path: root/src
diff options
authorLennart Poettering <>2004-10-27 22:45:53 +0000
committerLennart Poettering <>2004-10-27 22:45:53 +0000
commit047824692a37a2bc5406b55da2af07a7bb59da51 (patch)
tree1909dfb29850c2b8e11d59ab9fd4de9df17da1c1 /src
parent4be3e6fdbf067f75eed9ba59e2768890f6b317fa (diff)
remove nullsink.c
git-svn-id: file:///home/lennart/svn/public/gst-pulse/trunk@7 bb39ca4e-bce3-0310-b5d4-eea78a553289
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 608 deletions
diff --git a/src/nullsink.c b/src/nullsink.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 743cdbf..0000000
--- a/src/nullsink.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,608 +0,0 @@
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <polyp/polyplib-error.h>
-#include <polyp/mainloop.h>
-#include "polypsink.h"
-enum {
- ARG_0,
-static GstElementClass *parent_class = NULL;
-/* static void create_stream(GstPolypSink *polypsink); */
-/* static void destroy_stream(GstPolypSink *polypsink); */
-/* static void create_context(GstPolypSink *polypsink); */
-/* static void destroy_context(GstPolypSink *polypsink); */
-static void gst_polypsink_base_init(gpointer g_class) {
- static GstStaticPadTemplate pad_template = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE(
- "sink",
- "audio/x-raw-int, "
- "endianness = (int) { LITTLE_ENDIAN, BIG_ENDIAN },"
- "signed = (boolean) TRUE, "
- "width = (int) 16, "
- "depth = (int) 16, "
- "rate = (int) [ 1000, 96000 ], "
- "channels = (int) [1, 16]"
-/* "audio/x-raw-float, " */
-/* "endianness = (int) { LITTLE_ENDIAN, BIG_ENDIAN }, " */
-/* "width = (int) 32, " */
-/* "rate = (int) [ 1, 192000 ], " */
-/* "channels = (int) [ 1, 16 ];" */
-/* "audio/x-raw-int, " */
-/* "signed = (boolean) FALSE, " */
-/* "width = (int) 8, " */
-/* "depth = (int) 8, " */
-/* "rate = (int) [ 1, 192000 ], " */
-/* "channels = (int) [ 1, 16 ]" */
- )
- );
- static const GstElementDetails details = {
- "Polypaudio Audio Sink",
- "Sink/Audio",
- "Plays audio to a Polypaudio server",
- "Lennart Poettering",
- };
- GstElementClass *element_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS(g_class);
- gst_element_class_add_pad_template(element_class, gst_static_pad_template_get(&pad_template));
- gst_element_class_set_details(element_class, &details);
-/* static void gst_polypsink_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { */
-/* GstPolypSink *polypsink; */
-/* g_return_if_fail(GST_IS_POLYPSINK(object)); */
-/* polypsink = GST_POLYPSINK(object); */
-/* switch (prop_id) { */
-/* case ARG_SERVER: */
-/* g_free(polypsink->server); */
-/* polypsink->server = g_strdup(g_value_get_string(value)); */
-/* break; */
-/* case ARG_SINK: */
-/* g_free(polypsink->sink); */
-/* polypsink->sink = g_strdup(g_value_get_string(value)); */
-/* break; */
-/* default: */
-/* g_message("Fehler!"); */
-/* G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); */
-/* break; */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-/* static void gst_polypsink_get_property(GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec * pspec) { */
-/* GstPolypSink *polypsink; */
-/* g_return_if_fail(GST_IS_POLYPSINK(object)); */
-/* polypsink = GST_POLYPSINK(object); */
-/* switch (prop_id) { */
-/* case ARG_SERVER: */
-/* g_value_set_string(value, polypsink->server); */
-/* break; */
-/* case ARG_SINK: */
-/* g_value_set_string(value, polypsink->sink); */
-/* break; */
-/* default: */
-/* g_message("Fehler!"); */
-/* G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); */
-/* break; */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-/* static GstElementStateReturn gst_polypsink_change_state(GstElement * element) { */
-/* GstPolypSink *polypsink; */
-/* polypsink = GST_POLYPSINK (element); */
-/* g_message("state change: %u" , GST_STATE(element)); */
