REALTIMEKIT Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon GIT: git:// GITWEB: NOTES: RealtimeKit is a D-Bus system service that changes the scheduling policy of user processes/threads to SCHED_RR (i.e. realtime scheduling mode) on request. It is intended to be used as a secure mechanism to allow real-time scheduling to be used by normal user processes. RealtimeKit enforces strict policies when handing out real-time security to user threads: * Only clients with RLIMIT_RTTIME set will get RT scheduling * RT scheduling will only be handed out to processes with SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK set to guarantee that the scheduling settings cannot 'leak' to child processes, thus making sure that 'RT fork bombs' cannot be used to bypass RLIMIT_RTTIME and take the system down. * Limits are enforced on all user controllable resources, only a maximum number of users, processes, threads can request RT scheduling at the same time. * Only a limited number of threads may be made RT in a specific time frame. * Client authorization is verified with PolicyKit RealtimeKit can also be used to hand outh high priority scheduling (i.e. negative nice level) to user processes. In addition to this a-priori policy enforcement, RealtimeKit also provides a-posteriori policy enforcement, i.e. it includes a canary-based watchdog that automatically demotes all real-time threads to SCHED_OTHER should the system overload despite the logic pointed out above. In its duty to manage real-time scheduling *securely* RealtimeKit runs as unpriviliged user, and uses capabalities, resource limits and chroot() to minimize its security impact. RealtimeKit probably has little use in embedded or server use cases, use RLIMIT_RTPRIO tehre instead. WHY: If processes that have real-time scheduling privileges enter a busy loop they can freeze the entire the system. To make sure such run-away processes cannot do this RLIMIT_RTTIME has been introduced. Being a per-process limit it is however easily cirumvented by combining a fork bomb with a busy loop. RealtimeKit hands out RT scheduling to specific threads that ask for it -- but only to those and due to SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK it can be sure that this won't "leak". In contrast to RLIMIT_RTPRIO the RealtimeKit logic makes sure that only a certain number of threads can be made realtime, per user, per process and per time interval. CLIENTS: To be able to make use of realtime scheduling clients may request so with a small D-Bus interface that is accessible on the interface org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1 as object /org/freedesktop/RealtimeKit1 on the service org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1: void MakeThreadRealtime(u64 thread_id, u32 priority); void MakeThreadHighPriority(u64 thread_id, s32 priority); The thread IDs need to be passed as kernel tids as returned by gettid(), not a pthread_t! Only threads belonging to the calling process can be made realtime. A BSD-licensed reference implementation of the client is available in rtkit.[ch] as part of the package. You may copy this into your sources if you wish. However given how simple the D-Bus interface is you might choose to implement your own client implementation. It is advisable to try acquiring realtime scheduling with sched_setsheduler() first, so that systems where RLIMIT_RTPRIO is set can be supported. Here's an example using the reference implementation. Replace this: struct sched_param p; memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p)); p.sched_priority = 3; sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_RR|SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK, &p); by this: struct sched_param p; memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p)); p.sched_priority = 3; if (sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_RR|SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK, &p) < 0 && errno == EPERM) rtkit_make_realtime(system_bus, 0, p.sched_priority); But of course add more appropriate error checking! Also, falling back to plain SCHED_RR when SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK causes EINVAL migt be advisable). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The watchdog logic is inspired by previous work of Vernon Mauery, Florian Schmidt, Kjetil Matheussen: LICENSE: GPLv3+ for the daemon BSD for the client reference implementation AUTHOR: Lennart Poettering REQUIREMENTS: Linux kernel >= 2.6.31 D-Bus PolicyKit >= 0.92