %s\n" "\tUsage counter: %s\n" "\tProperties:\n\t\t%s\n"), i->index, i->name, i->argument ? i->argument : "", i->n_used != PA_INVALID_INDEX ? t : _("n/a"), pl = pa_proplist_to_string_sep(i->proplist, "\n\t\t")); pa_xfree(pl); } static void get_client_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_client_info *i, int is_last, void *userdata) { char t[32]; char *pl; if (is_last < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to get client information: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c))); quit(1); return; } if (is_last) { complete_action(); return; } assert(i); if (nl) printf("\n"); nl = 1; snprintf(t, sizeof(t), "%u", i->owner_module); printf(_("Client #%u\n" "\tDriver: %s\n" "\tOwner Module: %s\n" "\tProperties:\n\t\t%s\n"), i->index, pa_strnull(i->driver), i->owner_module != PA_INVALID_INDEX ? t : _("n/a"), pl = pa_proplist_to_string_sep(i->proplist, "\n\t\t")); pa_xfree(pl); } static void get_card_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_card_info *i, int is_last, void *userdata) { char t[32]; char *pl; if (is_last < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to get card information: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c))); complete_action(); return; } if (is_last) { complete_action(); return; } assert(i); if (nl) printf("\n"); nl = 1; snprintf(t, sizeof(t), "%u", i->owner_module); printf(_("Card #%u\n" "\tName: %s\n" "\tDriver: %s\n" "\tOwner Module: %s\n" "\tProperties:\n\t\t%s\n"), i->index, i->name, pa_strnull(i->driver), i->owner_module != PA_INVALID_INDEX ? t : _("n/a"), pl = pa_proplist_to_string_sep(i->proplist, "\n\t\t")); if (i->profiles) { pa_card_profile_info *p; printf(_("\tProfiles:\n")); for (p = i->profiles; p->name; p++) printf("\t\t%s: %s\n", p->name, p->description); } if (i->active_profile) printf(_("\tActive Profile: %s\n"), i->active_profile->name); pa_xfree(pl); } static void get_sink_input_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_sink_input_info *i, int is_last, void *userdata) { char t[32], k[32], s[PA_SAMPLE_SPEC_SNPRINT_MAX], cv[PA_CVOLUME_SNPRINT_MAX], cvdb[PA_SW_CVOLUME_SNPRINT_DB_MAX], cm[PA_CHANNEL_MAP_SNPRINT_MAX]; char *pl; if (is_last < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to get sink input information: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c))); quit(1); return; } if (is_last) { complete_action(); return; } assert(i); if (nl) printf("\n"); nl = 1; snprintf(t, sizeof(t), "%u", i->owner_module); snprintf(k, sizeof(k), "%u", i->client); printf(_("Sink Input #%u\n" "\tDriver: %s\n" "\tOwner Module: %s\n" "\tClient: %s\n" "\tSink: %u\n" "\tSample Specification: %s\n" "\tChannel Map: %s\n" "\tMute: %s\n" "\tVolume: %s\n" "\t %s\n" "\t balance %0.2f\n" "\tBuffer Latency: %0.0f usec\n" "\tSink Latency: %0.0f usec\n" "\tResample method: %s\n" "\tProperties:\n\t\t%s\n"), i->index, pa_strnull(i->driver), i->owner_module != PA_INVALID_INDEX ? t : _("n/a"), i->client != PA_INVALID_INDEX ? k : _("n/a"), i->sink, pa_sample_spec_snprint(s, sizeof(s), &i->sample_spec), pa_channel_map_snprint(cm, sizeof(cm), &i->channel_map), pa_yes_no(i->mute), pa_cvolume_snprint(cv, sizeof(cv), &i->volume), pa_sw_cvolume_snprint_dB(cvdb, sizeof(cvdb), &i->volume), pa_cvolume_get_balance(&i->volume, &i->channel_map), (double) i->buffer_usec, (double) i->sink_usec, i->resample_method ? i->resample_method : _("n/a"), pl = pa_proplist_to_string_sep(i->proplist, "\n\t\t")); pa_xfree(pl); } static void get_source_output_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_source_output_info *i, int is_last, void *userdata) { char t[32], k[32], s[PA_SAMPLE_SPEC_SNPRINT_MAX], cm[PA_CHANNEL_MAP_SNPRINT_MAX]; char *pl; if (is_last < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to get source output information: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c))); quit(1); return; } if (is_last) { complete_action(); return; } assert(i); if (nl) printf("\n"); nl = 1; snprintf(t, sizeof(t), "%u", i->owner_module); snprintf(k, sizeof(k), "%u", i->client); printf(_("Source Output #%u\n" "\tDriver: %s\n" "\tOwner Module: %s\n" "\tClient: %s\n" "\tSource: %u\n" "\tSample Specification: %s\n" "\tChannel Map: %s\n" "\tBuffer Latency: %0.0f usec\n" "\tSource Latency: %0.0f usec\n" "\tResample method: %s\n" "\tProperties:\n\t\t%s\n"), i->index, pa_strnull(i->driver), i->owner_module != PA_INVALID_INDEX ? t : _("n/a"), i->client != PA_INVALID_INDEX ? k : _("n/a"), i->source, pa_sample_spec_snprint(s, sizeof(s), &i->sample_spec), pa_channel_map_snprint(cm, sizeof(cm), &i->channel_map), (double) i->buffer_usec, (double) i->source_usec, i->resample_method ? i->resample_method : _("n/a"), pl = pa_proplist_to_string_sep(i->proplist, "\n\t\t")); pa_xfree(pl); } static void get_sample_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_sample_info *i, int is_last, void *userdata) { char t[32], s[PA_SAMPLE_SPEC_SNPRINT_MAX], cv[PA_CVOLUME_SNPRINT_MAX], cvdb[PA_SW_CVOLUME_SNPRINT_DB_MAX], cm[PA_CHANNEL_MAP_SNPRINT_MAX]; char *pl; if (is_last < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to get sample information: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c))); quit(1); return; } if (is_last) { complete_action(); return; } assert(i); if (nl) printf("\n"); nl = 1; pa_bytes_snprint(t, sizeof(t), i->bytes); printf(_("Sample #%u\n" "\tName: %s\n" "\tSample Specification: %s\n" "\tChannel Map: %s\n" "\tVolume: %s\n" "\t %s\n" "\t balance %0.2f\n" "\tDuration: %0.1fs\n" "\tSize: %s\n" "\tLazy: %s\n" "\tFilename: %s\n" "\tProperties:\n\t\t%s\n"), i->index, i->name, pa_sample_spec_valid(&i->sample_spec) ? pa_sample_spec_snprint(s, sizeof(s), &i->sample_spec) : _("n/a"), pa_sample_spec_valid(&i->sample_spec) ? pa_channel_map_snprint(cm, sizeof(cm), &i->channel_map) : _("n/a"), pa_cvolume_snprint(cv, sizeof(cv), &i->volume), pa_sw_cvolume_snprint_dB(cvdb, sizeof(cvdb), &i->volume), pa_cvolume_get_balance(&i->volume, &i->channel_map), (double) i->duration/1000000.0, t, pa_yes_no(i->lazy), i->filename ? i->filename : _("n/a"), pl = pa_proplist_to_string_sep(i->proplist, "\n\t\t")); pa_xfree(pl); } static void simple_callback(pa_context *c, int success, void *userdata) { if (!success) { fprintf(stderr, _("Failure: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c))); quit(1); return; } complete_action(); } static void index_callback(pa_context *c, uint32_t idx, void *userdata) { if (idx == PA_INVALID_INDEX) { fprintf(stderr, _("Failure: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c))); quit(1); return; } printf("%u\n", idx); complete_action(); } static void stream_state_callback(pa_stream *s, void *userdata) { assert(s); switch (pa_stream_get_state(s)) { case PA_STREAM_CREATING: case PA_STREAM_READY: break; case PA_STREAM_TERMINATED: drain(); break; case PA_STREAM_FAILED: default: fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to upload sample: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(pa_stream_get_context(s)))); quit(1); } } static void stream_write_callback(pa_stream *s, size_t length, void *userdata) { sf_count_t l; float *d; assert(s && length && sndfile); d = pa_xmalloc(length); assert(sample_length >= length); l = (sf_count_t) (length/pa_frame_size(&sample_spec)); if ((sf_readf_float(sndfile, d, l)) != l) { pa_xfree(d); fprintf(stderr, _("Premature end of