-/* /\* switch(GST_STATE_TRANSITION(element)) { *\/ */
-/* /\* case GST_STATE_NULL_TO_READY: *\/ */
-/* /\* /\\* create_context(polypsink); *\\/ *\/ */
-/* /\* break; *\/ */
-/* /\* case GST_STATE_READY_TO_NULL: *\/ */
-/* /\* /\\* destroy_context(polypsink); *\\/ *\/ */
-/* /\* break; *\/ */
-/* /\* case GST_STATE_READY_TO_PAUSED: *\/ */
-/* /\* case GST_STATE_PLAYING_TO_PAUSED: *\/ */
-/* /\* /\\* create_stream(polypsink); *\\/ *\/ */
-/* /\* /\\* g_message("cork on due to pause"); *\\/ *\/ */
-/* /\* /\\* if (polypsink->stream && pa_stream_get_state(polypsink->stream) == PA_STREAM_READY) *\\/ *\/ */
-/* /\* /\\* pa_operation_unref(pa_stream_cork(polypsink->stream, 1, NULL, NULL)); *\\/ *\/ */
-/* /\* break; *\/ */
-/* /\* case GST_STATE_PAUSED_TO_PLAYING: *\/ */
-/* /\* /\\* create_stream(polypsink); *\\/ *\/ */
-/* /\* /\\* g_message("cork off due to pause"); *\\/ *\/ */
-/* /\* /\\* if (polypsink->stream && pa_stream_get_state(polypsink->stream) == PA_STREAM_READY) *\\/ *\/ */
-/* /\* /\\* pa_operation_unref(pa_stream_cork(polypsink->stream, 0, NULL, NULL)); *\\/ *\/ */
-/* /\* break; *\/ */
-/* /\* case GST_STATE_PAUSED_TO_READY: *\/ */
-/* /\* /\\* destroy_stream(polypsink); *\\/ *\/ */
-/* /\* break; *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* if (GST_ELEMENT_CLASS(parent_class)->change_state) */
-/* return GST_ELEMENT_CLASS(parent_class)->change_state (element); */
-/* return GST_STATE_SUCCESS; */
-/* } */
-/* static void do_write(GstPolypSink *polypsink, size_t length) { */
-/* size_t l; */
-/* if (!polypsink->buffer) */
-/* return; */
-/* g_assert(polypsink->buffer_index < GST_BUFFER_SIZE(polypsink->buffer)); */
-/* l = GST_BUFFER_SIZE(polypsink->buffer) - polypsink->buffer_index; */
-/* if (l > length) */
-/* l = length; */
-/* pa_stream_write(polypsink->stream, GST_BUFFER_DATA(polypsink->buffer) + polypsink->buffer_index, l, NULL, 0); */
-/* polypsink->buffer_index += l; */
-/* /\* g_message("WROTE: %i/%i", polypsink->buffer_index, GST_BUFFER_SIZE(polypsink->buffer)); *\/ */
-/* if (polypsink->buffer_index >= GST_BUFFER_SIZE(polypsink->buffer)) { */
-/* gst_buffer_unref(polypsink->buffer); */
-/* polypsink->buffer = NULL; */
-/* polypsink->buffer_index = 0; */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-/* static void stream_write_callback(struct pa_stream *s, size_t length, void *userdata) { */
-/* GstPolypSink *polypsink = userdata; */
-/* g_assert(s && length && polypsink); */
-/* do_write(polypsink, length); */
-/* } */
-/* static void stream_state_callback(struct pa_stream *s, void *userdata) { */
-/* GstPolypSink *polypsink = userdata; */
-/* g_assert(s && polypsink); */
-/* g_message("stream_state_callback()"); */
-/* switch (pa_stream_get_state(s)) { */
-/* break; */
-/* case PA_STREAM_READY: */
-/* break; */
-/* case PA_STREAM_FAILED: */
-/* GST_ELEMENT_ERROR(GST_ELEMENT(polypsink), RESOURCE, BUSY, ("Stream creation failed: %s", pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(pa_stream_get_context(s)))), (NULL)); */
-/* /\* Pass over *\/ */
-/* default: */
-/* polypsink->mainloop_api->quit(polypsink->mainloop_api, 1); */
-/* destroy_context(polypsink); */
-/* break; */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-/* static void context_state_callback(struct pa_context *c, void *userdata) { */
-/* GstPolypSink *polypsink = userdata; */
-/* g_assert(c && polypsink); */
-/* g_message("context_state_callback()"); */
-/* switch (pa_context_get_state(c)) { */
-/* break; */
-/* case PA_CONTEXT_READY: { */
-/* GstElementState state; */
-/* g_assert(!polypsink->stream); */
-/* state = gst_element_get_state(GST_ELEMENT(polypsink)); */
-/* if (state == GST_STATE_PAUSED || state == GST_STATE_PLAYING) */
-/* create_stream(polypsink); */
-/* break; */
-/* } */
-/* case PA_CONTEXT_FAILED: */
-/* GST_ELEMENT_ERROR(GST_ELEMENT(polypsink), RESOURCE, BUSY, ("Connection failed: %s", pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c))), (NULL)); */
-/* /\* Pass over *\/ */
-/* default: */
-/* polypsink->mainloop_api->quit(polypsink->mainloop_api, 1); */
-/* destroy_context(polypsink); */
-/* break; */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-/* static void create_stream(GstPolypSink *polypsink) { */
-/* char t[256]; */
-/* g_assert(polypsink); */
-/* g_message("create_stream()"); */
-/* if (polypsink->stream) */
-/* return; */
-/* if (!polypsink->context) { */
-/* create_context(polypsink); */
-/* return; */
-/* } */
-/* if (!polypsink->negotiated) */
-/* return; */
-/* if (pa_context_get_state(polypsink->context) != PA_CONTEXT_READY) */
-/* return; */
-/* g_message("creating stream"); */
-/* pa_sample_spec_snprint(t, sizeof(t), &polypsink->sample_spec); */
-/* polypsink->stream = pa_stream_new(polypsink->context, "gstreamer output", &polypsink->sample_spec); */
-/* g_assert(polypsink->stream); */
-/* pa_stream_set_state_callback(polypsink->stream, stream_state_callback, polypsink); */
-/* pa_stream_set_write_callback(polypsink->stream, stream_write_callback, polypsink); */
-/* pa_stream_connect_playback(polypsink->stream, NULL, NULL); */
-/* g_message("create_stream()"); */
-/* } */
-/* static void create_context(GstPolypSink *polypsink) { */
-/* g_assert(polypsink); */
-/* g_message("create_context()"); */
-/* if (polypsink->context) */
-/* return; */
-/* g_message("creating context"); */
-/* polypsink->context = pa_context_new(polypsink->mainloop_api, "gstreamer"); */
-/* g_assert(polypsink->context); */
-/* pa_context_set_state_callback(polypsink->context, context_state_callback, polypsink); */
-/* pa_context_connect(polypsink->context, NULL); */
-/* } */
-/* static void destroy_stream(GstPolypSink *polypsink) { */
-/* g_message("destroy_stream()"); */
-/* g_assert(polypsink); */
-/* if (polypsink->stream) { */
-/* struct pa_stream *s = polypsink->stream; */
-/* polypsink->stream = NULL; */
-/* pa_stream_set_state_callback(s, NULL, NULL); */
-/* pa_stream_set_write_callback(s, NULL, NULL); */
-/* pa_stream_unref(s); */
-/* g_message("destroying stream"); */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-/* static void destroy_context(GstPolypSink *polypsink) { */
-/* g_message("destroy_context()"); */
-/* destroy_stream(polypsink); */
-/* if (polypsink->context) { */
-/* struct pa_context *c = polypsink->context; */
-/* polypsink->context = NULL; */
-/* pa_context_set_state_callback(c, NULL, NULL); */
-/* pa_context_unref(c); */
-/* g_message("destroying context"); */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-static void gst_polypsink_chain(GstPad *pad, GstData *data) {
- GstPolypSink *polypsink = GST_POLYPSINK(gst_pad_get_parent(pad));
- return;
-/* g_assert(!polypsink->buffer); */
-/* g_message("chain-entry"); */
-/* if (GST_IS_EVENT(data)) { */
-/* GstEvent *event = GST_EVENT(data); */
-/* switch (GST_EVENT_TYPE(event)) { */
-/* case GST_EVENT_EOS: */
-/* g_message("EOS"); */
-/* if (polypsink->stream) { */
-/* struct pa_operation *o; */
-/* pa_operation_unref(pa_stream_cork(polypsink->stream, 0, NULL, NULL)); */
-/* o = pa_stream_drain(polypsink->stream, NULL, NULL); */
-/* /\* drain now *\/ */
-/* while (pa_operation_get_state(o) == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING) { */
-/* if (pa_mainloop_iterate(polypsink->mainloop, 1, NULL) < 0) */
-/* return; */
-/* } */
-/* pa_operation_unref(o); */
-/* } */
-/* break; */
-/* case GST_EVENT_FLUSH: */
-/* g_message("FLUSH"); */
-/* if (polypsink->stream) */
-/* pa_operation_unref(pa_stream_flush(polypsink->stream, NULL, NULL)); */
-/* break; */
-/* default: */
-/* g_message("other event: %i", GST_EVENT_TYPE(event)); */
-/* break; */
-/* } */
-/* gst_pad_event_default(polypsink->sinkpad, event); */
-/* } else { */