file\n")); quit(1); } pa_stream_write(s, d, length, pa_xfree, 0, PA_SEEK_RELATIVE); sample_length -= length; if (sample_length <= 0) { pa_stream_set_write_callback(sample_stream, NULL, NULL); pa_stream_finish_upload(sample_stream); } } static void context_state_callback(pa_context *c, void *userdata) { assert(c); switch (pa_context_get_state(c)) { case PA_CONTEXT_CONNECTING: case PA_CONTEXT_AUTHORIZING: case PA_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAME: break; case PA_CONTEXT_READY: switch (action) { case STAT: actions = 2; pa_operation_unref(pa_context_stat(c, stat_callback, NULL)); pa_operation_unref(pa_context_get_server_info(c, get_server_info_callback, NULL)); break; case PLAY_SAMPLE: pa_operation_unref(pa_context_play_sample(c, sample_name, device, PA_VOLUME_NORM, simple_callback, NULL)); break; case REMOVE_SAMPLE: pa_operation_unref(pa_context_remove_sample(c, sample_name, simple_callback, NULL)); break; case UPLOAD_SAMPLE: sample_stream = pa_stream_new(c, sample_name, &sample_spec, NULL); assert(sample_stream); pa_stream_set_state_callback(sample_stream, stream_state_callback, NULL); pa_stream_set_write_callback(sample_stream, stream_write_callback, NULL); pa_stream_connect_upload(sample_stream, sample_length); break; case EXIT: pa_operation_unref(pa_context_exit_daemon(c, simple_callback, NULL)); break; case LIST: actions = 8; pa_operation_unref(pa_context_get_module_info_list(c, get_module_info_callback, NULL)); pa_operation_unref(pa_context_get_sink_info_list(c, get_sink_info_callback, NULL)); pa_operation_unref(pa_context_get_source_info_list(c, get_source_info_callback, NULL)); pa_operation_unref(pa_context_get_sink_input_info_list(c, get_sink_input_info_callback, NULL)); pa_operation_unref(pa_context_get_source_output_info_list(c, get_source_output_info_callback, NULL)); pa_operation_unref(pa_context_get_client_info_list(c, get_client_info_callback, NULL)); pa_operation_unref(pa_context_get_sample_info_list(c, get_sample_info_callback, NULL)); pa_operation_unref(pa_context_get_card_info_list(c, get_card_info_callback, NULL)); break; case MOVE_SINK_INPUT: pa_operation_unref(pa_context_move_sink_input_by_name(c, sink_input_idx, sink_name, simple_callback, NULL)); break; case MOVE_SOURCE_OUTPUT: pa_operation_unref(pa_context_move_source_output_by_name(c, source_output_idx, source_name, simple_callback, NULL)); break; case LOAD_MODULE: pa_operation_unref(pa_context_load_module(c, module_name, module_args, index_callback, NULL)); break; case UNLOAD_MODULE: pa_operation_unref(pa_context_unload_module(c, module_index, simple_callback, NULL)); break; case SUSPEND_SINK: if (sink_name) pa_operation_unref(pa_context_suspend_sink_by_name(c, sink_name, suspend, simple_callback, NULL)); else pa_operation_unref(pa_context_suspend_sink_by_index(c, PA_INVALID_INDEX, suspend, simple_callback, NULL)); break; case SUSPEND_SOURCE: if (source_name) pa_operation_unref(pa_context_suspend_source_by_name(c, source_name, suspend, simple_callback, NULL)); else pa_operation_unref(pa_context_suspend_source_by_index(c, PA_INVALID_INDEX, suspend, simple_callback, NULL)); break; case SET_CARD_PROFILE: pa_operation_unref(pa_context_set_card_profile_by_name(c, card_name, profile_name, simple_callback, NULL)); break; default: assert(0); } break; case PA_CONTEXT_TERMINATED: quit(0); break; case PA_CONTEXT_FAILED: default: fprintf(stderr, _("Connection failure: %s\n"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c))); quit(1); } } static void exit_signal_callback(pa_mainloop_api *m, pa_signal_event *e, int sig, void *userdata) { fprintf(stderr, _("Got SIGINT, exiting.