-/* /\* size_t l; *\/ */
-/* /\* polypsink->buffer = GST_BUFFER(data); *\/ */
-/* /\* polypsink->buffer_index = 0; *\/ */
-/* /\* polypsink->counter += GST_BUFFER_SIZE(polypsink->buffer); *\/ */
-/* /\* if (polypsink->stream && (l = pa_stream_writable_size(polypsink->stream)) > 0) *\/ */
-/* /\* do_write(polypsink, l); *\/ */
-/* gst_data_unref(data); */
-/* } */
-/* /\* while (pa_context_is_pending(polypsink->context) || polypsink->buffer) { *\/ */
-/* /\* g_message("iterate start %i %i", !!pa_context_is_pending(polypsink->context), !!polypsink->buffer); *\/ */
-/* /\* if (pa_mainloop_iterate(polypsink->mainloop, 1, NULL) < 0) *\/ */
-/* /\* return; *\/ */
-/* /\* g_message("iterate stop"); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* g_message("chain-exit"); */
-/* static void stream_get_latency_callback(struct pa_stream *s, const struct pa_latency_info *i, void *userdata) { */
-/* GstPolypSink *polypsink = (GstPolypSink*) userdata; */
-/* polypsink->latency = i->buffer_usec + i->sink_usec; */
-/* } */
-/* static GstClockTime gst_polypsink_get_time(GstClock *clock, gpointer data) { */
-/* struct pa_operation *o; */
-/* GstPolypSink *polypsink = GST_POLYPSINK(data); */
-/* GstClockTime r, l; */
-/* if (!polypsink->stream || pa_stream_get_state(polypsink->stream) != PA_STREAM_READY) */
-/* return 0; */
-/* polypsink->latency = 0; */
-/* o = pa_stream_get_latency(polypsink_>stream, latency_func, polypsink); */
-/* g_assert(o); */
-/* while (pa_operation_get_state(o) == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING) { */
-/* if (pa_mainloop_iterate(polypsink->mainloop, 1, NULL) < 0) */
-/* return; */
-/* } */
-/* r = ((GstClockTime) polypsink->counter / pa_frame_size(&polypsink->sample_spec))*GST_SECOND/polypsink->sample_spec.rate; */
-/* l = polypsink->latency*GST_USECOND; */
-/* return r > l ? r - l : 0; */
-/* } */
-/* static GstClock *gst_polypsink_get_clock(GstElement * element) { */
-/* GstPolypSink *polypsink = GST_POLYPSINK (element); */
-/* return GST_CLOCK (polypsink->provided_clock); */
-/* } */
-/* static void gst_polypsink_set_clock (GstElement * element, GstClock * clock) { */
-/* GstPolypSink *polypsink = GST_POLYPSINK (element); */
-/* polypsink->clock = clock; */
-/* } */
-/* static GstPadLinkReturn gst_polypsink_link(GstPad *pad, const GstCaps *caps) { */
-/* int depth = 16, endianness = 1234; */
-/* gboolean sign = TRUE; */
-/* GstPolypSink *polypsink; */
-/* GstStructure *structure; */
-/* const char *n; */
-/* polypsink = GST_POLYPSINK(gst_pad_get_parent(pad)); */
-/* g_message("link: %p", polypsink); */
-/* structure = gst_caps_get_structure(caps, 0); */
-/* if (!(gst_structure_get_int(structure, "depth", &depth))) */
-/* gst_structure_get_int(structure, "width", &depth); */
-/* gst_structure_get_int(structure, "endianness", &endianness); */
-/* gst_structure_get_boolean(structure, "signed", &sign); */
-/* n = gst_structure_get_name(structure); */
-/* if (depth == 16 && endianness == 1234 && sign && !strcmp(n, "audio/x-raw-int")) */
-/* polypsink->sample_spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_S16LE; */
-/* else if (depth == 16 && endianness == 4321 && sign && !strcmp(n, "audio/x-raw-int")) */
-/* polypsink->sample_spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_S16BE; */
-/* else if (depth == 8 && !sign && !strcmp(n, "audio/x-raw-int")) */
-/* polypsink->sample_spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_U8; */
-/* else if (depth == 32 && endianness == 1234 && !strcmp(n, "audio/x-raw-float")) */
-/* polypsink->sample_spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32LE; */
-/* else if (depth == 32 && endianness == 4321 && !strcmp(n, "audio/x-raw-float")) */
-/* polypsink->sample_spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32LE; */
-/* else */
-/* return GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED; */
-/* polypsink->sample_spec.rate = 0; */
-/* polypsink->sample_spec.channels = 0; */
-/* gst_structure_get_int(structure, "channels", (int*) &polypsink->sample_spec.channels); */
-/* gst_structure_get_int(structure, "rate", &polypsink->sample_spec.rate); */
-/* if (!pa_sample_spec_valid(&polypsink->sample_spec)) */
-/* return GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED; */
-/* polypsink->negotiated = 1; */
-/* /\* destroy_stream(polypsink); *\/ */
-/* /\*create_stream(polypsink);*\/ */
-/* return GST_PAD_LINK_OK; */
-/* } */
-static void gst_polypsink_init(GTypeInstance* instance, gpointer g_class) {
- GstPolypSink *polypsink = GST_POLYPSINK(instance);
- g_message("created: %p", polypsink);
- polypsink->sinkpad = gst_pad_new_from_template(gst_element_class_get_pad_template(GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (instance), "sink"), "sink");
- gst_element_add_pad(GST_ELEMENT(polypsink), polypsink->sinkpad);
- gst_pad_set_chain_function(polypsink->sinkpad, gst_polypsink_chain);
-/* gst_pad_set_link_function(polypsink->sinkpad, gst_polypsink_link);*/
-/* polypsink->context = NULL; */
-/* polypsink->stream = NULL; */
-/* polypsink->mainloop = NULL; */
-/* polypsink->mainloop_api = NULL; */
- /*pa_mainloop_new();
- g_assert(polypsink->mainloop);
- polypsink->mainloop_api = pa_mainloop_get_api(polypsink->mainloop);*/
-/* polypsink->sample_spec.rate = 0; */
-/* polypsink->sample_spec.channels = 0; */
-/* polypsink->sample_spec.format = 0; */
-/* polypsink->negotiated = 0; */
-/* polypsink->buffer = NULL; */
-/* polypsink->buffer_index = 0; */
-/* polypsink->latency = 0; */
-/* polypsink->counter = 0; */
-/* polypsink->server = NULL; */
-/* polypsink->sink = NULL; */
-static void gst_polypsink_dispose(GObject *object) {
- GstPolypSink *polypsink = GST_POLYPSINK(object);
-/* gst_object_unparent(GST_OBJECT(polypsink->provided_clock)); */
-/* destroy_context(polypsink); */
-/* if (polypsink->buffer) */
-/* gst_buffer_unref(polypsink->buffer); */
-/* g_free(polypsink->server); */
-/* g_free(polypsink->sink); */
-/* pa_mainloop_free(polypsink->mainloop); */
- G_OBJECT_CLASS(parent_class)->dispose(object);
- g_message("destroyed: %p", polypsink);
-static void gst_polypsink_class_init(gpointer g_class, gpointer class_data) {
- GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(g_class);
- GstElementClass *gstelement_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS(g_class);
- parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent(g_class);
-/* g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, ARG_SERVER, g_param_spec_string("server", "server", "server", NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); */
-/* g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, ARG_SINK, g_param_spec_string("sink", "sink", "sink", NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); */
-/* gobject_class->set_property = gst_polypsink_set_property; */
-/* gobject_class->get_property = gst_polypsink_get_property; */
- gobject_class->dispose = gst_polypsink_dispose;
-/* gstelement_class->change_state = gst_polypsink_change_state; */
-/* gstelement_class->set_clock = gst_polypsink_set_clock; */
-/* gstelement_class->get_clock = gst_polypsink_get_clock; */
-gboolean gst_polypsink_factory_init(GstPlugin *plugin) {
- return gst_element_register(plugin, "polypsink", GST_RANK_NONE, GST_TYPE_POLYPSINK);
-GType gst_polypsink_get_type(void) {
- static GType polypsink_type = 0;
- if (!polypsink_type) {
- static const GTypeInfo polypsink_info = {
- sizeof (GstPolypSinkClass),
- gst_polypsink_base_init,
- gst_polypsink_class_init,
- sizeof(GstPolypSink),
- 0,
- gst_polypsink_init,
- };
- polypsink_type = g_type_register_static(GST_TYPE_ELEMENT, "GstPolypSink", &polypsink_info, 0);
- }
- return polypsink_type;