\n")); quit(0); } static void help(const char *argv0) { printf(_("%s [options] stat\n" "%s [options] list\n" "%s [options] exit\n" "%s [options] upload-sample FILENAME [NAME]\n" "%s [options] play-sample NAME [SINK]\n" "%s [options] remove-sample NAME\n" "%s [options] move-sink-input ID SINK\n" "%s [options] move-source-output ID SOURCE\n" "%s [options] load-module NAME [ARGS ...]\n" "%s [options] unload-module ID\n" "%s [options] suspend-sink [SINK] 1|0\n" "%s [options] suspend-source [SOURCE] 1|0\n" "%s [options] set-card-profile [CARD] [PROFILE] \n\n" " -h, --help Show this help\n" " --version Show version\n\n" " -s, --server=SERVER The name of the server to connect to\n" " -n, --client-name=NAME How to call this client on the server\n"), argv0, argv0, argv0, argv0, argv0, argv0, argv0, argv0, argv0, argv0, argv0, argv0, argv0); } enum { ARG_VERSION = 256 }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pa_mainloop* m = NULL; char tmp[PATH_MAX]; int ret = 1, r, c; char *server = NULL, *client_name = NULL, *bn; static const struct option long_options[] = { {"server", 1, NULL, 's'}, {"client-name", 1, NULL, 'n'}, {"version", 0, NULL, ARG_VERSION}, {"help", 0, NULL, 'h'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, PULSE_LOCALEDIR); if (!(bn = strrchr(argv[0], '/'))) bn = argv[0]; else bn++; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "s:n:h", long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h' : help(bn); ret = 0; goto quit; case ARG_VERSION: printf(_("pactl %s\n" "Compiled with libpulse %s\n" "Linked with libpulse %s\n"), PACKAGE_VERSION, pa_get_headers_version(), pa_get_library_version()); ret = 0; goto quit; case 's': pa_xfree(server); server = pa_xstrdup(optarg); break; case 'n': pa_xfree(client_name); client_name = pa_xstrdup(optarg); break; default: goto quit; } } if (!client_name) client_name = pa_xstrdup(bn); if (optind < argc) { if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "stat")) action = STAT; else if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "exit")) action = EXIT; else if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "list")) action = LIST; else if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "upload-sample")) { struct SF_INFO sfinfo; action = UPLOAD_SAMPLE; if (optind+1 >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, _("Please specify a sample file to load\n")); goto quit; } if (optind+2 < argc) sample_name = pa_xstrdup(argv[optind+2]); else { char *f = strrchr(argv[optind+1], '/'); size_t n; if (f) f++; else f = argv[optind]; n = strcspn(f, "."); strncpy(tmp, f, n); tmp[n] = 0; sample_name = pa_xstrdup(tmp); } memset(&sfinfo, 0, sizeof(sfinfo)); if (!(sndfile = sf_open(argv[optind+1], SFM_READ, &sfinfo))) { fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to open sound file.\n")); goto quit; } sample_spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32; sample_spec.rate = (uint32_t) sfinfo.samplerate; sample_spec.channels = (uint8_t) sfinfo.channels; sample_length = (size_t)sfinfo.frames*pa_frame_size(&sample_spec); } else if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "play-sample")) { action = PLAY_SAMPLE; if (argc != optind+2 && argc != optind+3) { fprintf(stderr, _("You have to specify a sample name to play\n")); goto quit; } sample_name = pa_xstrdup(argv[optind+1]); if (optind+2 < argc) device = pa_xstrdup(argv[optind+2]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "remove-sample")) { action = REMOVE_SAMPLE; if (argc != optind+2) { fprintf(stderr, _("You have to specify a sample name to remove\n")); goto quit; } sample_name = pa_xstrdup(argv[optind+1]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "move-sink-input")) { action = MOVE_SINK_INPUT; if (argc != optind+3) { fprintf(stderr, _("You have to specify a sink input index and a sink\n")); goto quit; } sink_input_idx = (uint32_t) atoi(argv[optind+1]); sink_name = pa_xstrdup(argv[optind+2]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "move-source-output")) { action = MOVE_SOURCE_OUTPUT; if (argc != optind+3) { fprintf(stderr, _("You have to specify a source output index and a source\n")); goto quit; } source_output_idx = (uint32_t) atoi(argv[optind+1]); source_name = pa_xstrdup(argv[optind+2]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "load-module")) { int i; size_t n = 0; char *p; action = LOAD_MODULE; if (argc <= optind+1) { fprintf(stderr, _("You have to specify a module name and arguments.\n")); goto quit; } module_name = argv[optind+1]; for (i = optind+2; i < argc; i++) n += strlen(argv[i])+1; if (n > 0) { p = module_args = pa_xmalloc(n); for (i = optind+2; i < argc; i++) p += sprintf(p, "%s%s", p == module_args ? "" : " ", argv[i]); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "unload-module")) { action = UNLOAD_MODULE; if (argc != optind+2) { fprintf(stderr, _("You have to specify a module index\n")); goto quit; } module_index = (uint32_t) atoi(argv[optind+1]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "suspend-sink")) { action = SUSPEND_SINK; if (argc > optind+3 || optind+1 >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, _("You may not specify more than one sink. You have to specify a boolean value.\n")); goto quit; } suspend = pa_parse_boolean(argv[argc-1]); if (argc > optind+2) sink_name = pa_xstrdup(argv[optind+1]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "suspend-source")) { action = SUSPEND_SOURCE; if (argc > optind+3 || optind+1 >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, _("You may not specify more than one source. You have to specify a boolean value.\n")); goto quit; } suspend = pa_parse_boolean(argv[argc-1]); if (argc > optind+2) source_name = pa_xstrdup(argv[optind+1]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "set-card-profile")) { action = SET_CARD_PROFILE; if (argc != optind+3) { fprintf(stderr, _("You have to specify a card name/index and a profile name\n")); goto quit; } card_name = pa_xstrdup(argv[optind+1]); profile_name = pa_xstrdup(argv[optind+2]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "help")) { help(bn); ret = 0; goto quit; } } if (action == NONE) { fprintf(stderr, _("No valid command specified.\n")); goto quit; } if (!(m = pa_mainloop_new())) { fprintf(stderr, _("pa_mainloop_new() failed.\n")); goto quit; } mainloop_api = pa_mainloop_get_api(m); r = pa_signal_init(mainloop_api); assert(r == 0); pa_signal_new(SIGINT, exit_signal_callback, NULL); #ifdef SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif if (!(context = pa_context_new(mainloop_api, client_name))) { fprintf(stderr, _("pa_context_new() failed.\n")); goto quit; } pa_context_set_state_callback(context, context_state_callback, NULL); if (pa_context_connect(context, server, 0, NULL) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("pa_context_connect() failed: %s"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(context))); goto quit; } if (pa_mainloop_run(m, &ret) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("pa_mainloop_run() failed.\n")); goto quit; } quit: if (sample_stream) pa_stream_unref(sample_stream); if (context) pa_context_unref(context); if (m) { pa_signal_done(); pa_mainloop_free(m); } if (sndfile) sf_close(sndfile); pa_xfree(server); pa_xfree(device); pa_xfree(sample_name); pa_xfree(sink_name); pa_xfree(source_name); pa_xfree(module_args); pa_xfree(client_name); pa_xfree(card_name); pa_xfree(profile_name); return ret; }